18 resultados para relaxation


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Spin-lattice Relaxation, self-Diffusion coefficients and Residual Dipolar Couplings (RDC’s) are the basis of well established Nuclear Magnetic Resonance techniques for the physicochemical study of small molecules (typically organic compounds and natural products with MW < 1000 Da), as they proved to be a powerful and complementary source of information about structural dynamic processes in solution. The work developed in this thesis consists in the application of the earlier-mentioned NMR techniques to explore, analyze and systematize patterns of the molecular dynamic behavior of selected small molecules in particular experimental conditions. Two systems were chosen to investigate molecular dynamic behavior by these techniques: the dynamics of ion-pair formation and ion interaction in ionic liquids (IL) and the dynamics of molecular reorientation when molecules are placed in oriented phases (alignment media). The application of NMR spin-lattice relaxation and self-diffusion measurements was applied to study the rotational and translational molecular dynamics of the IL: 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate [BMIM][BF4]. The study of the cation-anion dynamics in neat and IL-water mixtures was systematically investigated by a combination of multinuclear NMR relaxation techniques with diffusion data (using by H1, C13 and F19 NMR spectroscopy). Spin-lattice relaxation time (T1), self-diffusion coefficients and nuclear Overhauser effect experiments were combined to determine the conditions that favor the formation of long lived [BMIM][BF4] ion-pairs in water. For this purpose and using the self-diffusion coefficients of cation and anion as a probe, different IL-water compositions were screened (from neat IL to infinite dilution) to find the conditions where both cation and anion present equal diffusion coefficients (8% water fraction at 25 ºC). This condition as well as the neat IL and the infinite dilution were then further studied by 13C NMR relaxation in order to determine correlation times (c) for the molecular reorientational motion using a mathematical iterative procedure and experimental data obtained in a temperature range between 273 and 353 K. The behavior of self-diffusion and relaxation data obtained in our experiments point at the combining parameters of molar fraction 8 % and temperature 298 K as the most favorable condition for the formation of long lived ion-pairs. When molecules are subjected to soft anisotropic motion by being placed in some special media, Residual Dipolar Couplings (RDCs), can be measured, because of the partial alignment induced by this media. RDCs are emerging as a powerful routine tool employed in conformational analysis, as it complements and even outperforms the approaches based on the classical NMR NOE or J3 couplings. In this work, three different alignment media have been characterized and evaluated in terms of integrity using 2H and 1H 1D-NMR spectroscopy, namely the stretched and compressed gel PMMA, and the lyotropic liquid crystals CpCl/n-hexanol/brine and cromolyn/water. The influence that different media and degrees of alignment have on the dynamic properties of several molecules was explored. Different sized sugars were used and their self-diffusion was determined as well as conformation features using RDCs. The results obtained indicate that no influence is felt by the small molecules diffusion and conformational features studied within the alignment degree range studied, which was the 3, 5 and 6 % CpCl/n-hexanol/brine for diffusion, and 5 and 7.5 % CpCl/n-hexanol/brine for conformation. It was also possible to determine that the small molecules diffusion verified in the alignment media presented close values to the ones observed in water, reinforcing the idea of no conditioning of molecular properties in such media.


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J Biol Inorg Chem (2003) 8: 777–786


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Inorganica Chimica Acta 356 (2003) 215-221


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Dissertation presented to obtain a Ph.D. Degree in Chemical Physics


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Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores


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RESUMO: O objectivo deste trabalho foi avaliar se a exposição crónica neonatal à hiperóxia mo-derada induz alterações funcionais e estruturais persistentes nas vias aéreas. Desenvolveu-se um modelo animal, no rato, a partir do qual se retiraram implicações para a compreensão das repercussões crónicas da hiperóxia neonatal sobre as vias aéreas de displasia broncopulmonar (DBP), em duas fases distintas: imediatamente após a exposi-ção neonatal a 50%O2 (grupo 50%O2) e após três semanas de recuperação em ar ambiente (grupo 50%O2+Ar).Compararam-se os resultados da resposta do músculo liso de traqueia (MLT) à esti-mulação in vitro com metacolina e salbutamol e avaliaram-se as alterações quantitativas da área de MLT, bem como as alterações qualitativas da estrutura da traqueia. Demonstrou-se que a exposição a 50% de oxigénio não tinha repercussões imediatas sobre a resposta in vitro do MLT à estimulação colinérgica, mas que induzia um aumento do relaxamento em resposta ao salbutamol. A contractilidade do MLT em resposta à estimula-ção com metacolina no grupo 50%O2+Ar foi significativamente superior à do grupo de con-trolo da mesma idade e também superior à observada no grupo 50%O2, enquanto que a resposta ao salbutamol se voltou a aproximar dos valores de controlo após a recuperação em normóxia. Não se observaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas na área de MLT entre os grupos experimental e de controlo, o que se deve provavelmente ao número reduzido de amostras avaliadas e à variabilidade deste parâmetro no grupo de controlo; contudo, verifi-cou-se um aumento médio de 15% imediatamente após a exposição à hiperóxia que persis-tiu após o período de recuperação.As alterações qualitativas sobre a arquitectura da traqueia, avaliadas por microscopia óptica, revelaram no grupo 50%O2 aumentos da espessura da matriz extracelular e da den-sidade de mastócitos desgranulados na submucosa e adventícia vizinhas do MLT, sem outras alterações relativamente ao grupo de controlo com 15 dias. As alterações da matriz extrace-lular foram reversíveis após a recuperação em ar ambiente. A densidade de mastócitos per-maneceu superior à do grupo de controlo de 36 dias de idade, apresentando-se em maior contiguidade com o MLT relativamente ao grupo 50%O2. Em síntese, demonstrou-se que a hiperóxia neonatal crónica em níveis moderados in-duz alterações da resposta contráctil do MLT e da estrutura da traqueia que podem ter ex-pressão funcional após a exposição ter cessado. Assim, o contributo original do presente trabalho foi o desenvolvimento de um modelo animal que permite avaliar os mecanismos pelos quais a hiperóxia é capaz de induzir, isoladamente, alterações crónicas da contracti-lidade, do relaxamento do ML e da estrutura das vias aéreas que podem ser responsáveis pela HRB persistente em doentes sujeitos a oxigenioterapia neonatal.-------------ABSTRACT: The aim of this work was to evaluate whether chronic neonatal exposure to hyperoxia in-duces persistent structural and functional airway changes. An animal model was developed, using neonatal rats, in order to understand the chronic effects of neonatal hyperoxia on the airways, in bronchopulmonary dysplasia, in two distinct phases: immediately after neonatal exposure to 50%O2 (50%O2 group) and after three weeks of recovery at ambient air (50%O2+Ar group).The results from the tracheal smooth muscle (TSM) response to in vitro stimulation with metacholine and salbutamol were compared and quantitative changes in TSM area, as well as qualitative changes in tracheal structure were evaluated. It was demonstrated that while exposure to 50% oxygen had no immediate effects on in vitro TSM response to cholinergic stimulation, it induced an increase in relaxation as a result of salbutamol administration. TSM contractility as a result of methacholine administration in the 50%O2 + Ar group was significantly higher than that of the same-age control group, and also higher than the one observed in the 50%O2 group, whereas the response to salbutamol admini-stration was once again closer to the control values after recovery in normoxia. There were no statistically significant differences in the TSM area between the experi-mental and control groups, which is most likely due to the reduced number of samples evalu-ated and to the variability of this parameter in the control group. However, there was an aver-age increase of 15% immediately after exposure to hyperoxia, which persisted after the recov-ery period. Qualitative changes in tracheal architecture, evaluated by optic microscopy, revealed that the 50%O2 group suffered an increase in the thickness of the extracellular matrix and degranu-lated mast cell density in the submucosa and adventitia adjacent to the TSM, without further changes when compared with the control group at 15 days of age. The changes in extracellular matrix were reversible after recovery in ambient air. Mast cell density remained higher than that of the control group at 36 days of age, and more contiguous to TSM than the 50%O2 group. In conclusion, it has been demonstrated that moderate levels of chronic neonatal hyperoxia in-duce changes in TSM contractile response and tracheal structure, which may be functionally ex-pressed after discontinuation of exposure. Therefore, the original contribution of the present work was the development of an animal model which allows the evaluation of the mechanisms through which hyperoxia alone can induce chronic changes in contractility and relaxation of SM and also in airway structure that can be responsible for the persistent airway hyperrespon-siveness found in patients who were submited to neonatal oxygen therapy.


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Dissertation presented at Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia of Universidade Nova de Lisboa to obtain the Degree of Master in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de mestre em Engenharia de Materiais


