94 resultados para Hospital Baptista de Sousa
Objectivo: Avaliar e comparar com a população geral o nível de conhecimento sobre a doença e o seu tratamento em doentes com glaucoma. Doentes e Métodos: Noventa doentes com glaucoma e 90 doentes sem glaucoma foram entrevistados no departamento de glaucoma e de consulta geral do Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Central. Foi solicitado o preenchimento de um questionário validado sobre a doença e o seu tratamento. Foram registados dados demográficos. Resultados: Dezoito porcento e 51% dos doentes,respectivamente, com glaucoma e controlo, desconheciam a doença. Em 6 das 22 perguntas, mais de 50% dos doentes responderam acertadamente. Em 16 perguntas o número de respostas correctas dos doentes foi inferior a 50%. Os doentes com glaucoma têm um nível de conhecimentos superior (p=7,9x10-6) ao grupo controlo. O nível de conhecimento é maior quanto maior a duração da doença (p=0,03) e o nível de escolaridade (p=0,0065). Comentários: Os doentes com glaucoma têm um nível de conhecimentos sobre a sua doença superior ao grupo controlo, não obstante ambos os grupos terem um conhecimento insuficiente. Devem ser tomadas medidas de prevenção primária e secundária, com recurso a material educacional, com o objectivo de melhorar os conhecimentos dos doentes e consequentemente a compliance.
The field of action for rehabilitation is that of making use of the patient's maximum functional capacity with the purpose of adapting to life in relation to the environment. Rehabilitation must commence immediately, although it may be in different forms from the acute phase to sequelae. It is considered appropriate to call the physiatrist as soon as the neurologic condition has stabilised. A list is made of the measures to be taken for rehabilitation in the acute phase and sequelae, and the composition of the rehabilitation team is described. In what concerns location, where to rehabilitate the patient? The group of ambulatory patients should have their rehabilitation as outpatients. Our experience with house calls is briefly described. The group of patients who cannot walk, those that present an eminently motor condition, with the possibility of being able to walk, should be with their families, with transport provided to health and rehabilitation centres. The second group, with the capacity of walking within a reasonable time, especially if with multiple associated problems such as impaired communication, should be hospitalised in a rehabilitation department. The third group consists of severely handicapped patients, for whom a solution must be found that provides life with a minimum of dignity in centres or homes. From among the measures to be introduced, we point out following: acquisition of transport for patients who must travel, as outpatients, to the department; providing family doctors with complete freedom to refer their patients to rehabilitation centres.
As úlceras de perna constituem uma importante patologia causando uma diminuição da qualidade de vida, hospitalizações frequentes e aumento da mortalidade e morbilidade. Têm uma incidência de 1% na população adulta, sendo que esta incidência atinge níveis de 10% nos escalões etários superiores a 70 anos. Cerca de 95% das úlceras são venosas, arteriais, mistas ou diabéticas, sendo as mais frequentes as úlceras venosas (70 a 80%). Com o objectivo de optimizar o tratamento e acompanhamento dos doentes com esta patologia, foi criada em 2002 uma Consulta de Referência Multidisciplinar de Úlcera de Perna, no Hospital dos Capuchos. Simultaneamente foi estabelecido um protocolo de referenciação/ tratamento com os Centros de Saúde da Unidade B da Sub-região de Saúde de Lisboa. Neste protocolo o doente é observado no contexto de uma equipa multidisciplinar. Os autores fizeram um estudo retrospectivo dos doentes observados nesta consulta no período entre 2002 e 1º semestre de 2006. Foram observados e acompanhados 294 novos doentes, tendo 80% idade superior a 60 anos. Em relação à etiologia das úlceras, 51,3% (n=151) eram venosas, 35,4% (n=104) eram diabéticas e 6,8% (n=20) eram arteriais. A área média das úlceras foi 23,9cm2 e o número médio de úlceras foi 1,6. A duração das úlceras tinha em 42,3% dos casos um período superior a 6 meses. Das 199 culturas positivas, 40,2% apresentavam Staphylococcus aureus, sendo 21,2% destes MRSA. Com o protocolo instituído, foi obtida uma taxa de cicatrização de 72,2%. 45,9% dos doentes tiveram uma cicatrização total da úlcera em menos de 2 meses, resultados estes que são muito positivos face às taxas de cicatrização de 6 meses referidas na literatura.
