5 resultados para Witsius, Herman, 1636-1708.
Dissertação de mestrado em História da Arte
The paper examines change processes und future perspectives in the knowledge society. It presents the clothing and textile industry as an example for a transforming industry in a global economy. The paper reviews existing future studies, which have surveyed change processes and future developments in the clothing and textile industry. Main goals of the review are the identification of changes in work and the description of the restructuring of global value chains within the clothing and textile sector. The paper also highlights major current trends, drivers of change and future prospects in this sector.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Conservação e Restauro
ABSTRACT: The aim of this analysis was to analyze and describe the steps that have been taken in the development of the mental health policy in Suriname after the WHO AIMS. The objectives are: 1.To review the steps to be taken in developing a mental health policy and plan for a country 2.To gather information and data concerning mental health policy and plan development in Suriname 3.To draw conclusion from the experience gained that can be applied to other countries. In general, the information that was gathered from the four countries Guyana, Barbados, Trinidad & Tobago and Suriname, was compared with the WHO steps for developing a mental health policy and plan. Were these steps taken into consideration, when developing their mental health policy and plan? If not, what were the reasons why it did not happen? The checklist for evaluating a mental health plan was used in Suriname. This checklist assisted to see if the results of the recommendations given by the WHO AIMS to develop a effective and balanced mental health plan were taken into consideration. The mayor findings of the analysis are that Suriname as well as Guyana used the steps in developing their mental health policy and plan. Barbados and Trinidad & Tobago did not develop a mental health policy and plan. Suriname and Guyana have a mental health coordinating body at the Ministry of Health. Trinidad & Tobago as well as Barbados have a mental health focal person at the Ministry of Health of the respective countries. It can be concluded that successfully improving of health systems and services for mental health is combining theoretical concepts, expert knowledge and cooperation of many stakeholders. The appointment of a mental health coordinating unit at the Ministry of Health is crucial for the development of mental health in a country. Furthermore, mental health is everyone’s business and responsibility. Implementing the steps to be taken when developing a mental health policy and plan as recommended by WHO may be a slow process requiring the mobilization of political will. That’s why it is crucial that persons responsible for this process work close with all stakeholders in relevant sectors, taking their needs into consideration and try to translate that in clear objectives. It is common knowledge that improving the quality of mental health must be accompanied by the availability of financial and human resources. Finally, a mental health policy and plan should be one document tackling all aspects of mental health of a community.
Em 1821, Garrett (1799-185 4) confessa estar "imitar" (...) uma composição alemã do século passado, não se recordando porém do respectivo autor (Garrett. 1963 I: 1708). Em 1853, "O Menino e a Cobra" surge em quinto lugar no seio da pequena colectânea de nove poemas intitulada Fábulas e Contos inserta na 2ª- edição de Folhas Caídas (Monteiro, 1999, 141), O autor alemão chama-se Gotthold Ephraim lessing 0729-1781), criador da fábula imitada e intitulada Der Knabe und die Schlange - a terceira em trinta constantes do II livro, centro de obra triptica publicada em 1759 pelo editor C.F.VoB em Berlim e intitulada Fabeln. Drei Bücher. Nebs( AblumdluTlgen mit dieser Dichtungsart werwandren Inhalts. [Fábulas. Três Livros. Acrescidos de Tratados de Conteúdo Aparentado com esta Espécie Literária Igualmente em 1853, a Imprensa de Francisco Xavier de Souza em Lisboa publica Fábulas de G. E. Lessing, traduzidas do alemão pelo _Médico Cirurgído pela Escola de Lisboa Professor de Geographia, Chronologia e História no Lyceo Nacional da Mesma Cidade, etc. (Pereira, 1853: Frontispicio} de nome Joâo Félix Pereira (1822-1891). Lessing, escolhido, porque "De todos os escritores de seo tempo nenhum fez tantos serviços á litterarura alleman." {Pereira, 1853: I I}, para quem - assim na "biograplia" introduzindo as traduções - "Shakespeare C..) tinha cm sua [De lessing] opinião o mérito dramático dos gregos." (1853 :1415) e cujo estudo e discussão deste mérito fizeram "A Dratuarurgia, Euulia Gallon, o Laocoon e Narhan pertencelrjem certamente ao número dos modelos que mais contribuíram para dar á língua alleman a precisão, de que se julgava insuceptivel." (l853: 15), tornando Lessing para a sua epocha, como Lutther para a sua o verdadeiro modelo clássico." (idém, ibudem) Nesta "Biographia de Lessing" (Pereira, 1853:11-16) atesta-se o valor de criador de noventa fábulas em prosa traduzidas na integra e publicadas em edição bilingue.