14 resultados para 14-YEAR-OLD


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Self-inflicted burns (SIB) are responsible for 2-6% of admissions to Burn Units in Europe and North America, and for as many as 25% of admissions in developing nations. Recently, a promising new tool was proposed to stratify SIB patients in the following subgroups: "typical", "delirious", and "reactive". However, as far as the authors know, the clinical usefulness of this instrument has not yet been validated by others. We retrospectively reviewed the clinical records of 56 patients admitted to our Burn Unit with the diagnosis of SIB injury in the past 14 years. The following parameters were evaluated: demographic features; psychiatric illness; substance abuse; mechanism of injury; burn depth, total body surface area (TBSA) involved, Abbreviated Burn Severity Index (ABSI); length of hospital stay, and mortality. All patients were followed up by a psychologist and a psychiatrist, and were classified according to the SIB-Typology Tool, into three classes: "typical", "delirious" and "reactive". There was a slight predominance of the "typical" type (44.6%), followed by the "delirious" type (30.4%), and, finally the "reactive" type (25.0%). Mortality was significantly higher in the "typical" subgroup. In conclusion, the SIB-Typology Tool appears to be a valuable instrument in the clinical management of SIB patients.


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INTRODUCTION: Synovial sarcoma is a high-grade, soft-tissue sarcoma that most frequently is located in the vicinity of joints, tendons or bursae, although it can also be found in extra-articular locations. Most patients with synovial sarcoma of the hand are young and have a poor prognosis, as these tumors are locally aggressive and are associated with a relatively high metastasis rate. According to the literature, local recurrence and/or metastatic disease is found in nearly 80% of patients. Current therapy comprises surgery, systemic and limb perfusion chemotherapy, and radiotherapy. However, the 5-year survival rate is estimated to be only around 27% to 55%. Moreover, most authors agree that synovial sarcoma is one of the most commonly misdiagnosed malignancies of soft tissues because of their slow growing pattern, benign radiographic appearance, ability to change size, and the fact that they may elicit pain similar to that caused by common trauma. CASE PRESENTATION: We describe an unusual case of a large synovial sarcoma of the hand in a 63-year-old Caucasian woman followed for 12 years by a multidisciplinary team. In addition, a literature review of the most pertinent aspects of the epidemiology, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of these patients is presented. CONCLUSION: Awareness of this rare tumor by anyone dealing with hand pathology can hasten diagnosis, and this, in turn, can potentially increase survival. Therefore, a high index of suspicion for this disease should be kept in mind, particularly when evaluating young people, as they are the most commonly affected group.


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The aim of this study is to report a clinical case of asymptomatic female Caucasian children with torpedo maculopathy. A 5-year-old girl was referred to our clinic for routine evaluation. The ophthalmic examination revealed best-corrected visual acuity of 20/20 in both eyes, without any changes in the biomicroscopy. Fundus examination showed normal findings in one eye, whereas in the contralateral eye it disclosed, in the temporal sector of the macular region, a whitish, atrophic, oval chorioretinal lesion with clearly defined margins. Posterior evaluations documented the stability of the lesion. Torpedo maculopathy diagnosis is based on its characteristic shape and peculiar location. The differential diagnosis has to be established versus choroidal lesions (melanoma and nevus), congenital or iatrogenic hyperplasia of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and particularly versus the congenital pigmented lesions associated with Gardner's syndrome.


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Rhinoscleroma is a chronic granulomatous infectious disease that is rare in Western Europe. We report the case of a 5-year-old Portuguese boy diagnosed with rhinoscleroma in the context of recurrent epistaxis. He had a 6-month course of antibiotic (amoxicillin plus clavulanate) therapy with full recovery.


