9 resultados para artifacts


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In the present work, the authors describe the excavation of the monument of "Pedras da Granja" or "Pedras Altas", in the Várzea de Sintra. The first part consists of the diary of the excavations, a description of the stratigraphy encountered and of the position of the finds. An inventory of all the material found in this monument is given in the second part. The conclusions show that the monument was built on the surface of a lapiás whose crevices were used for the insertion of the standing stones, and for the deposition of the dead. Three archaeological levels were shown to exist: - upper level: Bell Beaker level; - intermediate level containing some artifacts of the Bell Beaker culture; - lower, older level with human remains more or less in situ, belonging to a local Neolithic-culture influenced by cultural imports of foreign origin. The three levels are separated, at the southern edge of the site, by layers of fallen stones. The human remains belong to some old people, but mostly to young men, women and children.


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A bone breccia from Goldra, near Loulé, is studied. It corresponds to the infilling of a karst depression, consisting of: rather worn and probably transported dolomite pebbles at the bottom; accumulations of frequently burnt bone scraps, much broken and with acute edges (no transport), certainly debris of human food, suggesting habitat level (s); in association with the former, stone (flint, quartz, quartzite, graywacke) rather uncharacteristic artifacts that seem compatible with middle and upper Paleolithic, or with Epipaleolithic; and small mammal teeth and bones. Fauna includes an extinct species, Microtus brecciensis recognized for the first time in Portugal. It is not older than Riss-Wiirm interglacial, and may be of this age or later, maybe that of one of wurm's first interstades. Fauna points out to a varied landscape with open country and woods; and to a rather warm and dry temperate, or dry subtropical mediterranean climate. Climate differences should not be significant in comparison with the extant situation. The presence of the mammal species found so far is consistent with modern distribution.


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New radiocarbon measurements were obtained from middle and upper Paleolithic sites currently under research by the CEPUNL, in well defined stratigraphical situations. With other dates, they yield an approximative chronological global view. Measurement distribution in function of time does not seem to be an hazardous one. In the actual status of our knowledge, this distribution seems to fit in some assemblages: (a) 14000 to 15000 BP, Solutrean; (b) about 20 000 BP, Solutrean; (c) circa 25 000 BP, already Solutrean, and slightly older than 26 000 BP, still Mousterian; (d) between 29 000 and 31 000 BP, Mousterian. The persistance of Mousterian much later than its acknowledged upper limit at about 34 000 BP (and hence the survival of its neanderthalian authors) is demonstrated. For the first time it has been possible to ascertain the upper time limit of the marine 5-8 metres raised beach (Tyrrhenian III) at Serra da Arrábida, and also the age of archaeological sites without stone artifacts, or with uncharacteristic ones. The obtained measurements allow US to correlate localities and sedimentary units with last glaciation events. There seems to have been a distinct correlation between cave and shelter human occupation and events marked by the worsening of climate.


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Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática.


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Revista Española de Paleontologia 19 (2), 229-242


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A vertebrate (Mammals, Reptiles, Amphibians) fauna From Guia (Algarve) is described. The site is the only one so far known in the «Faro-Quarteira sands». The fauna is upper Pleistocene in age (may even be younger). Its stratigraphical position shows it is younger than levels in the same unit that yielded mousterian/languedocian stone artifacts. A post Riss-Wurm age is admitted. The mammalian fauna nearly exclusively comprises small mammalremains; except for a few ones, only young individuals are represented. This unusual situation, coupled with data from the study of the Squamata and even more of the Amphibia, indicates that Guia locality corresponds to sedimentation in temporary, seasonal ponds originated in depressions in this sandy area during Winter and/or early Springtime.


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Quartz (and silex) lithic artifacts collected at Galapos (Creiro), in the southern part of lhe Serra da Arrábida, Portugal, are described. These artifacts are characteristic of the Middle Paleolithic (Mousterian). This new locality reinforces lhe evidences for an important human occupation of this region at those times, as previously shown by the study of the Figueira Brava cave.


