35 resultados para Gastrointestinal neoplasm
A colecistite aguda acalculosa é uma entidade pouco frequente na idade pediátrica e uma complicação rara da enterocolite por salmonelas não tifóides. A co-infecçãocom o virus influenza A (H1N1)v nunca foi previamente descrita. Caso Clinico: Rapaz de 10 anos de idade, previamente saudável, com febre elevada, cefaleias , mialgias, vómitos e diarreia. a RT-PCR para virus influenza A, subtipo H1N1v foi postiva no exsudado nasofaríngeo mas não foi prescrito oseltamivir. Ao quinto dia da doença por persistência do quadro clinico com agravamento da sintomatologia gastrointestinal recorreu à urgência. Foi internado com sinais de desidratação grave, insuficiência pré-renal aguda e oligúria, tendo-se procedido a analgesia , antipiréticos e hidratação endovenosa. Foi isolada Salmonella Enteriditis nas coproculturas. Ao 9º dia de doença houve agravamento da dor abdominal associando-se sinal de Murphy. A ecografia abdominal revelou sinais de colecistite aguda e adenopatia a comprimir infundíbulo da vesicula biliar tendo-se iniciado antibioterapia. Os sintomas persisitiram durante cinco dias, verificando-se posterior evolução clinica favorável. Discussão: A etiologia da colecistite acalculosa foi provavelmente multifatorial para a qual contribuíram a febre, a desidratação, os analgésicos, o jejum prolongado e a infecção por salmonela, cujo ciclo envolve a via biliar. A compressão pelos gânglios hipertrofiados na sequência da infecção H1N1v foi provavelmente um fator adicional, sendo questionável se a terapêutica prévia com oseltamivir teria modificado o prognóstico.
Angiolymphoid hyperplasia with eosinophilia is a rare vascular proliferation characterized by single or multiple purplish, brownish papules and subcutaneous nodules, sometimes associated with pain or pruritus. This rare benign process occurs with a female predominance. Approximately 85% of the lesions occur in the skin of the head and neck; most of them are around the ear or on the forehead or scalp. Whether angiolymphoid hyperplasia with eosinophilia represents a benign neoplasm or an unusual reaction to varied stimuli, including trauma, the etiology remains unclear. Histopathologically, the lesions consist of a proliferation of blood vessels of variable size lined by large epithelioid endothelial cells and a variable inflammatory infiltrate of lymphocytes and eosinophils, sometimes with lymphoid follicle formation. The lesion is benign but may be persistent and is difficult to eradicate. We report on a case of a 58-year-old Caucasian man who presented a purplish pink dome-shaped tumor of size up to 8 cm in diameter located on the chest. We emphasize this case considering the unusual dimensions of the lesion (8 cm diameter) and the atypical location on the chest.
The diagnosis of parathyroid carcinomas is often difficult. HRPT2 mutations have been identified in familial [hyperparathyroidism-jaw tumor (HPT-JT) syndrome] and sporadic parathyroid carcinomas, supporting that HRPT2 mutations may confer a malignant potential to parathyroid tumors. In this study, we report the clinical, histopathological, and genetic investigation of two unrelated cases, whom had apparently sporadic malignant parathyroid tumors, initially diagnosed as adenomas. In one case, the differential diagnosis was complicated by cervical seeding of parathyroid tumor cells. Genetic studies identified de novo HRPT2 germline mutations in cases 1 (c.518_521delTGTC [p.Ser174LysfsX27]) and 2 (c.226 C > T [p.Arg76X]), unveiling the hereditary HPT-JT syndrome in both patients. Furthermore, the identification of somatic mutations in the patients‟ parathyroid tumors provided evidence for complete inactivation of the HRPT2 gene, which was consistent with the tumor malignant features. The sensitivity of parafibromin immunostaining to detect HRPT2 mutations was limited. The present data suggests that patients with apparently sporadic parathyroid carcinomas, or parathyroid tumors with atypical histological features, should undergo molecular genetic testing, as it may detect germline HRPT2 mutations. Establishing the diagnosis of hereditary HPT-JT syndrome is relevant for clinical counseling and management of the carriers and their relatives.
OBJECTIVE: To determine the spectrum of MEN1 mutations in Portuguese kindreds, and identify mutation-carriers. PATIENTS, DESIGN AND RESULTS: Six unrelated MEN1 families were studied for MEN1 gene mutations by single-strand conformational polymorphism (SSCP) and DNA sequence analysis of the coding region and exon-intron boundaries of the MEN1 gene. These methods identified 4 different heterozygous mutations in four families: two mutations are novel (mt 1539 delG and mt 655 ims 11 bp) and two have been previously observed (mt 735 del 46p and mt 1656 del C) all resulting in a premature stop codon. In the remaining two families, in whom no mutations or abnormal MEN1 transcripts were detected, segregation studies of the 5' intragenic marker D11S4946 and codon 418 polymorphism in exon 9 revealed two large germline deletions of the MEN1 gene. Southern blot and tumour loss of heterozygosity analysis confirmed and refined the limits of these deletions, which spanned the MEN1 gene at least from: exon 7 to the 3' untranslated region, in one family, and the 5' polymorphic site D11S4946 to exon 9 (obliterating the initiation codon), in the other family. Twenty-six mutant-gene carriers were identified, 6 of which were asymptomatic. CONCLUSIONS: These results emphasize the importance of the detection of MEN1 germline deletions in patients who do not have mutations of the coding region. Important clues indicating the presence of such deletions may be obtained by segregation studies using the intragenic polymorphisms D11S4946 and at codon 418. The detection of these mutations will help in the genetic counselling of clinical management of the MEN1 families in Portugal.
Leber Congenital Amaurosis (LCA), the most severe inherited retinal dystrophy, is genetically heterogeneous, with 14 genes accounting for 70% of patients. Here, 91 LCA probands underwent LCA chip analysis and subsequent sequencing of 6 genes (CEP290, CRB1, RPE65, GUCY2D, AIPL1and CRX), revealing mutations in 69% of the cohort, with major involvement of CEP290 (30%). In addition, 11 patients with early-onset retinal dystrophy (EORD) and 13 patients with Senior-Loken syndrome (SLS), LCA-Joubert syndrome (LCA-JS) or cerebello-oculo-renal syndrome (CORS) were included. Exhaustive re-inspection of the overall phenotypes in our LCA cohort revealed novel insights mainly regarding the CEP290-related phenotype. The AHI1 gene was screened as a candidate modifier gene in three patients with the same CEP290 genotype but different neurological involvement. Interestingly, a heterozygous novel AHI1 mutation, p.Asn811Lys, was found in the most severely affected patient. Moreover, AHI1 screening in five other patients with CEP290-related disease and neurological involvement revealed a second novel missense variant, p.His758Pro, in one LCA patient with mild mental retardation and autism. These two AHI1 mutations might thus represent neurological modifiers of CEP290-related disease.