26 resultados para increment zones
The second half of the XX century was marked by a great increase in the number of people living in cities. Urban agglomerations became poles of attraction for migration flows and these phenomena, coupled with growing car-ownership rates, resulted in the fact that modern transport systems are characterized by large number of users and traffic modes. The necessity to organize these complex systems and to provide space for different traffic modes changed the way cities look. Urban areas had to cope with traffic flows, and as a result nowadays typical street pattern consists of a road for motorized vehicles, a cycle lane (in some cases), pavement for pedestrians, parking and a range of crucial signage to facilitate navigation and make mobility more secure. However, this type of street organization may not be desirable in certain areas, more specifically, in the city centers. Downtown areas have always been places where economic, leisure, social and other types of facilities are concentrated, not surprisingly, they often attract large number of people and this frequently results in traffic jams, air and noise pollution, thus creating unpleasant environment. Besides, excessive traffic signage in central locations can harm the image and perception of a place, this relates in particular to historical centers with architectural heritage.
Algarve Province, Southern Portugal, corresponds in part to a meso-cenozoic basin running along the coast from Cabo S. Vicente to beyond Spanish border. Structurally it is a big monocline plunging southwards much deformed mainly by two East-West longitudinal flexures. Lithostratigraphical and chronostratigraphical studies dealt specially with Jurassic formations. This and the geological mapping of the post-Hercynian sedimentary formations allow us to define the following units: Triassic-Lower Liassic Arenitos de Silves (Silves sandstones sensu P. Choffat, pro parte) - At their base the Silves sandstones (0-150m) are represented mainly by cross-bedded red sandstones. This unit is Upper Triassic (Keuper) in age, on the evidence of some Brachiopoda. Complexo margo-carbonatado de Silves (Silves marl-limestone complex=Silves sandstones sensu P. Choffat, pro parte) (80-200m) overlies the preceding, it may be reported to the Upper Triassic-Hettangian. It consists of a thick pelite-marl-dolomite-limestone series with many intercalations of greenstones. Since no fossils were found it is not possible to conclude whether it is still Hettangian or if it does correspond, in the whole or in part, already to the Sinemurian. Liassic Dolomitos e calcários dolomíticos de Espiche (Espiche dolomite-rocks and dolomitic-limestones) - The usually massive and finely crystalline or saccharoidal dolomites and dolomitic-limestones are the toughest strata of the Algarve margin giving rise to several hills. Its thickness attains in certain points 60 metres at least. Based on geometry and on lithological similarities with the carbonated complex of the northern basin of Tagus river (Peniche, São Pedro de Muel, Quiaios), this formation can be accepted as Sinemurian in age. As it happens with the carbonated complex, here also the first dolomite beds are non-isochronal throughout the region; upper time-limit of the dolomitic facies is either Lower Carixian, Lower Toarcian or even Lower Dogger. The dolomitization is secondary but not much later than sedimentation. However, between Cabo S. Vicente-Vila do Bispo there is evidence of an even later secondary dolomitization related to the regional fault complex. Calcário dolomítico com nódulos de silex da praia de Belixe (Belixe beach dolomitic-limestone with silex nodules) (50-55m) - Ascribed to Lower or Middle Carixian on the basis of Platypleuroceras sp., Metaderoceras sp. nov. and M. gr. Venarense. Calcário cristalino compacto com Protogrammoceras, Fuciniceras e ? Argutarpites de Belixe (Belixe compact crystalline limestone with Protogrammoceras, Fuciniceras and ? Argutarpites) (30m) - Ascribed to Lower Domerian. Middle and Upper Domerian are indicated but by a single specimen of ? Argutarpites. Calcários margosos e margas com Dactylioceras semicelatum e Harpoceratídeos de Armação Nova (Armação Nova marly limestones and marls with D. semicelatum and Harpoceratidae) (25m) -Ascribed to Lower Toarcian. Middle and Upper Toarcian formations are not known in the Algarve. Dogger Calcários oolíticos, c. corálicos, c. pisolíticos, c. calciclásticos, c. dolomíticos e dolomitos de Almadena (Almadena oolitic-limestones, coral-reef-limestones, pisolite-limestones, limeclastic-limestones, dolomitic-limestones and dolomite-rocks) (more than 50 metres), with lagoonal facies. Ascribed to Aalenian-Bathonian-? Callovian. Margas