41 resultados para VASCULAR DYSFUNCTION


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A Síndrome velocardiofacial/DiGeorge/CATCH 22 consiste num espectro de associação caracterizado por fácies invulgar, insuficiência velo-palatina, anomalias cardíacas conotruncais, ausência do timo e das glândulas paratiróides, frequentemente associada também a perturbações do desenvolvimento. A alteração genética associada a esta anomalia é a microdelecção no cromossoma 22 (22q11.2). É descrito o caso de um lactente de 4 meses, com antecedentes de crises de dificuldade respiratória obstrutiva baixa e má progressão ponderal desde os 2 meses de idade. Após diagnóstico tardio de truncus arteriosus foi submetido a correcção cirúrgica com pós-operatório complicado, mantendo a dependência de ventilação mecânica, com atelectasia persistente no pulmão esquerdo. A broncofibroscopia mostrou obstrução completa do brônquio principal esquerdo por compressão extrínseca. O cateterismo cardíaco revelou origem anómala da artéria subclávia direita, comum com a artéria subclávia esquerda, formando o anel vascular com o ligamento arterioso, comprimindo o brônquio esquerdo. Foi submetido a segunda cirurgia que consistiu na divisão do anel vascular por toractomia lateral esquerda. No pós-operatório a manutenção de colapso do brônquio principal esquerdo levou à colocação de stent endobrônquico. O desenvolvimento de um uqdro de dificuldade respiratória por migração do stent do brônquico esquerdo para a traqueia obrigou a terapêutica endoscópica emergente com melhoria da sintomatologia respiratória e boa evolução posterior. A associação a este síndorme DiGeorge e anel vascular é incomum. O relato deste caso petende salientar a necessidadae de abordagem técnica multidisciplinar, por vezes de forma emergente, em situações de evolução atípica condicionada pela variabilidade anatómica.


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BACKGROUND: The major causes of renal transplant loss are death and chronic allograft dysfunction (CAD). The aims of this study were to determine the incidence of CAD in our population and the relation between allograft survival and immunosuppressive regimens. METHODS: We studied retrospectively 473 patients who received deceased donor kidney transplants with at least 1 allograft biopsy between January 1990 and May 2007. Clinical data included age, gender, biopsy data, and immunosuppression before and after kidney biopsy. Mean age was 45.4 +/- 12.7 years including 65% males with a mean follow-up of 6.7 +/- 4.5 years. CAD was observed in 177 of 473 biopsies: 48 patients showed interstitial fibrosis (IF); 101 chronic rejection (CR); 16 transplant glomerulopathy (TG); and 12, CR and TG. Mean follow-up since the discovery of the histologic feature was 60.5 +/- 50.5 months for IF; 38.3 +/- 40.8 for CR, and 18.2 +/- 19.2 for TG. RESULTS: CAD, which was more common in younger patients (P = .03), correlated upon univariate and multivariate analysis with CKD stage 5d development (P < .001). Deposition of C4d in peritubular capillaries was more frequent among CAD patients (P = .004), an association with particular relevance to recipients with CR (P = .02) and TG (P < .001). When we analyzed CAD subpopulation, we observed a positive correlation between allograft survival and immunosuppression modification after biopsy. Substitution of sirolimus (40/177) was shown in univariate, multivariate and Cox regression analyses to be a renal protector (P < .002). Allograft survival was also correlated with initial mycophenolate mofetil versus azathioprine, (62/177) immunosuppression (P < .001). CONCLUSION: CAD, a frequent histologic feature, may benefit from sirolimus conversion.


