65 resultados para Camp Burnt Gin


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O carcinoma cervical como neoplasia frequente e importante causa de morbilidade e mortalidade feminina está intimamente relacionado com a infecção pelo Papiloma Vírus Humano (HPV). No entanto, esta infecção não é condição suficiente para a transformação maligna. O contributo das hormonas esteróides tem demonstrado ser um cofactor cada vez mais plausível. Os estrogénios e a progesterona parecem ser candidatos para esta transformação através, quer de efeitos tróficos independentes, quer por sinergia com a infecção a HPV. Este artigo resume alguns conceitos propostos como hipótese, nesta nova abordagem, para a compreensão da fisiopatologia do carcinoma cervical, onde a possibilidade terapêutica consequente evidencia a importância da sua investigação.


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A menorragia é uma causa importante de ansiedade e desconforto na mulher. Esta patologia diminui a qualidade de vida e aumenta o número de consultas na área da Ginecologia, com consequente aumento de custos. Material e métodos: Foi efectuado um questionário por telefone e na consulta de Ginecologia da MAC, a 54 das 69 mulheres que colocaram sistema intra-uterino com levonorgestrel no período de Setembro de 2002 a Setembro 2004. Foram avaliados os seguintes parâmteros: medicação anterior, padrão hemorrágico, efeitos secundários e grau de satisfação. Resultados: Ocorreu expulsão em 11,6% dos casos. Não houve remoções motivadas por efeitos secundários. O grau de satisfação foi de 90,7%. Em 87% dos casos voltariam a colocar e 83,3% das utentes aconselhariam este método a outra mulher. Conclusão: O sistema intra-uterino com levonorgestrel é bem aceite e tem uma elevada eficácia no controle da menorragia. O spotting pós inserção é mais frequente nos primeiros 6 a 12 meses, levando a uma diminuição da compliance caso não haja uma explicação prévia dos possíveis efeitos secundários.


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Objectivo: Apresentar os resultados da primeira aplicação da nova tecnologia – Métrica Vertebral – na análise da posição 3D do vértice de cada uma das apófises espinhosas, em mulheres grávidas. Material e Métodos: O Métrica Vertebral foi aplicado a mulheres, sem patologia associada, em quatro momentos da gravidez (12, 20, 32, 37 semanas de gestação). Aplicaram-se modelos lineares univariados. Resultados: Observou-se que as diferenças que ocorrem ao longo da gravidez são mais significativas ao nível da posição y (anteroposterior). Verificou-se, igualmente, que existe uma correlação biomecânica positiva entre a posição do vértice de cada uma das vértebras com a posição homóloga das restantes. Discussão/Conclusão: Através do Métrica Vertebral foi possível obter resultados inovadores na análise biomecânica da coluna vertebral. É um dispositivo que tem diferentes aplicações podendo ser facilmente adoptado em áreas como ortopedia, neurocirurgia, pediatria e reabilitação. É de realçar ainda que este instrumento não se esgota na amostra da presente investigação pois pode ser futuramente aplicada à população em geral.


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BACKGROUND: In situ breakage of Implanon® is a rare occurrence with unknown clinical significance. Authors report two different cases of broken Implanon® of women attended at our Family Planning Clinic. DISCUSSION: In situ implants may spontaneously and asymptomatically break, although some uncertainty relies on whether that situation has a real impact on the contraceptive effectiveness or on bleeding patterns. Even more, it can be argued if, as a result of an occurrence of that nature, the implant shall or shall not be removed before the envisaged 3-year period of effectiveness. CONCLUSION: Currently, the clinical significance of implant breakage remains unknown. The decision to remove a broken or bent implant should be based on clinical judgements considering patients' wishes.


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Para além de um risco aumentado de trombose materna, a trombofilia em recentemente vindo a ser associada várias complicações obstétricas. Neste artigo é efectuada uma revisão sobre as eventuais implicações para a gravidez desta entidade.


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Os autores realizaram um estudo retrospectivo em 586 ABF efectuadas no período de um ano no serviço de ginecologia da MAC, com o objectivo de investigar o valor da aspiração biópsia fraccionada no diagnóstico precoce do carcinoma do endométrio e seus precursores e identificar os grupos de maior risco para este tipo de patologia. Foram encontrados 14 casos de adenocarcinoma e 7 hiperplasias. Contudo 2 casos adicionais de carcinoma foram diagnosticados através de outras técnicas. A presença de factores de risco – metrorragias post-menopausa, obesidade, hipertensão, diabetes, nuliparidade e terapêutica estrogénica anterior – influenciaram significativamente os resultados encontrados.


