46 resultados para partners
FEBS Letters 579 (2005) 4585–4590
In this paper we will analyse the usage of FTA to support decision-making in employment policy relate to specific occupational groups. The examples can be better understood if one focus on the nanotechnology and its implications on some sectors (clothing, bio-medical engineering, micro-electronics). When this is done will be clear which occupations will engage a restructuring process (engineers, specialised technicians, qualified machine operators, quality controllers) and what policies are being designed to cope with it. This means toward which extend social partners have driven specific policies on these issues (focused in their sectors).
The virtual enterprise paradigm seems a fit response to face market instability and the volatile nature of business opportunities increasing enterprise’s interest in similar forms of networked organisations. The dynamic environment of a virtual enterprise requires that partners in the consortium own reconfigurable shop floors. This paper presents new approaches to shop floor control that meet the requirements of the new industrial paradigms and argues on work re-organization at shop floor level.
Today all kinds of innovations and research work is done by partnerships of competent entities each having some specialized skills. Like the development of the global economy, global innovation partnerships have grown considerably and form the basis of most of the sophisticated innovations today. To further streamline and simplify such cooperation, several innovation networks have been formed, both at local and global levels. This paper discusses the different types of innovations and how cooperation can benefit innovation in terms of pooling of resources and sharing of risks. One example of an open global co-innovation network promoted by Tata Consultancy Services, the TCS COIN is taken as a case. It enables venture capitalists, consultants, research agencies, companies and universities form nodes of the network so that each entity can play a meaningful role in the innovation network. Further, two innovation projects implemented using the COIN are discussed. Innovation Networks like these could form the basis of a unique global innovation network, which is not owned by any company and is used by innovation partners globally to collaborate and conduct research and development.
Dissertação apresentada para a obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Bioquímica, especialidade de Bioquímica-Física pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
Business History, Vol 50 No 2, p147-162
Dissertação de Mestrado em Engenharia Informática
Dissertation presented at the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the New University of Lisbon to obtain the degree of Doctor in Electrical Engineering, specialty of Robotics and Integrated Manufacturing
All every day activities take place in space. And it is upon this that all information and knowledge revolve. The latter are the key elements in the organisation of territories. Their creation, use and distribution should therefore occur in a balanced way throughout the whole territory in order to allow all individuals to participate in an egalitarian society, in which the flow of knowledge can take precedence over the flow of interests. The information society depends, to a large extent, on the technological capacity to disseminate information and, consequently, the knowledge throughout territory, thereby creating conditions which allow a more balanced development, from the both the social and economic points of view thus avoiding the existence of info-exclusion territories. Internet should therefore be considered more than a mere technology, given that its importance goes well beyond the frontiers of culture and society. It is already a part of daily life and of the new forms of thinking and transmitting information, thus making it a basic necessity essential, for a full socio-economic development. Its role as a platform of creation and distribution of content is regarded as an indispensable element for education in today’s society, since it makes information a much more easily acquired benefit.”…in the same way that the new technologies of generation and distribution of energy allowed factories and large companies to establish themselves as the organisational bases of industrial society, so the internet today constitutes the technological base of the organisational form that characterises the Information Era: the network” (CASTELLS, 2004:15). The changes taking place today in regional and urban structures are increasingly more evident due to a combination of factors such as faster means of transport, more efficient telecommunications and other cheaper and more advanced technologies of information and knowledge. Although their impact on society is obvious, society itself also has a strong influence on the evolution of these technologies. And although physical distance has lost much of the responsibility it had towards explaining particular phenomena of the economy and of society, other aspects such as telecommunications, new forms of mobility, the networks of innovation, the internet, cyberspace, etc., have become more important, and are the subject of study and profound analysis. The science of geographical information, allows, in a much more rigorous way, the analysis of problems thus integrating in a much more balanced way, the concepts of place, of space and of time. Among the traditional disciplines that have already found their place in this process of research and analysis, we can give special attention to a geography of new spaces, which, while not being a geography of ‘innovation’, nor of the ‘Internet’, nor even ‘virtual’, which can be defined as one of the ‘Information Society’, encompassing not only the technological aspects but also including a socio-economic approach. According to the last European statistical data, Portugal shows a deficit in terms of information and knowledge dissemination among its European partners. Some of the causes are very well identified - low levels of scholarship, weak investments on innovation and R&D (both private and public sector) - but others seem to be hidden behind socio-economical and technological factors. So, the justification of Portugal as the case study appeared naturally, on a difficult quest to find the major causes to territorial asymmetries. The substantial amount of data needed for this work was very difficult to obtain and for the islands of Madeira and Azores was insufficient, so only Continental Portugal was considered for this study. In an effort to understand the various aspects of the Geography of the Information Society and bearing in mind the increasing generalised use of information technologies together with the range of technologies available for the dissemination of information, it is important to: (i) Reflect on the geography of the new socio-technological spaces. (ii) Evaluate the potential for the dissemination of information and knowledge through the selection of variables that allow us to determine the dynamic of a given territory or region; (iii) Define a Geography of the Information Society in Continental Portugal.
