42 resultados para Cutaneous asthenia
Rodents are the most frequently used animals in surgical experimentation. It is estimated that guinea pigs in particular are the third most commonly used species in this context. To disinfect guinea pigs’ skin, either alcohol or surgical iodine are most often used. In the context of an animal research project, a Nissen operation was performed in an adult male guinea pig. Because of accidental contamination of the operative field, a 10% povidone-iodine cutaneous solution was applied to the serosa of the anterior wall of the stomach and to the gastric fundus. The guinea pig died 12 hours after surgery due to an acute necrotizing hemorrhagic gastritis. Although there have been a few reports of povidone-iodine toxicity in the guinea pig, as far as the authors could determine, this is the first time that such a serious abdominal complication is reported. The authors believe that the possibility of a similar event should be taken into consideration when planning, executing and interpreting experiments in the guinea pig.
A larva migrans cutânea é frequente em regiões tropicais e sub-tropicais e é causada pela migração de larvas de nemátodos na pele. O diagnóstico é efectuado essencialmente pelas características epidemiológicas da dermatose e pela sua semiologia clínica. Geralmente o tratamento é bem sucedido com albendazol ou ivermectina. Descreve-se o caso clínico de uma mulher de 54 anos que regressou de férias na Jamaica há cerca de 15 dias. A doente iniciou no local, uma pápula eritematosa, bem delimitada, com 2mm de largura no bordo externo do pé esquerdo, progredindo em trajecto serpiginoso pela planta até atingir o bordo interno do pé. Negava febre ou outros sintomas associados. Clinicamente a dermatose era muito sugestiva de larva migrans cutânea pelo que se institui terapêutica com albendazol. O presente caso serve para relembrar uma dermatose pouco frequente em Portugal. Pretende-se também alertar para o reconhecimento precoce desta dermatose, que apesar de autolimitada é motivo de grande ansiedade para os doentes.
A larva migrans cutânea representa uma das dermatoses mais frequentes nos turistas que regressam de países tropicais e sub-tropicais. O agente mais frequente é a larva Ancylostoma brasiliensis que habita no intestino de cães e gatos. Os humanos são afetados quando contatam com solo contaminado com os excrementos de animais infetados. Apresentamos o caso de uma professora, 39 anos de idade, natural e residente em Portugal que, após regressar de férias no Nordeste do Brasil, refere dermatose localizada à 4ª prega interdigital e porção adjacente do dorso dos pés, constituída por várias lesões eritematosas, pruriginosas, de trajecto serpiginoso, compatíveis com larva migrans cutânea. O quadro regrediu após terapêutica com Albendazol. Devido à maior frequência de fluxos migratórios na atualidade, as dermatoses tropicais podem tornar-se mais frequentes nos países de clima temperado. Salienta-se a importância do aconselhamento dos turistas para a prevenção desta dermatose, nomeadamente através do uso de calçado protetor.
A xerose cutânea é um motivo frequente de consulta de dermatologia. O seu tratamento passa pela identificação da causa subjacente. Os autores descrevem o caso clínico de um doente do sexo masculino, 49 anos, que recorre a consulta de dermatologia por xerose cutânea severa com início há cerca de 4 meses. Referia também prurido intenso, xerose bucal e cansaço fácil. Dos antecedentes pessoais destacava-se tiroidectomia total há 8 meses, estando apenas medicado com cálcio, sem hormonas tiroideias. À apresentação, o doente tinha voz grave, edema palpebral, macroglossia, xerose cutânea severa generalizada com áreas de eczema craquelé nos membros, hiperqueratose folicular dorsal, hiperlinearidade das linhas das mãos, tonalidade cutânea palmoplantar amarelada e bradicárdia. Analiticamente, registava-se elevação das transaminases, hipercolesterolémia, hipertrigliceridémia, elevação da TSH e diminuição da T3 e T4. Salienta-se este caso pela semiologia rica de uma causa endocrinológica iatrogénica de xerose cutânea severa.
