287 resultados para HCC PAT CLIN


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Os distúrbios dos lípidos e das lipoproteínas plasmáticas, frequentes em doentes diabéticos insulinodependentes, contribuem significativamente para o risco cardiovascular elevado que estes indivíduos apresentam. Estudos efectuados em crianças e jovens insulinodependentes, demonstram o aparecimento precoce de alterações no metabolismo lipídico, habitualmente associa das e agravadas por um deficiente controle glicémico. Algumas outras alterações mantém-se presentes em crianças diabéticas, mesmo em condições de bom controle glicémico. Aparentemente, as medidas habituais de optimização do controle metabólico não corrigem todas as alterações do perfil lipídico, induzidas pela Diabetes Mellitus. A hiperglicémia induz a maioria das perturbações verificadas, através da estimulação da síntese hepática de triglicéridos, e pela glicolização e oxidação das lipoproteinas e respectivas apolipoproteinas. A carência em insulina, é responsá vel por alterações adicionais, ao interferir na actividade da lipoproteina lipase. O perfil lipídico, em crianças e jovens insulinodependentes, com deficiente controlo metabólico, tende a ser sobre ponível ao descrito para os diabéticos adultos: elevação significativa de triglicéridos, VLDL-Tg, LDL-Tg, VLDL-Col, Apo B e CIII e diminuição do HDL-Col e da Apo AI. Dada a forte corre lação do controle glicémico com a maioria das alterações lipidicas, mesmo em presença de va lores de colesterol e triglicéridos normais, os doseamentos das apolipoproteinas Apo AI, Apo B 100 e de Apo CIII, parecem ser fieis indicadores do controle glicémico, na criança diabética, e factores de elevado valor predictivo de risco cardiovascular, na idade adulta.


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Os autores apresentam um caso de D. Crohn que inicialmente envolveu localizações comuns, e mais tarde um envolvimento raro - gastro-duodenal. Na altura do diagnóstico definitivo deste último, havia já sinais de obstrução à saída do estômago. A terapêutica com Prednisolona IM e Omeprazole não teve qualquer sucesso, havendo necessidade de recorrer à Cirurgia, como último recurso para resolução da obstrução. Faz-se uma revisão teórica sobre os principais aspectos clínicos, de diagnóstico e terapêutica desta forma rara de envolvimento da D. Crohn.


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Os autores fazem a revisão da clínica, do registo da sintomatologia e impacto na qualidade de vida, dos meios auxiliares ao diagnóstico e das atitudes terapêuticas da Hiperplasia benigna da Próstata. Fundamentados nestes dados propõem Orientações Terapêuticas e Recomendações, para quando e como enviar os doentes portadores desta patologia a Urologia. Assim, segundo os critérios definidos neste trabalho, devem ser enviados à Urologia os doentes com sintomatologia importante ou grave, idade inferior a 50 anos, antecedentes de diabetes ou alterações neurológicas, micção francamente alterada, globo vesical, toque rectal com palpação prostática suspeita de neoplasia, hematúria, infecção urinária, insuficiência renal, ou PSA> 4 nglml para idade inferior a 70 anos.


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A Aspergilose é a mais frequente das micoses pulmonares, representando um grupo díspar de doenças de patogénese variável que têm em comum o agente causal - o Aspergillus. Este é saprófita das vias respiratórias, tornando-se patogénico em doentes imunocomprometidos. Existem diferentes formas anatomo-clínicas de Aspergilose, algumas fatais, exigindo um diagnóstico e tratamento atempados. Os autores descrevem um caso de Aspergilose Pulmonar Invasiva num doente submetido a corticoterapia de longa duração. Iniciou terapêutica com Anfotericina B lipossómica, descontinuada por nefrotoxicidade e substituída por Itraconazol, com evolução clínica, laboratorial e radiológica favorável.


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Os autores referem os efeitos secundários, sobre o feto e o recém-nascido, dos antitiroideus de síntese, dos bloqueadores ß, dos iodetos, do iodoradiactivo(131I), carbonato de lítio e tiroxina. Os fármacos mais frequentemente utilizados são os antitiroideus de síntese e a tiroxina. Os riscos dos antitiroideus estão relacionados com o facto de atravessarem a barreira placentar e poderem provocar bócio e hipotiroidismo fetais. As hormonas tiroideias maternas, que atravessam a placenta, são muito importantes para o normal desenvolvimento neuronal de feto durante o primeiro trimestre.


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Using 49 prostatectomized patients as experimental subjects, we studied the effects of Inclometnacin and acetylsalicylic acid â accredited prostaglandin synthetase inhibitors â from a urodynamic and clinical standpoint. Relevant urodynamic data was gathered 1 hr 30 mi after the patients had taken the drugs and placebo. Clinical results were further scrutinized after 8 days of treatment, at which time a new urodynamic workup was again performed on some patients. Results were again studied shortly after the end of treatment. The effect of the drugs on bladder and urethral structures was borne out by clear-ct!t clinical and urodynamic changes. After statistically analyzing such changes, we concluded that prostaglandin synthesis inhibition resulting in the inhibition of prostaglandin action had, at least in part, led to the changes noted. In the present report we shall discuss the role played by the highly complex mechanisms at work.


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This case report is believed to be the first case of Kawasaki disease in Portugal. An otherwise healthy 20 years old female was carefully examined and diagnosis of mucocutaneous lyrnphnode syndrome estab lished, based on: typical clinical picture, exclusion of other mimicking situations and middle term evolution of this patient. The A. A. wish to emphasize their diagnosis complied on C. D. C. criteria for Kawasaki disease. A short up dated briefing on this peculiar entity and geographycal pathology are included in this article.


