4 resultados para serological tests
RESUMO: Um dos maiores problemas da sífilis é a infecção intra-uterina do feto, que pode resultar em morte fetal com aborto espontâneo. Os objectivos desta tese foram comparar os cinco testes serológicos para o diagnóstico de sífilis congénita e optimizar e aplicar a várias amostras clínicas, colhidas de indivíduos com suspeita de infecção por Treponema pallidum, uma técnica de PCR-Multiplex e uma técnica de PCR em tempo real. Na globalidade dos soros estudados obtiveram-se os seguintes resultados: o RPR reactivo em 87/517; TPHA reactivo em 135/517; e EIA reactivo em 127/517. A pesquisa de anticorpos específicos de tipo IgM foi efectuada em 33 soros sendo estudada pelas técnicas de imunofluorescência indirecta e de westernblot. Quanto aos resultados obtidos pelas duas técnicas, o teste FTA-Abs-IgM demonstrou reactividade em 3/33, enquanto que a técnica de westernblot-M, apresentou reactividade em 18/33. Para a avaliação de uma técnica de PCR-TR, foram estudadas 318 amostras de 236 indivíduos classificados, com base em critérios clínicos e laboratoriais, em diferentes estádios de infecção por Treponema pallidum e em indivíduos sem infecção por aquele microrganismo. Relativamente a estas técnicas foi possível observar amplificação de ADN de Treponema pallidum em 133/318 pela técnica de PCR-TR e 90/318 pela técnica de PCR-Multiplex. Mediante os resultados obtidos e de outros estudos efectuados parece poder concluir-se que o teste EIA é o mais indicado para o rastreio da infecção por Treponema pallidum, devendo um resultado reactivo por esta técnica, ser confirmado com a realização de um teste não treponémico (RPR). Relativamente ao diagnóstico de infecção congénita, o teste westernblot para pesquisa de anticorpos específicos de tipo IgM, parece ser o mais apropriado. A técnica PCR-TR, parece ser a mais indicada, pois apresenta uma maior sensibilidade e especificidade que a PCR-Multiplex.----------------- ABSTRACT:The syphilis major problem is the intrauterine infection of the fetus, which may result in fetal death with spontaneous abortion. The objectives of this thesis were to compare the five serological tests for the diagnosis of congenital syphilis and optimize and apply several clinical samples taken from individuals suspected of infection with Treponema pallidum, a PCR-Multiplex and real-time PCR. In all sera studied were obtained the following results: the RPR reactive in 87/517; reactive TPHA in 135/517, and 127/517 in reactive EIA. The search for specific IgM antibodies was performed on 33 sera that were studied by indirect immunofluorescence and westernblot. The results obtained by both techniques, the test FTA-Abs-IgM showed reactivity in 3/33, while the technique westernblot-M, showed reactivity in 18/33. For an RT-PCR evaluation, we studied 318 samples from 236 individuals classified based on clinical and laboratory criteria at different stages of infection by Treponema pallidum and in individuals without infection by that organism. For these techniques it was possible to observe ADN amplification of Treponema pallidum in 133/318 by RT-PCR and 90/318 by PCR-Multiplex. Based on obtained results and in other studies seems that we can conclude that the EIA test is the most suitable for Treponema pallidum screening infection, and a reactive result by this technique, should be confirmed with the realization of a non-treponemal test (RPR). For the congenital infection diagnosis, testing for antibodies westernblot specific IgM appears to be the most appropriate. The RT-PCR seems to be the most suitable, since it has a higher sensitivity and specificity than the PCR-Multiplex.
RESUMO: A sífilis é uma infecção causada por T. pallidum que pode ser transmitida por via vertical, por contacto sexual ou por sangue, e cujo diagnóstico se baseia na associação entre manifestações clinicas e testes serológicos. Neste estudo utilizaram-se os testes serológicos RPR, TPHA, FTA-Abs, um teste rápido não comercializado (Signal-Spirolipin) que pesquisa anticorpos treponémicos (CDC-T) e não treponémicos (CDC-2) em simultâneo no mesmo dispositivo e uma técnica de PCR-multiplex para a pesquisa de ADN de T. pallidum. Da comparação das técnicas serológicas constatou-se que a sensibilidade dos testes RPR e TPHA foi de 84,5% e 98% respectivamente. A especificidade foi de 77,3% para o teste RPR e de 87,5% para o teste TPHA. Na avaliação do teste rápido a comparação do teste CDC-2 com o teste RPR resultou numa taxa de concordância de 93,1% enquanto que, a do teste CDC-T com o teste TPHA foi de 94,8%. A sensibilidade e especificidade obtidas pelos testes CDC-2 e CDC-T foram de 88,7% e 65% e de 94,9% e 91,3% respectivamente. Considerando o diagnóstico de sífilis activa com base na reactividade simultânea dos testes RPR e TPHA, avaliou-se a sensibilidade do teste rápido utilizando esse mesmo critério. A sensibilidade obtida foi de 98,4% para o teste rápido e de 97,2% para a associação dos testes RPR/TPHA. A técnica de PCR-multiplex apresentou fraca sensibilidade já que em apenas 33% dos casos de sífilis foi identificado ADN de T. pallidum. O teste rápido avaliado apresentou um comportamento idêntico aos testes geralmente utilizados na rotina laboratorial tais como os utilizados neste estudo. Apresenta a vantagem de pesquisar anticorpos treponémicos e não treponémicos, ao contrário dos testes rápidos comercializados que pesquisam apenas anticorpos treponémicos. Não sendo necessário para a sua execução equipamento laboratorial especializado poderá ser de grande utilidade para o clinico a exercer em locais sem laboratório.