22 resultados para xylem loading
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Civil
Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Biology
The principal topic of this work is the application of data mining techniques, in particular of machine learning, to the discovery of knowledge in a protein database. In the first chapter a general background is presented. Namely, in section 1.1 we overview the methodology of a Data Mining project and its main algorithms. In section 1.2 an introduction to the proteins and its supporting file formats is outlined. This chapter is concluded with section 1.3 which defines that main problem we pretend to address with this work: determine if an amino acid is exposed or buried in a protein, in a discrete way (i.e.: not continuous), for five exposition levels: 2%, 10%, 20%, 25% and 30%. In the second chapter, following closely the CRISP-DM methodology, whole the process of construction the database that supported this work is presented. Namely, it is described the process of loading data from the Protein Data Bank, DSSP and SCOP. Then an initial data exploration is performed and a simple prediction model (baseline) of the relative solvent accessibility of an amino acid is introduced. It is also introduced the Data Mining Table Creator, a program developed to produce the data mining tables required for this problem. In the third chapter the results obtained are analyzed with statistical significance tests. Initially the several used classifiers (Neural Networks, C5.0, CART and Chaid) are compared and it is concluded that C5.0 is the most suitable for the problem at stake. It is also compared the influence of parameters like the amino acid information level, the amino acid window size and the SCOP class type in the accuracy of the predictive models. The fourth chapter starts with a brief revision of the literature about amino acid relative solvent accessibility. Then, we overview the main results achieved and finally discuss about possible future work. The fifth and last chapter consists of appendices. Appendix A has the schema of the database that supported this thesis. Appendix B has a set of tables with additional information. Appendix C describes the software provided in the DVD accompanying this thesis that allows the reconstruction of the present work.
Dissertação apresentada à Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Engenharia Civil
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Química Sustentável
Sialic acids are key structural determinants and contribute to the functionality of a number of immune cell receptors. Previously, we demonstrated that differentiation of human dendritic cells (DCs) is accompanied by an increased expression of sialylated cell surface structures, putatively through the activity of the ST3Gal.I and ST6Gal.I sialyltransferases. Furthermore, DC endocytosis was reduced upon removal of the cell surface sialic acid residues by neuraminidase. In the present work, we evaluate the contribution of the sialic acid modifications in DC maturation. We demonstrate that neuraminidase-treated human DCs have increased expression of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) and costimulatory molecules, increased gene expression of specific cytokines and induce a higher proliferative response of T lymphocytes. Together, the data suggest that clearance of cell surface sialic acids contributes to the development of a T helper type 1 proinflammatory response. This postulate is supported by mouse models, where elevated MHC class II and increased maturation of specific DC subsets were observed in DCs harvested from ST3Gal.I(-/-) and ST6Gal.I(-/-) mice. Moreover, important qualitative differences, particularly in the extent of reduced endocytosis and in the peripheral distribution of DC subsets, existed between the ST3Gal.I(-/-) and ST6Gal.I(-/-) strains. Together, the data strongly suggest not only a role of cell surface sialic acid modifications in maturation and functionality of DCs, but also that the sialic acid linkages created by different sialyltransferases are functionally distinct. Consequently, with particular relevance to DC-based therapies, cell surface sialylation, mediated by individual sialyltransferases, can influence the immunogenicity of DCs upon antigen loading.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia e Gestão Industrial
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Química e Bioquímica
Seismic events are a major factor to consider in structural design of buildings in many countries. With the purpose of saving lives, most of the design codes lead to structural solutions that withstand large seismic actions without collapsing, but without taking into account a possible usage of the structures after the earthquake. As a result, it is necessary to consider the time needed to repair/retrofit the damaged structures (i.e. the downtime) since this period of inactivity may result in huge financial implications for the occupants of the buildings. In order to minimise the damages and simplify repair operations, structural solutions with rocking systems and negligible residual displacements have been developed during the last two decades. Systems with precast concrete rocking walls were studied with the aim of investigat- ing suitable and convenient structural alternatives to minimise the damage in case of an earthquake. Experimental, numerical and analytical analyses on post-tensioned solutions, with and without energy dissipation devices, were carried out in this research. The energy dissipation devices were made from steel angles that were further developed during the research. Different solutions for these devices were experimentally tested under cyclic loading and the results are presented. Numerical and analytical work on steel angles was also carried out. Regarding the concrete rocking wall systems, two concrete rocking wall systems were studied: post-tensioned walls and post-tensioned walls with energy dissipation devices. In the latter, the solution was to fix them externally to the wall, allowing their easy replacement after an earthquake. It is shown that the dissipaters are a viable solution for use in precast concrete rocking wall systems. A building case study is presented. The comparison between a traditional monolithic system and a hybrid solution was carried out, allowing the evaluation of the efficiency of the solution that was developed.