acinzentadas e calcários detríticos com Zoophycos da praia de Mareta (Mareta beach greyish marls and detritical limestones with Zoophycos) (40m) - Pelagic transreef facies with Upper Bajocian and Bathonian ammonites. Calcários margosos e margas da praia de Mareta (Mareta beach pelagic marly-limestones and marls) (110m) - Ascribed to the Callovian on its ammonites. Malm Near Cabo S. Vicente and Sagres the first Upper Jurassic level consists of a yellowish-brown nodular, compact, locally phosphated and ferruginous, sometimes conglomeratic, marly limestone (0,35-1,50m) containing a rich macrofauna, which includes: 1) Callovian forms unknown at Lower Oxfordian; 2) Upper Callovian forms that still survived in Lower and Middle Oxfordian; 3) Lower Oxfordian forms (Mariae and Cordatum Zones); 4) Lower and Middle Oxfordian forms (Mariae to Plicatilis Zone); 5) Middle Oxfordian forms (plicatilis Zone), and some ones appearing in Middle Oxfordian. This condensed deposit is therefore dated from Middle Oxfordian (Plicatilis Zone). The other Upper Jurassic lithostratigraphical units were also mapped but their detailed study is not presented in this work. Correlations between lithostratigraphical and chronostratigraphical scales from P. Choffat, J. Pratsch, C. Palain and from the author are stated. Further correlations are attempted between zonc scales of Carixian-Lower Toarcian and Upper Bajocian-Middle Oxfordian of France, Spain (Asturias, Iberian and Betic Chains), Argel (Orania) and Portugal (northern Tagus basin and Algarve). The study of pyritous fossil assemblages common in Upper Bathonian-Lower Callovian marly levels of the praia da Mareta seems to suggest that these sediments were deposited in a bay or in an almost closed coastal re-entrance virtually without deep water circulation. Although such conditions may occur at any depth one may suppose that these ones actually correspond to an infralittoral neritic environment. The thaphocoenosis collected there are almost entirely composed of nektonic (ammonites, Belemnites) and planktonic (Bositra) faunas. The sedentary (crinoids, brachiopods) or free (sea-urchins, gastropods) epibenthonic forms are very scarce; endobenthonic forms are not known. The palaeontological study of all Nautiloids and Ammonoids of the Liassic and Dogger is presented (except Kosmoceratidae and Perisphinctaceae). Among the thirty one taxa dealt with, one is new (Metaderoceras sp. nov.) and the great majority of the others has been identified for the first time in Algarve. Some others have never been reported before in Portuguese formations. The evolution, during Jurassic times, of the sedimentary basins of the Portuguese plate margin is described. The absence of Cephalopods in the very extensive marly and dolomitic limestones, partly marine, suggests that, during Lower Liassic, palaeogeography underwent no great changes. Dolomitic-limestone with silex nodules from Cabo S. Vicente contain the first ammonites recorded at the base of the Middle Liassic. This facies, although very common in Tethys, is unknown north of the Tagus. The faunal assemblage has a mediterranean to submediterranean character. Comparisons between faunal assemblage" from Algarve with the ones known north of the Tagus show that communications between Boreal Europe and Tethys, virtually non-existent during Lower and Middle Carixian, became very easy during Lower Domerian. In earlier Pliensbachian times two distinct seas were adjacent to the Iberian plate. One, an epicontinental sea with a tethyan fauna, extended southwards from the Meseta margin. Another, was a boreal sea; during its transgressive episodes boreal faunas attained into the basin north of the Tagus. During Middle Carixian and Lower Domerian, owing to simultaneous transgressions, these two seas joined together allowing faunal exchanges along the epicontinental areas which limited the emerging hercynian chains belts. During Liassic, the Algarve belonged undoubtedly to the tethyan submediterranean province. The area north of the Tagus, on the contrary, was a complex realm where subboreal and tethyan affinities alternatively prevailed. In the Algarve the first Middle Jurassic deposits do frequently show lateral thickness reductions as well as unconformities contemporaneous with other generalized disturbances on the sedimentation processes in other parts of Europe. By this time, near Sagres, a barrier reef developed separating lagoonal or ante-reef facies from the transreef pelagic zone. The presence of tethyan fauna, the abundance of Phylloceratidae and the absence of boreal forms allow us to consider the Algarve basin as a submediterranean province. The presence of Callovian pelagic fossiliferous formations in the Loulé area shows