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BACKGROUND: Prospective testing for posttransplant circulating anti-HLA antibodies seems to be a critical noninvasive tool, but confirmatory data are lacking. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Over the last 3 years, peritubular capillary (PTC) C4d deposition was prospectively sought by an immunofluorescence technique applied to frozen tissue in biopsies obtained for allograft dysfunction. Screening for circulating anti-HLA class I/II alloantibodies (AlloAb) by the flow cytometric test was performed simultaneously. RESULTS: We evaluated 132 sets of biopsies and simultaneous serum samples. PTC C4d deposition was demonstrated in 15.9% (21/132) of biopsies. Circulating anti-HLA I/II AlloAb were detected in 25% (33/132) of serum samples. Employing receiver-operator characteristic (ROC) curves for all C4d-positive biopsies, screening for AlloAb showed a global specificity of 82% and sensitivity of 61.9%. When this analysis was restricted to biopsies obtained in the first month posttransplantation, the sensitivity increased to 81.8%, but the specificity decreased to 76.9%. After the first month posttransplantation, we observed sensitivity of 40.0% and a specificity of 86.4%. In the first month posttransplantation, all patients with a diagnosis of acute antibody-mediated rejection displayed circulating anti-HLA class I/II, but not always at the same time as the C4d-positive biopsy. CONCLUSIONS: In the first month posttransplantation, prospective monitoring of anti-HLA antibodies may be useful. The high sensitivity allows the identification of patients at risk, affording an earlier diagnosis of antibody-mediated rejection. After the first month, the test can be used to evaluate allograft dysfunction episodes, since positivity is highly suggestive of an antibody-mediated process.


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Background: Proteinuria (PT) with SRL appears not only after conversion from a calcineurin inhibitor (CI), but also in de novo patients. The PT may be related to a hemodynamic effect of CI withdrawal or to a direct effect of SRL in glomerulus (GL). Recently an association between PT in SRL patients and FSGS lesions has been described. It is also known that SRL decrease VEGF synthesis and experimental data suggest that VEGF is essential to podocyte survival and differentiation. Aim: To determine if glomerular lesions and PT in SRL patients could be related to altered glomerular VEGF expression. Material and methods: We evaluated glomerular VEGF expression in 10 biopsies: A-allograft kidney in backtable (n=3); B-native normal kidney (n=1); C-native kidney with FSGS lesions (n=2); D-allograft kidney with FSGS lesions from proteinuric patients under SRL after conversion from CI (n=3); E-allograft kidney in proteinuric patient under SRL with a membranous glomerulonephritis (n=1). We employed indirect immunohistochemistry in paraffin-embedded sections using a mouse monoclonal antibody against human VEGF-C1 (Santa Cruz). Results: The controls biopsies (A; B) showed normal global VEGF expression, with strong podocyte staining. The VEGF expression in the group C was similar to the controls, although no FSGS lesions were observed in the stained GL. The group D showed normal VEGF expression in the apparently normal GL, hypertrophied podocytes with reduction of VEGF in anomalous GL, and no staining in slcerotic lesions. We observed a gradual reduction of VEGF expression with progressive dedifferentiation of podocytes. In the group E the VEGF was globally reduced, with some hypertrophied podocytes expressing decreased VEGF. Conclusion: We confirmed the diminished VEGF expression in injured podocytes of SRL patients.This decreased expression may result from a direct effect of SRL and precede the appearance of FSGS lesions and PT. Further studies are needed with greater number of cases and controls, including early biopsies of patients under SRL.


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Renal dysfunction often complicates the course of orthotopic liver transplant recipients and is associated with increased morbid -mortality. The aims of this study were to determine the incidence of chronic renal disease and its impact on patient survival. Clinical data included age, gender and weight,aetiology of hepatic failure, presence of diabetes,hypertension, hepatitis B and C infection, renal dysfunction pretransplant and immunosuppression. Laboratory data included serum creatinine at days 1, 7, 21, month 6, 12 and yearly. The glomerular filtration rate was determined by Cockcroft-Gault equation. We studied retrospectively from September 1992 to March 2007 708 orthotopic liver transplant recipients. Mean age 44±12.6 years, 64% males, 17% diabetic, 18.8% hypertensive, 19.9% with hepatitis C and 3.8% hepatitis B. Renal dysfunction pretransplant was known in 21.6%. Mean follow-up was 3.6 years. Mean transplant survival 75% at 12 months. 154 patients died. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed and a p<0.05 was considered significant. Acute kidney injury occurred in 33.2%. Chronic kidney disease stage 3 was observed in 34.3%,stage 4 in 6.2% and stage 5 in 5.1%. At the time of this study, 46.4% were on Cyclosporine A, 44.7% on tacrolimus and 8.9% on sirolimus. Using multivariate analysis, renal dysfunction was correlated with renal dysfunction pre -orthotopic liver transplant (p<0.001), acute kidney injury (p<0.001), haemodialysis development (p<0.001), and inversely correlated with the use of mycophenolate mophetil (p<0.001); mortality was positively correlated with renal dysfunction pretransplant (p=0.03),chronic kidney disease stage 4 (p=0.001), chronic kidney disease stage 5 (p<0.001) and inversely correlated with the use of tacrolimus (p=0.006). In conclusion orthotopic liver transplant recipients are disposed to renal complications that have a negative impact on survival of these patients.