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Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) is a rare malignant and primary neuroendocrine carcinoma with several known risk factors. Early diagnosis and aggressive treatment are critical. We report the case of an 82-year old woman with a Merkel cell carcinoma on the face. Clinical and histopathological features are presented. In addition, dermoscopic features and the differential diagnosis of this rare tumor are discussed. Although nodules with atypical dermoscopic vascular pattern and milky-red areas will end up being excised, this report adds more clues to the rarely described dermoscopic morphologic presentation of MCC.


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Obesity is increasing vastly in the world, and the number of bariatric surgeries being performed is also increasing. Patients being submitted to bariatric surgeries, especially malabsorptive procedures, have an increased risk of developing nutrient deficiencies, which can culminate in symptomatic hypovitaminosis, if supplementation is not done correctly. The eye and the optic system need an adequate level of several vitamins and minerals to perform properly, especially vitamin A, and this article wants to cover the main nutrients involved, the possible ophthalmic complications that can arise by their deficiency, and the management of those complications.


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A infecção nosocomial não é um problema recente, no entanto assume hoje em dia aspectos importantes, não só pela morbilidade e mortalidade associadas, mas também pelo seu dispêndio em recursos hospitalares. A maior susceptibilidade dos doentes em risco e o aparecimento de agentes cada vez mais resistentes aos antibióticos disponíveis são factores determinantes para a sua gravidade. O Staphylococcus aureus resistente à meticilina e o Clostridium difficile são dois dos agentes mais importantes pela sua frequência, gravidade das infecções que provocam e persistência. Actualmente são preocupação constante em hospitais por todo o mundo. O conhecimento da sua epidemiologia, particularidades clínico-patológicas e tratamento é fundamental para a vigilância e controle deste tipo de infecções por parte dos comités de infecção hospitalar. Por estas razões e por experiência recente com este tipo de infecções em dois hospitais dos E.U.A., me pareceu oportuna a sua abordagem.


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Phacomatosis pigmentovascularis is a rare syndrome characterized by the coexistence of a pigmented nevus and a cutaneous vascular malformation. We report a 5-year-old boy with all the typical findings of phacomatosis pigmentovascularis type Ia. Although its existence according to the traditional classification has been questioned, this case represents a very rare association of a capillary vascular malformation and a common keratinocytic nevus of the soft type.


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Background: Economic evaluations help health authorities facing budget constraints. This study compares the health-related quality of life (HRQOL) and costs in patient subgroups on haemodialysis (HD) and renal transplantation (KT). Methods: In a prospective study with follow-up of 1-3 years, we performed a costutility analysis of KT vs. HD, adopting a lifetime horizon. A societal perspective was taken. Costs for organ procurement, KT eligibility, transplant surgery and follow-up of living donors were included. Key clinical events were recorded. HRQOL was assessed using the EuroQol instrument. Results: The HRQOL remained stable on HD patients. After KT, mean utility score improved at 3 months while mean EQ-VAS scores showed a sustained improvement. Mean annual cost for HD was 32,567.57â¬. Mean annual costs for KT in the year-1 and in subsequent years were, 60,210.09⬠and 12,956.77⬠respectively. Cost for initial hospitalization averaged 18,740.74â¬. HLA-mismatches increased costs by 75% for initial hospitalization (p < 0.001) and 41% in the year-1 (p < 0.05), and duplicate the risk of readmission in the year-1 (p < 0.05). The incremental costutility ratio was 5,534.46â¬/QALY, increasing 35% when costs for organ procurement were added. KT costs were 41,541.63⬠more but provided additional 7.51 QALY. Conclusions: The KT is cost-effective compared with HD. Public funding should reflect the value created by the intervention and adapt to the organ demand.


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In order to establish if neuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythematosus (NPSLE) can be identified by any characteristic other than those used to diagnose the neuropsychiatric (NP) disease itself, we retrospectively reviewed 98 systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients followed over a mean period of 10 years. NPSLE was identified in 22 patients. Stroke and generalized seizures were the most frequent NP manifestations. The NPSLE and non-NPSLE groups were similar with regard to demographic characteristics, ACR criteria, serum autoantibodies, and frequency of hypertension and hypercholesterolemia. Of note, compared to the non-NPSLE group, NPSLE was associated with a higher frequency of smoking (78 versus 26%), organ damage (73 versus 34%), and cumulative mortality rate (14 versus 7%). The series of patients was further analysed according to the presence of antiphospholipid syndrome (APS). Significantly, the interval between the onset of NP disease and SLE diagnosis was shorter in the APS(-) (0.3 ± 1 years) than in the APS(+) (5 ± 7 years) groups. Recurrence and/or persistence of NP events were only documented in the APS(-) group. Overall cumulative mortality was highest in NPSLE and in APS(+) patients with inadequate anticoagulation control, identifying an aspect that requires improved vigilance and the development of novel therapeutic modalities.


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OBJECTIVE: Alcoholic liver disease (ALD) is one of the most important indications for liver transplantation. Discordant conclusions have been found concerning quality of life and mental health after transplantation in this particular group. The aim of this work was to investigate improvements in mental health and quality of life among transplanted patients for ALD. METHODS: We studied 45 consecutive transplant candidates with ALD, attending the outpatient clinics. Among these patients we transplanted 24 with the control candidates remaining in wait for transplantation. RESULTS: There was a significant improvement in all mental health and quality of life dimensions among the transplanted ALD group. We also observed a favorable evolution of coping mechanisms (CM) in this group. CONCLUSION: There is a favorable adjustment of ALD patients after transplantation as shown in CM evolution, which might explain the improved mental health and quality-of-life dimensions.