57 resultados para Paracoccidioidomicose supra-renal


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Introdução: O oncocitoma renal representa 5-7% das neoplasias primárias do rim, é diagnosticado em doentes assintomáticos e caracteriza-se por um comportamento benigno, sem invasão dos tecidos adjacentes ou metastização. O seu diagnóstico no decurso da gravidez é raro, havendo poucos casos descritos na literatura. Caso clínico: Os autores apresentam o caso de uma nulípara de 32 anos com hipertensão arterial de difícil controlo diagnosticada às sete semanas gestacionais com internamento às 24 semanas por quadro de hipertensão crónica agravada com pré-eclâmpsia sobreposta, edema agudo do pulmão e instabilidade hemodinâmica com necessidade de suporte ventilatório mecânico, restrição do crescimento fetal e morte fetal. O estudo etiológico do quadro hipertensivo efectuado no período pós-parto permitiu demonstrar a existência de um tumor renal-oncocitoma. Conclusão: O comportamento clínico do oncocitoma renal permanece mal caracterizado durante a gravidez, podendo associar-se, apesar do seu comportamento teoricamente benigno, a um desfecho materno e fetal adverso. É fundamental excluir uma possível causa secundária nos quadros hipertensivos de difícil controlo.


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Herein we have described the case of a male renal transplant recipient who developed drug fever apparently related to sirolimus. He had been stable under an immunosuppressive regimen of tacrolimus and mycophenolate mofetil, but developed acute cellular rejection at 5 years after transplantation due to noncompliance. Renal biopsy showed marked interstitial fibrosis, and immunosuppression was switched from mycophenolate to sirolimus, maintaining low tacrolimus levels. One month later he was admitted to our hospital for investigation of intermittently high fever, fatigue, myalgias, and diarrhea. Physical examination was unremarkable and drug levels were not increased. Lactic dehydrogenase and C-reactive protein were increased. The blood cell count and chest radiographic findings were normal. After extensive cultures, he was started on broad-spectrum antibiotics. Inflammatory markers and fever worsened, but diarrhea resolved. All serologic and imaging tests excluded infection, immune-mediated diseases, and malignancy. After 12 days antibiotics were stopped as no clinical improvement was achieved. Drug fever was suspected; sirolimus was replaced by mycophenolate mofetil. Fever and other symptoms disappeared after 24 hours; inflammatory markers normalized in a few days. After 1 month the patient was in good health with stable renal function. Although infrequent, the recognition of drug fever as a potential side effect of sirolimus may avoid unnecessary invasive diagnostic procedures. Nevertheless, exclusion of other common causes of fever is essential.


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Allelic differences in gene promoter or codifying regions have been described to affect regulation of gene expression, consequently increasing or decreasing cytokine production and signal transduction responses to a given stimulus. This observation has been reported for interleukin (IL)-10 (-1082 A/G; -819/-592 CT/CA), transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta (codon 10 C/T, codon 25 G/C), tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha (-308 G/A), TNF-beta (+252 A/G), interferon (IFN)-gamma (+874 T/A), IL-6 (-174 G/C), and IL-4R alpha (+1902 G/A). To evaluate the influence of these cytokine genotypes on the development of acute or chronic rejection, we correlated the genotypes of both kidney graft recipients and cadaver donors with the clinical outcome. Kidney recipients had 5 years follow-up, at least 2 HLA-DRB compatibilities, and a maximum of 25% anti-HLA pretransplantation sensitization. The clinical outcomes were grouped as follows: stable functioning graft (NR, n = 35); acute rejection episodes (AR, n = 31); and chronic rejection (CR, n = 31). The cytokine genotype polymorphisms were defined using PCR-SSP typing. A statistical analysis showed a significant prevalence of recipient IL-10 -819/-592 genotype among CR individuals; whereas among donors, the TGF-beta codon 10 CT genotype was significantly associated with the AR cohort and the IL-6 -174 CC genotype with CR. Other albeit not significant observations included a strong predisposition of recipient TGF-beta codon 10 CT genotype with CR, and TNF-beta 252 AA with AR. A low frequency of TNF-alpha -308 AA genotype also was observed among recipients and donors who showed poor allograft outcomes.