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BACKGROUND: Geographical differences in asthma prevalence are currently accepted, but evidence is sparse due to the lack of multicentre studies using the same protocol. OBJECTIVES: To compare the prevalence of asthma and atopy among schoolchildren from Portuguese speaking countries (ISAAC and Portuguese Study) and evaluate some environmental variables, such as house dust mite exposure. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Significant random samples of schoolchildren studied with standard validated methods--questionnaires, skin prick tests, methacholine bronchial challenge tests; dust bed sampling for analysis of mite antigens. RESULTS: In the ISAAC study, in the 13-14 year-old age group, statistical significant differences were found, with higher wheezing prevalence in Brazil than in Portugal (two-fold). In the Portuguese Study, atopy prevalence ranged between 6.0 and 11.9% in Sal and S. Vicente (Cape Verde), up to 48.6 and 54.1% in Macau and Madeira. Active asthma had the higher values in Madeira (14.6%), and the lower in Macau (1.3%). Cape Verde had intermediate asthma prevalence (10.6 and 7.0%). The bronchial challenge test was positive in 25, 66 and 70% of asthmatic children from Sal, S. Vicente and Madeira respectively. Significant HDM antigen concentrations (Der p1) were found in Cape Verde and Madeira. CONCLUSIONS: There are significant variations in asthma and atopy prevalence between these pediatric populations. The reasons remain under discussion, but genetics linked to race, seem to play a central role, modulated by environmental and lifestyle variables.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the frequency and severity of the anomalous origin of the left coronary artery (ALCA) from the pulmonary artery (PA). DESIGN OF THE STUDY: Prospective study of case series between March 1991 and December 1994. SETTING: Referral-based Paediatric Cardiology Department of a Tertiary Care Center. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Five consecutive patients (pts) with anomalous origin of the LCA from the PA; there were three infants aged 4 months and two children one 8 year and one 9 year old. There were three girls and two boys. All pts had clinical and 2D-echo and Doppler investigation prior to cardiac catheterization (CC). Indication for CC was based in the association of symptoms and signs of myocarditis or dilated cardiomyopathy of acute or subacute onset and electrocardiographic (ECG) signs of ischemia in infants. In older patients (pts) diagnosis was suspected mainly from ECG. During CC in all pts, aortograms and when necessary selective coronary angiograms were performed. Surgical correction was performed in all children. In two pts stress exercise ECG and stress Thallium studies before and after surgery were performed. RESULTS: two pts had "adult" an three had "infantile" type of ALCA from the PA. CC was performed and diagnosis was confirmed at surgery in all cases. In one child, correct diagnosis was made by ECO prior to CC and in one case LCA to PA fistula was suspected on Colour-Doppler study. No complications were attributed to CC. Several types of surgery were performed: reimplantation of the ALCA from the PA to the aorta (three pts); tunnel connection of the aorta to the ALCA via the PA (one pt) and left internal mammary to LCA anastomosis (one pt). Two infants died intraoperatively due to extensive myocardial infarction and poor left ventricular function. All the three survivors are asymptomatic after a mean follow up of 34 months. Two oldest pts are currently in New York Heart Association functional class I with normal ECG and improved myocardial perfusion on Thallium scan despite almost total occlusion of LCA at the site of implantation in the aorta as diagnosed on coronary angiogram. CONCLUSIONS: ALCA from PA is associated with major morbidity and mortality. Diagnosis should be suspected in pts with unexplained myocardial ischemia on ECG and even more if it is associated to clinical signs of dilated cardiomyopathy or myocarditis. Careful assessment on ECO and pulsed Doppler and colour flow mapping should make the diagnosis in most cases. Although surgery can be performed based only on ECO diagnosis, we strongly advise for angiography in all cases as in our experience there are false negative diagnosis by ECO. Preoperative Thallium studies can be useful for the selection of the type of surgery as pts with very little viable myocardium will not survive the establishment of a direct systemic to coronary blood flow and may be candidates for heart transplantation.


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Localized loss of subcutaneous tissue can occur after panniculitis, injections of corticosteroids and other drugs, or associated with infectious, autoimmune or neurologic diseases. The "idiopathic lipoatrophies" are a group of poorly characterized diseases, with focal disappearance of subcutaneous fat, and usually the thighs, abdomen or the ankles are affected. Three subtypes have been described based on clinical presentation: lipoatrophia semicircularis, annular lipoatrophy of the ankles and centrifugal lipodystrophy. We describe a 52-year-old female patient who developed a localized atrophy of the abdominal areas over a period of 3 months without any inflammatory signs over the evolution of the disease. The patient denied any previous local trauma or medication of any type. The atrophy stabilized, showing no progression over the last 6 years. The histopathological examination was normal except for the absence of subcutaneous fat, although the biopsy was taken down to the fascia. There was no clinical or serologic evidence of autoimmune diseases and laboratory testing for Borrelia burgdorferi infection was negative. Other causes of localized lipoatrophies were excluded and the final diagnosis was localized idiopathic lipodystrophy. Our patient is the second report on an abdominal lipodystrophy, with no previous inflammatory signs, absence of subcutaneous fat and no associated pathogenic factor. There is no established treatment for idiopathic lipodystrophy, and the lesions do not tend to resolve spontaneously.