that during Middle Jurassic the marl-limestone transreef sedimentation was not confined to the western Algarve. They would extend eastwards where they only can be seen in the core of some anticlines. This is due to the progressive sinking of the meso-cenozoic formations as we proceed towards the South of the Sagres-Algoz-Querença flexure. In the whole of the Peninsule, and as for the Middle Callovian, an important regression can be clearly recognized on the evidence of an erosion surface which strikes obliquely the Middle and Upper Callovian strata. The geographic boundaries of the different faunal provinces are not changed by the presence of many Kosmoceratidae in the phosphate nodules since they are but a minority in comparison with the tethyan forms. An abstract model can be constructed showing that in Western Europe the Kosmoceratidae may have migrated South and westwards through a channel of the sea that linked Paris basin to Poitou and Aquitaine. By migrating between the Iberian meseta and the Armorican massif this fauna reached northern Tagus basin at the beginning of Upper Callovian (Athleta Zone); this south and southwest bound migration would have proceeded, allowing such forms to reach Algarve basin only in latest Callovian times (Lamberti Zone). This migration means that during Middle Jurassic a widely spread North Atlantic sea would exist, flooding the western part of Portugal up to the Poitou.
This paper is concerned with Hipparion from Ribatejo, Portugal, and with the stratigraphy of the Neogene series of this region. The first two chapters are an introduction and an historical review. Paleontological study includes both a revision of the specimens accounted by ROMAN (1907) and the description of new material. Two forms were recognized, an early H. cf. primigenium, lower Vallesian in age, NM 9 mammal unit (from Archino, Vila Nova da Rainha, Aveiras de Cima), and a more advanced H. primigenium cf. melendezi. Upper Vallesian, NM 10 (possibly lowermost Turolian, NM 11) (at Azambujeira and Marmeleira). A synthesis of Middle and Upper Miocene from Ribatejo is also presented. Levels with H. p. cf. melendezi are somewhat older than «Upper Pontian», as it was previously acknowledged, they attain at the best the lowermost Turolian (approximately corresponding to «Upper Pontian»). Even higher levels may be Turolian in age, though they are not yet accurately dated. Almost all the localities are shown (tableau 11) according to its stratigraphical position; age, correspondance to mammal units from NM 5 to NM 10 (and may be also from NM 11 to NM 12), and correlation with marine formations near Lisbon are also taken in account. The stratigraphical position of localities such as Póvoa de Santarém, Quinta do Marmelal, Pero Filho, Azambujeira (lower levels), and Fonte do Pinheiro was revised; the stratigraphical position of Marmeleira was ascertained. The localities so far known correspond to NM 5 (?), NM 6, NM 8, NM 9, NM 10 and possibly to NM II and NM 12. A new interpretation (M. T. ANTUNES) of localities with oysters from Ribatejo allows a better correlation with vertebrate localities. Relationships with Serravallian transgression seem well established. Only two localities, Vila Nova da Rainha and Foz do Alviela, may possibly be correlated to V-b division of Lisbon (Langhian) with «Hispanotherium fauna». All the other localities are younger than Serravallian oyster beds. Undirect correlation shows that NM 6 localities are somewhat younger than the apogee ef Serravallian transgression (corresponding approximately to Blow's N 11 to N 13 zones based on planctonic foraminifera).
This note deals with the stratigraphical and paleontological study of the Palença section on the southern bank of the river Tagus, Portugal, and specially with its coccolithophorids. Three main lithostratigraphical units may be recognized: the lowest one does correspond to the upper part of COTTER's division II, the intermediate one to divisions III and IV-a, the third corresponding to pratically the whole division IV-b, However other and higher levels are also represented. Higher beds are also represented in the same sections; they are less well exposed and were not studied in detail. Caracterisation of biozones on the basis of Coccoliths so far found at Palença section is difficultsince MARTINI's zones have been defined mainly by forms of Discoaster and other genera that are wanting. However we can recognize that the richest assemblage (from beds 17-18, the uppermost layers of blue clays IV-a) may correspond to NN4. This is not in opposition to the results of the study of planctonic foraminifera, that are characteristic of BLOW's N7. Coccoliths from lower beds do not allow at present any valid comparisons.