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A 31 year old male Caucasian received a renal cadaveric allograft. Reconstruction of an inferior polar artery was corrected pre-implantation. Delayed graft function occurred leading to dialysis support for one month. Graft biopsies(days 7, 15) showed acute tubular necrosis(ATN) and no rejection. Serial ultrasound (US), performed on average weekly, were compatible with ATN. On day 31, Doppler US and a CAT scan suggested for the first time a pseudoaneurysm adjacent to the implantation of the graft artery on the external iliac artery. For clinical and technical reasons, arteriography was only performed on day 67, when serum creatinine was 3.3 mg/dl. It showed a large pseudoaneurysm with an arteriovenous fistula to the right common iliac vein. Compression of the right external iliac artery was clear. In an attempt to close the arteriovenous fistula, the communication with the pseudoaneurysm was embolised with gelfoam and metallic coils with partial success. One week later, by right femoral approach a covered wallstent was placed immediately below the origin of the graft artery.Subsequent Doppler US and arteriography con-firmed closure of the communication with thepseudoaneurysm and of the arteriovenous fistula. The calibre of the right external iliac artery was then normal. By month 18, serum creatinine is stable at 2.1 mg/dl. We can only speculate on the origin of thepseudoaneurysm and of the AV fistula, whichwere not evident until one month post-transplantation. Backtable surgery was performed on thepolar not the main graft artery. Invasive angiography was irreplaceable in this unusual clinical situation.


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Orthotopic liver transplantation has become the treatment of choice for familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy. The aims of this study were to evaluate the renal complications post orthotopic liver transplantation in familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy and their impact. We retrospectively studied 185 recipients who underwent 217 orthotopic liver transplants. Mean age 36.8±9.5 years, 59% males, 14.3% with renal dysfunction pre orthotopic liver transplantation. Mean follow-up 3.6±3.7 years. Thirty-two patients died. Univariate and multivariate analysis were performed, and p<0.05 was considered significant. Acute kidney injury occurred in 57 patients and renal replacement therapy was needed in 16/57. In multivariate analysis, acute kidney injury was correlated with development of chronic kidney disease (p<0.001). Relating to development of chronic kidney disease, 23.5% had progress to stage 3, 6% to stage 4 and 5.1% to stage 5d. According to Spearmen correlation, risk factors for chronic kidney disease development were age (p<0.001), renal dysfunction pre orthotopic liver transplantation (p<0.001) and acute kidney injury post orthotopic liver transplantation (p<0.001). Mortality was correlated with age (p<0.001), retransplantation need (p=0.004), renal dysfunction pre orthotopic liver transplantation (p<0.001), acute kidney injury post orthotopic liver transplantation (p=0.04), and chronic kidney disease stage 5 (p<0.001). Using binary regression, mortality was correlated with chronic kidney disease development (p=0.02). In conclusion, familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy patients are disposed to renal complications that have a negative impact on the survival of these patients.


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As uropatias malformativas constituem a principalcausa de anomalia neonatal nao letal. Estas anomalias do desenvolvimento devem ser interpretadas com base no conhecimento da morbilidade e, em alguns casos, a mortalidade associada a este tipo de patologia 1,2. As malformações congénitas devem ser pensadas com base no conhecimento da dinâmica do normal desenvolvimento embrionário e dos múltiplos factores reguladores intervenientes, so assim será possivel estabelecer estratégias eficazes de investigação e terapêutica.


