9 resultados para scholars - folkloristics
Ethnographic film is often associated with many European countries’ past as colonial powers and the way these countries used film to depict African, American and Asian territories and populations they once ruled. However, ethnographic film also has a European tradition of its own, closely interlaced with the history of ethnography and anthropology as autonomous sciences and with the desire of scholars to represent local, regional and national cultural identities. This paper presents a Portuguese attempt of this sort dating from 1938, when the authoritarian regime organized a national contest to determine which would be Portugal’s most “authentic” village – something other European countries also did. As part of this metonymic contribution to the construction of Portugal’s national identity as an agrarian utopia, a short documentary was shot, sponsored by the same official propaganda office that had organized the contest. In this film, the viewer’s gaze is made to coincide with the one of the national jury visiting the final selection of 12 villages and to whose benefit local scholars had organized all sorts of colourful peasant traditions hoping to cause the strongest impression. The film makes a strong case for the importance of ethnographic film as a relevant instance not only of the iteration of existing European national cultures, but also of the construction of so many of Europe’s national identities and traditions. Suffice to say that even today the village of “Monsanto”, which won the 1938 contest, is still referred to as “Portugal’s most Portuguese village”.
Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Ambiente pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
RESUMO: A partir da desinstitucionalização psiquiátrica, a ênfase nas políticas públicas de saúde mental passou para os serviços comunitários e para períodos mais curtos de hospitalização. As famílias, então, tornaram-se as principais provedoras de cuidados cotidianos e de apoio aos pacientes. As dificuldades e o despreparo em assumir este novo papel têm gerado um sentimento de sobrecarga nos familiares, o que pode afetar sua saúde física e mental. Vários estudos investigaram as consequências de se tornar um cuidador de um paciente psiquiátrico, mas poucos pesquisaram o impacto na saúde mental desses cuidadores. A presente pesquisa investigou a relação entre a sobrecarga e a saúde mental dos familiares cuidadores de pacientes psiquiátricos. Participaram deste estudo 74 familiares cuidadores de pacientes com diagnóstico de esquizofrenia, atendidos no ambulatório do Serviço de Referência em Saúde Mental, da cidade de Divinópolis, MG. Os familiares participaram de uma entrevista estruturada. Nela foram aplicadas a Escala de Avaliação da Sobrecarga dos Familiares de Pacientes Psiquiátricos (FBIS-BR) e, para avaliar a saúde mental dos cuidadores, a Escala de Depressão de Beck (BDI). Foram realizadas análises estatísticas descritivas, univariadas e multivariadas. Os resultados mostraram que a maioria dos cuidadores era do sexo feminino (78,40%), pais (62,20%) e com idade média de 59,14 anos. Os cuidadores apresentaram uma média de sobrecarga global objetiva de 2,05 (DP ± 0,54), em uma escala de 1 a 5 pontos, e uma média de sobrecarga global subjetiva de 2,44 (DP ± 0,71), em uma escala de 1 a 4 pontos. Os resultados da escala BDI mostraram que 42 cuidadores poderiam ser classificados com depressão mínima (56,80%), 17 com depressão leve (23,00%), 7 com depressão moderada (9,50%) e 8 com depressão grave (10,80%). Foram encontradas correlações positivas significativas entre o grau de sobrecarga global e das subescalas e o nível de depressão. As análises multivariadas mostraram que o principal preditor de depressão dos cuidadores foi a sobrecarga global subjetiva. Outros preditores foram a obrecarga objetiva das rotinas diárias e da supervisão dos comportamentos problemáticos dos pacientes e a sobrecarga subjetiva das preocupações com o paciente. As informações levantadas mostraram o impacto do papel de cuidador na saúde mental dos familiares e apontaram para a necessidade de uma maior atenção, por parte dos gestores e profissionais da área, aos cuidadores de pacientes psiquiátricos.----------ABSTRACT: The emphasis in public policy on mental health was transferred to community services and for shorter periods of hospitalization from the psychiatric deinstitutionalization. Then the families become the first provider of daily care and support to patients. The difficulties and unprepared to assume this new role has generated a sense of overload in the relatives, which can affect your physical and mental health. Several studies have investigated the consequences of becoming a caregiver of a psychiatric patient, but few scholars have researched the impact on the mental health of caregivers. The present study has investigated the relationship between overload and mental health of family caregivers of psychiatric patients. The study included 74 family caregivers of patients with schizophrenia and outpatient clinic of the Department of Mental Health Reference, in Divinópolis, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The Rating Scale Burden of Relatives of Psychiatric Patients and the scale of Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) to assess the mental health of caregivers were applied in the interview. Descriptive statistics and univariate and multivariate analysis have performed. The results showed that the majority of caregivers were female (78.40%), parents (62.20%) and mean age of 59.14 years. The caregivers had an average burden overall objective of 2.05 (± 0.54) on a scale of 1 to 5 points, and a subjective global average burden of 2.44 (± 0.71) in a scale of 1 to 4 points. The results of the BDI showed that 42 caregivers could be classified with minimal depression (56.80%), 17 with mild depression (23.00%), 7 with moderate depression (9.50%) and 8 with severe depression (10 80%). Significant positive correlations were found between the degree of overloading and global subscales and depression levels. Multivariate analysis showed that the main predictor of caregivers' depression was the global subjective burden. Other predictors were the objective burden of daily routines and supervision of problem behaviors of patients and subjective burden of the concerns about patient. The resulting information showed the impact of caregiver role in the mental health of relatives and pointed to the need for higher attention of managers and professionals to caregivers of psychiatric patients.