Leg ulcers constitute a highly prevalent pathology in society, and are particularly common in the Angiology and Vascular Surgery outpatient clinic. The prevalence of these patients in this Department result from the fact that 70% of them display superficial and/or deep venous insufficiency of the lower limbs. To address this problem and optimize the therapeutic approaches available to the Chronic Leg Ulcer (CLU) patients, the Department of Angiology and Vascular Surgery has created, in March 2005, an appointment specific to CLU patients. An evaluation protocol was developed, including ulcer characterization, standardization of the conservative treatment, followed by surgical intervention, whenever required. The results obtained were evaluated 18 months after the onset of this protocol. Analysis of the results revealed that the majority of the patients responded positively to the new therapeutic approach, with closure of the ulcer in 43% of the patients and a significant improvement detected for an additional 30%. Furthermore, it was observed that a detailed evaluation of these patients should be regarded as a whole, followed by a standardized and targeted approach, resulting in a particularly successful approach on the treatment of this pathology.
INTRODUCTION: Primary angioplasty is accepted as the preferred treatment for acute myocardial infarction in the first 12 hours. However, outcomes depend to a large extent on the volume of activity and experience of the center. Continuous monitoring of methods and results obtained is therefore crucial to quality control. OBJECTIVE: To describe the demographic, clinical and angiographic characteristics as well as in-hospital outcomes of patients undergoing primary PCI in a high-volume Portuguese center. We also aimed to identify variables associated with in-hospital mortality in this population. METHODS: This was a retrospective registry of consecutive primary PCIs performed at Santa Marta Hospital between January 2001 and August 2007. Demographic, clinical, and angiographic characteristics and in-hospital outcomes were analyzed. Independent predictors of in-hospital mortality were identified by multivariate logistic regression analysis. RESULTS: A total of 1157 patients were identified, mean age 61+/-12 years, 76% male. Mean pain-to-balloon time was 7.6 hours and primary angiographic success was 88%. Overall in-hospital mortality was 6.9%, or 5.5% if patients presenting in cardiogenic shock were excluded from the analysis. Previous history of heart failure, cardiogenic shock on admission, invasive ventilatory support, major hemorrhage, and age over 75 years were found to be associated with increased risk of in-hospital death. Conclusions: In this center primary PCI is effective and safe. Angiographic success rates and in-hospital mortality and morbidity are similar to other international registries. Patients at increased risk for adverse outcome can be identified by simple clinical characteristics such as advanced age, cardiogenic shock on admission, mechanical ventilation and major hemorrhage during hospitalization.
BACKGROUND: ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) with the culprit lesion in the left main artery is a rare cardiac emergency with a poor prognosis. OBJECTIVE: Review and prognosis evaluation of primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) performed in the setting of STEMI with left main occlusion in a single high-volume center. METHODS: Of the 483 primary or rescue PCIs performed and followed in our hospital during a 24-month period (August 2004 to July 2006), we retrospectively evaluated those involving left main procedures and analyzed in-hospital mortality and major cardiac events (MACE) in a 12-month follow-up. We found nine patients, age 68 +/- 9 years, five male, seven with multivessel disease and two with isolated left main disease. Rescue PCI was performed in three patients and primary PCI in the others. RESULTS: Seven patients presented in cardiogenic shock and two were classified in Killip class II on admission. Inotropic drugs, intra-aortic balloon pump and abciximab were used in eight patients. Drug-eluting stents were used in six patients, bare-metal stents in two, and isolated balloon angioplasty in one. Five patients (55%) died in the hospital and the four discharged home (two of them aged 81 and 82 years) were still alive and free from MACE at 12-month follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: Clinical presentation of STEMI with the culprit lesion in the left main artery was very severe. During PCI, drug-eluting stents, intra-aortic balloon pump and abciximab were used in almost all patients. This entity had a high mortality rate even though primary PCI was performed. Those who survived had a good mid-term prognosis.