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Overview and Aims: The contraceptive implant is frequently used to provide contraceptive protection over three years. The implant is inserted into the subcutaneous tissue of the upper arm, and should be palpable and easily removed. We evaluated the best imaging strategy for non-palpable implant (Implanon®) localization and removal. Study Design: Retrospective study. Population: A total of 11 women referred to a tertiary care hospital, between October 2009 and January 2012, for localization and removal of their non-palpable implants. Methods: Different localization methods (ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging) were evaluated for non-palpable rod. Results: Seven of the nonpalpable implants were inserted in a health care center, three in a district hospital and one in a private clinic. In three women, the reasons for requesting removal were the end of the implant validity, two wanted to become pregnant, two had weight gain, one had weight loss, one referred irregular bleeding, one had two implants and one did a hysterectomy. In 81.8% (9) of the women, the implants were identified and localized by ultrasound, and successfully removed. In two patients the implant was not found and therefore not removed. Conclusions: In our study, high resolution ultrasound proved to be a sensitive method in implants localization, being the primary choice for determining the location of nonpalpable implants.


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Overview and Aims: Several behavioral and biological factors can make adolescents particularly vulnerable to unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases. The aim of this study was to evaluate sexual behavior and contraceptive use patterns of a population of adolescents. Study Design: Retrospective study. Population: 163 female adolescents attending an Adolescence Unit for the first time, during 2010. Methods: Analysis of clinical charts and assessment of demographic data, smoking and drinking habits, drug use, gynecologic and obstetric history, sexual behavior and contraceptive use. Results: The mean age was 16.04 years (±1.32). 71.7% were students (of these, 70% had failed one or more years and were behind in their studies), 2.5% were working and 23.9% were neither studying or working. 95.1% had already had sexual intercourse and the mean age of first coitus was 14.53 years (±1.24). There was a history of at least one previous pregnancy in 77.3% of the cases. Before the first appointment at the AU, the contraceptive methods used were: the pill (33.2%, but 41.3% of these reported inconsistent use), and the condom (23.9%, with inconsistent use in 28.3% of these cases). 19.6% did not use any contraceptive method.. After counseling at the AU, 54% of the teenagers chose the contraceptive implant and 35% preferred the pill. Adolescents who had already been pregnant preferred a long acting method (namely, the contraceptive implant)in 61.9% of cases; those who had never been pregnant decided to use an oral contraceptive in 67.6% of cases (p<0.001). Conclusions: After counseling the number of teenagers using contraception increased. In this population there were a high number of adolescents with a previous pregnancy. This factor seems to have influenced the choice of the contraceptive method, with most of these adolescents choosing a long-acting method.


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Overview and aims: Fetal growth restriction (FGR) affects 15% of pregnancies and is associated with both increased perinatal and neonatal morbidity and mortality and long-term effects in adult life. Our aim was to describe cases and outcomes of FGR from a tertiary perinatal care centre and identify the predictors of neonatal morbidity and mortality. Study design: retrospective cohort. Population: pregnancies with early or late FGR caused by placental factors followed from 2006 to 2009 in a tertiary perinatal care centre. Methods: we collected data from clinical records on demographics, clinical history and fetal ultrasound parameters. Perinatal and neonatal outcomes were stratiied according to gestational age (above or below 28 weeks) and we used bivariate analysis to identify any associations with clinical and imaging indings. Results: we included 246 pregnancies; hypertension was the most prevalent maternal risk factor (16%). There were 15 cases of early FGR, 11 of which had cesarean delivery due to deterioration of fetal Doppler parameters. Outcomes in this group included one fetal and three neonatal deaths. Of 231 cases of late FGR, 64% were delivered early given a non-reassuring fetal status i.e. due to changes in Doppler evaluation or altered Manning biophysical proile. There were four cases of perinatal death in this group, three of which delivered at 28 weeks. Neonatal morbidity was associated with lower gestational age, lower birthweight and progressive placental dysfunction (p<0.01). Conclusion: there was an association between neonatal morbidity and gestational age, birthweight and Doppler deterioration, particularly for deliveries below 28 weeks. The assessment of vascular changes through Doppler analysis allows anticipation of fetal deterioration and is a helpful tool in deciding the optimum timing of delivery.


