6 resultados para médio


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New radiocarbon measurements were obtained from middle and upper Paleolithic sites currently under research by the CEPUNL, in well defined stratigraphical situations. With other dates, they yield an approximative chronological global view. Measurement distribution in function of time does not seem to be an hazardous one. In the actual status of our knowledge, this distribution seems to fit in some assemblages: (a) 14000 to 15000 BP, Solutrean; (b) about 20 000 BP, Solutrean; (c) circa 25 000 BP, already Solutrean, and slightly older than 26 000 BP, still Mousterian; (d) between 29 000 and 31 000 BP, Mousterian. The persistance of Mousterian much later than its acknowledged upper limit at about 34 000 BP (and hence the survival of its neanderthalian authors) is demonstrated. For the first time it has been possible to ascertain the upper time limit of the marine 5-8 metres raised beach (Tyrrhenian III) at Serra da Arrábida, and also the age of archaeological sites without stone artifacts, or with uncharacteristic ones. The obtained measurements allow US to correlate localities and sedimentary units with last glaciation events. There seems to have been a distinct correlation between cave and shelter human occupation and events marked by the worsening of climate.


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New radiocarbon measurements were obtained from middle and upper Paleolithic sites currendy under research by the CEPUNL, in well defined stratigraphical situations. With other dates, they yield an approximative chronological global view. Measurement dístribution in function of time does not seem to be an hazardous one. ln the actual status of our knowledge, this distribution seems to fit in some assemblages: (a) 14000 to 15000 BP, Solurrean ; (b) about 20 000 BP, Solurrean ; (e) area 25 000 BP, already Solurrean, and slightly older than 26 000 BP, still Mousterian ; (d) between 29 000 and 31 000 BP, Mousterian. The persistance of Mousterian much later than its acknowledged upper limit at about 34 000 BP (and hence the survival of its neanderthalian authors) is demonstrated. For the first time it has been possible to ascertain the upper time limit of the marine 5-8 metres raised beach (Tyrrhenian III) at Serra da Arrábida, and also the age of archaeological sires wirhout srone arrifacts, or with uncharacteristic ones. The obtained measurements allow us to correlate localities and sedimentary units with last glaciation events. There seems to have been a distinct correlation between cave and shelter human occupation and events marked by the worsening of climate.


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Quartz (and silex) lithic artifacts collected at Galapos (Creiro), in the southern part of lhe Serra da Arrábida, Portugal, are described. These artifacts are characteristic of the Middle Paleolithic (Mousterian). This new locality reinforces lhe evidences for an important human occupation of this region at those times, as previously shown by the study of the Figueira Brava cave.


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Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Arqueologia.


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Nas comunidades linguísticas modernas estudadas que apresentam uma estratificação social complexa , e na qual vigoram padrões linguísticos que de algum modo condicionam ou regulam o uso linguístico, verifica-se que não existe sempre coincidência entre os juízos que os sujeitos linguísticos são capazes de emitir sobre o uso linguístico e a realidade da produção linguística dos mesmos sujeitos. A distinção entre aquilo que os falantes/escreventes "dizem que dizem ou grafam" (ou "dizem qu e se deve dizer ou escrever" ) e "aquilo que de facto dizem/grafam " é um aspecto a que a emergência da sociolinguística veio dar a devida importância e relevância no contexto dos estudos linguísticos.


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O presente Relatório de Estágio apresenta os resultados de 800 horas de estágio realizado na Direcção de Serviços do Médio Oriente e Magrebe – Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros. Este focou-se maioritariamente na organização e actualização dos instrumentos bilaterais entre Portugal e os países MOM, sendo pontuado também por pesquisas ocasionais relativas à realidade política interna e/ou externa destes mesmos países. Primeiramente apresenta-se o enquadramento da DSMOM no Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros, bem como as suas atribuições e caracterização, descrevendo-se e analisando-se posteriormente as tarefas realizadas. Propõe-se ainda um breve enquadramento da relevância dos países MOM na política externa portuguesa