INTRODUCTION: The use of drug-eluting stents in the context of mechanical reperfusion following ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (MI) was initially viewed with concern. The main fear was that the drugs' action in unstable lesions could increase the risk of thrombotic stent occlusion. Furthermore, there was no evidence that the proven benefit of reduced instent restenosis could be extended to such patients, since they were excluded from the initial clinical trials. OBJECTIVES: To assess the safety and long-term clinical outcomes of the use of drug-eluting stents in primary angioplasty. METHODS: The first 100 consecutive and non-selected patients admitted for MI and treated by primary angioplasty with drug-eluting stent implantation in the target lesion were analyzed retrospectively. The efficacy and safety of the procedure, in-hospital clinical evolution and the occurrence of major adverse cardiac events in the first year were assessed. RESULTS: Patients' mean age was 58.2 +/- 11.5 years, and 78 were male. The success rate of primary angioplasty was 99%. Stents coated with sirolimus were used in 67 patients, paclitaxel in 19 and dexamethasone in 16. In-hospital mortality was 3%. The follow-up rate at 12 months was 98%. During this period, the rate of target vessel revascularization was 1% (with no patient requiring target lesion revascularization), MI 2%, and overall mortality 3.9%. Fourteen patients had clinical indication for repeat coronary angiography, which showed no significant in-stent restenosis. One event was considered to be due to acute stent thrombosis. The incidence of major adverse events was 5.9%. CONCLUSION: The use of drug-eluting stents in MI patients undergoing primary mechanical revascularization is safe and is associated with a reduced incidence of major adverse events, thrombosis and clinical restenosis at one year.
A Tuberculose é uma doença altamente contagiosa que atinge sobretudo idosos e pessoas com maior vulnerabilidade, embora afecte também a população activa, em particular os mais expostos como os profissionais de saúde. A sua transmissão é potenciada por factores demográficos, pela urbanização, pelo aparecimento de formas resistentes à medicação habitual e pela associação à infecção por VIH. Apresenta-se o modelo, estratégia, métodos e resultados da intervenção de prevenção do risco profissional de Tuberculose no CHL/Hospital S. José desenvolvida pelo Serviço de Saúde Ocupacional (SSO). O SSO é constituído por equipa multiprofissional composta por Medicina do Trabalho, Ergonomia, Higiene e Toxicologia, Psicologia e Segurança do Trabalho, e inclui uma componente técnica orientada para os problemas de saúde no trabalho e a prevenção dos riscos ocupacionais, e uma componente clínica vocacionada para os problemas de saúde individual e o atendimento na doença aguda e crónica, assegurando cuidados de saúde personalizados e integrados (primários, secundários e terciários), com ênfase na prevenção primária e promoção da saúde no trabalho. A equipa de Enfermagem intervém na mediação e personalização dos cuidados da Medicina do Trabalho e da área clínica, interagindo com a equipa técnica no que se refere aos problemas da saúde no trabalho. No Hospital trabalham cerca de 2500 profissionais (68%do sexo feminino), dos quais os grupos profissionais mais representativos correspondem à enfermagem (29%), auxiliares (25,8%) e médicos (19,5%), apresentando diferentes factores de vulnerabilidade, predisposição e doença associados a hábitos, comportamentos e estilos de vida, e a riscos particulares das tarefas da sua actividade. O SSO iniciou a intervenção sistemática de prevenção e controlo do risco de Tuberculose nos profissionais do Hospital em Abril de 1996 com a disponibilização do rastreio activo, em colaboração com o Centro de Diagnóstico Pneumológico da Praça do Chile, o qual representa, até ao presente, a maior adesão registada em hospitais do país. Reflecte-se o nível de risco de exposição ocupacional dos profissionais à tuberculose, particularidades de risco dos cenários e adequação da protecção individual, isolamento e ventilação; o rastreio activo (Mantoux, Rx tórax) inicial, periódico conforme o nível de risco, após exposição e em profissionais com vulnerabilidade – Mantoux negativos, imunocomprometidos (VIH, corticoterapia, imunossupressão, insuficiência renal, …); a informação personalizada aos profissionais, formação individual e de grupo, em sala e no local de trabalho; e os resultados (taxa de Tuberculose latente, taxa de viragem tuberculínica, quimioprofilaxia, Tuberculoses profissionais).
Infective endocarditis (IE) is now rare in developed countries, but its prevalence is higher in elderly patients with prosthetic valves, diabetes, renal impairment, or heart failure. An increase in health-care associated IE (HCAIE) has been observed due to invasive maneuvers (30% of cases). Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and Enterococcus are the most common agents in HCAIE, causing high mortality and morbidity. We review complications of IE and its therapy, based on a patient with acute bivalvular left-sided MRSA IE and a prosthetic aortic valve, aggravated by congestive heart failure, stroke, acute immune complex glomerulonephritis, Candida parapsilosis fungémia and death probably due to Serratia marcescens sepsis. The HCAIE was assumed to be related to three temporally associated in-hospital interventions considered as possible initial etiological mechanisms: overcrowding in the hospital environment,iv quinolone therapy and red blood cell transfusion. Later in the clinical course,C. parapsilosis and S. marcescens septicemia were considered to be possible secondary etiological mechanisms of HCAIE.