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Introdução: Na criança, a etiologia do acidente vascular cerebral (AVC) é conhecida em 75% dos casos, sendo a anemia de células falciformes (ACF) a mais frequente na criança de raça negra. O interesse deste caso clínico reside na forma de apresentação pouco habitual e curso evitável. Caso clínico: Criança de raça negra com 27 meses de idade, sem antecedentes relevantes, admitida por sinais neurológicos focais de instalação súbita. A tomografia computorizada cranio-encefálica e ressonância magnética evidenciaram lesão isquémica aguda extensa e alterações compatíveis com AVC silencioso prévio. Analiticamente apresentava anemia normocítica, muitos drepanocitos de formação espontânea e 87% de hemoglobina S. Neste contexto, foi submetida a transfusão-permuta. Conclusão: O AVC como complicação da ACF pode acontecer em idades precoces e surgir como quadro inaugural. Pensamos que se justifica divulgar o rastreio pré-natal e realizar um estudo da relação custo-benefício para a implementação de um rastreio neonatal desta patologia em Portugal.


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Objective: Localizing epileptic foci in posterior brain epilepsy remains a difficult exercise in surgery for epilepsy evaluation. Neither clinical manifestations, neurological, EEG nor neuropsychological evaluations provide strong information about the area of onset, and fast spread of paroxysms often produces mixed features of occipital, temporal and parietal symptoms. We investigated the usefulness of the N170 event-related potential to map epileptic activity in these patients. Methods: A group of seven patients with symptomatic posterior cortex epilepsy were submitted to a high-resolution EEG (78 electrodes), with recordings of interictal spikes and face-evoked N170. Generators of spikes and N170 were localized by source analysis. Range of normal N170 asymmetry was determined in 30 healthy volunteers. Results: In 3 out of 7 patients the N170 inter-hemispheric asymmetry was outside control values. Those were the patients whose spike sources were nearest (within 3 cm) to the fusiform gyrus, while foci further away did not affect the N170 ratio. Conclusions: N170 event-related potential provides useful information about focal cortical dysfunction produced by epileptic foci located in the close neighborhood of the fusiform gyrus, but are unaffected by foci further away. Significance: The N170 evoked by faces can improve the epileptic foci localization in posterior brain epilepsy.


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Introduction: The rat is probably the animal species most widely used in experimental studies on nerve repair. The aim of this work was to contribute to a better understanding of the morphology and blood supply of the rat brachial plexus. Material and Methods: Thirty adult rats were studied regarding brachial plexus morphology and blood supply. Intravascular injection and dissection under an operating microscope, as well as light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy techniques were used to define the microanatomy of the rat brachial plexus and its vessels. Results: The rat brachial plexus was slightly different from the human brachial plexus. The arterial and venous supply to the brachial plexus plexus was derived directly or indirectly from neighboring vessels. These vessels formed dense and interconnected plexuses in the epineurium, perineurium, and endoneurium. Several brachial plexus components were accompanied for a relatively long portion of their length by large and constant blood vessels that supplied their epineural plexus, making it possible to raise these nerves as flaps. Discussion: The blood supply to the rat brachial plexus is not very different from that reported in humans, making the rat a useful animal model for the experimental study of peripheral nerve pathophysiology and treatment. Conclusion: Our results support the homology between the rat and the human brachial plexus in terms of morphology and blood supply. This work suggests that several components of the rat brachial plexus can be used as nerve flaps, including predominantly motor, sensory or mixed nerve fibers. This information may facilitate new experimental procedures in this animal model.


