44 resultados para dural sinus thrombosis


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Introduction:Women with antiphospholipid syndrome(APS) may suffer from recurrent miscarriage, fetal death, fetal growth restriction (FGR), pre-eclampsia, placental abruption, premature delivery and thrombosis. Treatment with aspirin and low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) combined with close maternal-fetal surveillance can change these outcomes. Objective: To assess maternal and perinatal outcome in a cohort of Portuguese women with primary APS. Patients and Methods: A retrospective analysis of 51 women with primary APS followed in our institution (January 1994 to December 2007). Forty one(80.4%) had past pregnancy morbidity and 35.3%(n=18) suffered previous thrombotic events. In their past they had a total of 116 pregnancies of which only 13.79 % resulted in live births. Forty four patients had positive anticardiolipin antibodies and 33 lupus anticoagulant. All women received treatment with low dose aspirin and LMWH. Results: There were a total of 67 gestations (66 single and one multiple). The live birth rate was 85.1%(57/67) with 10 pregnancy failures: seven in the first and second trimesters, one late fetal death and two medical terminations of pregnancy (one APS related). Mean (± SD) birth weight was 2837 ± 812 g and mean gestational age 37 ± 3.3 weeks. There were nine cases of FGR and 13 hypertensive complications(4 HELLP syndromes). 54.4% of the patients delivered by caesarean section. Conclusions: In our cohort, early treatment with aspirin and LMWH combined with close maternal-fetal surveillance was associated with a very high chance of a live newborn.


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The authors analyzed 704 transthoracic echocardiographic (TTE) examinations, performed routinely to all admitted patients to a general 16-bed Intensive Care Unit (ICU) during an 18-month period. Data acquisition and prevalence of abnormalities of cardiac structures and function were assessed, as well as the new, previously unknown severe diagnoses. A TTE was performed within the first 24 h of admission on 704 consecutive patients, with a mean age of 61.5+/-17.5 years, ICU stay of 10.6+/-17.1 days, APACHE II 22.6+/-8.9, and SAPS II 52.7+/-20.4. In four patients, TTE could not be performed. Left ventricular (LV) dimensions were quantified in 689 (97.8%) patients, and LV function in 670 (95.2%) patients. Cardiac output (CO) was determined in 610 (86.7%), and mitral E/A in 399 (85.9% of patients in sinus rhythm). Echocardiographic abnormalities were detected in 234 (33%) patients, the most common being left atrial (LA) enlargement (n=163), and LV dysfunction (n=132). Patients with these alterations were older (66+/-16.5 vs 58.1+/-17.4, p<0.001), presented a higher APACHE II score (24.4+/-8.7 vs 21.1+/-8.9, p<0.001), and had a higher mortality rate (40.1% vs 25.4%, p<0.001). Severe, previously unknown echocardiographic diagnoses were detected in 53 (7.5%) patients; the most frequent condition was severe LV dysfunction. Through a multivariate logistic regression analysis, it was determined that mortality was affected by tricuspid regurgitation (p=0.016, CI 1.007-1.016) and ICU stay (p<0.001, CI 1-1.019). We conclude that TTE can detect most cardiac structures in a general ICU. One-third of the patients studied presented cardiac structural or functional alterations and 7.5% severe previously unknown diagnoses.


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BACKGROUND: Schwannomas of the abducens nerve are extremely rare tumors. The tumor may be located within the cavernous sinus or more often at the prepontine region. However, literature research has identified only one case of isolated schwannoma of the orbit, arising from the terminal branches of the abducens nerve to the lateral rectus muscle. This is only the second report of an abducens nerve schwannoma located entirely intraconal. CASE DESCRIPTION: We report a case of an intraorbital abducens nerve schwannoma in a 42-year-old man with no signs of neurofibromatosis. The lesion resulted in progressive diplopia and focal abducens palsy. The clinical, radiologic, and pathologic features are presented. RESULTS: We point the particular aspects and discuss the possible treatments and approaches to preserve nerve function. CONCLUSIONS: Being a benign lesion, one of the goals has always been total removal. The knowledge of the correct anatomic features made us believe that the VI nerve function could be preserved. Our case is the first example of a total removal with eye abduction preserved. Because of that, we believe that it is reasonable to aim for these goals in future cases.


