5 resultados para creative director
Estudamos teoricamente as transi ções de Fr éedericksz nas geometrias interm édias entre: (i) afunilamento e tor ção (ii) tor ção e flexão; e (iii) fexão e afunilamento. Foram determinadas as condi ções em que a transi ção entre o estado não deformado e o estado homogeneamente deformado (transi ção de Fr éedericksz usual) e substituída pela transi ção entre o estado não deformado e o estado deformado com estrutura peri ódica. Tamb ém estudamos te órica e experimentalmente a dinâmica de reorienta ção do campo do director ap os rota ção s ubita da amostra num campo magn ético uniforme. Consideramos monodomí nios de cristais l íquidos nem áticos uniaxiais não quirais diamagnéticos de baixo peso molecular, contidos entre duas fronteiras planas uniformes paralelas e r ígidas com alinhamento planar. Simulamos e reproduzimos, na geometria de tor ção toda a evolu ção do campo do director desde o momento em que se impõe uma rota ção s úbita e at é ao instante em que se observa a forma ção de bandas.
Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Museologia
Objects matter when professionals collaborate to create new products. Chapter 1 explains the intention of this work, to apply theories on objects in the empirical context of fashion design. Chapter 2 addresses the question of how creative professionals learn about and use strategy tools to turn their artistic fame into a commercial success. For Chapter 3 I collected ethnographic data on the development of a seasonal collection from the idea to the presentation at Fashion Week. The result is a deep insight into the collaborative processes and material objects used when a stable team of designers works with several outside experts. Chapter 4 applies the knowledge of the role of objects in fashion design gained during the ethnography in the context of online co-creation and crowd sourced fashion items. The synthesis of the empirical studies allows me to present the conceptual leap in Chapter 5. In the theoretical essay I review the findings on the role of objects in collaborations in relation to practice theory, present the new concept of the comprehensive object and conclude by stating the possibilities for future research.
The impact of the Board of Directors’ composition on companies’ performance This paper studies the impact that the board of directors’ composition has on companies’ performance in the Italian market. The research has been carried out by using a sample of 10 Italian companies, across different market sectors, over a period of 10 years (2005-2014). The characteristics of the BoD taken into consideration are the following: board size, board diversity (% of female directors), board independence and CEO duality. Results from the sample data collected concluded that these factors have a statistically significant impact on the performance of the companies that have been analysed.