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Introdução: A utilização de serviços de saúde tem implicações importantes para o estado de saúde das populações. As políticas de imigração adoptadas nos países de destino têm influência no estado de saúde das comunidades imigrantes. Políticas que limitam o acesso de imigrantes aos cuidados de saúde aumentarão a vulnerabilidade e os riscos na saúde. Apesar da imigração promover uma série de rupturas na vida do sujeito, migrar, por si só, não pode ser considerado como factor de risco no âmbito da saúde e da saúde mental. O peso dos determinantes socioeconómicos tem ganho relevância no estudo das migrações, estado de saúde geral e mental. Isto porque, em geral, os imigrantes estão em situação mais precária do que a população autóctone. O estatuto socioeconómico baixo, as condições precárias de habitação e de trabalho, a falta de suporte social e a irregularidade jurídica são indicadores de risco acrescido para a saúde mental. Neste sentido é um desafio de monta os governos estabelecerem medidas sustentadas e, simultaneamente, integradoras dos imigrantes. Em Portugal, considera-se que há escassez de estudos relacionados com a área das migrações e da saúde.Metodologia: Estudo exploratório, descritivo e transversal. A finalidade foi a de identificar o estado de saúde, saúde mental e qualidade de vida da comunidade brasileira residente em Lisboa e o seu acesso aos serviços de saúde. Este estudo teve como principais objectivos a caracterização sociodemográfica, a identificação de variáveis inerentes ao processo migratório, a identificação da auto-apreciação do estado de saúde, a caracterização do acesso aos cuidados de saúde, a identificação do grupo em provável sofrimento psicológico, a comparação entre os resultados dos imigrantes juridicamente regulares e irregulares e a comparação entre a população imigrante e a população portuguesa. Inicialmente, foi prevista a utilização da técnica de amostragem de propagação geométrica ou snowball, pois a amostra tornar-se-ia maior à medida que os próprios inquiridos identificam outros potenciais respondentes. Ao longo do estudo, a metodologia inicial mostrou-se insuficiente para estabelecer uma amostra mais representativa dos imigrantes juridicamente irregulares. Para este feito, foi utilizada a metodologia de amostragem por conveniência e o local escolhido para a recolha da amostra foi o Consulado do Brasil em Lisboa. O instrumento de recolha de dados empregue baseou-se no questionário utilizado no 4º Inquérito Nacional de Saúde. O MHI-5 (Mental Health Index 5) é um instrumento de saúde mental e é parte integrante do inquérito, sendo recomendado pela Organização Mundial de Saúde. Consta de cinco itens relativos à saúde mental e os resultados são classificados através de um indicador que mede a existência de provável sofrimento psicológico. Foram incluídos no estudo 213 brasileiros. De seguida, procedeu-se ao tratamento estatístico dos dados. Resultados: A população inquirida é jovem, a maior parte tem entre 18 e 44 anos. As mulheres representam mais de metade da amostra. A taxa de actividade é elevada e a taxa de desemprego é similar à nacional. A inserção laboral prioritária é nos segmentos pouco qualificados ou de semi-qualificação. Aproximadamente um terço dos inquiridos afirmou ser beneficiário do Sistema Nacional de Saúde. A autoapreciação do estado de saúde é classificada como bastante positiva, assim como a qualidade de vida. O provável sofrimento psicológico, definido no MHI-5 pelo ponto de corte no score 52, atinge 23,3% dos participantes. Os homens apresentam melhores resultados do que as mulheres. Além disso, para os valores mais baixos no MHI-5 foram encontradas relações com as longas jornadas de trabalho e o diagnóstico de doença crónica.Discussão: O presente estudo apresenta limitações em relação à dimensão da amostra e à provável existência de enviesamento pela ausência de aleatorização. Apesar da legislação portuguesa garantir o acesso aos serviços de saúde e garantir a equidade no caso dos imigrantes que fazem descontos para a Segurança Social, apenas um terço referiu ser beneficiário do Sistema Nacional de Saúde. Este dado pode ser justificado por factores como o cumprimento da lei por alguns serviços e, também, pela falta de conhecimento da legislação e da forma de funcionamento do Serviço Nacional de Saúde por parte dos imigrantes. O facto das mulheres representarem o maior grupo em provável sofrimento psicológico é consistente com a literatura. As hipóteses levantadas para explicar este resultado podem ser agrupadas em: artefactos metodológicos, causalidade biológica e determinação social. Em relação ao instrumento, é possível que o MHI-5 se comporte de forma diferente no que diz respeito ao género.