10 resultados para fishmeal replacement


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This paper approaches issues related to frame problems and nonresponse in surveys. These nonsampling errors affect the accuracy of the estimates whereas the estimators became biased and less precise. We analyse some estimation methods that deal with those problems and give an especial focus to post-stratification procedures.


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Superoxide reductase is a 14 kDa metalloprotein containing a catalytic nonhaem iron centre [Fe(His)4Cys]. It is involved in defence mechanisms against oxygen toxicity, scavenging superoxide radicals from the cell. The oxidized form of Treponema pallidum superoxide reductase was crystallized in the presence of polyethylene glycol and magnesium chloride. Two crystal forms were obtained depending on the oxidizing agents used after purification: crystals grown in the presence of K3Fe(CN)6 belonged to space group P21 (unit-cell parameters a = 60.3, b = 59.9, c = 64.8 A ° , = 106.9 ) and diffracted beyond 1.60 A ° resolution, while crystals grown in the presence of Na2IrCl6 belonged to space group C2 (a = 119.4, b = 60.1, c = 65.6 A ° , = 104.9 ) and diffracted beyond 1.55 A ° . A highly redundant X-ray diffraction data set from the C2 crystal form collected on a copper rotating-anode generator ( = 1.542 A ° ) clearly defined the positions of the four Fe atoms present in the asymmetric unit by SAD methods. A MAD experiment at the iron absorption edge confirmed the positions of the previously determined iron sites and provided better phases for model building and refinement. Molecular replacement using the P21 data set was successful using a preliminary trace as a search model. A similar arrangement of the four protein molecules could be observed.


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Protein Science (2002), 11:2464–2470


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Renders are an important item in historical buildings and the need for their periodical re-application is a basic conservation procedure. In modern times there has been a trend towards the replacement of traditional pure lime mortars by new formulations including Portland cement or hydraulic lime. Apart from those interventions on specific and very important monuments, in which the use oftraditional non-hydraulic mortars can be enforced, in most of the projects involving less than first order magnitude heritage the use of some sort of hydraulic components is becoming the rule rather than the exception. The present paper describes and analyses the results of an experimental study with ten formulations of current mortars - including some that can hardly be considered as adequate conservation procedures - allowing a direct comparison in terms of some of the most relevant characteristics.


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Dissertation presented to obtain a Ph.D. degree in Biology, speciality in Microbiology, by Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia


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Dissertation presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master in Biotechnology


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The thesis is divided into two parts corresponding to structural studies on two different proteins. The first part concerns the study of two UDP-glucose dehydrogenases (UGDs) from Sphingomonas elodea ATCC 31461 and Burkholderia cepacia IST 408, both involved in exopolysaccharide production. Their relevance arises because some of these bacterial exopolysaccharides are valuable as established biotechnological products, the former case, whilst others are highly problematic, when used by pathogens in biofilm formation over biological surfaces, as the latter case, namely in the human lungs. The goal of these studies is to increase our knowledge regarding UGDs structural properties, which can potentiate either the design of activity enhancers to respond to the increased demand of useful biofilms, or the design of inhibitors of biofilm production, in order to fight invading pathogens present in several infections. The thesis reports the production and crystallisation of both proteins, the determination of initial phases by single-wavelength anomalous dispersion (SAD) in S. elodea crystals using a seleno-methionine isoform, and phasing of B. cepacia crystals by molecular replacement (MR) using the S. elodea model, as well as the refinement, structural analysis and comparison between the several UGDs structures available during this work.(...)


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Resumo Este trabalho encontra-se dividido em três capítulos distintos. No primeiro, é caracterizada a doença degenerativa lombar, demorando-se o autor na descrição pormenorizada das alterações anatómicas, biomecânicas, e bioquímicas inerentes à sua ocorrência. Segue-se a descrição da evolução das diferentes formas de terapêutica, enumerando as que de forma clássica mais frequentemente são utilizadas (cirúrgicas e não cirúrgicas). No segundo capítulo, são referidos os mais recentes avanços tecnológicos nesta área, mencionando, nas suas vertentes biomecânicas, clínicas e terapêuticas, as particularidades das estabilizações dinâmicas interespinhosas e pediculares, bem como da artroplastia de disco. Após esta longa introdução, inicia-se o terceiro capítulo no qual se apresenta um estudo prospectivo da avaliação clínica, funcional, imagiológica e da variação da densidade mineral óssea vertebral em 20 doentes com patologia degenerativa, tratados com sistemas de estabilização dinâmica semi-rígida interespinhosa, e seguidos durante dois anos. Do estudo realizado conclui-se que os sistemas referidos são eficazes clínica e funcionalmente no tratamento de doentes com doença degenerativa lombar. Mais ainda, estes instrumentais proporcionam um aumento da altura do disco confirmado na incidência radiográfica de perfil no nível instrumentado. Constatámos ainda que a densidade mineral óssea vertebral dos doentes intervencionados, avaliada com sistema DXA, não demonstra diferenças com significância estatística ao longo do tempo, omparativamente à determinada em idêntica população mas sem qualquer patologia lombar. Acresce que se obteve uma correlação entre a funcionalidade física e a BMD radial, com significância estatística crescente nas duas medições realizadas. Abstract This study is divided in three different chapters. In the first one the author describes the anatomical, biomechanical and biochemical changes that go along with degenerative lumbar spine disease. The therapeutically possibilities are mentioned, mainly with the classic fusion and decompression as well as the non surgical options. Then, in the second chapter, the author describes, from the biomechanical, clinical and therapeutically point of view, the new techniques of dynamic stabilization, interspinous and pedicular systems, as well as disc replacement. After this introduction, in the third chapter a prospective clinical, functional, imagiologic and vertebral bone mineral density variation study is presented. Twenty patients with degenerative lumbar spine disease are selected, and operated with a semi rigid interspinous system device, and followed for a two year period. The author concludes that the interspinous semi rigid systems were clinically and functionally effective in lumbar degenerative patients. It was also founded that the disc height at the implant segment level increased after surgery. Bone density was assessed with a DXA system device. As far as vertebral bone density is concerned, the author found no differences what so ever inside the group during the study, or to an identical control group without any lumbar pathology. The correlation study between the BMD and physical function showed that there was only significant statistically data in radial BMD measurement, and this happened with growing correlation from year 2006 to 2007.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Biotecnologia


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Short Term Scienti c Mission, COST ACTION TU-0601