RESUMO - A cidade do Seixal, enquanto Cidade Saudável tem como missão a implementação dos princípios e estratégias do Projecto Cidades Saudáveis da OMS. Para tal, desenvolve programas e acções, conjuntamente com parceiros intersectoriais, com vista à melhoria da saúde e da qualidade de vida dos cidadãos residentes na cidade do Seixal, e que promova em simultâneo a participação da comunidade. A separação selectiva dos resíduos depende da participação dos cidadãos, pelo que esta investigação propõe-se estudar quais os factores favoráveis e desfavoráveis à adesão dos cidadãos à separação selectiva de resíduos sólidos urbanos, na cidade do Seixal, enquanto Cidade Saudável. O paradigma quantitativo foi o escolhido para guiar o desenvolvimento deste estudo, através do método survey (descrição numérica de uma fracção da população – amostra – através do processo de aplicação de questionários à população). O questionário desenvolvido para esta investigação será aplicado no Fórum Municipal do Seixal a uma amostra de 250 cidadãos residentes na cidade do Seixal. Para obter os resultados finais, será realizada, numa primeira fase, uma análise descritiva de todas as variáveis, que deverá incluir medidas de localização e variabilidade adequadas a cada variável. Numa segunda fase será realizada uma análise inferencial recorrendo a testes não paramétricos e paramétricos. ----------------ABSTRAT - The city of Seixal, while Healthy City, takes as a mission the implementation of the beginnings and strategies of the WHO Healthy Cities Project. Programs and actions are being developed for that purpose, jointly with intersectorial partners, with sight to the improvement of the health and of the quality of life of the resident citizens in the city of Seixal, and that it promotes in simultaneous the participation of the community. Because the selective waste separation depends on the participation of the citizens, the purpose of this investigation is to study the favorable and unfavorable factors which leads participation or not of the citizens to the selective separation of urbane solid wastes, in the city of Seixal, while Healthy City. The quantitative paradigm was the chosen one to guide the development of this study, through the survey method (numerical description of a fraction of the population – sample – through the process of questionnaires to the population). The questionnaire developed for this investigation will be applied in the Fórum Municipal do Seixal, to a sample of 250 resident citizens in the city of Seixal. To obtain the final results, we will carry out, in a first phase, a descriptive analysis of all the variables, which will include measures of location and variability appropriate to each one. In a second phase will be carried out an inferential analysis resorting to non parametric and parametric tests.