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Overview and aims: Fetal growth restriction (FGR) affects 15% of pregnancies and is associated with both increased perinatal and neonatal morbidity and mortality and long-term effects in adult life. Our aim was to describe cases and outcomes of FGR from a tertiary perinatal care centre and identify the predictors of neonatal morbidity and mortality. Study design: retrospective cohort. Population: pregnancies with early or late FGR caused by placental factors followed from 2006 to 2009 in a tertiary perinatal care centre. Methods: we collected data from clinical records on demographics, clinical history and fetal ultrasound parameters. Perinatal and neonatal outcomes were stratiied according to gestational age (above or below 28 weeks) and we used bivariate analysis to identify any associations with clinical and imaging indings. Results: we included 246 pregnancies; hypertension was the most prevalent maternal risk factor (16%). There were 15 cases of early FGR, 11 of which had cesarean delivery due to deterioration of fetal Doppler parameters. Outcomes in this group included one fetal and three neonatal deaths. Of 231 cases of late FGR, 64% were delivered early given a non-reassuring fetal status i.e. due to changes in Doppler evaluation or altered Manning biophysical proile. There were four cases of perinatal death in this group, three of which delivered at 28 weeks. Neonatal morbidity was associated with lower gestational age, lower birthweight and progressive placental dysfunction (p<0.01). Conclusion: there was an association between neonatal morbidity and gestational age, birthweight and Doppler deterioration, particularly for deliveries below 28 weeks. The assessment of vascular changes through Doppler analysis allows anticipation of fetal deterioration and is a helpful tool in deciding the optimum timing of delivery.


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BACKGROUND: Bioresorbable vascular scaffolds (BVS) were recently approved for percutaneous coronary intervention in Europe. The aim of this position statement is to review the information and studies on available BVS, to stimulate discussion on their use and to propose guidelines for this treatment option in Portugal. METHODS AND RESULTS: A working group was set up to reach a consensus based on current evidence, discussion of clinical case models and individual experience. The evidence suggests that currently available BVS can produce physiological and clinical improvements in selected patients. There are encouraging data on their durability and long-term safety. Initial indications were grouped into three categories: (a) consensual and appropriate - young patients, diabetic patients, left anterior descending artery, long lesions, diffuse disease, and hybrid strategy; (b) less consensual but possible - small collateral branches, stabilized acute coronary syndromes; and (c) inappropriate - left main disease, tortuosity, severe calcification. CONCLUSION: BVS are a viable treatment option based on the encouraging evidence of their applicability and physiological and clinical results. They should be used in appropriate indications and will require technical adaptations. Outcome monitoring and evaluation is essential to avoid inappropriate use. It is recommended that medical societies produce clinical guidelines based on high-quality registries as soon as possible.


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Segundo as guidelines atuais, o ecocardiograma transesofágico está indicado na cirurgia vascular major. O objetivo deste trabalho é determinar qual é o impacto do ecocardiograma transesofágico no diagnóstico de patologias da aorta susceptíveis de correção cirúrgica, na orientação da abordagem anestésica e cirúrgica e na monitorização destes pacientes no pós-operatório. Para o efeito, os seguintes itens foram estudados: impacto clínico geral do ecocardiograma transesofágico na cirurgia não cardíaca, ecocardiograma transesofágico no peri-operatório de aneurismas e disseções da aorta, da cirurgia endovascular da aorta, de lesões traumáticas da aorta, do tromboembolismo e de tumores da veia cava inferior.


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Panayiotopoulos syndrome (PS) is a common epilepsy syndrome associated with rare clinical seizures and unknown localization of the epileptogenic area. Despite findings of normal development in patientswith PS, recent neuropsychological studies point to subtle and diverse cognitive impairments. No well-outlined hypothesis about the localization of the brain dysfunction responsible for these impairments has been proposed.We further explored the cognitive dysfunctions in PS andmade inferences on the most likely anatomical localization of brain impairment. A group of 19 patients (aged 6–12) with PS was rated according to spike activity and lateralization. The patients were submitted to a neuropsychological evaluation to assess general intelligence, memory, language, visual–perceptual abilities, attention, and executive functions. Using 35-channel scalp EEG recordings, the N170 face-evoked event-related potential (ERP)was obtained to assess the functional integrity of the ventral pathway. All patientswith PS showed normal IQ but subtle and consistent neurocognitive impairments. Namely, we found abnormalities in the copy task of the Rey–Osterrieth Complex Figure and in theNarrative Memory Test. There was no correlation between neuropsychological impairments with spike activity and hemispheric spike lateralization. The N170 ERP was normal in all patients except for one. Our neuropsychological findings demonstrate impairments in visual–perceptual abilities and in semantic processing. These findings, paired with the absence of occipital lobe dysfunction in all neuropsychological studies of PS performed to this date, support the existence of parietal lobe dysfunction.