Os terramotos têm sido considerados uma das forças mais destrutivas e violentas da natureza, causando grandes tragédias e perdas económicas significativas. O objetivo principal do presente estudo é avaliar o comportamento global e local de três pontes pedonais, pré-fabricadas, durante a ação sísmica regulamentar. Através destas análises, pretende-se avaliar o risco de colapso das estruturas por “descalçamento” do tabuleiro e, caso necessário, propor soluções para evitar este fenómeno e melhorar o desempenho sísmico dos passadiços. No domínio de pontes, o “descalçamento dos apoios” é um tipo de rotura que pode ocorrer em estruturas com tramos simplesmente apoiados, onde os problemas surgem geralmente na interface de ligação tabuleiro-pilar, podendo conduzir ao derrubamento do primeiro. Este tipo de ligação é geralmente constituído por um conjunto de varões de aço – ferrolhos, chumbados verticalmente ao capitel do pilar e que atravessam placas de neoprene, ficando instalados no negativo das vigas. A selagem dos varões é normalmente realizada com argamassa de alta resistência. Os problemas que surgem neste tipo de ligação estão associados, a maior parte das vezes, à falta de manutenção e ao insuficiente comprimento de entrega do tabuleiro na zona dos aparelhos de apoio. A simulação do comportamento da estrutura durante as várias fases construtivas e aplicação de cargas, até ao colapso total, implica a utilização de uma ferramenta adequada. A modelação numérica foi efetuada com recurso ao programa de cálculo não-linear de estruturas Extreme Loading for Structures, baseado no Método dos Elementos Aplicados. O método considera os efeitos da não-linearidade física e geométrica, permitindo analisar o comportamento das estruturas durante a fase elástica e inelástica, passando pela cedência das armaduras, abertura e propagação de fendas até à separação dos elementos. Com base neste trabalho, foi possível verificar alterações significativas na resposta sísmica da estrutura, nomeadamente devido à eventual degradação dos ferrolhos.
Uma das propriedades do betão armado que foi alvo de maior número de estudos, ao longo dos tempos, é a aderência. Esta é uma das propriedades mais importantes a considerar na construção, pois dela depende o desempenho e estabilidade de uma estrutura. Dada a sua importância, a aderência é a propriedade do betão armado mais estudada ao longo do tempo. A complexidade inerente a esta propriedade torna difícil de compreender e prever o comportamento estrutural. Esta dissertação pretende analisar a capacidade do Método dos Elementos Aplicados em simular o ensaio de arrancamento directo e de reproduzir modos de rotura. Este ensaio, denominado de pull-out test, estuda a aderência entre três materiais: o aço, o betão e o grout. Vários tipos de ligações, com diferentes modos de rotura, são simulados e comparados com um ensaio experimental referido na revisão bibliográfica. Assim, recorrer-se-á ao programa Extreme Loading for Structures, que tem como base o Método dos Elementos Aplicados. Através de uma análise de sensibilidade foi possível calibrar as propriedades dos diferentes elementos e das interfaces entre o betão, aço e grout, de modo a viabilizar o cálculo da força crítica das ligações e reproduzir os modos de rotura observados experimentalmente. Este trabalho pretende dar uma contribuição ao conhecimento no âmbito da simulação numérica, em relação a este tipo de ligações, e ajudar à criação de modelos numéricos fiáveis e eficientes de fácil e rápida execução. Esta dissertação permite concluir que o Método dos Elementos Aplicados, apresenta-se como uma boa solução para o estudo deste tipo de ligações. Os resultados numéricos tiveram uma boa aproximação dos resultados experimentais. Em conformidade com a análise experimental, as ligações com bainha de pré-esforço e comprimento de embebimento a partir de 15 cm são as que melhor desempenho têm ao nível da resistência.
Enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) is the most economic and sustainable option used in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) for phosphorus removal. In this process it is important to control the competition between polyphosphate accumulating organisms (PAOs) and glycogen accumulating organisms (GAOs), since EBPR deterioration or failure can be related with the proliferation of GAOs over PAOs. This thesis is focused on the effect of operational conditions (volatile fatty acid (VFA) composition, dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration and organic carbon loading) on PAO and GAO metabolism. The knowledge about the effect of these operational conditions on EBPR metabolism is very important, since they represent key factors that impact WWTPs performance and sustainability. Substrate competition between the anaerobic uptake of acetate and propionate (the main VFAs present in WWTPs) was shown in this work to be a relevant factor affecting PAO metabolism, and a metabolic model was developed that successfully describes this effect. Interestingly, the aerobic metabolism of PAOs was not affected by different VFA compositions, since the aerobic kinetic parameters for phosphorus uptake, polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) degradation and glycogen production were relatively independent of acetate or propionate concentration. This is very relevant for WWTPs, since it will simplify the calibration procedure for metabolic models, facilitating their use for full-scale systems. The DO concentration and aerobic hydraulic retention time (HRT) affected the PAO-GAO competition, where low DO levels or lower aerobic HRT was more favourable for PAOs than GAOs. Indeed, the oxygen affinity coefficient was significantly higher for GAOs than PAOs, showing that PAOs were far superior at scavenging for the often limited oxygen levels in WWTPs. The operation of WWTPs with low aeration is of high importance for full-scale systems, since it decreases the energetic costs and can potentially improve WWTP sustainability. Extended periods of low organic carbon load, which are the most common conditions that exist in full-scale WWTPs, also had an impact on PAO and GAO activity. GAOs exhibited a substantially higher biomass decay rate as compared to PAOs under these conditions, which revealed a higher survival capacity for PAOs, representing an advantage for PAOs in EBPR processes. This superior survival capacity of PAOs under conditions more closely resembling a full-scale environment was linked with their ability to maintain a residual level of PHA reserves for longer than GAOs, providing them with an effective energy source for aerobic maintenance processes. Overall, this work shows that each of these key operational conditions play an important role in the PAO-GAO competition and should be considered in WWTP models in order to improve EBPR processes.
Este trabalho foi efectuado com o apoio da Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto Superior de Agronomia com o Centro de Engenharia dos Biossistemas (CEER
The first part of this research work regards the assessment of the mathematical modelling of reinforced concrete columns confined with carbon fibre (CFRP) sheets under axial loading. The purpose was to evaluate existing analytical models, contribute to possible improvements and choose the best model(s) to be part of a new model for the prediction of the behaviour of confined columns under bending and compression. For circular columns, a wide group of authors have proposed several models specific for FRP-confined concrete. The analysis of some of the existing models was carried out by comparing these with several tested columns. Although several models predict fairly the peak load only few can properly estimate the load-strain and dilation behaviour of the columns. Square columns confined with CFRP show a more complex interpretation of their behaviour. Accordingly, the analysis of two experimental programs was carried out to propose new modelling equations for the whole behaviour of columns. The modelling results show that the analytical curves are in general agreement with the presented experimental curves for a wide range of dimensions. An analysis similar to the one done for circular columns was this turn carried out for square columns. Few models can fairly estimate the whole behaviour of the columns and with less accuracy at all levels when compared with circular columns. The second part of this study includes seven experimental tests carried out on reinforced concrete rectangular columns with rounded corners, different damage condition and with confinement and longitudinal strengthening systems. It was concluded that the use of CFRP confinement is viable and of effective performance enhancement alone and combined with other techniques, maintaining a good ductile behaviour for established threshold displacements. As regards the use of external longitudinal strengthening combined with CFRP confinement, this system is effective for the performance enhancement and viable in terms of execution. The load capacity was increased significantly, preserving also in this case a good ductile behaviour for threshold displacements. As to the numerical nonlinear modelling of the tested columns, the results show a variation of the peak load of 1% to 10% compared with tests results. The good results are partly due to the inclusion of the concrete constitutive model by Mander et al. modified by Faustino, Chastre & Paula taking into account the confinement effect. Despite the reasonable approximation to tests results, the modelling results showed higher unloading, which leads to an overestimate dissipated energy and residualdisplacement.
The main purpose of the present dissertation is the simulation of the response of fibre grout strengthened RC panels when subjected to blast effects using the Applied Element Method, in order to validate and verify its applicability. Therefore, four experimental models, three of which were strengthened with a cement-based grout, each reinforced by one type of steel reinforcement, were tested against blast effects. After the calibration of the experimental set-up, it was possible to obtain and compare the response to the blast effects of the model without strengthening (reference model), and a fibre grout strengthened RC panel (strengthened model). Afterwards, a numerical model of the reference model was created in the commercial software Extreme Loading for Structures, which is based on the Applied Element Method, and calibrated to the obtained experimental results, namely to the residual displacement obtained by the experimental monitoring system. With the calibration verified, it is possible to assume that the numerical model correctly predicts the response of fibre grout RC panels when subjected to blast effects. In order to verify this assumption, the strengthened model was modelled and subjected to the blast effects of the corresponding experimental set-up. The comparison between the residual and maximum displacements and the bottom surface’s cracking obtained in the experimental and the numerical tests yields a difference of 4 % for the maximum displacements of the reference model, and a difference of 4 and 10 % for the residual and maximum displacements of the strengthened model, respectively. Additionally, the cracking on the bottom surface of the models was similar in both methods. Therefore, one can conclude that the Applied ElementMethod can correctly predict and simulate the response of fibre grout strengthened RC panels when subjected to blast effects.