MSc. Dissertation presented at Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia of Universidade Nova de Lisboa to obtain the Master degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering
A investigação científica que se seguiu à descoberta da infecção pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana (VIH) representou um marco histórico importante, permitindo a instituição de terapêutica e alterando a história natural da infecção, melhorando as expectativas dos indivíduos infectados.Se, por um lado, a terapêutica antirretroviral de alta eficácia (do inglês, Highly Active Antiretroviral Theraphy: HAART), nos países desenvolvidos, teve um enorme impacto na melhoria da qualidade de vida e esperança média de vida dos indivíduos infectados, permitindo-lhes encarar a infecção como uma doença crónica, por outro lado, introduziu-se uma nova dinâmica epidemiológica na transmissão de VIH e um novo desafio para a sua prevenção.Os comportamentos sexuais são o factor-alvo através do qual se pode, de uma forma mais eficaz, prevenir a possibilidade de infectar um qualquer indivíduo na comunidade. Parece, pois, importante haver necessidade de um olhar atento da Saúde Pública sobre a vida sexual dos indivíduos infectados, não só na tentativa de, promover a sua qualidade de vida, como também, de prevenir a disseminação da doença, e, ainda mais importante, prevenir a disseminação do vírus nas suas formas resistentes.O objectivo deste estudo foi analisar a consistência do uso de preservativo/práticas de sexo seguro, em indivíduos infectados por VIH, seguidos em Consulta de Imunodepressão, do Serviço de Doenças Infecciosas, do Hospital de Santa Maria. Pretende-se avaliar, no âmbito da “Educação para a Saúde”, a necessidade de aconselhamento aos indivíduos infectados, relativamente aos seus comportamentos sexuais.Para o efeito, realizou-se um estudo descritivo e transversal. A população envolvida compreendeu todos os indivíduos infectados seguidos na Consulta de Imunodepressão. A amostra foi seleccionada através de aleatorização simples e constituída por 98 elementos. A colheita de dados foi efectuada através do método de entrevista, a qual só teve início após a assinatura do consentimento informado. O estudo decorreu entre 14 de Março e 27 de Junho de 2008.Foram analisados os dados relativamente às variáveis: sócio-demográficas, estado serológico da infecção, história sexual, consumo de substâncias, comportamento sexual e percepção de risco da transmissão da infecção por VIH.Os comportamentos de sexo não seguro foram associados ao número de parceiros sexuais/ano (p=0,007), ter parceiro sexual habitual (p=0,010), ter múltiplos parceiros sexuais ocasionais (p=0,000) e à prática de sexo oral (sexo oral receptivo, p=0,001; sexo oral activo, p=0,006).Os resultados demonstraram a importância da prevenção secundária nos indivíduos infectados por VIH. A necessidade dos centros de atendimento estarem providos de mensagem de prevenção, ensinos e aconselhamento a todas as pessoas infectadas e, também, aos seus parceiros sexuais, aumentando-lhes a qualidade de vida e reduzindo o risco de transmissão da infecção por HIV. ABSTRACT: The scientific research that followed the finding of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection represented an important historical mark, allowing therapeutic institution and changing the natural history of the infection, thus improving the expectations of infected individuals. If by one side the Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) had an enormous impact on the improvement of life quality and life expectancy of the infected individuals on the developed countries, allowing them to face the infection as a chronic disease, on the other side it was introduced a epidemiologic dynamic on the HIV transmission and a new challenge for its prevention. Sexual behaviour is the main factor through which is possible to prevent more efficiently the possibility of infection of a community’s individual. Thus it appears important the need of Public Health to have a careful look into the sexual life of infected individuals, not only to try to promote their life quality but as well to prevent the dissemination of the disease and more importantly prevent the dissemination of the virus in its resistant forms. The objective of this study was to analyse the consistency of the use of condoms/safe sex by individuals infected by HIV that are followed by the Infectious Disease Service of the Santa Maria Hospital through Immune-depression Appointments. The goal was to evaluate the need of advisement to the infected individuals relatively to their sexual behaviours. For that it was done a descriptive and transversal study. The involved population included all infected individuals followed in the Immune-depression Appointments. The sample was selected by simple randomisation and was composed by 98 elements. The data was obtained by interview method, which was initiated after signing the informed consent. The study was took place between 14 March and 27 June 2008. It was analysed the data relative to the variables: socio-demographics, serologic state of the infection, sexual history, substances consumption, sexual behaviour and risk perception on the transmission of HIV infection. The unsafe sexual behaviours were associated to the number of sexual partners/year (p=0,007), having steady partner (p= 0,010), having occasional sexual partners (p=0,000) and oral sex practice (receptive oral sex, p=0,001; active oral sex, p= 0,006).The results demonstrated the importance of the secondary prevention on individuals infected by HIV. It also demonstrated the need of providing the attendance centres with a prevention message, teachings and advises to all infected persons as well as to their sexual partners, increasing their life quality and reducing the transmission risk of HIV infection.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Biomédica