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Background: Acute kidney injury in the pandemic swine origin influenza A virus (H1N1) infection has been reported as coursing with severe illness, although renal pathogenic mechanisms and histologic features are still being characterised. Case Report: We present two patients admitted with H1N1 pneumonia, sepsis, acute respiratory distress syndrome and need for invasive mechanical ventilation who developed acute kidney injury and became dialysis-dependent. In both cases a kidney biopsy was performed to establish a definitive diagnosis. Severe acute tubular necrosis was identified, with no further abnormalities. Conclusion: This report seems to confirm that the acute kidney injury in H1N1 infection is focused on the tubular cells. Our cases corroborate the renal histopathologic findings of other studies, highlighting the central role of the tubular cell. We bring new evidence of the histopathology of AKI in H1N1 infection since our data were collected in living patients and not via post-mortem studies.


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HIV-infected patients may be affected by a variety of renal disorders. Portugal has a high incidence of HIV2 infection and a low prevalence of HIV-infected patients under dialysis treatment. The aim of this study was to characterise the type of renal disease in Portuguese HIV-infected patients and to determine if HIV2 infection is associated to renal pathology. Only 60 of the 5158 HIV-infected patients followed in our hospital underwent renal biopsy. Clinical and laboratory data and the type of renal disease were reviewed. Male gender was predominant (76.7%), as was Caucasian race (78.3%). Mean age was 37.9±10.6 years. The majority had criteria for AIDS, 66% were on combined antiretroviral therapy and 18.3% were on dialysis. The predominant lesions were immunecomplex glomerulonephritis (n=19), tubulointerstitial nephropathy (n=12), focal segmental glomerulosclerosis(n=11), followed by HIVAN (n=8). Other patterns(amyloidosis, vasculitis, minimal change lesion) were observed. Only three patients were HIV2 infected, and presented diabetic nephropathy, acute tubular necrosis and tubulointerstitial nephritis. No correlations between clinical findings and renal pathology were found. In conclusion, renal disease in HIV patients has a broad spectrum, and renal biopsy remains the gold standard for establishing the diagnosis and guide treatment. Renal disease is not frequent in HIV2-infected patients, and, when present, is probably not directly associated with HIV infection.


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Renal dysfunction often complicates the course of orthotopic liver transplant recipients and is associated with increased morbid -mortality. The aims of this study were to determine the incidence of chronic renal disease and its impact on patient survival. Clinical data included age, gender and weight,aetiology of hepatic failure, presence of diabetes,hypertension, hepatitis B and C infection, renal dysfunction pretransplant and immunosuppression. Laboratory data included serum creatinine at days 1, 7, 21, month 6, 12 and yearly. The glomerular filtration rate was determined by Cockcroft-Gault equation. We studied retrospectively from September 1992 to March 2007 708 orthotopic liver transplant recipients. Mean age 44±12.6 years, 64% males, 17% diabetic, 18.8% hypertensive, 19.9% with hepatitis C and 3.8% hepatitis B. Renal dysfunction pretransplant was known in 21.6%. Mean follow-up was 3.6 years. Mean transplant survival 75% at 12 months. 154 patients died. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed and a p<0.05 was considered significant. Acute kidney injury occurred in 33.2%. Chronic kidney disease stage 3 was observed in 34.3%,stage 4 in 6.2% and stage 5 in 5.1%. At the time of this study, 46.4% were on Cyclosporine A, 44.7% on tacrolimus and 8.9% on sirolimus. Using multivariate analysis, renal dysfunction was correlated with renal dysfunction pre -orthotopic liver transplant (p<0.001), acute kidney injury (p<0.001), haemodialysis development (p<0.001), and inversely correlated with the use of mycophenolate mophetil (p<0.001); mortality was positively correlated with renal dysfunction pretransplant (p=0.03),chronic kidney disease stage 4 (p=0.001), chronic kidney disease stage 5 (p<0.001) and inversely correlated with the use of tacrolimus (p=0.006). In conclusion orthotopic liver transplant recipients are disposed to renal complications that have a negative impact on survival of these patients.