This study on middle Miocene mammalian faunas from Tagus'basin deals particularly with some small mammals hitherto undescribed from Portugal, including a new Glirid (Paraglirulus scalabicensis nov. sp.); it allows an accurate datation by biostratigraphical standards, Megacricetodon crusafonti, Fahlbuschia darocensis, Cricetodon jotae being characteristic of mammalian MN6 unit, thus their age is nearly that of Sansan and Manchones (however the presence of Peridyromys hamadryas and Lagopsis verus do suggest, amidst this biozone, a somewhat later age than Sansan's); it contributes with indirect correlation data with marine formations, as underlying oyster-bearing beds most probably are in correspondance to the apogee of the same transgression that deposed near Lisbon ”schlier" facies from VI-a division (Serravalian, Blow's zones 10-13, Globorotalia meyeri zone); the diversity of mammalian assemblages is surely related to an environement with varied biotopes, whose characterisation becomes easier if account is taken of the preceding papers on mollusks (G. Truc) and Cyprinid fishes (J. Gaudant), and also according to some unpublished paleobotanical data (J. Pais). A table with a synthesis of all paleontological data so far known is presented.
Jurassic foraminifera in the marine deposits (up to 3km thick) of the Grand Banks of Newfoundland define eight biostratigraphic zones of Pliensbachian through Tithonian age. Jurassic marine deposition (~4cm/10k.y) kept pace with subsidence resulting in a relatively continuous, shallow marine sedimentation pattern. Central Grand Banks subsidence ceased in Late Jurassic time and the area became emergent with erosion taking place until Albian time. Grand Banks Jurassic foraminiferal assemblages are of a distinctly Old World affinity reflecting the contracted early Atlantic paleogeography. Compositional differences with Portuguese Middle-Late Jurassic microfauna are probably related to differences in depositional history of the Portuguese and Grand Banks Basin.
The Upper-Cretaceous transgressive serie is described by the authors, on the whole Occidental Portuguese Basin: it begins in the Lisbon region in the Albian and finishes in the Beira litoral province in the lower Turonian, while the sedimentation zones migrate Northward. The lithologic composition is given for each stage and sub-stage, taking into cgnsideration, in particular in the Upper Cenomanian, the lateral variations from one region to another. The paleogeography becomes clear by the study of the sedimentation environments (6 fig.). In conclusion, the authors propose a correlation between the whole serie and the accepted zonation of the Northwestern Europe. Tables show the repartition of the main macrofauna and microfauna.
This paper is concerned with Hipparion from Ribatejo, Portugal, and with the stratigraphy of the Neogene series of this region. The first two chapters are an introduction and an historical review. Paleontological study includes both a revision of the specimens accounted by ROMAN (1907) and the description of new material. Two forms were recognized, an early H. cf. primigenium, lower Vallesian in age, NM 9 mammal unit (from Archino, Vila Nova da Rainha, Aveiras de Cima), and a more advanced H. primigenium cf. melendezi. Upper Vallesian, NM 10 (possibly lowermost Turolian, NM 11) (at Azambujeira and Marmeleira). A synthesis of Middle and Upper Miocene from Ribatejo is also presented. Levels with H. p. cf. melendezi are somewhat older than «Upper Pontian», as it was previously acknowledged, they attain at the best the lowermost Turolian (approximately corresponding to «Upper Pontian»). Even higher levels may be Turolian in age, though they are not yet accurately dated. Almost all the localities are shown (tableau 11) according to its stratigraphical position; age, correspondance to mammal units from NM 5 to NM 10 (and may be also from NM 11 to NM 12), and correlation with marine formations near Lisbon are also taken in account. The stratigraphical position of localities such as Póvoa de Santarém, Quinta do Marmelal, Pero Filho, Azambujeira (lower levels), and Fonte do Pinheiro was revised; the stratigraphical position of Marmeleira was ascertained. The localities so far known correspond to NM 5 (?), NM 6, NM 8, NM 9, NM 10 and possibly to NM II and NM 12. A new interpretation (M. T. ANTUNES) of localities with oysters from Ribatejo allows a better correlation with vertebrate localities. Relationships with Serravallian transgression seem well established. Only two localities, Vila Nova da Rainha and Foz do Alviela, may possibly be correlated to V-b division of Lisbon (Langhian) with «Hispanotherium fauna». All the other localities are younger than Serravallian oyster beds. Undirect correlation shows that NM 6 localities are somewhat younger than the apogee ef Serravallian transgression (corresponding approximately to Blow's N 11 to N 13 zones based on planctonic foraminifera).
