7 resultados para volcanic eruption
Chromian spinels are common in the late Cretaceous alkali basalts of the Lisbon volcanic Complex in Portugal. They occur as unzoned inclusions in magnesian olivines of all basalt types and as large spectacularly zoned grains in the groundmass of porphyritic basalts. Microprobe analysis indicate complex cationic exchange in the groundmass zoned spinels due to simple peritectic reactions and in response to changing composition of the basalt liquid. The variation of cationic distribution in zoned chromian-Spinels, reflects very accurately the changing chemistry of the cooling silicate melt and the paragenetical relations of mineral oxides and silicates. Crystallization of initial chromian spinels occurred at T~1200°C and fO2~10-8.5 atm. earlier or contemporaneously with magnesian olivine. The titanomagnetite mantles of zoned chromian spinels crystallized at T~1200°C and much lower fO2.
Proceedings of the 1'I R.C.A.N.S. Congress, Lisboa, October 1992
The evolution of the Lusitanian Basin, localized on the western Iberian margin, is closely associated with the first opening phases of the North Atlantic. It persisted from the Late Triassic to the Early Cretaceous, more precisely until the end of the Early Aptian, and its evolution was conditioned by inherited structures from the variscan basement. The part played by the faults that establish its boundaries, as regards the geometric and kinematic evolution and the organization of the sedimentary bodies, is discussed here, as well as with respect to important faults transversal to the Basin. A basin evolution model is proposed consisting of four rifting episodes which show: i) periods of symmetrical (horst and graben organization) and asymmetrical (half graben organization) geometric evolution; ii) diachronous fracturing; iii) rotation of the main extensional direction; iv) rooting in the variscan basement of the main faults of the basin (predominantly thick skinned style). The analysis and regional comparison, particularly with the Algarve Basin, of the time intervals represented by important basin scale hiatuses near to the renovation of the rifting episodes, have led to assume the occurrence of early tectonic inversions (Callovian–Oxfordian and Tithonian–Berriasian). The latter, however, had a subsequent evolution distinct from the first: there is no subsidence renovation, which is discussed here, and it is related to a magmatic event. Although the Lusitanian Basin is located on a rift margin which is considered non-volcanic, the three magmatic cycles as defined by many authors, particularly the second (approx. 130 to 110 My ?), performed a fundamental part in the mobilization of the Hettangian evaporites, resulting in the main diapiric events of the Lusitanian Basin. The manner and time in which the basin definitely ends its evolution (Early Aptian) is discussed here. Comparisons are established with other west Iberian margin basins and with Newfoundland basins. A model of oceanization of this area of the North Atlantic is also presented, consisting of two events separated by approximately 10 My, and of distinct areas separated by the Nazaré fault. The elaboration of this synthesis was based on: - information contained in previously published papers (1990 – 2000); - field-work carried out over the last years, the results of which have not yet been published; - information gathered from the reinterpretation of geological mapping and geophysical (seismic and well logs) elements, and from generic literature concerning the Mesozoic of the west iberian margin.
During February of 1974, the western extremity of St. Jorge's Island, one of the Azores Islands group, was severely affected by intense earthquakes, causing heavy damage. One of the authors of the present work (T. P. R.) who at the time was employed in the Rosais Lighthouse, registered day after day all the phenomena he could observe, writting down a journal that is published herein. An introduction on the geology, tectonic's, and the seismology of St. Jorge’s Island, is presented. As it can be verified, this seismic crisis was associated to a short submarine vulcanic eruption.
A small outcrop of an igneous rock (basanite) was observed in 1971 at Figueira-Mexilhoeira Grande-Algarve, enclosed by Miocene limestone and showing clear evidente of low grade thermal effects along the contact with the igneous mass. This is in agreement with F. L. Pereira Sousa who was the first geologist to admit (1917) the existence of Miocene igneous rocks in Algarve although subsequently they were not possible to localize. This work reports studies on petrography and chemical composition of this basanite and describes the evidence of the thermal effects upon the surrounding calcareous rocks. This well localized small outcrop represents an igneous rock more modern than the basaltic complex of Lisbon, hitherto assigned to the Eocene in age and recently ascribed to the Upper Cretaceous and until now considered the most recent manifestation of volcanic activity in Portugal. However this does not exclude the possibility of existence of even more modem igneous rocks in Algarve region.
Cretaceous Research 30 (2009) 575–586
RESUMO - Nos últimos anos, as catástrofes naturais têm sido a causa frequente de problemas de Saúde Pública; além disso representam um sério obstáculo ao desenvolvimento das comunidades atingidas, na medida em que consomem ponderáveis recursos para a mitigação dos danos sofridos. Pode-se dizer que não existe nenhum país que não esteja exposto ao risco de catástrofes naturais, tais como Sismos, Tsunamis, Erupções Vulcânicas, Movimentos de Vertentes, Ciclones Tropicais, Ondas de Frio e de Calor, Secas e Inundações, e como tal, este é um problema global emergente. Como, actualmente, é impossível prever e controlar a ocorrência destes fenómenos, as acções humanas têm de ser direccionadas para a implementação de soluções que possam mitigar e/ou prevenir o seu impacto na sociedade. A integração do lugar, do espaço e do tempo na Saúde Pública, como componentes de investigação relativas aos problemas da população, são uma ferramenta metodológica importante no auxílio do planeamento, monitorização e avaliação das acções em saúde. O que está em causa neste estudo é o pensar, o preparar e o adaptar os nossos territórios e populações a cenários de crise que podem aparecer sem aviso prévio. Este trabalho é, sobretudo, uma forma de pensar e planear o futuro numa lógica de adaptação e valorização do território, construindo referenciais de suporte à acção. Assim, a finalidade deste estudo é contribuir para melhorar/aperfeiçoar a resposta perante novas situações de catástrofe natural, através da percepção e caracterização de situações anteriores de catástrofes naturais a que a Ilha de São Miguel, nos Açores, esteve sujeita nos últimos vinte e seis anos, através da construção e análise de cartas de localização de risco, caracterização da população em risco e da avaliação dos respectivos Planos de Emergência. ---------------------- ABSTRACT - In the last years, the natural disasters have been the frequent cause of Public Health problems and additionally they represent a serious obstacle to the development of the communities affected, in so far as they consume ponderable resources to the mitigation of the damages. It is possible to be said that there is not any country that is not exposed to the risk of natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, landslides, tropical cyclones, waves of heat and coldness, droughts and floods, and as such, this is an emerging global problem. As it is now impossible to predict and control the occurrence of these phenomena, human actions must be directed to implement solutions that can mitigate and / or prevent their impact on society. The integration of place, space and time on Public Health, as part of research on problems of the population, are an important methodological tool to aid planning, monitoring and evaluation of activities in health. The main issue in this study is to think, prepare and adapt our territories and populations to crisis scenarios that may occur without notice. This work is mainly a way of thinking and planning ahead in a logic of adapting and improving the area, building frameworks to support the action. Thus, the purpose of this study is to contribute to improve / optimize the answer for new natural disaster situations, through the perception and characterization of previous situations of natural catastrophes that the Island of São Miguel, in the Azores, has been subject in the last twenty six years, through the construction and analysis of risk maps, characterization of the population in risk and of the evaluation of the respective Plans of Emergence.