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O autor começa por descrever os aspectos normais do processo de placentação que se encontram alterados na pré-eclâmpsia. Os efeitos desse defeito reflectem-se no aumento da resistência vascular das artérias uterinas e que pode ser detectado ecograficamente (é assumido como possível método de rastreio às 23 semanas de gestação). São analisadas relações entre pré-eclâmpsia e síndroma de HELLP, síndroma dos anticorpos anti-fosfolípidos (SAAF) e atraso de crescimento intra-uterino (ACIU). Comentam-se as tentativas de prevenção de pré-eclâmpsia com ácido acetil salicílico (AAS) e com cálcio. São analisados os efeitos de vários agentes anti-hipertensivos na hemodinâmica uterina e fetal. É feita uma introdução da Ginkgo biloba, dos motivos que levam a escolhê-la como um bom candidato à terapêutica preventiva do desenvolvimento da pré-eclâmpsia, analisando os seus mecanismos de acção, a farmacodinâmica, as doses habitualmente utilizadas e a sua segurança. Por fim sugerem-se alguns critérios para investigar clinicamente os efeitos do extracto de Ginkgo biloba (EGB 761).


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Existem diversos factores que podem influenciar o prognóstico funcional nos doentes com Acidente Vascular Cerebral (AVC), nomeadamente o hemisfério afectado, severidade do deficit neurológico inicial, presença de comorbilidades, etiologia, entre outros. A idade como factor preditivo na reabilitação destes doentes tem sido alvo de controvérsia. O objectivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a idade como variável preditiva de funcionalidade após AVC. Os autores recolheram retrospectivamente os dados dos processos clínicos dos doentes internados para reabilitação no Serviço de MFR do Hospital de Curry Cabral durante o ano de 2008, tendo como critério de inclusão diagnóstico de AVC. A funcionalidade foi avaliada à entrada e à saída do internamento, com a Medida de Independência Funcional (MIF) e o Índice de Barthel (IB). Os doentes com idade igual ou inferior a 45 anos foram considerados jovens adultos. Foi realizado o emparelhamento de doentes em casos-controlo. Para cada caso de AVC no adulto jovem os critérios de emparelhamento foram: idade> 45 anos, o mesmo tipo de AVC e hemisfério envolvido e igual MIF à entrada (mais ou menos três pontos). Para tratamento estatístico foi utilizado o programa SPSS 13.0. Foram recolhidos dados de 69 doentes com AVC, dos quais 12 foram considerados adultos jovens (38 +-5 anos). Quando comparados com os doentes mais velhos, os adultos jovens saíram com uma MIF maior (101 Vs 88 pontos; p=0,04), sem que se verificassem diferenças estatisticamente significativas em relação a: MIF à entrada, IB à entrada e saída, eficiência da MIF ou duração do internamento. A idade jovem associou-se com um melhor valor de MIF à saída (r=0,33, p=0,006), mesmo quando se controlou para a MIF à entrada (r=0,23, p=0,05). Em relação à análise dos nove pares caso-controlo, não se verificaram diferenças entre os grupos nas medidas de funcionalidade à entrada e à saída, nem na duração do internamento. A idade correlacionou-se com funcionalidade à saída, sendo que os doentes mais jovens saíram mais funcionais. No entanto, na análise caso-controlo, quando se controlou para outras variáveis (e.g. tipo de AVC), a variável perdeu o seu valor preditivo. Estes resultados podem dever-se ao facto de o AVC no jovem adulto ter diferentes características, como um maior número de eventos hemorrágicos. Nesta amostra, os jovens adultos tiveram igual número de AVC isquémicos e hemorrágicos (seis) e o grupo mais velho teve apenas 23% eventos hemorrágicos (p=0,07). É conhecido o melhor prognóstico funcional deste tipo de AVC, quando não associados a mortalidade precoce. Este estudo apresenta algumas limitações: o tamanho da amostra; o facto de a MIF e o IB não serem medidas de funcionalidade desenvolvidas especificamente para doentes com AVC; um viés de selecção, pois somente alguns doentes são incluídos em programa de reabilitação em internamento; o momento de avaliação da funcionalidade residual foi á saída do internamento, apenas algumas semanas pós-AVC. A idade jovem parece associar-se a um melhor prognóstico funcional. Este aspecto pode estar associado ao facto de o AVC nos doentes mais novos ter características diferentes (e.g. maior proporção de AVC hemorrágico), normalmente associadas a uma recuperação mais favorável.