115 resultados para Surf de neu
Bone and joint infections are rare in the neonatal period. They often present with pseudo paralysis of the affected limb due to pain and discomfort caused by movement. The existence of a concomitant neuropathy is a rare and insuffi ciently understood phenomenon with few cases described. The authors report the case of a 7-week infant, born prematurely and with Staphylococcus aureus neonatal sepsis, who presented to the emergency room with a paretic right upper limb. Osteoarticular infection complicated with brachial plexus neuropathy was considered and MRI and electromyography the confi rmed diagnosis. There was a good outcome after antibiotic treatment and functional rehabilitation.
Introduction: Sulfite oxidase deficiency (SOD) is an autosomal recessive inherited disease usually presenting in the neonatal period with severe neurological symptoms including seizures, often refractory to anticonvulsant therapy, and a rapidly progressive encephalopathy resembling neonatal hypoxic ischemia, with premature death. Most patients develop dislocated ocular lenses. Later or milder presentations of SOD are being reported with increasing frequency. These presentations include neurological regression with loss of previously acquired milestones or movement disorders. Case report: We report a four years old girl presenting with intermittent ataxia and uncoordinated limb movements. A similar episode of ataxia had occurred previously, one year before, with complete neurologic recovery and normal developmental milestones. Bilateral lens dislocation had been recently diagnosed. Cranial MRI demonstrated bilateral globus pallidus enhancement. Low homocysteine was found in plasma and SulfitestR was positive. Further investigations led to confirmation of isolated sulfite oxidase deficiency with no enzyme activity detected on skin fibroblasts culture. Discussion: This case illustrates the clinical variability of SOD and it is not only atypical but also seems to be the mildest form described so far. The association of ectopia lentis with a movement disorder, even without psychomotor regression, should prompt us to look for this diagnosis.
BACKGROUND: GM1 gangliosidosis is a rare disease due to mutations in the GLB1 gene and autosomal recessive deficiency of b-galactosidase. There is considerable overlap between classical phenotypes and clinical and imaging findings, which are often difficult to interpret. PATIENT: The patient in this study had dysmorphism, dysostosis, progressive dystonia, and T2 hypointensity in the basal ganglia. Partially similar clinical and radiologic findings were described previously in two reports. CONCLUSIONS: T2 hypointensity in the globus pallidus should, in the appropriate clinical setting, lead to consideration of thediagnosis of GM1 gangliosidosis.
As parésias oculomotoras (POM) constituem um diagnóstico frequente numa consulta de neuro-oftalmologia, sendo a sua etiologia um desafio. Os autores reviram 3400 processos desta consulta, no período compreendido entre 1982 e o 3º trimestre de 1993, tendo sido seleccionados 221 casos de parésias oculomotoras. No seu estudo retrospectivo evidenciámos os seguintes itens: o par oculomotor afectado; a semiologia neuro-oftalmológica; a etiologia e a evolução clínica, de acordo com o grupo etário. Dos 221 casos foram encontradas 111 parésias do VI par (50,2 %), 88 do III par (39,8 %), 14 parésias múltiplas (6,4 %) e 8 parésias do IV par (3,6 %). A queixa mais frequente foi a diplopia (>90%). No respeitante ao diagnóstico etiológico, mais fácil de determinar no grupo etário >50 anos, destacam-se as patologias vasculares e traumáticas. Nos doentes mais jovens são de realçar as causas traumáticas e tumorais. O prognóstico foi melhorno grupo vascular, sendo a recuperação da parésia >50 % em todas as restantes patologias, à excepção da tumoral.
Moyamoya disease is an idiopathic progressive steno-occlusive disorder of the intracranial arteries located at the base of the brain. It is associated with the development of compensatory extensive network of fine collaterals. Moyamoya disease is considered syndromic when certain genetic or acquired disorders such as polycystic kidney disease, neurofibromatosis, or meningitis are also present. Although the genetic contribution in moyamoya is indisputable, its cause and pathogenesis remain under discussion. Herein, we report a rare occurrence of moyamoya syndrome in two European Caucasian siblings in association with unusual multisystemic malformations (polycystic kidney disease in one, and intestinal duplication cyst in the other). The karyotype was normal. No mutation in the RFN213 gene was found, and none of the HLA types linked to moyamoya disease or described in similar familial cases were identified. By describing these multisystemic associations, polycystic kidney disease for the second time, and intestinal malformation for the first time in the literature, our report expands the phenotypic variability of moyamoya syndrome. The coexistence of disparate malformations among close relatives suggests an underlying common genetic background predisposing to structural or physiological abnormalities in different tissues and organs.
