28 resultados para Post-natal Mortality
Our objective was to compare the results of ambulatory hysteroscopy in postmenopausal women with and without uterine bleeding. A retrospective descriptive study was carried out on 236 women who were at least 2 years into the menopause, who were not undergoing hormone treatment and who had had abnormal pelvic ultrasound results. Of these women, 150 were asymptomatic and 86 reported haemorrhage. Diagnostic and operative outpatient hysteroscopy was performed between January 2002 and December 2003. There was no difference between the two groups regarding age of patients, age of menopause and presence of at least one of the risk factors for endometrial carcinoma evaluated, although obesity was more frequent in the symptomatic group. Abnormal ultrasound results for these women corresponded in the majority of cases to intracavitary disease, and the absence of organic endometrial pathology was 9.3% vs 11.3% in each group. The more frequent pathology was benign endometrial polyps (64% in bleeding patients and 84.7% in asymptomatic ones). Endometrial carcinoma was diagnosed in 23.3% of women with metrorrhagia and in 1.3% of asymptomatic women. We diagnosed 2.6% of malignancy inside polyps. Hysteroscopy results were confirmed by histology in 90.3% of cases. See and treat in one session was achieved in 91% of benign endometrial polyps. Ambulatory hysteroscopy has high sensitivity and specificity for intracavitary pathology and high tolerability and safety. See and treat in one session can be achieved in the majority of lesions with indication for excision. These results make us advise our menopausal patients with abnormal uterine bleeding to undergo diagnostic hysteroscopy complemented with biopsy.
OBJECTIVE: Statins are among the most prescribed drugs worldwide and their recently discovered anti-inflammatory effect seems to have an important role in inhibiting proinflammatory cytokine production, chemokines expression and counteracting the harmful effects of sepsis on the coagulation system. We decided to perform a meta-analysis of all randomized controlled trials ever published on statin therapy in septic patients to evaluate their effect on survival and length of hospital stay. DATA SOURCES AND STUDY SELECTION: Articles were assessed by four trained investigators, with divergences resolved by consensus. BioMedCentral, PubMed, Embase and the Cochrane Central Register of clinical trials were searched for pertinent studies. Inclusion criteria were random allocation to treatment and comparison of statins versus any comparator in septic patients. DATA EXTRACTION AND SYNTHESIS: Data from 650 patients in 5 randomized controlled studies were analyzed. No difference in mortality between patients receiving statins versus control (44/322 [14%] in the statins group vs 50/328 [15%] in the control arm, RR = 0.90 [95% CI 0.65 to 1.26], p = 0.6) was observed. No differences in hospital stay (p = 0.7) were found. CONCLUSIONS: Published data show that statin therapy has no effect on mortality in the overall population of adult septic patients. Scientific evidence on statins role in septic patients is still limited and larger randomized trials should be performed on this topic.
