52 resultados para bilateral painful ophthalmoplegia


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The classic transvenous implantation of a permanent pacemaker in a pectoral location may be precluded by obstruction of venous access through the superior vena cava or recent infection at the implant site. When these barriers to the procedure are bilateral and there are also contraindications or technical difficulties to performing a thoracotomy for an epicardial approach, the femoral vein, although rarely used, can be a viable alternative. We describe the case of a patient with occlusion of both subclavian veins and a high risk for mini-thoracotomy or videothoracoscopy, who underwent implantation of a permanent single-chamber pacemaker via the right femoral vein.


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A 57-year-old male presented with a 6-month history of blisters and painful erosions on the right buccal mucosa. No skin or other mucosal involvement was seen. The findings of histopathological and direct immunofluorescence examinations were sufficient for the diagnosis of oral mucous membrane pemphigoid in the context of adequate clinical correlation. No response was seen after topical therapies and oral corticosteroids or dapsone. Intravenous immunoglobulin was started and repeated every three weeks. Complete remission was achieved after three cycles and no recurrence was seen after two years of follow-up. The authors report a rare unilateral presentation of oral mucous membrane pemphigoid on the right buccal and hard palate mucosa, without additional involvement during a period of five years. Local trauma or autoimmune factors are possible etiologic factors for this rare disorder, here with unique presentation.


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Objectivos: A atresia do esófago está associada a uma variedade de malformações congénitas de outros órgãos. A persistência da veia cava superior esquerda e uma das malformações venosas torácicas mais comuns, ocorrendo em 0,3% da população. O objectivo deste estudo é caracterizar a persistência da veia cava superior esquerda nos doentes com atresia do esófago tratados no Hospital Dona Estefânia. Métodos: Estudo retrospectivo dos doentes admitidos por atresia do esófago desde Janeiro 2002 a Dezembro 2013. As seguintes variáveis foram estudadas, considerando, idade gestacional, o peso à nascença, o sexo, tipo de atresia do esófago, ecocardiograma no pré-operatório, malformações associadas, abordagem cirúrgica, eventual ecocardiograma no pós-operatório e angioressonância. Resultados: De um total de 107 doentes, em cinco casos foi diagnosticada persistência da veia cava superior esquerda. Destes, apenas um tinha diagnostico pré-natal. A restante investigação revelou um doente com atresia duodenal e outro com malformação do aparelho urinário, coloboma e malformação bilateral dos pavilhões auriculares. Todos os cinco doentes foram submetidos a toracotomia, esofagoesofagostomia primária após laqueação da fístula traqueo-esofágica e angio-ressonância para caracterizar a malformação vascular. Não houve registo de complicações, quer intra-operatórias quer pós-operatórias. Conclusão: Apesar do estudo pré-operatório, apenas se diagnosticou persistência da veia cava superior esquerda num dos doentes. O diagnóstico é geralmente feito de forma incidental durante a colocação rotineira de catéteres venosos centrais à esquerda. É importante identificar estes doentes e caracterizar o seu padrão de retorno venoso cardíaco, pelo risco de complicações embó1icas paradoxais para o sistema arterial.


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A endocardite infecciosa é relativamente pouco frequente na idade pediátrica, mas a sua morbilidade e mortalidade são elevadas. Os autores descrevem um caso clínico de endocardite infecciosa aguda por Staphylococcus aureus numa criança de 5 anos de idade, sem factores de risco conhecidos, diagnosticada na sequência de complicações neurológicas (degradação súbita do estado de consciência e sinais neurológicos focais) resultantes de enfarte talâmico bilateral. A localização da lesão na TAC cranioencefálica sugere provável lesão de variante anatómica da artéria paramediana tálamosubtalâmica posterior. A propósito deste caso os autores fazem uma breve revisão desta forma de apresentação e das opções terapêuticas.


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Infections during pregnancy are prevalent. A small number of cases, however, may be life-threatening. Sepsis may be associated with multiple organ dysfunction and high mortality and it is one of the most common causes of direct maternal death often associated with the inability to recognize the severity of the illness. Long-term morbidity associated with maternal sepsis is significant and includes chronic pelvic inflammatory disease, chronic pelvic pain, bilateral tubal occlusion and infertility. The impact on neonatal mortality is also substantial, with over one million infection-related neonatal deaths eve - ry year. In the last few years, a vast number of clinical reviews of severe sepsis in pregnancy have been published, focusing on the characteristics of pregnant woman, the establishment of a specific treatment and the relevance of pregnancy surveillance by a multidisciplinary team. The treatment of sepsis is time-critical and requires early diagnosis, aggressive resuscitation, antibiotic administration and source control.


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A 37-years-old woman, complaining of fever, malaise, myalgia, sore throat and dysphagia lasting for 15 days, had been taking antibiotics and paracetamol for 7 days, without symptoms' improvement. The clinical examination revealed hyperaemic oropharynx and enlarged, painful thyroid. Further exams showed increased analytic inflammatory serum parameters as well as thyrotoxicosis. The thyroid gland had heterogeneous echostructure, with markedly hypoechoic areas and significant capsular oedema as well as decreased radionuclide uptake in the scintigraphy. Both symptoms and imaging improved with paracetamol and ibuprofen. Thyroid gland function normalized in two months. The patient remains in follow-up. This case reports the clinical features of subacute or De Quervain's thyroiditis. The differential medical approach to the patient with painful thyroid palpation is discussed. The diagnosis is essentially clinic, highlighting the importance of a rigorous physical exam. These patients' follow-up is required, considering the clinical and analytic progression.


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Giant cell arteritis (GCA) is a systemic large vessel vasculitis, with extracranial arterial involvement described in 10-15% of cases, usually affecting the aorta and its branches. Patients with GCA are more likely to develop aortic aneurysms, but these are rarely present at the time of the diagnosis. We report the case of an 80-year-old Caucasian woman, who reported proximal muscle pain in the arms with morning stiffness of the shoulders for eight months. In the previous two months, she had developed worsening bilateral arm claudication, severe pain, cold extremities and digital necrosis. She had no palpable radial pulses and no measurable blood pressure. The patient had normochromic anemia, erythrocyte sedimentation rate of 120 mm/h, and a negative infectious and autoimmune workup. Computed tomography angiography revealed concentric wall thickening of the aorta extending to the aortic arch branches, particularly the subclavian and axillary arteries, which were severely stenotic, with areas of bilateral occlusion and an aneurysm of the ascending aorta (47 mm). Despite corticosteroid therapy there was progression to acute critical ischemia. She accordingly underwent surgical revascularization using a bilateral carotid-humeral bypass. After surgery, corticosteroid therapy was maintained and at six-month follow-up she was clinically stable with reduced inflammatory markers. GCA, usually a chronic benign vasculitis, presented exceptionally in this case as acute critical upper limb ischemia, resulting from a massive inflammatory process of the subclavian and axillary arteries, treated with salvage surgical revascularization.