-------------------------------------------Introduction: The utilization of health services has important implications for the health state of the populations. The immigration policies adopted in the destiny countries are going to influence the health state of immigrant communities. Policies that limit the access of immigrants to health care are going to increase the vulnerability and the risk factor in health. Although immigration promotes several disruptive actions in ones life, migrating, on its own, cannot be considered as a risk factor for health and mental health. The preponderance of the socioeconomic factors has gained relevance in the study of migrations and also in the study of general health state and mental health. This happens because, in general, immigrants are in a more unfavorable situation compared with the destiny country population. The low socioeconomic status, the poor working and housing conditions, the lack of social support and the juridical irregularity are indicators of the incremented risk to mental health. Therefore, it is a major challenge for governments to find sustainable, and simultaneously, integrative measures for the immigrants. The studies related with the migrations and health in Portugal were considered to be few.Methods: It is an exploratory, descriptive and transversal study. The purpose is to identify the health state, mental health, quality of life and the access to health care of the Brazilian community resident in Lisbon. In addition, this study has as main goals the sociodemographic characterization, the variables identification inherent to the migrating process, the identification of the self-appreciation of health state, the characterization of the access to health care, the identification of the group in probable psychological suffer, the comparison between the results of regular and irregular immigrants and the comparison between the immigrant population and the Portuguese population. Initially it was predicted the utilization of the geometric propagation or “snowball”, as sampling technique, because the sample becomes larger as one answerer identify other potential answering persons. Along with the study, the methodology has shown insufficient to establish a more representative sample of the irregular immigrants. For this latter case, it was used a convenient sample methodology and the place chosen for the sample gathering was the “Consulate of Brazil in Lisbon”. The instrument was based in the questionnaire used in the “4th National Health Inquiry”. The MHI-5 (Mental Health Index 5) is a mental health instrument which is part of the enquiry and it is recommended by the World Health Organization. There are five items related to mental health and the results are classified through an indicator which measures the existence of a probable psychological suffer. It were included 213 Brazilian in the study. After, the statistical treatment of the data took place.Results: The answering population is young and the majority is between the 18 and 44 years of age. The women represent more than one half of the sample. The activity rate is high and the unemployment rate is similar to the national one. The priority labor insertion is in the few qualified or of semi-qualification segments. Approximately, one third of the answering people has stated to be beneficiary of the National Health System. The self-appreciation of the health state as well as the quality of life are classified as fairly positive ones. The probable psychological suffer, as defined in the MHI-5 through the cut point in the score below or equal to 52, reaches 23,3% of the sample population. Men show the better results than women. Further, for the lower values of MHI-5 it was found a relation with the long work periods and chronic disease diagnostic. Discussion: The present study evidences limitations in relation to the sample dimension and in relation to the existence of biases due to the lack of randomness. Although the Portuguese legislation guarantees the access to health services and the equality in the cases of the immigrants that do their Social Security discounts, only one third has mentioned to be beneficiary of the National Health System. This can be justified by several facts such as the non-fulfillment of law by some national services or the lack of knowledge of the legislation or the functioning process of the National Health System. Women representing the bigger group in probable psychological suffer has been coherent with the literature review. The hypothesis set to explain this result might be grouped in: methodological artifacts, biologic cause and social determination. In relation to the instrument used, it may be that MHI-5 behaves in a different way in respect to gender.


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Retinal ultra-wide field of view images (fundus images) provides the visu-alization of a large part of the retina though, artifacts may appear in those images. Eyelashes and eyelids often cover the clinical region of interest and worse, eye-lashes can be mistaken with arteries and/or veins when those images are put through automatic diagnosis or segmentation software creating, in those cases, the appearance of false positives results. Correcting this problem, the first step in the development of qualified auto-matic diseases diagnosis programs can be done and in that way the development of an objective tool to assess diseases eradicating the human error from those processes can also be achieved. In this work the development of a tool that automatically delimitates the clinical region of interest is proposed by retrieving features from the images that will be analyzed by an automatic classifier. This automatic classifier will evaluate the information and will decide which part of the image is of interest and which part contains artifacts. The results were validated by implementing a software in C# language and validated through a statistical analysis. From those results it was confirmed that the methodology presented is capable of detecting artifacts and selecting the clin-ical region of interest in fundus images of the retina.