748 resultados para HDE URG PED


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O Linfoma de Burkitt (LB) gastrintestinal é um subtipo de linfoma não Hodgkin (LNH) que surge com maior frequência no íleon e no cego, sobretudo na sua forma esporádica e na criança. O LB do estômago e do duodeno é particularmente raro e pode manifestar-se de diversas formas. Os autores apresentam dois casos clínicos de LB do estômago e do duodeno, em idade pediátrica.


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Os efeitos do exercício físico na saúde e bem estar são de todos conhecidos. No entanto, na sociedade moderna em que vivemos, este tipo de actividade é por vezes levado aos limites da exaustão po desconhecimento da capacidade do nosso aparelho músculo esquelético nas várias etapas da vida e das mais diversas circunstâncias. Analisamos as alterações estruturais mais frequentes da coluna vertebral nos dois planos - cifoses, lordoses e escolioses - e o seu relacionamento com a actividade física e desportiva. Critérios de inaptidão para o desporto de contacto são outros dos assuntos discutidos neste artigo.


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Bone and joint infections are rare in the neonatal period. They often present with pseudo paralysis of the affected limb due to pain and discomfort caused by movement. The existence of a concomitant neuropathy is a rare and insuffi ciently understood phenomenon with few cases described. The authors report the case of a 7-week infant, born prematurely and with Staphylococcus aureus neonatal sepsis, who presented to the emergency room with a paretic right upper limb. Osteoarticular infection complicated with brachial plexus neuropathy was considered and MRI and electromyography the confi rmed diagnosis. There was a good outcome after antibiotic treatment and functional rehabilitation.


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Acquired factor X deficiency is an extremely rare situation. It has shown to be associated with systemic amyloidosis, respiratory mycoplasma infection, factor X inhibitors, antiphospholipid antibodies, vitamin K defi ciency/liver disease as well as the use of certain medications (meropenem, valproic acid). The pathogenesis and transient nature of this deficit remain poorly understood. The authors describe the case of a teenager hospitalised for extensive burns that developed active bleeding after removal of central venous catheter. He was diagnosed with transient factor X deficiency. Normalisation of coagulation status and factor X levels occurred spontaneously 10 days after the bleeding episode.


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In high-burden countries, Mycobacterium bovis Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine is administered in newborn to prevent severe Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. Because life-threatening disseminated BCG disease may occur in children with primary immunodeficiency, vaccination strategy against tuberculosis should be redefined in non-high-burden countries. We report the case of a patient with X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) who developed disseminated BCG disease, highlighting the specific strategies adopted.


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Community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA) is an emerging public health problem worldwide. Severe invasive infections have been described, mostly associated with the presence of Panton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL). In Portugal limited information exists regarding CA-MRSA infections. In this study we describe the case of a previously healthy 12-year-old female, sport athlete, who presented to the hospital with acetabulofemoral septic arthritis, myositis, fasciitis, acetabulum osteomyelitis, and pneumonia.The MRSA isolated from blood and synovial fluid was PVL negative and staphylococcal enterotoxin type P (SEP) and type L (SEL) positive, with a vancomycin MIC of 1.0mg/L and resistant to clindamycin and ciprofloxacin. The patient was submitted to multiple surgical drainages and started on vancomycin, rifampicin, and gentamycin. Due to persistence of fever and no microbiological clearance, linezolid was started with improvement. This is one of the few reported cases of severe invasive infection caused by CA-MRSA in Portugal,which was successfully treated with linezolid. In spite of the severity of infection, the MRSA isolate did not produce PVL.