BACKGROUND: Paraneoplastic neurologic syndromes (PNS) pose quite an uncommon neurological complication, affecting less than 1% of patients with breast cancer. Nearly one third of these patients lack detectable onconeural antibodies (ONAs), and improvement in neurologic deficits with concomitant cancer treatments is achieved in less than 30% of cases. CASE PRESENTATION: A 42-year-old, premenopausal woman presented with facial paralysis on the central left side accompanied by a left tongue deviation, an upward vertical nystagmus, moderate spastic paraparesis, dystonic posturing of the left foot, lower limb hyperreflexia and bilateral extensor plantar reflex. After ruling out all other potential neurologic causes, PNS was suspected but no ONAs were found. A PET-CT scan detected increased metabolism in the right breast, as well as an ipsilateral thoracic interpectoral adenopathy. Core biopsy confirmed the presence of an infiltrating duct carcinoma. After breast surgery, the neurologic symptoms disappeared. One week later, the patient was readmitted to the hospital with a bilateral fatigable eyelid ptosis, and two weeks later, there was a noticeable improvement in eyelid ptosis, accompanied by a rapid and progressive development of lower spastic paraparesis. She started adjuvant treatment with chemotherapy with marked clinical and neurological improvement, and by the end of radiotherapy, there were no signs of neurologic impairment. CONCLUSION: This case study highlights the importance of a high level of vigilance for the detection of PNS, even when ONAs are not detected, as the rapid identification and treatment of the underlying tumor offers the best chance for a full recovery.
Objective: The epilepsy associated with the hypothalamic hamartomas constitutes a syndrome with peculiar seizures, usually refractory to medical therapy, mild cognitive delay, behavioural problems and multifocal spike activity in the scalp electroencephalogram (EEG). The cortical origin of spikes has been widely assumed but not specifically demonstrated. Methods: We present results of a source analysis of interictal spikes from 4 patients (age 2–25 years) with epilepsy and hypothalamic hamartoma, using EEG scalp recordings (32 electrodes) and realistic boundary element models constructed from volumetric magnetic resonance imaging (MRIs). Multifocal spike activity was the most common finding, distributed mainly over the frontal and temporal lobes. A spike classification based on scalp topography was done and averaging within each class performed to improve the signal to noise ratio. Single moving dipole models were used, as well as the Rap-MUSIC algorithm. Results: All spikes with good signal to noise ratio were best explained by initial deep sources in the neighbourhood of the hamartoma, with late sources located in the cortex. Not a single patient could have his spike activity explained by a combination of cortical sources. Conclusions: Overall, the results demonstrate a consistent origin of spike activity in the subcortical region in the neighbourhood of the hamartoma, with late spread to cortical areas.
Objective: Gelastic seizures are a frequent and well established manifestation of the epilepsy associated with hypothalamic hamartomas. The scalp EEG recordings very seldom demonstrate clear spike activity and the information about the ictal epilepsy dynamics is limited. In this work, we try to isolate epileptic rhythms in gelastic seizures and study their generators. Methods: We extracted rhythmic activity from EEG scalp recordings of gelastic seizures using decomposition in independent components (ICA) in three patients, two with hypothalamic hamartomas and one with no hypothalamic lesion. Time analysis of these rhythms and inverse source analysis was done to recover their foci of origin and temporal dynamics. Results: In the two patients with hypothalamic hamartomas consistent ictal delta (2–3 Hz) rhythms were present, with subcortical generators in both and a superficial one in a single patient. The latter pattern was observed in the patient with no hypothalamic hamartoma visible in MRI. The deep generators activated earlier than the superficial ones, suggesting a consistent sub-cortical origin of the rhythmical activity. Conclusions: Our data is compatible with early and brief epileptic generators in deep sub-cortical regions and more superficial ones activating later. Significance: Gelastic seizures express rhythms on scalp EEG compatible with epileptic activity originating in sub-cortical generators and secondarily involving cortical ones.