RESUMO: O aborto recorrente (AR) é um evento extremamente traumático com grande impacto na vida dos casais. Apesar de avanços significativos verificados na investigação médica, cerca de 50% dos casos continua sem uma causa identificada. Alguns aspectos como a caracterização inadequada das doentes e das perdas gestacionais, assim como diferentes metodologias utilizadas no seu estudo, têm influenciado a prevalência de alguns dos factores causais e dificultado a compreensão do AR. Da mesma forma, pouco se sabe sobre as diferenças de género na vivência psicológica do aborto recorrente e das suas eventuais repercussões para o relacionamento do casal, centrando-se os poucos estudos existentes preferencialmente na mulher. Por esta razão, o objectivo desta tese foi a caracterização dos factores médicos associados ao AR e das consequências psicológicas desta entidade, contribuindo para promover estratégias clínicas baseadas na evidência específica. Na primeira parte desta tese (capítulos 1 e 2), após uma breve introdução geral e através de uma revisão da literatura, efectua-se uma reflexão sobre o tema, abordando a epidemiologia do aborto recorrente, os factores médicos e os aspectos psicológicos associados. Nos capítulos 3 e 4 descrevemos três estudos efectuados em mulheres portuguesas com aborto recorrente. O primeiro estudo teve por objectivo caracterizar os factores médicos e determinar o padrão da perda recorrente de gravidez, numa coorte de mulheres submetidas a um protocolo de diagnóstico definido. As participantes foram agrupadas de acordo com a paridade (AR primário ou secundário) e a idade gestacional das perdas (embrionárias ou fetais). As anomalias da cavidade uterina, a SAAF e as translocações equilibradas parentais foram os factores mais prevalentes. 15,6% das participantes eram obesas. Em 55,5% dos casos não foi identificado nenhum factor. A história obstétrica materna influenciou significativamente os resultados encontrados: os factores anatómicos e a SAAF foram mais prevalentes em nulíparas e as perdas inexplicadas foram mais frequentes em mulheres com AR secundário. Assim, os nossos dados reforçam os resultados de pesquisas anteriores sobre a importância da obesidade, da síndrome de anticorpos antifosfolípidos e das anomalias uterinas estruturais como factores associados ao AR e mostram que os a paridade é um moderador da importância desses factores. Capítulo 6 94 A ausência de resultados consensuais na literatura sobre a etiologia do AR condiciona a pesquisa sistemática de alguns factores, envolvendo exames dispendiosos, muitas vezes sem que exista evidência que suporte a sua associação com esta entidade. A trombofilia hereditária é uma das condições frequentemente investigadas nestas doentes. O nosso segundo estudo pretende contribuir para clarificar o papel de duas mutações (factor V Leiden e protrombina G20210A) na perda recorrente de gravidez e esclarecer a necessidade do seu rastreio nestas situações. Foi efectuada a pesquisa destes polimorfismos em 100 mulheres com AR inexplicado e num grupo de controlo de multíparas sem história de perdas de gravidez. Na nossa amostra não se verificou uma associação entre perdas embrionárias recorrentes e estas mutações. Nas mulheres com este tipo de perdas, a prevalência do FLV foi inclusive menor do que a verificada nos controlos. Pelo contrário, nas participantes com perdas fetais a prevalência destes polimorfismos foi muito superior à verificada nos controlos, sugerindo uma possível associação entre estas duas entidades. A pequena dimensão deste último subgrupo de mulheres, não nos permitiu contudo tirar conclusões. Uma investigação prospectiva multicêntrica é necessária antes de recomendar a pesquisa da trombofilia hereditária na investigação do AR. Procurámos incluir também nesta tese uma dimensão psicológica e contribuir assim para o conhecimento dos processos relacionais originados pelo AR. No terceiro estudo foram investigadas as diferenças de género na vivência do AR e o seu impacto no relacionamento e sexualidade do casal. Participaram neste estudo 30 casais sem filhos, com pelo menos 3 abortos espontâneos consecutivos. Cada membro do casal respondeu a um conjunto de questionários (Impact of Events Scale, Perinatal Grief Scale, Partnership Questionnaire e Intimate Relationship Scale). Os resultados mostram que as mulheres sofrem mais intensamente do que os homens com o AR, relacionando-se a intensidade do seu sofrimento com a qualidade do relacionamento conjugal. A sexualidade do casal é também afectada pelo stress e pelo sofrimento associados ao AR. Uma avaliação e acompanhamento deste tipo de problemas são imprescindíveis para ajudar estes casais a manterem a qualidade afectiva e sexual da sua relação. Finalmente, no capítulo 5 sumariámos as conclusões de toda a contribuição pessoal para a investigação sobre os factores associados e repercussões para o casal da perda recorrente de gravidez.