Com o objectivo de avaliar a realidade actual do diagnóstico pré-natal das cardiopatias congénitas realizou-se um estudo prospectivo da actividade do Sector de Cardiologia Fetal num período de 2 anos. Este estudo abrangeu uma população fetal constituída por um grupo de 948 fetos observados no Serviço, 348 no período de Janeiro a Junho de 1993 (Grupo 1) e 600 de Julho de 1993 a Dezembro de 1994 (Grupo II), assim como uma população de 185 recém-nascidos, 20 (Grupo 1) internados por cardiopatia grave durante o período de Janeiro a Junho de 1993 e 165 observados de Janeiro a Junho de 1994 (Grupo II). Registaram-se os dados relativos a gravidez e ecografia obstétrica, risco fetal para cardiopatia, idade no momento do diagnóstico e tipo de cardiopatia. As populações respectivas de cada um dos grupos foram comparadas entre si. Nos dois grupos da população fetal os principais motivos de referência para ecocardiograma foram os factores maternos (18%) e familiares (14%) sendo os factores fetais causas menos frequentes (7%), nomeadamente a suspeita obstétrica de cardiopatia (6%) e as arritmias fetais (7%). No entanto, a incidência de cardiopatia fetal no grupo 1 foi de 32% para a suspeita obstétrica de cardiopatia e de 13% para a arritmia fetal; no grupo II esta incidência foi respectivamente de 48% e de 36%. Nos dois grupos os factores maternos associaram-se a cardiopatia em 2° o dos casos; não houve associação com factores familiares. Apresentavam factor de risco 30% dos recém-nascidos do grupo 1. No grupo II este valor foi de 36% nos recém-nascidos internados e de 22% nos do ambulatório. O ecocardiograma fetal foi realizado em 3 recém-nascidos do grupo 1 e em 12 casos do grupo II sendo o diagnóstico pré-natal feito em 2 e 3 casos respectivamente. Conclui-se que, exceptuando o aumento do número de fetos referenciados e a melhoria na acuidade do diagnóstico obstétrico, no período de estudo não houve modificações significativas na identificação dos riscos, continuando a maioria dos recém-nascidos com cardiopatia a nascer sem diagnóstico pré-natal. Torna-se necessário continuar a política de divulgação desta área, em particular junto dos médicos que prestam cuidados primários de saúde.
STUDY OBJECTIVE: The main aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of adolescent pregnancy in the future contraceptive choices. A secondary aim is to verify whether these choices differ from those made after an abortion. DESIGN: Retrospective study. SETTING:Adolescent Unit of a tertiary care center. PARTICIPANTS:212 pregnant teenagers. INTERVENTIONS: Medical records review. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES:Intended pregnancy rate and contraceptive methods used before and after pregnancy. For contraceptive choices after pregnancy we considered: Group 1 - teenagers who continued their pregnancy to delivery (n = 106) and Group 2 - the same number of adolescents who chose to terminate their pregnancy. RESULTS: The intended pregnancy rate was 14.2%. Prior to a pregnancy continued to delivery, the most widely used contraceptive method was the male condom (50.9%), followed by oral combined contraceptives (28.3%); 18.9% of adolescents were not using any contraceptive method. After pregnancy, contraceptive implant was chosen by 70.8% of subjects (P < .001) and the oral combined contraceptives remained the second most frequent option (17.9%, P = .058). Comparing these results with Group 2, we found that the outcome of the pregnancy was the main factor in the choices that were made. Thus, after a pregnancy continued to delivery, adolescents prefer the use of LARC [78.4% vs 40.5%, OR: 5,958 - 95% (2.914-12.181), P < .001)], especially contraceptive implants [70.8% vs 38.7%, OR: 4.371 - 95% (2.224-8.591), P < .001], to oral combined contraceptives [17.9% vs 57.5%, OR: 0.118 - 95% CI (0.054-0.258), P < .001]. CONCLUSION:Adolescent pregnancy and its outcome constitute a factor of change in future contraceptive choice.
INTRODUCTION: Labour is considered to be one of the most painful and significant experiences in a woman's life. The aim of this study was to examine whether women's attachment style is a predictor of the pain experienced throughout labour and post-delivery. MATERIAL AND METHODS:Thirty-two pregnant women were assessed during the third trimester of pregnancy and during labour. Adult attachment was assessed with the Adult Attachment Scale ' Revised. The perceived intensity of labour pain was measured using a visual analogue scale for pain in the early stage of labour, throughout labour and post-delivery. RESULTS:Women with an insecure attachment style reported more pain at 3 cm of cervical dilatation (p < 0.05), before the administration of analgesia (p < 0.01) and post-delivery (p < 0.05) than those securely attached. In multivariate models, attachment style was a significant predictor of labour pain at 3 cm of cervical dilatation and before the first administration of analgesia but not of the perceived pain post-delivery. DISCUSSION: These findings confirm that labour pain is influenced by relevant psychological factors and suggest that a woman's attachment style may be a risk factor for greater pain during labour. CONCLUSION:Future studies in the context of obstetric pain may consider the attachment style as an indicator of individual differences in the pain response during labour. This may have important implications in anaesthesiology and to promote a relevant shift in institutional practices and therapeutic procedures.