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clinical presentation is self limited. It is classified into five groups (genogroups I through V). There are numerous reports of neurologic complications, namely afebrile seizures, but only two reports of associated encephalopathy. Case Report: A 12 month old girl with previous history of a pneumonia treated with amoxicillin-clavulanic acid and clarythromycin, presented in our emergency department with strabismus, ataxia for 3 days, later associated with vomiting and diarrhea. On admission she had ataxia and an episode of strabismus, but her later neurologic exam was normal. Laboratory data revealed: 10,9 g/dL hemoglobin, 11.200/μL leukocytes, 29,1% neutrophils and 65,2% lymphocytes, 488.000/μL platelets and negative CRP. The brain MRI showed middle ear, maxillary sinus and ethmoidal opacification, with no other abnormalities. During the first day of admission she had a tonic (?) seizure for 20 minutes. CSF analysis showed 5,6 cells/μL, 100% lymphocytes, 80 mg/dL glucose and 154,1 mg/dL protein. The EEG revealed short duration paroxystic activity located to the vertex. She was treated with acyclovir, ciprofloxacin, cefthriaxone and phenytoin. Her symptoms resolved by the third day of admission. Blood samples were tested for numerous pathogens, including serology for Borrelia, which was positive for IgG but negative for IgM. Fecal sample analysis revealed positive PCR for norovirus, although it was negative in CSF samples. IL-6 was measured in the CSF and was negative (5,8 pg/mL). She had a history of recurrent otitis media and pernieal candidiasis, which led to a detailed immune function study, which showed Immunology tests revealed diminished IgA (< 0,244 g/L) and absent antibody response to vaccinations. Since she was only 13 months old when she was tested, only follow up will determine the relevance of these values. Follow up at two years of age showed no delays and a normal development. Conclusion: Norovirus encephalitis is a rare entity, although gastrointestinal infection with this agent is relatively common. Here we present a case of a probable norovirus associated encephalopathy, although PCR for norovirus was negative in CSF samples and there was no CSF cytokine increase. It was not associated with adverse neurologic outcome and so far her development is normal, unlike the evolution described in previous case reports.


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Introduction: Rhinoscleroma is a rare, chronic, granulomatous disease that most frequently affects the upper respiratory tract, especially the nasal cavity and sometimes extends through the lower respiratory tract. Is associated with Klebsiella rhinoscleromatis, which is endemic in certain geographic regions namely Central America. The pathogenesis and risk factors remain unclear. Clinical case: We report a five years Old Portuguese boy, previously healthy, brought to the Emergency Department with epistaxis, without other accompanying signs or symptoms. The Otorhinolaryngologist (ORL) performed rhinoscopy and identified an intranasal bleeding mass. The MRI revealed an intranasal mass with extension to the ethmoid bone sinus, and performed biopsy. The histopathology was vital, making the diagnosis of Rhinoscleroma. The child had traveled abroad for the first time on vacations a year before to Dominican Republic. The bacteriologic exam identified a Klebsiella spp. sensible to the association of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid. Blood test performed excluded association of immunodeficiency. Since it’s a rare disease genetic study are under course. Monthly evaluation by ORL and pediatrician was performed which documented progressive reduction until total disappearing of the macro and microscopic lesion, and negative bacteriologic exam. Six months of antibiotic therapy were completed without any known secondary effects. The child remained asymptomatic up to the last visit, 3 months following treatment and has shown no evidence of recurrence. Conclusion: Globalization and free transit of people to areas far from origin countries here some rare diseases are endemic brings a new challenge to modern medicine. Sometimes vacations bring more than memories.


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Thrombophilias, whether inherited or acquired, are a topic of increased interest in women’s health. Factors that enhance thrombus formation in the presence of thrombophilia include oral contraception, hormone replacement therapy, pregnancy and the puerperium. The risk of venous thomboembolism with hormonal contraceptive use is greater in women with underlying thrombophilias, and thrombosis usually occurs earlier than in women without defined thrombophilias. The degree of increased risk varies according to the underlying thrombophilic defect, the largest bulk of evidence referring to women with Factor V Leiden or prothrombin gene mutation. However, most instances of thrombosis occur due to a combination of inherited, acquired and environmental factors. Before starting oral contraception it is important to screen patients to identify those at increased risk of thrombosis.


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The authors present a case of a 27-year-old multiparous woman, with multiple thrombophilia, whose pregnancy was complicated with deep venous thrombosis requiring placement of a vena cava filter. At 15th week of gestation, following an acute deep venous thrombosis of the right inferior limb, anticoagulant therapy with low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH) was instituted without improvement in her clinical status. Subsequently, at 18 weeks of pregnancy, LMWH was switched to warfarin. At 30th week of gestation, the maintenance of high thrombotic risk was the premise for placement of an inferior vena cava filter for prophylaxis of pulmonary embolism during childbirth and postpartum. There were no complications and a vaginal delivery was accomplished at 37 weeks of gestation. Venal placement of inferior vena cava filters is an attractive option as prophylaxis for pulmonary embolism during pregnancy.