------------- ABSTRACT: Syphilis is an infection caused by T. pallidum. Transmission may be vertical, through sexual contact or blood. The diagnosis is based in both serology and clinical manifestations. In this study, we used the serological tests RPR, TPHA, FTA-Abs and a non -commercialized rapid test (Signal-Spirolipin) to detect both treponemal (CDC-T) and non – treponemal antibodies (CDC-2) in the same device. T. pallidum DNA was identified with a multiplex PCR technique. In this study, the RPR and TPHA tests sensitivity was 84,5% and 98%, respectively, and the specificity 77,3% for the RPR test and 87,5% for TPHA test, respectively. The concordance rate was 93,1% in the comparison between the RPR and the CDC2 tests and 94,8% between the CDC-T with the TPHA tests. Sensitivity and specificity of the CDC-2 and CDC-T tests were 88,7% and 65% and 94,9% e 91,3%, respectively. Taking into account that the diagnosis of active syphilis is made when both the RPR and TPHA tests are reactive, we evaluated the sensitivity of the rapid test (CDC2 and CDCT) in the diagnosis of active syphilis, using the above described criteria. The sensitivity was 98,4 % for the rapid test and 97,2 % for the association of reactivity in both RPA and TPHA tests. The multiplex PCR technique presented a low sensitivity, with T. pallidum DNA being identified in only 33% of the syphilis cases. The rapid test evaluated in this study presented identical results to the tests generally used in the routine laboratory diagnosis, such as those used here. However, it does have the advantage of detecting both treponemal and non – treponemal antibodies what is not the case of the commercialized rapid test. Furthermore, there is no need of specialized laboratory equipment, which makes it of great utility in regions where such conditions do not exist, as in developing countries.
In recent years there has been a growing interest in developing news solutions for more ecologic and efficient construction, including natural, renewable and local materials, thus contributing in the search for more efficient, economic and environmentally friendly construction. Several authors have assessed the possibility of using various agricultural sub products or wastes, as part of the effort of the scientific community to find alternative and more ecologic construction materials. Corn cob is an agricultural waste from a very important worldwide crop. Natural glues are made from natural materials, non-mineral, that can be used as such or after some modifications to achieve the behaviour and performance required. Two examples of these natural glues are casein and wheat flour-based glues that were used in the present study. Boards with different compositions were manufactured, having as variables the type of glue, the dimension of the corn cob particles and the features of the pressing process. The tests boards were characterized with physical and mechanical tests, such as thermal conductivity (λ) with a ISOMET 2104 and 60 mm diameter contact probe, density (ρ) based on EN 1602:2013, surface hardness (SH) with a PCE Shore A durometer, surface resistance (SR) with a PROCEQ PT pendular sclerometer, bending behaviour (σ) based on EN 12089:2013, compression behaviour (σ10) based on EN 826:2013 and resilience (R) based on EN 1094-1:2008, with a Zwick Rowell bending equipment with 2 kN and 50 kN load cells (Fig. 1), dynamic modulus of elasticity (Ed) with a Zeus Resonance Meter equipment (Fig. 5) based on NP EN 14146:2006 and water vapour permeability (δ) based on EN 12086:2013. The various boards produced were characterized according to the tests and the ones with the best results were C8_c8 (casein glue, grain size 2,38-4,76 mm, cold pressing for 8 hours), C8_c4 (casein glue, grain size 2,38-4,76 mm, cold pressing for 4 hours), F8_h0.5 (wheat flour glue, grain size 2,38-4,76 mm, hot pressing for 0,5 hours), FEV8_h0.5 (wheat flour, egg white and vinegar glue, grain size 2,38-4,76 mm, hot pressing for 0,5 hours) and FEVH68_c4 (wheat flour, egg white, vinegar and 6 g of sodium hydroxide glue, grain size 2,38-4,76 mm, cold pressing for 4 hours). Taking into account the various boards produced and respective test results the type of glue and the pressure and pressing time are very important factors which strongly influence the final product. The results obtained confirmed the initial hypotheses that these boards have potential as a thermal and, eventually, acoustic insulation material, to use as coating or intermediate layer on walls, floors or false ceilings. This type of board has a high mechanical resistance when compared with traditional insulating materials.The integrity of these boards seems to be maintained even in higher humidity environments. However, due to biological susceptibility and sensitivity to water, they would be more adequate for application in dry interior conditions.
Wireless Sensor Networks(WSN) are networks of devices used to sense and act that applies wireless radios to communicate. To achieve a successful implementation of a wireless device it is necessary to take in consideration the existence of a wide variety of radios available, a large number of communication parameters (payload, duty cycle, etc.) and environmental conditions that may affect the device’s behaviour. However, to evaluate a specific radio towards a unique application it might be necessary to conduct trial experiments, with such a vast amount of devices, communication parameters and environmental conditions to take into consideration the number of trial cases generated can be surprisingly high. Thus, making trial experiments to achieve manual validation of wireless communication technologies becomes unsuitable due to the existence of a high number of trial cases on the field. To overcome this technological issue an automated test methodology was introduced, presenting the possibility to acquire data regarding the device’s behaviour when testing several technologies and parameters that care for a specific analysis. Therefore, this method advances the validation and analysis process of the wireless radios and allows the validation to be done without the need of specific and in depth knowledge about wireless devices.