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Ligand K-edge XAS of an [Fe3S4]0 model complex is reported. The pre-edge can be resolved into contributions from the í2Ssulfide, í3Ssulfide, and Sthiolate ligands. The average ligand-metal bond covalencies obtained from these pre-edges are further distributed between Fe3+ and Fe2.5+ components using DFT calculations. The bridging ligand covalency in the [Fe2S2]+ subsite of the [Fe3S4]0 cluster is found to be significantly lower than its value in a reduced [Fe2S2] cluster (38% vs 61%, respectively). This lowered bridging ligand covalency reduces the superexchange coupling parameter J relative to its value in a reduced [Fe2S2]+ site (-146 cm-1 vs -360 cm-1, respectively). This decrease in J, along with estimates of the double exchange parameter B and vibronic coupling parameter ì2/k-, leads to an S ) 2 delocalized ground state in the [Fe3S4]0 cluster. The S K-edge XAS of the protein ferredoxin II (Fd II) from the D. gigas active site shows a decrease in covalency compared to the model complex, in the same oxidation state, which correlates with the number of H-bonding interactions to specific sulfur ligands present in the active site. The changes in ligand-metal bond covalencies upon redox compared with DFT calculations indicate that the redox reaction involves a two-electron change (one-electron ionization plus a spin change of a second electron) with significant electronic relaxation. The presence of the redox inactive Fe3+ center is found to decrease the barrier of the redox process in the [Fe3S4] cluster due to its strong antiferromagnetic coupling with the redox active Fe2S2 subsite.


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Inorganic Chemistry 50(21):10600-7


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J Biol Inorg Chem (2003) 8: 777–786 DOI 10.1007/s00775-003-0479-y


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RESUMO: Conclusão - Este estudo sugere que mulheres grávidas beneficiam da prática rotineira de 30 min de relaxamento perante a eminência de um acontecimento indutor de stress. O benefício será tanto psicológico como fisiológico e será mais marcado de manhã do que de tarde. As mulheres com maior tendência ansiosa, tipicamente as mais jovens e com menos idade gestacional, serão as que mais beneficiam. Entre os tipos de intervenção experimentados, todos eles não dispendiosos, a audição de música foi globalmente o mais eficaz para o propósito pretendido. A variação do cortisol e a variação da testosterona estão altamente correlacionadas, e este efeito poderá ser explorado em futuras intervenções relaxantes. Programas curtos de relaxamento poderão conduzir a benefícios para o bem-estar psicológico e para a saúde da grávida, com benefícios adicionais no desfecho da gravidez. O rácio digital 2D:4D do recém-nascido apresenta características sexualmente dimórficas, sendo mais baixo em rapazes que em raparigas, confirmando a influência dos androgénios pré-natais, mas há grande sobreposição entre os sexos pelo que, isoladamente, não pode ser utilizado como marcador de risco. No entanto, se associado a outros marcadores biológicos, como o peso ao nascer e a circunferência cerebral, entre outros, poderá ser um parâmetro a valorizar desde cedo, possivelmente no acompanhamento pediátrico. Nas raparigas, o RD da mãe e a testosterona no LA explicam uma proporção significativa do seu 2D:4D. Em ambos os sexos, o rácio 2D:4D aumenta após o nascimento e o dimorfismo sexual observado com base em amostras de crianças com mais de dois anos de idade, é afectado pela testosterona pós-natal, especialmente no que se refere à mão direita.----------ABSTRACT: Conclusions - This study suggests that pregnant women would benefit from the routine practice of 30min relaxation when at the imminence of a stressful event. The benefit would be both psychological and physiological and would be more pronounced in the morning than in the afternoon. Women tending to be more anxious, typically younger and at a lower gestational age, are the ones that benefit the most. Among the interventions investigated, all being non-expensive and easy to implement, listening to relaxing music was globally the most efficient for the benefit intended. The variation of cortisol and the variation of testosterone are significantly correlated, an association that might be used in future relaxation interventions. It is feasible to conceive short relaxation programs aimed at benefiting psychological well-being and health in pregnancy, with additional benefits for pregnancy outcome. The digital ratio 2D:4D is sexually dimorphic, being lower in males than in females, confirming the influence of pre-natal androgens. There is however large overlap between sexes, rendering the 2D:4D a risk marker not to be used in isolation but rather in association with other markers, like for instance the weight at birth and the head circumference, wherein it may be a relevant parameter for pediatric follow-up. In newborn females, a significant amount of variability in 2D:4D is accounted for by their mother’s digital ratio and AF testosterone. In both sexes, the 2D:4D ratio increases following birth and sexual dimorphism,as assessed from samples of subjects with more than 2 years of age, is affected by post-natal testosterone, especially in what concerns the right hand.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Química Sustentável


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Title: «Mediterranean diet in Portuguese proverbs». Mediterranean diet has been considered Immaterial World Patrimony since December 2013. It is characteristic of basin Mediterranean people (Portugal, Spain, Morocco, Italy, Greece, Cyprus and Croatia) and includes their gastronomy with local products, their traditions, their culture and their healthy lifestyle. Mediterranean diet is passed on from one generation to another mostly orally and it is likewise present in phraseological units, especially in proverbs. This paper analyses Portuguese proverbs aiming to show their importance when transmitting cookingrelated knowledge and information, such as, local ingredients, cooking techniques and the social function, both daily or on holidays. Since the practice of physical exercise is so important for the Mediterranean diet, our study includes physical exercise and relaxation-related proverbs as well.