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Objectives: To retrospectively review the hybrid treatment of the aortic arch with supra-aortic debranching and endo- vascular stent-graft repair in a single institution. Methods: From 2007 to 2010, all patients submitted to aortic debranching procedures were entered into a prospective database analysis. For the present study, only patients with sealing zones 0 and 1, according to the Ishimaru classification, were included. Procedure-related morbimortality was analysed for the open and endovascular procedures. Results: During the study period, we electively performed 6 total aortic debranching and 4 partial aortic debranching procedures in 10 patients. According to the etiology the indications were: 6 aortic arch aneurysms, 2 post-dissection aneu- rysms, 1 false aneurysm and 1 type I endoleak following TEVAR. The proximal sealing zone was Ishimaru zone 0 in six patients and zone 1 in four patients. The TEVAR procedure was delayed in all patients with a completion success of 80% (1 patient died from ruptured aortic aneurysm; 1 patient denied the second procedure and was lost to follow-up). The 30d mortality rate was 10% (patient mentioned above). The main morbidity was: 1 axillar venous thrombosis, 1 case of subclinical myocardial infarction, 1 case of terminal renal insufficiency and 1 case of prolonged ventilation. No permanent cerebral or peripheral neurologic deficit was noted. Conclusions: The hybrid repair of the aortic arch is a feasible and reproducible procedure, and our results are similar to the previously published series. Medium and long-term results are necessary to confirm whether the technique can be regarded as a safe alternative to open surgery in high-risk patients.


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AIMS: To evaluate the long-term clinical outcomes following percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) with the Genous stent in an unselected population. METHODS: All patients admitted to a single center who underwent PCI using the GS exclusively, between May 2006 and May 2012, were enrolled, and a clinical follow-up of up to 60 months was carried out. The primary endpoint of major adverse cardiac event (MACE) rate was defined as the composite of cardiac death, acute myocardial infarction (AMI), and target lesion revascularization (TLR). RESULTS: Of the 450 patients included (75.1% male; 65.5 ± 11.7 years), 28.4% were diabetic and acute coronary syndrome was the reason for PCI in 76.4%. Angioplasty was performed in 524 lesions using 597 Genous stents, with angiographic success in 97.1%. At a median of 36 months of follow-up (range, 1-75 months), MACE, AMI, TLR, stent restenosis (SR), and stent thrombosis (ST) rates were 15.6%, 8.4%, 4.4%, 3.8%, and 2.2%, respectively. Between 12 and 24 months, the TLR, SR, and ST rates practically stabilized, up to 60 months. Bifurcation lesions were independently associated with MACE, TLR, and SR. CONCLUSION: This is the first study reporting clinical results with the Genous stent up to 60 months. The Genous stent was safe and effective in the long-term, in an unselected population.


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The demonstrated benefits of cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) in reducing mortality and hospitalizations for heart failure, improving NYHA functional class and inducing reverse remodeling have led to its increasing use in clinical practice. However, its potential contribution to complex ventricular arrhythmias is controversial.We present the case of a female patient with valvular heart failure and severe systolic dysfunction, in NYHA class III and under optimal medical therapy, without previous documented ventricular arrhythmias. After implantation of a CRT defibrillator, she suffered an arrhythmic storm with multiple episodes of monomorphic ventricular tachycardia (VT), requiring 12 shocks. Subsequently, a pattern of ventricular bigeminy was observed, as well as reproducible VT runs induced by biventricular pacing. Since no other vein of the coronary sinus system was accessible, it was decided to implant an epicardial lead to stimulate the left ventricle, positioned in the left ventricular mid-lateral wall. No arrhythmias were detected in the following six months. This case highlights the possible proarrhythmic effect of biventricular pacing with a left ventricular lead positioned in the coronary sinus venous system.