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BACKGROUND: Lichen planus is an idiopathic inflammatory disease of the skin and mucous membranes. Although the etiology is not established, it has been associated with autoimmune diseases, viral infections, drugs and dental restoration materials. However, the association with inflammatory bowel disease has been very rarely reported in the literature. CASE REPORT: A 19-year-old female patient presented with annular lesions on her upper body and limbs, with a sharply defined border and non-atrophic skin in the center. The lesions were hyperpigmented and had been stable for over one year. The histopathology confirmed the diagnosis of annular lichen planus. She had weight loss, occasional diarrhea, and a severe anemia. The investigation of these symptoms led to the diagnosis of Crohn disease and a sickle cell trait. Therapy with systemic corticosteroids and mesalazine controlled the intestinal disease, with concomitant improvement of the skin lesions. CONCLUSIONS: As lichen planus can be associated with other immunological disorders, the association with inflammatory bowel disease should be considered in the evaluation of the patient.


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Individuals with mosaic trisomy 18, only approximately 5% of all trisomy 18 cases, carry both a trisomy 18 and an euploid cell line. Their clinical findings are highly variable, from the absence of dysmorphic features to the complete trisomy 18 syndrome. A five month old daughter of a 38-year-old mother, with vomiting and feeding problems, was referred to our department. She was undernourished and had axial hypotony and developmental delay, an irregular pattern of hypopigmentation on the right side of the abdomen, and moderate sagittal body asymmetry with left-side muscular hemihypotrophy.Mild craniofacial dysmorphy included dolichocephaly, frontal bossing, prominent occiput, long downslanting palpebral fissures, hypertelorism, and retrognathia. A complex heart defect with atrial and ventricular septal defects, pulmonary artery stenosis, and bicuspid aortic valve was identified. Cytogenetic analysis revealedmosaic trisomy 18with trisomy in 90%of peripheral lymphocytes and 17%of skin fibroblasts.This case adds to our knowledge of the phenotypic spectrum and the natural history of mosaic trisomy 18 by adding a dysmorphic feature and a cardiac abnormality that, to the best of our knowledge, had not been previously described.


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We report the case of a 52-year-old man who presented to our emergency department (ED) after three episodes of syncope in the seven hours before admission. During his stay in the ED he had recurrent ventricular tachycardia (VT) requiring external electrical cardioversion. A 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) showed a short QT (SQT) interval (270 ms, QTc 327 ms), with frequent R-on-T extrasystoles triggering sustained polymorphic VT. After exclusion of other precipitating causes, the patient was diagnosed as having SQT syndrome (SQTS) according to the Gollob criteria. To our knowledge, this is the first known documentation of an SQT-caused arrhythmic episode on a 12-lead ECG, as well as the first reported case of SQTS in Portugal. The patient received an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator and was discharged. At a follow-up assessment 14 months later he was symptom-free, interrogation of the device showed no arrhythmic events, and the ECG showed a QT interval of 320 ms (QTc 347 ms).


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Hemorrhagic gastritis is a possible late toxicity outcome after radical radiotherapy but it is nowadays a very rare condition and most likely depends on other clinical factors. We report the case of a 77-year-old woman with a symptomatic solitary extramedullary intra-abdominal plasmacytoma and multiple gastric comorbidities, treated with external beam radiotherapy. Despite the good response to radiotherapy, the patient experienced multiple gastric bleeding a few months later, with the need of multiple treatments for its control. In this paper we will discuss in detail all aspects related to the different causes of hemorrhagic gastritis.


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INTRODUCTION: Primary small bowel malignancy is unusual and accounts for 1-3% of all gastrointestinal tract neoplasms. Adenocarcinoma is one of the most common histologic types, but its frequency decreases with more distal locations. Its clinical presentation is nonspecific and is usually associated with advanced disease, which contributes to delayed diagnosis. PRESENTATION OF CASE: A 66-year-old woman was admitted to the hospital with a 6-day history of progressively worsening abdominal pain localized in the right lower quadrant, nausea, and vomiting. Investigation revealed an inflammatory appendiceal tumor. The patient underwent surgery and an unexpected tumor involving the distal ileal segment and ileocecal appendix was found. Right radical hemicolectomy with en bloc resection of the distal ileum was performed. Histopathological examination revealed adenocarcinoma of the ileum. DISCUSSION: This rare entity is associated with a nonspecific clinical presentation that contributes to delayed diagnosis and treatment, and consequently to a worse prognosis. Approximately half of the cases are only diagnosed at surgery. Primary treatment consists of wide resection with locoregional lymphadenectomy. The role of adjuvant chemotherapy has yet to be determined. CONCLUSION: This case demonstrates an unusual condition characterized by late and challenging diagnosis. We highlight the importance of an earlier diagnosis and optimal treatment for improved patient outcomes.


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Fibromyoma of the round ligament should be considered as a possible etiology for a large preperitoneal tumor. We report a case of a 44-year-old female who was found to have a fibroleiomyoma that measured 14 cm, weighed 3599 gr and had grown in the abdominal wall between the muscle and the peritoneum, taking as its starting point the right round ligament.