Objective: The Panayiotopoulos type of idiopathic occipital epilepsy has peculiar and easily recognizable ictal symptoms, which are associated with complex and variable spike activity over the posterior scalp areas. These characteristics of spikes have prevented localization of the particular brain regions originating clinical manifestations. We studied spike activity in this epilepsy to determine their brain generators. Methods: The EEG of 5 patients (ages 7–9) was recorded, spikes were submitted to blind decomposition in independent components (ICs) and those to source analysis (sLORETA), revealing the spike generators. Coherence analysis evaluated the dynamics of the components. Results: Several ICs were recovered for posterior spikes in contrast to central spikes which originated a single one. Coherence analysis supports a model with epileptic activity originating near lateral occipital area and spreading to cortical temporal or parietal areas. Conclusions: Posterior spikes demonstrate rapid spread of epileptic activity to nearby lobes, starting in the lateral occipital area. In contrast, central spikes remain localized in the rolandic fissure. Significance: Rapid spread of posterior epileptic activity in the Panayitopoulos type of occipital lobe epilepsy is responsible for the variable and poorly localized spike EEG. The lateral occipital cortex is the primary generator of the epileptic activity.
Objective: Early onset benign occipital lobe epilepsy (Panayiotopoulos syndrome [PS]) is a common and easily recognizable epilepsy. Interictal EEG spike activity is often multifocal but most frequently localized in the occipital lobes. The origin and clinical significance of the extra-occipital spikes remain poorly understood. Methods: Three patients with the PS and interictal EEG spikes with frontal lobe topography were studied using high-resolution EEG. Independent component analysis (ICA) was used to decompose the spikes in components with distinct temporal dynamics. The components were mapped in the scalp with a spline-laplacian algorithm. Results: The change in scalp potential topography from spike onset to peak, suggests the contribution of several intracranial generators, with different kinetics of activation and significant overlap. ICA was able to separate the major contributors to frontal spikes and consistently revealed an early activating group of components over the occipital areas in all the patients. The local origin of these early potentials was established by the spline-laplacian montage. Conclusions: Frontal spikes in PS are consistently associated with early and unilateral occipital lobe activation, suggesting a posteroanterior spike propagation. Significance: Frontal spikes in the PS represent a secondary activation triggered by occipital interictal discharges and do not represent an independent focus.
Objective: The epilepsies associated with the tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) are very often refractory to medical therapy. Surgery for epilepsy is an effective alternative when the critical link between the localization of seizure onset in the scalp and a particular cortical tuber can be established. In this study we perform analysis of ictal and interictal EEG to improve such link. Methods: The ictal and interictal recordings of four patients with TSC undergoing surgery for epilepsy were submitted to independent component analysis (ICA), followed by source analysis, using the sLORETA algorithm. The localizations obtained for the ictal EEG and for the average interictal spikes were compared. Results: The ICA of ictal EEG produced consistent results in different events, and there was good agreement with the tubers that were successfully removed in three of the four patients (one patient refused surgery). In some patients there was a large discrepancy between the localization of ictal and interictal sources. The interictal activity produced more widespread source localizations. Conclusions: The use of ICA of ictal EEG followed by the use of source analysis methods in four cases of epilepsy and TSC was able to localize the epileptic generators very near the lesions successfully removed in surgery for epilepsy. Significance: The ICA of ictal EEG events may be a useful add-on to the tools used to establish the connection between epileptic scalp activity and the cortical tubers originating it, in patients with TSC considered for surgery of epilepsy.
Involuntary rhythmic leg movements in childhood is an uncommon condition, the generators of which remain unknown. We report on a male 3 years of age with distinct features providing important clues concerning the location of one of these generators. At the age of 7 months, the previously healthy young male started with low frequency, rhythmic, and continuous (both during wakefulness and sleep) flexion/extension movements of the lower limbs. Movements interfered significantly with gait acquisition, and, despite normal cognitive development, he was able to walk only at age 2 years, 4 months. The neurologic examination revealed the absence of automatic stepping in the neonatal period, but was otherwise normal. A polygraphic electroencephalogram/electromyogram EEG/EMG) recording, at the age of 2 years, 9 months, revealed rhythmic and synchronous legs with EMG activity at 0.5 Hz. A more complete polygraphic recording at the age of 3 years, 10 months, showed a lower frequency (0.35 Hz) for the movements, which were time-locked with the respiratory cycle. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain revealed an increased T2 signal in the upper medulla-lower pons regions. The generator of the rhythmic legs movements is postulated to be the respiratory center, connecting with the reticulospinal projecting neurons through an aberrant pathway.