Glauconite K-Ar ages (6.88±0.4; 7.03±0.4 MY) confirm earlier reports to Upper Tortonian of silt beds near Morgadinho, Luz de Tavira and Tavira. Taking stratigraphical position and age into account it is possible now to correlate these beds with similar ones at Quelfes and Cacela (Formação de Cacela, lower member, ascribed to the upper part of N16 or to NI7 Blow's zone, Globorotalia humerosa - G. dutertrei; Tortonian to Messinian, according to the ostracod fauna). Limit between the above quoted zones is thus placed at about 7 MY. New K-Ar ages greatly improve the knowledge about Upper Miocene in eastern Algarve, and on regional tectonic evolution. This is particulary so in what concerns an intra-Tortonian phase.
Improved bromoform concentration as developped at CEPUNL allowed better recovery of small mammals'teeth. At Universidade Católica and Avenida do Uruguay 19 taxa (and a further one with doubt) were recognized. Some are new for the level and for Tagus basin: Lagopsis cadeoti and Melissiodon dominans (1st reference for the genus); Glirudinus modestus (formerly under another name); Armantomys (1st reference for this level); Peridyromys murinus (referred before under another name); Microdyromys legidensis (1st ref. of gen. and sp. for this level); and Heteroxerus rubricati, formerly reported to other species of the same genus. Both localities share the same position viz marine levels under and above. This allows us to correlate them with NS or N6 Blow's zones. Both are distinctly younger-than glauconite in underlying beds about 21 MY old (K-Ar). Small mammals point out to MN3a Neogene subunit. Fauna is much alike Lower Burdigalian ones in Spain, France, Germany and Austria. Terrestrial, maybe steppe forms predominate. Land environment was open, with scant plant cover but not devoid of trees. Peridyromys murinus numerical importance and other data suggest a not so warm climate in correspondance to a minimum temperature event. This is corroborated by associated marine fish fauna entirely without warm water stenotherm species, and by paleobotanical/palynological data. Results are in close agreement with Central Northern Spain. The localities studied here are even more interesting as direct correlations between marine and continental stratigraphical scales are possible.
The biozonation of the portuguese Domerian is presented. This biozonation is based essentially on fauna from the following sections: S. Pedro de Muel, Peniche (Stokesi zone and lower part of the Margaritatus zone) and Brenha (Margaritatus and Spinatum zones). The distribution of the main fossil groups enabled an accurate division of the Stokesi zone into three horizons: Occidentale, Monestieri-Nitescens and Lusitanicum. In the Middle Domerian, the extension of the Ragazzonii horizon was reduced. An Elisa horizon was individualized at the top of the Upper Domerian.
The Middle and Upper Jurassique limestones investigated were sub-divided into nine microfacies (MF) types. The firsts four represent Bathonian sediments with shallow water characteristics typical for carbonate platforms. They are comparable with Wilson's facies zones 6 to 8. Reef and reef debris, near-shore clastic-dominated limestones are not present. These MF-types are reiterated several times without cyclicity. The vertical development of the differentiated facies units indicates a close interfingering. The microfacies data are typical of inter to shallow subtidal environments; both authigenous quartz and low faunal and floral diversity of several layers point to temporary restricted conditions. The occurrence of Dictyoconus cayeuxi LUCAS and Callovian ammonites from the above lying strata argue for a Bathonian age. The MF-types 5-9 (Oxfordian-Kimmeridgian) show completely different sedimentation conditions. Fully marine nearshore recifal limestones alternate with pelagic sediments formed at deeper shelf areas. The pelagic micritic limestones of Oxfordian age are characterized by allodapic intercalations whereas the Oxfordian/Kimmeridgian limestones with tuberolithic fabrics often show intensive silifications. Only initial patch reef growth-stages were reached during the development of the Oxfordian and Kimmeridgian shallow water limestones.