Com o objectivo de avaliar aspectos que se prendem com o diagnóstico das cardiopatias no período pré e neo-natal, os autores apresentam um estudo prospectivo de Janeiro a Junho de 1994, durante o qual foram avaliados 165 recém-nascidos, 138 no ambulatório (Grupo I) e 27 no internamento (Grupo II). No Grupo I foram vigiadas 91% das gravidezes, 33% tendo risco para cardiopatia, um quarto destas realizou ecocardiograma fetal. No Grupo II foram vigiadas 74% das gravidezes, havendo em 50% risco para cardiopatia, tendo 30% destas feito ecocardiograma fetal. As principais causas de envio dos recém-nascidos foram: sopro cardíaco (77% Grupo 1; 15% Grupo II), cianose (4% Grupo I;15% Grupo II) e a associação das duas (2% Grupo I; 22% Grupo II). A idade de suspeita / diagnóstico foi, em média 6/8 dias no Grupo I e 4/4 dias no Grupo II. No Grupo I, 89 recém-nascidos não tinham doença cardíaca, 34 tinham comunicação interventricular, 3 defeito do septo aurículo-ventricular e 2 tetralogia de Fallot; 10 eram portadores de trissomia 21. No Grupo II, 25 recém-nascidos tinham cardiopatia sendo as mais frequentes a transposição das grandes artérias e os obstáculos esquerdos (24% cada). Onze fizeram cateterismo cardíaco e 12 cirurgia, tendo 1 falecido. Conclui-se que, apesar da maioria dos recém-nascidos avaliados ter nascido sem diagnóstico pré-natal, o diagnóstico das cardiopatias graves fez-se na primeira semana de vida a seguir ao parto, nomeadamente o da transposição das grandes artérias, permitindo a tempo o tratamento cirúrgico mais adequado. No entanto, embora não fosse demonstrado neste estudo, continua a ser uma realidade o transporte por longas distâncias de recém- -nascidos com cardiopatia crítica, surgindo por isso alguns em condições não ideais, e outros fora do período adequado para certos tipos de tratamento. Por outro lado, a maioria dos enviados à consulta têm sopros transitórios, não se encontrando já, em cerca de metade, qualquer alteração na avaliação cardiovascular pelo especialista.
Hemorrhagic gastritis is a possible late toxicity outcome after radical radiotherapy but it is nowadays a very rare condition and most likely depends on other clinical factors. We report the case of a 77-year-old woman with a symptomatic solitary extramedullary intra-abdominal plasmacytoma and multiple gastric comorbidities, treated with external beam radiotherapy. Despite the good response to radiotherapy, the patient experienced multiple gastric bleeding a few months later, with the need of multiple treatments for its control. In this paper we will discuss in detail all aspects related to the different causes of hemorrhagic gastritis.
Introdução: As anomalias do tracto urinário são detectadas com uma frequência cada vez maior devido à sistematização da vigilância ecográfica durante a gravidez aliada à sofisticação técnica e à experiência dos ecografistas. Objectivo: Analisar os principais diagnósticos pós-natais investigados na sequência do estudo evolutivo prolongado das uropatias fetais seguidas no ambulatório da nefrologia pediátrica do Hospital de Dona Estefânia. Doentes e Métodos: Estudo retrospectivo dos 392 casos de uropatia fetal observados num período de dez anos e submetidos ao protocolo de investigação em uso na unidade. Resultados: O estudo inclui 362 casos; excluímos 30 processos que não completaram a investigação. A relação sexo masculino: feminino foi de 2: 1. O diagnóstico pré-natal foi realizado em média às 28.9 semanas e a idade média de admissão foi de 68 dias. No estudo evolutivo pós-natal verificou-se a formulação de um diagnóstico definitivo em 349 (96.4%) das crianças. Em 109 crianças (30%) a anomalia fetal foi transitória. Em 75 (20.7%) a dilatação era funcional. Confirmou-se a existência de uropatia em 165/362 crianças: refluxo vesico-ureteral 70/165 (42.4%), displasia multiquística 21%, síndroma da junção pielo-ureteral 16.4%, entre os principais. Nenhum caso evoluiu para insuficiência renal e há a registar, apenas, um caso de hipertensão arterial por poliquistose renal. Conclusão: A planificação da investigação pós-natal reveste-se ainda de alguma controvérsia e continua a evoluir principalmente no grupo das anomalias unilaterais e assintomáticas.