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Background: Tubulointerstitial nephritis (TIN) is a common cause of kidney injury typically seen in association with drug exposure, infection or autoimmune diseases. However, TIN with interstitial immune complex deposition, without glomerular injury, is rarely observed. Case: We report a case of a 64-yearold Indian woman admitted for dialysis-requiring renal failure, without involvement of other organs. Urinalysis showed blood 3+ and 24h proteinuria of 1.5 g. Renal ultrasound revealed normal sized kidneys with loss of parenchymal-sinus differentiation. Laboratory tests disclosed low C3, positive ANA but negative anti-dsDNA, SSA and SSB. Serum protein electrophoresis was normal. The renal biopsy showed tubulointerstitial nephritis with positive immunoglobulin staining involving the interstitium and tubular basement membrane with glomerular sparing. The patient started prednisolone (1mg/kg/day) without recovery of the renal function. Conclusion: Idiopathic hypocomplementaemic tubulointerstitial nephritis is a rare disease with few cases described in the literature. To our knowledge this is the first case reported in Portugal.


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OBJECTIVE:Endograft mural thrombus has been associated with stent graft or limb thrombosis after endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR). This study aimed to identify clinical and morphologic determinants of endograft mural thrombus accumulation and its influence on thromboembolic events after EVAR. METHODS: A prospectively maintained database of patients treated by EVAR at a tertiary institution from 2000 to 2012 was analyzed. Patients treated for degenerative infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysms and with available imaging for thrombus analysis were considered. All measurements were performed on three-dimensional center-lumen line computed tomography angiography (CTA) reconstructions. Patients with thrombus accumulation within the endograft's main body with a thickness >2 mm and an extension >25% of the main body's circumference were included in the study group and compared with a control group that included all remaining patients. Clinical and morphologic variables were assessed for association with significant thrombus accumulation within the endograft's main body by multivariate regression analysis. Estimates for freedom from thromboembolic events were obtained by Kaplan-Meier plots. RESULTS: Sixty-eight patients (16.4%) presented with endograft mural thrombus. Median follow-up time was 3.54 years (interquartile range, 1.99-5.47 years). In-graft mural thrombus was identified on 30-day CTA in 22 patients (32.4% of the study group), on 6-month CTA in 8 patients (11.8%), and on 1-year CTA in 17 patients (25%). Intraprosthetic thrombus progressively accumulated during the study period in 40 patients of the study group (55.8%). Overall, 17 patients (4.1%) presented with endograft or limb occlusions, 3 (4.4%) in the thrombus group and 14 (4.1%) in the control group (P = .89). Thirty-one patients (7.5%) received an aortouni-iliac (AUI) endograft. Two endograft occlusions were identified among AUI devices (6.5%; overall, 0.5%). None of these patients showed thrombotic deposits in the main body, nor were any outflow abnormalities identified on the immediately preceding CTA. Estimated freedom from thromboembolic events at 5 years was 95% in both groups (P = .97). Endograft thrombus accumulation was associated with >25% proximal aneurysm neck thrombus coverage at baseline (odds ratio [OR], 1.9; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.1-3.3), neck length ≤ 15 mm (OR, 2.4; 95% CI, 1.3-4.2), proximal neck diameter ≥ 30 mm (OR, 2.4; 95% CI, 1.3-4.6), AUI (OR, 2.2; 95% CI, 1.8-5.5), or polyester-covered stent grafts (OR, 4.0; 95% CI, 2.2-7.3) and with main component "barrel-like" configuration (OR, 6.9; 95% CI, 1.7-28.3). CONCLUSIONS: Mural thrombus formation within the main body of the endograft is related to different endograft configurations, main body geometry, and device fabric but appears to have no association with the occurrence of thromboembolic events over time.


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Background: In the haemodynamically unstable patient the method of treatment of acute renal failure is still largely controversial. The purpose of our study was to compare slow extended dialysis with continuous haemodiafiltration in the critical patient with indication for renal replacement therapy and haemodynamic instability. Patients and Methods: This is a cohort study comparing in 63 ventilated critical patients a 12 month period when only continuous haemodiafiltration was used (n=25) with an equal period of slow extended dialysis (n=38). Our primary objective was to evaluate the impact of the dialytic procedure on cardiovascular stability in those patients. As secondary aims we considered system coagulation/thrombosis and predictors of mortality. In the two groups we analysed the first session performed, the second session performed and the average of all the sessions performed in each patient. Results: In these patients, mortality in the intensive care unit was high (68% in the continuous haemodiafiltration group and 63% in the slow extended dialysis group). We did not find any association between the dialytic technique used and death; only the APACHE score was a predictor of death. Slow extended dialysis was a predictor of haemodynamic stability, a negative predictor of sessions that had to be interrupted for haemodynamic instability, and a predictor of achieving the volume removal initially sought. Slow extended dialysis was also associated with less coagulation of the system. Conclusions: Our data suggested that slow extended dialysis use was not inferior to continuous haemodiafiltration use in terms of cardiovascular tolerability.