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Our objective was to compare the results of ambulatory hysteroscopy in postmenopausal women with and without uterine bleeding. A retrospective descriptive study was carried out on 236 women who were at least 2 years into the menopause, who were not undergoing hormone treatment and who had had abnormal pelvic ultrasound results. Of these women, 150 were asymptomatic and 86 reported haemorrhage. Diagnostic and operative outpatient hysteroscopy was performed between January 2002 and December 2003. There was no difference between the two groups regarding age of patients, age of menopause and presence of at least one of the risk factors for endometrial carcinoma evaluated, although obesity was more frequent in the symptomatic group. Abnormal ultrasound results for these women corresponded in the majority of cases to intracavitary disease, and the absence of organic endometrial pathology was 9.3% vs 11.3% in each group. The more frequent pathology was benign endometrial polyps (64% in bleeding patients and 84.7% in asymptomatic ones). Endometrial carcinoma was diagnosed in 23.3% of women with metrorrhagia and in 1.3% of asymptomatic women. We diagnosed 2.6% of malignancy inside polyps. Hysteroscopy results were confirmed by histology in 90.3% of cases. See and treat in one session was achieved in 91% of benign endometrial polyps. Ambulatory hysteroscopy has high sensitivity and specificity for intracavitary pathology and high tolerability and safety. See and treat in one session can be achieved in the majority of lesions with indication for excision. These results make us advise our menopausal patients with abnormal uterine bleeding to undergo diagnostic hysteroscopy complemented with biopsy.


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Uterine leiomyomas are by far the most common benign tumours of the female genital tract. The true incidence of leiomyomas during pregnancy is, however, unknown. Although leiomyomas usually remain asymptomatic during pregnancy, they may complicate its course. The management of leiomyoma during pregnancy is medical, but, in rare circumstances, surgical intervention and myomectomy may be required. A case of myomectomy in early pregnancy is described.


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The aims of this retrospective review were to determine the frequency of malignant endometrial polyps diagnosed with ambulatory hysteroscopy in the Obstetrics/Gynaecology Department of HDE, Lisbon, between January 2001 and December 2005 and to characterize these cases according to risk factors, sonographic and endoscopic findings tumoral histology, and tumor stage.We found seven cases of malignant endometrial polyps in a total of 1333 polyps initially diagnosed: an incidence rate of 0. 53%. These seven patients had a mean age of 68 years (55–82 years), and all were postmenopausal, with five having one risk factor each for endometrial cancer. Metrorrhagia was present in six of the seven patients(85.7%). Ultrasonography was abnormal in all seven patients, with a mean endometrial thickness of 26 mm(range: 12–44 mm). The hysteroscopy images suggested malignancy in all cases. All except one patient had a single polyp. The polyps had volumes between 1.5 and 3 cm; two were removed completely and five were biopsed. The histological subtype was: mixed endometrioid/serous papillary or clear cell (2), adenocarcinoma with squamous differentiation (2), carcinosarcoma (2), and clear cell carcinoma (1). Malignancy inside polyps is rare, but diagnostic hysteroscopy with visual guided biopsies can identify these cases in the earlier stages. The risk factors are not different from those of other endometrial carcinomas, but the histological subtype seems to point to more aggressive cancers.


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The aim of our study was to access office hysteroscopy results in postmenopausal patients with thickened endometrium. A retrospective descriptive study was carried out on 245 postmenopausal patients submitted to office hysteroscopy after sonographic diagnosis of thickened endometriumin 20 consecutive months.Women were evaluated for age, hormonal therapy, hysteroscopic findings, procedure duration, complications and associated pain, and histological diagnosis. Patients with and without uterine bleeding were considered separately. Symptomatic patients were older and had longer procedure duration. The most frequent hysteroscopic finding was endometrial polyp in both groups. Pain was subjectively assessed in a numeric scale from 0 to 10 and median value was 4. There were no complications reported. Global neoplasia rate was 2.9% for asymptomatic patients and 16.4% for symptomatic ones (p<0.05). Thickened endometrium with postmenopausal metrorrhagia gave patients a significantly higher risk for neoplasia and hyperplasia.


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A morte fetal tardia constitui um desafio para todos os obstetras. Apesar de intervenções efectivas no diagnóstico e terapêutica de algumas patologias como a diabetes gestacional, a pré-eclâmpsia e a taxa de morte fetal tardia mantêm-se desde há uma década relativamente constante, contribuindo de uma forma significativa para a mortalidade perinatal. Neste artigo é efectuada uma revisão de alguns aspectos obstétricos, uma reflexão sobre o conhecimento actual do tema.