(l) The Pacific basin (Pacific area) may be regarded as moving eastwards like a double zip fastener relative to the continents and their respective plates (Pangaea area): opening in the East and closing in the West. This movement is tracked by a continuous mountain belt, the collision ages of which increase westwards. (2) The relative movements between the Pacific area and the Pangaea area in the W-EfE-W direction are generated by tidal forces (principle of hypocycloid gearing), whereby the lower mantle and the Pacific basin or area (Pacific crust = roof of the lower mantle?) rotate somewhat faster eastwards around the Earth's spin axis relative to the upper mantle/crust system with the continents and their respective plates (Pangaea area) (differential rotation). (3) These relative West to East/East to West displacements produce a perpetually existing sequence of distinct styles of opening and closing oeean basins, exemplified by the present East to West arrangement of ocean basins around the globe (Oceanic or Wilson Cycle: Rift/Red Sea style; Atlantic style; Mediterranean/Caribbean style as eastwards propagating tongue of the Pacific basin; Pacific style; Collision/Himalayas style). This sequence of ocean styles, of which the Pacific ocean is a part, moves eastwards with the lower mantle relative to the continents and the upper-mantle/crust of the Pangaea area. (4) Similarly, the collisional mountain belt extending westwards from the equator to the West of the Pacific and representing a chronological sequence of collision zones (sequential collisions) in the wake of the passing of the Pacific basin double zip fastener, may also be described as recording the history of oceans and their continental margins in the form of successive Wilson Cycles. (5) Every 200 to 250 m.y. the Pacific basin double zip fastener, the sequence of ocean styles of the Wilson Cycle and the eastwards growing collisional mountain belt in their wake complete one lap around the Earth. Two East drift lappings of 400 to 500 m.y. produce a two-lap collisional mountain belt spiral around a supercontinent in one hemisphere (North or South Pangaea). The Earth's history is subdivided into alternating North Pangaea growth/South Pangaea breakup eras and South Pangaea growth/North Pangaea breakup eras. Older North and South Pangaeas and their collisional mountain belt spirals may be reconstructed by rotating back the continents and orogenic fragments of a broken spiral (e.g. South Pangaea, Gondwana) to their previous Pangaea growth era orientations. In the resulting collisional mountain belt spiral, pieced together from orogenic segments and fragments, the collision ages have to increase successively towards the West. (6) With its current western margin orientated in a West-East direction North America must have collided during the Late Cretaceous Laramide orogeny with the northern margin of South America (Caribbean Andes) at the equator to the West of the Late Mesozoic Pacific. During post-Laramide times it must have rotated clockwise into its present orientation. The eastern margin of North America has never been attached to the western margin of North Africa but only to the western margin of Europe. (7) Due to migration eastwards of the sequence of ocean styles of the Wilson Cycle, relative to a distinct plate tectonic setting of an ocean, a continent or continental margin, a future or later evolutionary style at the Earth's surface is always depicted in a setting simultaneously developed further to the West and a past or earlier style in a setting simultaneously occurring further to the East. In consequence, ahigh probability exists that up to the Early Tertiary, Greenland (the ArabiaofSouth America?) occupied a plate tectonic setting which is comparable to the current setting of Arabia (the Greenland of Africa?). The Late Cretaceous/Early Tertiary Eureka collision zone (Eureka orogeny) at the northern margin of the Greenland Plate and on some of the Canadian Arctic Islands is comparable with the Middle to Late Tertiary Taurus-Bitlis-Zagros collision zone at the northern margin of the Arabian Plate.
The reef levels of the gulf of Skoura belong to the reef formation of the Upper Miocene of the South-Rifan straits. A detailed analysis of the vertical distribution of various forms of colonies has led to the establishment of precise coral morphologies zonation. This palaeoecological approach leads us to distinguish between two environments in the Skoura gulf, probably corresponding to two reef episodes. The palaeogeographical implications (relationships between the Atlantic ocean and the Mediterranean sea) will be pointed out.
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores