3 resultados para 318-U1359B
BACKGROUND: Atherosclerotic carotid disease represents approximately 20% of the causes of ischemic stroke. Effective treatment options, such as endovascular or surgical revascularization procedures, are available. Doppler Ultrasound (DUS) is a non-invasive, inexpensive, routine exam used to evaluate the presence of internal carotid artery (ICA) stenosis. We retrospectively analysed the prevalence of severe atherosclerotic carotid disease in a population of patients with acute ischemic stroke/transitory ischemic attacks (TIAs), and the role of DUS in the detection of ICA stenosis and treatment decisions in these patients. METHODS: A total of 318 patients with ischemic stroke or TIAs was admitted to our stroke unit, and 260 patients were studied by DUS. ICA stenosis was evaluated by DUS according to peak systolic velocity. All DUS exams were performed by the same operator. ICA stenosis was further assessed in 43 patients by digital subtraction angiography (DSA) using NASCET criteria. RESULTS: Of the total 318 patients, 260 (82%) had DUS evaluation. Of the total 520 ICAs studied by DUS, degrees of ICA stenosis were: 0-29% n= 438 (84%); 30-49% n= 8 (2%); 50-69% n= 27 (5%); 70-89% n= 15 (3%); 90-99% n= 20 (4%); oclusão n= 14 (2%). Of the total 260 patients studied, 43 (16.5%) underwent DSA. Sensibility and specificity of DUS in the diagnosis of carotid stenosis over 70% were, respectively, 91% e 84%. Of the total 31 patients with significant carotid stenosis (70-99%), 23 (74%) underwent subsequent carotid revascularization procedures. DISCUSSION: DUS is an important screening test in our stroke unit, justifying its use as a routine exam for all patients with ischemic stroke/TIAs. Moreover, our results show the relevance of severe carotid disease in a population with acute ischemic stroke/TIAs (16.5%), with a total of 9% of patients being submitted to carotid revascularization procedures.
O termo necrose intestinal traduz exclusivamente um conceito anatomopatológico e clínco, e implica sempre um isquémia instestinal oclusiva ou não. A enterocolite necrosante, em sentido lato, implica uma isquémia intestinal não oclusiva associada a um mecanismo infeccioso. O factor desencadeante da necrose é, por vezes, difícil de determinar. A enterocolite necrosante ocorre em 90% dos casos em recém-nascidos prematuros, sendo mesmo frequente no recém-nascido de termo e rara na crança mais velha e no adulto. Apresentam-se os casos clínicos de duas crianças; uma de sete anos com antecedentes de neutropénia crónica e outra de onze anos com défice cognitivo grave, dismorfia e alterações de comportamento, ambas internadas por quadro de abdómen agudo e choque. Foi efectuada ressecção do segmento jejunal num dos casos e ressecção subtotal do cólon no outro, por necrose. Apesar da cirurgia e da terapêutica médica de suporte, ambas acabaram por morrer em falência multiorgânica, respectivamente três horas após a cirurgia e ao 14º dia de internamento, após segunda intervenção com ressecção do segmento necrosado íleon. A necrópsia de ambos os casos revelou necrose extensa de todo o restante intestino. Os dois casos clínicos comportaram-se como enterocolite necrosante da criança, sendo o diagnóstico de exclusão numa delas, de enterocolite neutropénica. Efectua-se uma revisão dos mecanismos etiopatogénicos da necrose intestinal da criança, desde os tromboembólicos, obstrutivos extrínsecos ou endoluminais, inflamatórios, isquémicos não oclusivos, até aos infecciosos. Para além das medidas gerais de terapêutica, salienta-se a necessidade de uma intervenção cirúrgica precose e de meios diagnósticos terapêuticos, como o doseamento, no sangue e na urina, da proteína de ligação aos ácidos gordos intestinais e a arteriografia selectiva.
Introduction: Congenital complete atrioventricular block (AVB) without cardiac malformation is a rare and potentially fatal condition. In most cases it is associated with maternal systemic lupus erythematosus through transplacental passage of antibodies anti-SSA/Ro and/or anti-SSB/La. Antenatal fluorinated-steroids have been successful in reversing first and second degree congenital AVB but inconsistent in third degree block. Case Report:The authors report a case of fetal bradycardia diagnosed at 24 weeks of gestation. The fetal echocardiogram revealed a second/third degree AVB without structural heart disease. Maternal anti-SSA/Ro antibodies were detected. There was no blockage improvement with maternal oral fluorinated-steroids. An elective cesarean section was performed at term with the delivery of a healthy girl that required an epicardical pacemaker on the 8th day of life. Conclusion: In this case, treatment with maternal fluorinated corticosteroids was not effective in preventing progression of the heart block.