In this study the authors evaluated the efficacy of prophylaxis with liposomal amphotericin B (L-AmB) in the incidence of fungal infections (FI) during the first 3 months after liver transplant (LT). The study was retrospective and accessed a 4-year period from 2008 to 2011. All patients who died in the first 48 hours after LT were excluded. Patients were divided by the risk groups for FI: Group 1, high-risk (at least 1 of the following conditions: urgent LT; serum creatinine >2 mg/dL; early acute kidney injury [AKI] after LT; retransplantation; surgical exploration early post-LT; transfused cellular blood components [>40 U]); and Group 2, low-risk patients. Group 1 patients were further separated into those who received antifungal prophylaxis with L-AmB and those who did not. Prophylaxis with L-AmB consisted of intravenous administration of L-AmB, 100 mg daily for 14 days. Four hundred ninety-two patients underwent LT; 31 died in the first 48 hours after LT. From the remaining 461 patients, 104 presented with high-risk factors for FI (Group 1); of these, 66 patients received antifungal prophylaxis and 38 did not. In this group 8 FI were observed, 5 in patients without antifungal prophylaxis (P = .011). Three more FI were identified in Group 2. By logistic regression analysis, the categorical variable high-risk group was independently related to the occurrence of invasive FI (P = .006). We conclude that prophylaxis with L-AmB after LT was effective in reducing the incidence of FI. No influence on mortality was detected.
A utilização sistemática da cistouretrografia miccional, no âmbito da investigação pós-natal das anomalias fetais do aparelho urinário, é controversa. A possibilidade de diagnosticar refluxo vesico-ureteral (RVU) antes de surgir infecção urinária é aliciante pela influência que pode ter na história natural da nefropatia do refluxo. Neste artigo, partindo de uma série de 116 casos de anomalia fetal do aparelho urinário num período de 5 anos, apresentam-se as características e evolução de 19 casos de RVU. A cistouretrografia miccional (CUM) efectuada em 109 casos (94%) identificou RVU em 19 (17.4%). Predominou o sexo masculino (5:1). Em 13 casos (19 unidades renais refluentes) o RVU era a única anomalia urinária detectada (grupo I); em 6 casos (8 unidades refluentes) o RVU estava associado a outras anomalias do tracto urinário (grupo II). Em 10 unidades refluentes do grupo I (55%) a avaliação ecográfica pós-natal foi considerada normal. Uma ecografia pós-natal normal não exclui a existência de RVU e, de acordo com os nossos resultados, todos os casos de dilatação da pélvis renal fetal beneficiam, no período pós-natal, de controlos ecográficos seriados e da realização de CUM. A confirmação precoce de RVU e a consequente instituição de quimioprofilaxia podem contribuir para a redução da morbilidade associada à infecção urinária e à nefropatia de refluxo.