African Studies Review, Volume 52, Number 2, pp. 69–
Dissertação apresentada como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Estatística e Gestão de Informação.
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
The figure and the oeuvre of Carlos Seixas (1704-42) were rediscovered in the 1930s chiefly by the British musicologist Macario Santiago Kastner (1908-92), whose writings and editions raised the attention of international scholars and interpreters for the Portuguese composer. Nevertheless, and in spite of an unusual editorial tradition for Portuguese standards, a critical appraisal of the body of sources of Seixas' keyboard sonatas has never been attempted, to the point of even impeding the knowledge of how many there really are. This article deals briefly with the issues of source situation, authorship attribution and the distinctive characteristics of Seixas' style, offering a preliminary catalogue of the sonatas and a description of four of the manuscript collections containing them, housed at the National Library of Portugal. Textual peculiarities and problems of works surviving in more than one source are examined and the question of text 'banalization' by means of the incorporation of performance practice gestures is also discussed, advancing the hypothesis of the existence of two different traditions for some of the sonatas―one written and one 'oral'―that merge in the texts known to us.
The purpose of the present work is to analyse and provide kixikila legal framework under Angolan law. Kixikila, despite being a legally atypical agreement, is a socially typical contract, governed essentially by the practices and customs in Angola and concluded throughout the country. With the above purpose in mind, this thesis is structured in five chapters: the first one aims at better understanding its features and, therefore, it describes the kixikila in accordance with oral research, direct observation and the contributions of scholars that have examined this matter. The second chapter aims at qualifying the kixikila as a legal transaction. For this purpose, we have analysed its requirements, formation stages, content and form, characteristics, rights and obligations of the parties, effects and compliance. We have also covered the reasons that explain why this type of agreement shall be legally protected in line with the protection conferred upon other legal agreements, taking into account its economic and social function. The third chapter covers the vicissitudes which may occur during the term of the kixikila agreement, as well as the enforcement mechanisms in face of breach and its termination. The fourth chapter aims at qualifying this agreement by comparing its most relevant characteristics with those of typical agreements, with a view to determining its legal nature based upon the similarity with other contractual types. This chapter further makes a comparative synthesis between the contracts in analysis. The fifth chapter analyses the legal nature and legal framework applicable to kixikila taking into account mixed-purpose contracts and sui generis contracts. We conclude that practices and customs in Angola take precedence as regards kixikila. Lastly, we attach additional information, such as excerpts of interviews with some individuals intervening in kixikila, the functional structure of kixikila and examples of kixikila, as well as demonstrative lists of countries where this type of agreement takes place and the obligations arising therefrom.
This thesis is a case study on Corporate Governance and Business Ethics, using the Portuguese Corporate Law as a general setting. The thesis was conducted in Portugal with illustrations on past cases under the Business Judgment Rule of the State of Delaware, U.SA along with illustrations on current cases in Portugal under the Portuguese Judicial setting, along with a comparative analysis between both. A debate is being considered among scholars and executives; a debate on best practices within corporate governance and corporate law, associated with recent discoveries of unlawful investments that lead to the bankruptcy of leading institutions and an aggravation of the crisis in Portugal. The study aimed at learning possible reasons and causes for the current situation of the country’s corporations along with attempts to discover the best way to move forward. From the interviews and analysis conducted, this paper concluded that the corporate governance structure and legal frameworks in Portugal were not the sole influencers behind the actions and decisions of Corporate Executives, nor were they the main triggers for the recent corporate mishaps. But it is rather a combination of different factors that played a significant role, such as cultural and ethical aspects, individual personalities, and others all of which created gray areas beyond the legal structure, which in turn accelerated and aggravated the corporate governance crisis in the country.