Introdução: A designação de mastocitose engloba várias entidades clinicamente distintas caracterizadas pela acumulação tissular de mastócitos. A pele é o órgão mais frequentemente envolvido. Consideram-se 4 padrões clínicos de mastocitose cutânea: urticária pigmentosa (UP), mastocitose cutânea difusa, mastocitoma e telangiectasia macularis eruptiva perstans. Na infância, a doença é habitualmente autolimitada e exclusivamente cutânea. Material e Métodos: Apresenta-se um estudo retrospetivo dos doentes com mastocitose cutânea observados na Consulta de Dermatologia Pediátrica do Hospital de Curry Cabral entre 2001 e 2010. Resultados: Foram englobados 32 doentes (20 do sexo masculino e 12 do sexo feminino). Em 90.6% dos casos, as manifestações surgiram antes dos 2 anos. Apenas foram observadas UP (53,1%) e mastocitomas (46,9%). O tronco e a raíz dos membros foram as localizações preferenciais. O sinal de Darier estava presente em 87,5% dos casos (94,1% das UP e 80% dos mastocitomas). As manifestações associadas foram: prurido (40,6%), formação de bolha (28,1%), flushing (18,8%) e dermografismo(12,5%). Não foram documentados casos de mastocitose sistémica. Dois doentes tinham história familiar de mastocitose cutânea. Não foram detetadas alterações laboratoriais significativas. Nos 16 casos determinados, os níveis séricos de Triptase-alfa foram normais. Discussão: Estes resultados estão de acordo com a literatura, nomeadamente em relação às formas clínicas mais frequentes, localizações habituais, elevada frequência do sinal de Darier e idade precoce de início. Quando determinados, os níveis séricos de Triptase-alfa foram normais, o que está de acordo com a ausência de envolvimento sistémico. A maior prevalência no sexo masculino tem sido relatada em alguns estudos.
As reacções adversas a fármacos (RAF) representam um problema frequente na prática clínica. A alergia a fármacos resulta de mecanismos de hipersensibilidade imunológica e representa 6-10% do total de RAF. Clinicamente, as reacções alérgicas a fármacos podem ser classificadas como imediatas (tipo I) ou não-imediatas (com manifestações clínicas diversas e associadas sobretudo a reacções de tipo IV). Neste artigo são abordados aspectos gerais, nomeadamente os mecanismos imunopatogénicos implicados na alergia a fármacos e reactividade cruzada mas também as manifestações cutâneas mais relevantes, nomeadamente exantemas máculo-papulares, eritema fixo a fármacos (EFF), pustulose exantemática aguda generalizada (PEAG), síndrome de hipersensibilidade a fármacos (DRESS – drug rash with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms), síndrome de Stevens-Johnson/necrólise epidérmica tóxica (SSJ/NET). O papel dos testes cutâneos (epicutâneos ou intradérmicos de leitura tardia) na abordagem de reacções não-imediatas é também revisto. Os beta-lactâmicos (BL) são o grupo farmacológico mais frequentemente envolvido em reacções de hipersensibilidade imunológica e que mais dificuldades coloca na prática clínica diária, nomeadamente devido aos riscos de reactividade cruzada, pelo que é analisado em maior detalhe ao longo da revisão. A indução de tolerância a fármacos poderá ser considerada em casos selecionados, sobretudo quando na ausência de alternativas terapêuticas igualmente eficazes ou seguras.
O diagnóstico dos sarcomas cutâneos é desafiante, devido à complexidade e heterogeneidade deste grupo de lesões, cuja apresentação nos tecidos superficiais (pele e tecido celular subcutâneo) impõe diagnóstico diferencial obrigatório com tumores benignos e processos inflamatórios. Apesar de serem tumores pouco frequentes alguns tipos assumem grande importância por serem localmente invasivos, com elevada morbi-mortalidade associada, taxas de recidiva local e metastização significativas. Os autores apresentam cinco casos clínico-patológicos de sarcomas cutâneos – sarcoma de Kaposi, dermatofibrossarcoma protuberans, fibroxantoma atípico, leiomiossarcoma e angiossarcoma – e fazem uma breve revisão da literatura sobre os tipos de sarcoma cutâneo com maior interesse na Dermatologia, salientando os aspectos fisiopatológicos, clínicos, histopatológicos e terapêuticos particulares.
