56 resultados para TIMED-AI
Objective:We aimed to identify if there was any difference in Levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system (LNG-IUS) efficacy or weight gain when used in heavy menstrual bleeding (HMB) treatment, between obese and non-obese women. Population and methods: This was a case-controlled retrospective study undertaken between 2002-2007. 194 women with HMB were treated with LNG-IUS and stratified into two groups accordingly with body mass index (BMI): Obese Group – BMI ≥ 30 (n=53) and Non-obese Group – BMI < 30 (n=141). Age, weight, days of spotting and days of menses were analyzed at 1, 3 and 6 months after insertion and then annually until 2 years. Analytic parameters of anemia (hemoglobin, serum ferritin, mean corpuscular volume) were reviewed at pre-insertion, at 6 months and then annually until 2 years. Results: During the 2-year follow-up there was a similar improvement in two groups regarding duration of menses, spotting and in analytic parameters of anemia. A statistically significant improvement was observed in obese group after 2 years of treatment regarding analytic parameters of anemia and menstrual characteristics, without weight gain. Conclusion: In obese women, the LNG-IUS is an effective treatment for heavy menstrual bleeding, without being associated to weight gain.
Os autores apresentam um caso clínico de encefalite crónica a enterovírus num rapaz de 9 anos com agamaglobulinémia congénita ligada ao cromossoma X (doença de Bruton). Apesar da terapêutica intraventricular com doses elevadas de gamaglobulina, registou-se uma progressão da doença com deterioração neurológica maciça e morte. Discutem-se os aspectos diagnósticos e terapêuticos desta situação.
Os dados sobre diarreia por rotavírus em Portugal são limitados. Este estudo teve como objectivo estimar a proporção de gastroenterite aguda por este vírus em crianças observadas em serviços de urgência de vários hospitais do país e analisar as suas características clínicas e moleculares. Estudo prospectivo, multicêntrico, observacional, incluindo crianças como menos de 5 anos, com gastroenterite aguda, observadas em 10 serviços de urgência pediátricos, entre outubro de 2008 e setembro de 2009. Foram recolhidos dados demográfico e clínicos. as amostras positivas de rotavírus foram genotipadas por reacção em cadeia da polimerase. Foram incluídas 1846 crianças, 58% do sexo masculino, com idade média de 19,3 +- 14,4 meses. Foi identificado rotavírus nas fezes em 28,3% (intervalo de confiança 95%, 26,2-30,4%), com maior proporção no inverno e na primavera e em crianças com idade de 7-24 meses. Os genótipos mais frequentes foram G4P(8) (46%) e G1P(8) (37%), com variações de norte para sul. As crianças com gastroenterite por rotavírus tinham probabilidade significativamente superior (p<0,001) de ter febre, vómitos, perda de peso, desidratação e necessidade de internamento, comparativamente aos casos negativos para rotavírus. A gastroenterite aguda por rotavírus em crianças portuguesas com idade inferior a 5 anos associou-se a maior morbilidade e hospitalização do que nos casos sem identificação de rotavírus. Houve diferenças importantes na distribuição dos genótipos entre as regiões. Na era das vacinas contra o rotavírus, este conhecimento é importante para as decisões relativas à prevenção da doença e para monitorizar tendências da epidemiologia molecular do rotavírus.
Occipital lobe epilepsy (OLE) presents in childhood with different manifestations, age of onset and EEG features that form distinct syndromes. The ictal clinical symptoms are difficult to correlate with onset in particular areas in the occipital lobes, and the EEG recordings have not been able to overcome this limitation. The mapping of epileptogenic cortical regions in OLE remains therefore an important goal in our understanding of these syndromes.
Ophthalmoplegic migraine (OM) is a childhood disorder of uncertain etiology manifesting recurrent unilateral headache associated with a transitory oculomotor (usually IIIrd nerve) palsy. Recent publications emphasize the finding on MRI of contrast enhancement in the IIIrd nerve suggesting that OM may be a recurrent inflammatory neuropathy. We report the case of a 7-year-old boy with typical symptoms of this disorder. Angio MR and Angio CT revealed the presence of an infundibular dilatation of a perforating branch of the posterior cerebral artery adjacent to the symptomatic IIIrd nerve. We speculate that this and perhaps other cases of OM may have a different pathophysiology related to compression of the IIIrd nerve by an adjacent vascular structure that could activate the trigeminovascular system and produce migrainous pain.
Nexplanon (Schering-Plough Limited/Merck Sharp & Dohme Limited (MSD)) is a long active reversible contraceptive method that provides effective contraception for 3 years. It consists of a single, flexible, rod-shaped implant, containing 68 mg etonogestrel. It is 4 cm long, consists of an ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer, a non-absorbable material, and also contains 15 mg of barium sulfate, which makes it visible by X-ray. We describe a case of a 39-year-old woman who experienced a local reaction to the barium sulfate in Nexplanon. She was given medical treatment, but only the removal of the implant resolved the symptoms. After removal there was gradual improvement and 72 h later the patient was asymptomatic. Allergic reaction to barium sulfate is extremely rare: until now, there have only been two cases associated with Nexplanon described in the literature.
Acute otitis media (AOM) is the most common infection in childhood, resulting from both anatomic and immunologic specificities of this age group. Recurrent AOM has been defined as one of the warning signs for primary immunodeficiencies (PID), In this study we evaluated the strength of recurrent AOM as clinical predictor of PID. Methods: Retrospective study (August 2010 - December 2013) which included all patients referred to PID appointment because of recurrent AOM (= 8 AOM episodes/year). Syndromic patients or those presenting with another warning sign for PID were excluded. Clinical, demographic and laboratory results were analized and statistical analysis was made using SPSS 20. Results: Seventy-five patients were included (median age 37,8 months; 62,7% male gender), corresponding to 15% of all first appointments. Other comorbidities were present in 20% of the patients and 17% had ORL surgery prior to PID referral. In most patients, the immunologic screening consisted on the evaluation of humoral function, but in selected cases other studies were performed (namely complement and lymphocyte immunophenotyping). A PID was identified in 12 children (16,0%) and the majority of these patients had other distinctive feature (personal or familiar antecedent of infection or auto-immunity, 66,7%, p<0,05). Nine children (12,0%) underwent prophylactic cotrimoxazole. The average length of follow-up was 11,2 months. Conclusion: Despite being a very frequent cause of immunologic screening, in this study recurrent AOM was not found to be a good predictor of underlying PID, unless the patients presents other significant personal or family history.