56 resultados para TIMED-AI


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Individuals with mosaic trisomy 18, only approximately 5% of all trisomy 18 cases, carry both a trisomy 18 and an euploid cell line. Their clinical findings are highly variable, from the absence of dysmorphic features to the complete trisomy 18 syndrome. A five month old daughter of a 38-year-old mother, with vomiting and feeding problems, was referred to our department. She was undernourished and had axial hypotony and developmental delay, an irregular pattern of hypopigmentation on the right side of the abdomen, and moderate sagittal body asymmetry with left-side muscular hemihypotrophy.Mild craniofacial dysmorphy included dolichocephaly, frontal bossing, prominent occiput, long downslanting palpebral fissures, hypertelorism, and retrognathia. A complex heart defect with atrial and ventricular septal defects, pulmonary artery stenosis, and bicuspid aortic valve was identified. Cytogenetic analysis revealedmosaic trisomy 18with trisomy in 90%of peripheral lymphocytes and 17%of skin fibroblasts.This case adds to our knowledge of the phenotypic spectrum and the natural history of mosaic trisomy 18 by adding a dysmorphic feature and a cardiac abnormality that, to the best of our knowledge, had not been previously described.


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Thrombophilias, whether inherited or acquired, are a topic of increased interest in women’s health. Factors that enhance thrombus formation in the presence of thrombophilia include oral contraception, hormone replacement therapy, pregnancy and the puerperium. The risk of venous thomboembolism with hormonal contraceptive use is greater in women with underlying thrombophilias, and thrombosis usually occurs earlier than in women without defined thrombophilias. The degree of increased risk varies according to the underlying thrombophilic defect, the largest bulk of evidence referring to women with Factor V Leiden or prothrombin gene mutation. However, most instances of thrombosis occur due to a combination of inherited, acquired and environmental factors. Before starting oral contraception it is important to screen patients to identify those at increased risk of thrombosis.


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A Contracepção de Emergência é um método simples, seguro e não-abortivo de evitar gravidezes não desejadas. O desconhecimento dos métodos disponíveis compromete a difusão do seu uso e reduz as suas potencialidades na melhoria da Saúde Reprodutiva. Em Portugal estão disponíveis métodos hormonais (método de Yuzpe e pílula de Levonorgestrel) e o DIU de cobre. A pílula de Levonorgestrel impõe-se sobre o método de Yuzpe por ser mais eficaz (até 98,9%), apresentar consideravelmente menores efeitos secundários (redução superior a 50% da ocorrência de náuseas e vómitos) e por ser cómodo (administrável em toma única). Estudos recentes demonstraram que ambos os métodos hormonais podem ser usados até 120 horas após relações sexuais (RS) não protegidas com eficácia, embora esta pareça ser maior quanto maior a precocidade da toma, o DIU de cobre é o método de eleição para a CE que se inicia 72 horas após RS não protegidas.


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BACKGROUND: In situ breakage of Implanon® is a rare occurrence with unknown clinical significance. Authors report two different cases of broken Implanon® of women attended at our Family Planning Clinic. DISCUSSION: In situ implants may spontaneously and asymptomatically break, although some uncertainty relies on whether that situation has a real impact on the contraceptive effectiveness or on bleeding patterns. Even more, it can be argued if, as a result of an occurrence of that nature, the implant shall or shall not be removed before the envisaged 3-year period of effectiveness. CONCLUSION: Currently, the clinical significance of implant breakage remains unknown. The decision to remove a broken or bent implant should be based on clinical judgements considering patients' wishes.


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