A 27 year-old-man, with no known personal or familial history of disease, mentioned a 10-year history of asymptomatic groups of telangiectasias, with a Blaschko lines distribution on the right lateral aspect of the neck and asymptomatic. He denied any episodes of disease or drug intake that could be associated with the disease. Blood work had no changes, namely of liver enzymes or infectious serologies. The clinical diagnosis of Idiopathic Acquired Unilateral Nevoid Telangiectasia was made, an uncommon, benign vascular malformation. The patient declined doing a cutaneous biopsy or treatment with a cosmetic intent.
A sarcoidose é uma doença granulomatosa multissistémica de etiologia desconhecida. O envolvimento cutâneo pode ocorrer, sendo classificado de específico ou inespecífico, dependendo da presença ou ausência de granulomas no exame histopatológico da pele. A forma subcutânea é uma forma particular e mais rara de apresentação e constitui o único subtipo que se crê estar associado a doença sistémica.
Chronic leg ulcers are persistent conditions that might be a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge, with great impact in health care costs and patients’ quality of life. We report a case of a 60-year-old woman, with long-lasting recalcitrant leg ulcers, which led to left leg amputation 10 years ago. Several attempts to heal the right leg were made, including skin grafting in three different occasions and several surgical debridements, all with unsatisfactory outcome. Some months before the ulcers began, the patient had been diagnosed with undifferentiated connective tissue disease because of arthralgia and positive antinuclear antibodies, therefore low dose systemic corticosteroids and azathioprine were prescribed. For the last 4 years she has been followed in our department and since then no evidence of clinical or laboratorial criteria for autoimmune diseases was found, thus the immunosuppressive therapy was stopped. She maintained ever since a high rheumatoid factor but without other evidence of autoimmune disease. Medical history was otherwise irrelevant. Several cutaneous biopsies were performed, with no evidence of malignancy or vasculitis. Recently, cryoglobulins became positive, with type 2b cryoglobulin identification on immunofluorescence. Serology for Hepatitis C virus was consistently negative, hence an Essential type 2 Cryoglobulinemia diagnosis was established. No renal impairment, vascular purpura, arthralgia or arthritis was found. The authors emphasize the importance of considering less common etiologies for chronic leg wounds, even in the absence of other suggestive symptomatology, as well as the pertinence of reconsidering diagnosis in highly suspect cases.
Adnexal skin tumours are rare conditions, and often clinically indistinguishable from other cutaneous neoplasms. Porocarcinoma, a sweat gland malignant tumour, is more commonly found on extremities. Few reports in other anatomic locations can be found in the literature, and those arising on the scalp are even scarcer. The authors report the case of an 84-year-old diabetic man, with a tumour on the left parietal region for 1 year, which histopathological features were consistent with porocarcinoma. The importance of histopathologic diagnosis is hereby emphasized by the more aggressive behaviour of this tumour, therefore requiring clinical actuation accordingly.
Blastic plasmacytoid dendritic cell neoplasm is a rare and aggressive hematodermic neoplasia with frequent cutaneous involvement and leukemic dissemination. We report the case of a 76-year-old man with a 2 month history of violaceous nodules and a tumor with stony consistency, located on the head, and mandibular, cervical and supraclavicular lymphadenopathies. Multiple thoracic and abdominal adenopathies were identified on computerized tomography. Flow cytometry analysis of the skin, lymph node and bone marrow biopsies demonstrated the presence of plasmocytoid dendritic cell neoplastic precursor cells (CD4+, CD45+, CD56+ and CD123+ phenotype). After initial clinical and laboratorial complete remission with chemotherapy, the patient died due to relapse of the disease associated with the appearance of a cervical mass with medullary compromise.