-------------------ABSTRACT: Recurrent miscarriage (RM), a rare condition, has been described as a traumatic event for couples. Parental chromosomal anomalies, maternal thrombophilic disorders and structural uterine anomalies have been directly associated with RM. However, despite significant advances in medical research, the vast majority of cases remain unexplained. Aspects as the ethnic diversity of the population with different expression of genes, the inappropriate characterization of patients and of pregnancy losses, as well as different methodologies used in their study, have influenced the prevalence of etiological factors and have hampered the understanding of this problem. Similarly, little is known about gender differences in psychological experience of RM and its implications for the relationship of the couple. The first objective of this thesis is the characterization of the medical factors and of the psychological consequences related with RM, in the Portuguese population, helping to promote specific evidence-based clinical strategies. In the first part of this thesis, and after a brief general introduction (Chapter 1), a critical review of literature on the definition, the epidemiology and the dimensions involved, with a special emphasis on associated medical and psychological aspects of recurrent miscarriage, is presented (Chapter 2). In Chapters 3 and 4 we describe three studies carried out in Portuguese couples with RM. The first study aimed to investigate the etiological factors and the pattern of pregnancy loss in a cohort of women with RM. Subjects were divided in groups according to their parity (primary or secondary RM) and time of pregnancy loss (embryonic or fetal). Parental chromosome anomalies, uterine anomalies and antiphospholipid syndrome were the most prevalent medical factors. 15.6% of the women were obese. In the majority of cases (55.5%) no identifiable cause was detected. Parity influenced significantly our results. There was a higher prevalence of anatomic factors and antiphospholipid syndrome in primary RM. On the other hand, unexplained losses were more frequent in secondary RM. Except for the parental chromosomal abnormalities; the frequency of risk factors was similar among women with fetal or embryonic losses. Our data emphasizes the results of previous research on the importance of obesity, antiphospholipid syndrome and structural uterine abnormalities as known risk factors for RM, and shows that parity is an important moderator of the weight of those risk factors. Our second study aims to clarify the role of two mutations (factor V Leiden and prothrombin G20210A) and elucidate the need for their screening in Portuguese women with RM. FVL and PT G20210A analysis was carried out in 100 women with three or more consecutive miscarriages and a control group of 100 parous controls with no history of pregnancy losses. Secondary analysis was made regarding gestational age at miscarriage (embryonic and fetal loss). Overall the prevalence of FVL and PT G20210A was similar in RM women compared with controls. In the RM embryonic subgroup of women, FVL prevalence was inclusively lower than that of controls. Conversely in women with fetal losses both polymorphisms were much more frequent, although statistical significance was not reached due to the small size of this subgroup of patients. These data indicate that inherited maternal thrombophilia is not associated with RM prior to 10 weeks of gestation. Therefore, its screening is not indicated as an initial approach in Portuguese women with RM and a negative personal history of thromboembolic.96 Our second study aims to clarify the role of two mutations (factor V Leiden and prothrombin G20210A) and elucidate the need for their screening in Portuguese women with RM. FVL and PT G20210A analysis was carried out in 100 women with three or more consecutive miscarriages and a control group of 100 parous controls with no history of pregnancy losses. Secondary analysis was made regarding gestational age at miscarriage (embryonic and fetal loss). Overall the prevalence of FVL and PT G20210A was similar in RM women compared with controls. In the RM embryonic subgroup of women, FVL prevalence was inclusively lower than that of controls. Conversely in women with fetal losses both polymorphisms were much more frequent, although statistical significance was not reached due to the small size of this subgroup of patients. These data indicate that inherited maternal thrombophilia is not associated with RM prior to 10 weeks of gestation. Therefore, its screening is not indicated as an initial approach in Portuguese women with RM and a negative personal history of thromboembolic. In our third study, we investigate gender differences in RM experience and its impact on the couple's relationship and sexuality. Each member of 30 couples with RM answered a set of questionnaires, including the Impact of Events Scale (Horowitz et al., 1979), the Perinatal Grief Scale (Toedter et al., 1988), the Partnership Questionnaire (Hahlweg, 1979) and the Intimate Relationship Scale (Hetherington e Soeken, 1990). Results showed that men do grieve, but less intensely than women. Although the quality of the couple‟s relationship seemed not to be adversely affected by RM, both partners described sexual changes after those events. Grief was related to the quality of communication in the couple for women, and to the quality of sex life for men. An understanding of such issues is critical in helping these couples to maintain sexual and affective quality of their relationship. Finally, in Chapter 5, conclusions and clinical implications of all personal contribution to the investigation on associated factors and relational consequences of recurrent miscarriage are presented.