3 resultados para stratigraphie, Trias
A three-week paleontological prospection in Triassic beds of the Algarve (southern province of Portugal) has revealed the presence of fossil vertebrates (stegocephalians for the most part, but also fishes and reptiles) in several localities and in at least 5 stratigraphical levels.
New elements about the stratigraphy of the Serra de Candeeiros Dogger and Lower «Lusitanian» are presented. The Lower Aalenian was recognized for the first time. Bathonian (more than 50 metres thick) is dated on brachiopods and foraminifera. It corresponds to a series of massive micritic, biodetritical, coral-reef, chaetetid, bryozoa and oolitic-limestones. Callovian (120 m) begins by whitish or yellowish limestones with ammonites and brachiopods of the Gracilis zone. It is followed by regressive limestone sequences ending with thick oncolitic layers. The «Lusitanian» base is formed by greyish lagoon brackish limestones; it lies unconformably on the Dogger, with or without angular and/or cartographic unconformity. This radical facies change is related to tectonic deformation of several blocks between the Nazaré and Tagus faults during Oxfordian times.
L'analyse pollinique des sédiments argileux, riches en macrorestes de végétaux, du "Belasien» (Crétacé inférieur) de Buarcos a permis reconnaître la présence d'une riche microflore. On a, nottament, reconnu la présence de: Concavisporites punctatus, Auritulinosporites complexis, Chomotriletes sp., Trilobosporites cf. bernissartensis, Apiculatisporites vulgaris, Cicatricosisporites sp. 1, Cicatricosisporites sp. 2. Cicatricosisporites sp. 3, Cicatricosisporites sp. 4, Cicatricosisporites sp. 5, Cicatricosisporites sp. 6. Costatoperforosporites fistulosus, Ceratosporites sp. l, C. cf. equalis, Ischyosporites teixeirae n. sp., Liburnisporites sp. AequitriraditeS cf. spinulosus, Cedripites lusitanicus, Clavatipollenites cf. hughesi. Après discution de la stratigraphie des diffèrentes espèces on sugère une âge barremo-aptien pour cette association malgré la présence de l'ensemble Apiculalisporites vulgaris-Classopollls major plutôt d'âge Aptien.