Generalized pustular psoriasis is an unstable inflammatory type of psoriasis, with widespread areas of erythema and sterile pustules, associated with fever and systemic symptoms. Infliximab is a monoclonal antibody with anti-TNFalpha activity, approved for use in psoriasis. We describe a male patient with a long history of stable arthropathic psoriasis, hospitalized with a generalized pustular psoriasis and acute exacerbation of articular complaints. The disease was resistant to multiple therapies (acitretin, methotrexate and corticosteroids), so the patient was started on infliximab, with a very rapid response of both cutaneous and articular symptoms. He had complete clearing of lesions at week 12, and marked improvement of the articular symptoms. No recurrence occurred at 8 months of follow-up with infliximab every 8 weeks. Infliximab had an extremely rapid therapeutic action response on a recalcitrant generalized pustular psoriasis. The articular response was also excellent, with significant improvement of quality of life.
Background: Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα) antagonists are effective in treating several immune-inflammatory diseases, including psoriasis and inflammatory bowel disease. The paradoxical and unpredictable induction of psoriasis and psoriasiform skin lesions is a recognized adverse event, although of unclear aetiology. However, histological analysis of these eruptions remains insufficient, yet suggesting that some might constitute a new pattern of adverse drug reaction, rather than true psoriasis. Case report: The authors report the case of a 43-year-old woman with severe recalcitrant Crohn disease who started treatment with infliximab. There was also a personal history of mild plaque psoriasis without clinical expression for the past eight years. She developed a heterogeneous cutaneous eruption of psoriasiform morphology with pustules and crusts after the third infliximab infusion. The histopathological diagnosis was of a Sweet-like dermatosis. The patient was successfully treated with cyclosporine in association with both topical corticosteroid and vitamin D3 analogue. Three weeks after switching to adalimumab a new psoriasiform eruption was observed, histologically compatible with a psoriasiform drug eruption. Despite this, and considering the beneficial effect on the inflammatory bowel disease, it was decided to maintain treatment with adalimumab and to treat through with topicals, with progressive control of skin disease. Discussion: Not much is known about the pathogenesis of psoriasiform eruptions induced by biological therapies, but genetic predisposition and Koebner phenomenon may contribute to it. Histopathology can add new facets to the comprehension of psoriasiform reactions. In fact, histopathologic patterns of such skin lesions appear to be varied, in a clear asymmetry with clinical findings. Conclusion: The sequential identification in the same patient of two clinical and histopathologic patterns of drug reaction to TNFα antagonists is rare. Additionally, to the authors’ knowledge, there is only one other description in literature of a TNFα antagonist-induced Sweet-like dermatosis, emphasizing the singularity of this case report.
The term “mastocytosis” denotes a heterogeneous group of disorders characterised by abnormal growth and accumulation of mast cells (MC) in one or more organ systems. Symptoms result from MC chemical mediator’s release, pathologic infiltration of neoplastic MC in tissues or both. Multiple molecular, genetic and chromosomal defects seem to contribute to an autonomous growth, but somatic c-kit D816V mutation is more frequently encountered, especially in systemic disease. We present a literature review of mastocytosis and a rare case report of an 18 month-old-girl with a bullous dermatosis, respiratory distress and anaphylaxis, as clinical manifestations of mastocytosis. The developments of accepted classification systems and novel useful markers allowed a re-evaluation and updating of the classification of mastocytosis. In paediatric age cutaneous forms of disease prevail and may regress spontaneously. SM is more frequently diagnosed in adults and is a persistent(clonal) disease of bone marrow. The clinical course in these patients is variable.Today diagnostic criteria for each disease variant are reasonably well defined. There are, however, peculiarities, namely in paediatric age, that makes the diagnostic approach difficult. Systemic disease may pose differential diagnostic problems resulting from multiple organ systems involvement. Coversly, the “unexplained” appearance of those symptoms with no skin lesions should raise the suspicion of MC disease. This case is reported in order to stress the clinical severity and difficult diagnostic approach that paediatric mastocytosis may assume.