The use of multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging (mp-MRI) for prostate cancer has increased over recent years, mainly for detection, staging, and active surveillance. However, suspicion of recurrence in the set of biochemical failure is becoming a significant reason for clinicians to request mp-MRI. Radiologists should be able to recognize the normal post-treatment MRI findings. Fibrosis and atrophic remnant seminal vesicles after prostatectomy are often found and must be differentiated from local relapse. Moreover, brachytherapy, external beam radiotherapy, cryosurgery, and hormonal therapy tend to diffusely decrease the signal intensity of the peripheral zone on T2-weighted images (T2WI) due to the loss of water content, consequently mimicking tumor and hemorrhage. The combination of T2WI and functional studies like diffusion-weighted imaging and dynamic contrast-enhanced improves the identification of local relapse. Tumor recurrence tends to restrict on diffusion images and avidly enhances after contrast administration either within or outside the gland. The authors provide a pictorial review of the normal findings and the signs of local tumor relapse after radical prostatectomy, external beam radiotherapy, brachytherapy, cryosurgery, and hormonal therapy.
OBJECTIVE: Although evidence has shown that ischemic heart disease (IHD) in vascular surgery patients has a negative impact on the prognosis after surgery, it is unclear whether directed treatment of IHD may influence cause-specific and overall mortality. The objective of this study was to determine the prognostic implication of coronary revascularization (CR) on overall and cause-specific mortality in vascular surgery patients. METHODS: Patients undergoing surgery for abdominal aortic aneurysm, carotid artery stenosis, or peripheral artery disease in a university hospital in The Netherlands between January 2003 and December 2011 were retrospectively included. Survival estimates were obtained by Kaplan-Meier and Cox regression analysis. RESULTS: A total of 1104 patients were included. Adjusted survival analyses showed that IHD significantly increased the risk of overall mortality (hazard ratio [HR], 1.50; 95% confidence interval, 1.21-1.87) and cardiovascular death (HR, 1.93; 95% confidence interval, 1.35-2.76). Compared with those without CR, patients previously undergoing CR had similar overall mortality (HR, 1.38 vs 1.62; P = .274) and cardiovascular mortality (HR, 1.83 vs 2.02; P = .656). Nonrevascularized IHD patients were more likely to die of IHD (6.9% vs 35.7%), whereas revascularized IHD patients more frequently died of cardiovascular causes unrelated to IHD (39.1% vs 64.3%; P = .018). CONCLUSIONS: This study confirms the significance of IHD for postoperative survival of vascular surgery patients. CR was associated with lower IHD-related death rates. However, it failed to provide an overall survival benefit because of an increased rate of cardiovascular mortality unrelated to IHD. Intensification of secondary prevention regimens may be required to prevent this shift toward non-IHD-related death and thereby improve life expectancy.
OBJECTIVE/BACKGROUND: The association between socioeconomic status (SES), presentation, and outcome after vascular surgery is largely unknown. This study aimed to determine the influence of SES on post-operative survival and severity of disease at presentation among vascular surgery patients in the Dutch setting of equal access to and provision of care. METHODS: Patients undergoing surgical treatment for peripheral artery disease (PAD), abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA), or carotid artery stenosis between January 2003 and December 2011 were retrospectively included. The association between SES, quantified by household income, disease severity at presentation, and survival was studied using logistic and Cox regression analysis adjusted for demographics, and medical and behavioral risk factors. RESULTS: A total of 1,178 patients were included. Low income was associated with worse post-operative survival in the PAD cohort (n = 324, hazard ratio 1.05, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.00-1.10, per 5,000 Euro decrease) and the AAA cohort (n = 440, quadratic relation, p = .01). AAA patients in the lowest income quartile were more likely to present with a ruptured aneurysm (odds ratio [OR] 2.12, 95% CI 1.08-4.17). Lowest income quartile PAD patients presented more frequently with symptoms of critical limb ischemia, although no significant association could be established (OR 2.02, 95% CI 0.96-4.26). CONCLUSIONS: The increased health hazards observed in this study are caused by patient related factors rather than differences in medical care, considering the equality of care provided by the study setting. Although the exact mechanism driving the association between SES and worse outcome remains elusive, consideration of SES as a risk factor in pre-operative decision making and focus on treatment of known SES related behavioral and psychosocial risk factors may improve the outcome of patients with vascular disease.