34 resultados para Veterans Hospitals
This paper analyses the provision of auxiliary clinical services that are typically carried out within the hospital. We estimate a exible cost function for the three most important (cost- wise) diagnostic techniques and therapeutic services in Portuguese hospitals: Clinical Pathology, Medical Imaging and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Our objective in carrying out this estimation is the evaluation of economies of scale and scope in the provision of these services. For all services, we nd evidence of ray economies of scale and some evidence of economies of scope. These results have important policy implications and can be related to the ongoing discussion of where and how should hospitals provide these services.
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Economics from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Economics from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
We study the determinants of MRI use across Portuguese NHS hospitals for patients belonging to specific DRGs. Using data on individual hospital admissions, we estimate a probit model including individual-, hospital-, time- and region-specific variables in order to explain the probability of a patient being sent for MRI. Results convey a tightening effect on the hospital’s budget constraint in the end of each year. Hospitals seem to account for regional characteristics when defining adoption patterns. Individual-specific variables are good predictors of MRI use. Measures taken by the Government only impact the short run. Finally, the gains from an MRI scan, as far as the probability of death is concerned, occur mainly for less severe patients.
This project tries to assess whether hospitals react to random demand pressure by discharging patients earlier than expected. As a matter of fact, combining an unpredictable demand for medical services with limited and, to some extent, fixed medical resources, generates strong incentives to discharge patients earlier than expected when demand is high − increasing the risk of readmission and decreasing the benefit from treatment. This work was conducted as a way to determine whether those incentives actually affect discharging decisions. Analysis of Portuguese hospitals data shows that hospital utilization levels at the time of admission, prior to the admission and post admission do have a negative impact over the length of stay in hospital, although this impact is quantitatively irrelevant. More than that, larger utilization levels have a positive impact over the probability of being discharged at certain days of the week, indicating that an early discharges problem may exist.
vThis research investigated Portuguese Hospitals’ Corporate Social Responsibility reporting practices, by analyzing Hospitals’ Annual Reports and websites. The main hospital stakeholders were presented and activities pertaining to each group included. Overall, it appears that there is a lack of strategic CSR reporting on both private and public hospitals. Hospital managers should include stakeholders in their CSR strategy and aim it at shared value creation. Hospitals need to build a stronger relationship with the community and reformulate CSR reporting practices to ensure that the reporting is timely, complete and relevant and is easily accessible by interested parties.
Degeneration (WetAMD) and Diabetic Macular Edema (DME) patients’ access to treatment in public hospitals, by identifying bottlenecks and stress points that prevent timely and adequate care to patients who suffer from a degenerative disease, and consequently for whom the lack of access to treatment can have disastrous consequences. Considering the specificity and degenerative traits of these conditions, the long queues for specialty appointments in public hospitals are a significant threat to patients’ health, as the disease may be misdiagnosed and or progress significantly, causing unnecessary permanent and non-reversible loss in visual acuity. Therefore optimizing the patient journey will increase patients’ access to adequate treatment, and prevent avoidable progress of a degenerative condition which causes permanent and non-reversible blindness. Following the investigation which supports this thesis, the patient journey was broken down into its different phases, so that key issues could be identified, and referred back to the main stress points highlighted during the interviews with physicians and administrators. Finally results were scrutinized and systematized, and a set of action points was proposed, considering what may cause major impact and is actually feasible to implement.
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies
RESUMO O Problema. A natureza, diversidade e perigosidade dos resíduos hospitalares (RH) exige procedimentos específicos na sua gestão. A sua produção depende do número de unidades de prestação de cuidados de saúde (upcs), tipo de cuidados prestados, número de doentes observados, práticas dos profissionais e dos órgãos de gestão das upcs, inovação tecnológica, entre outros. A gestão integrada de RH tem evoluído qualitativamente nos últimos anos. Existe uma carência de informação sobre os quantitativos de RH produzidos nas upcs e na prestação de cuidados domiciliários, em Portugal. Por outro lado, os Serviços de Saúde Pública, abrangendo o poder de Autoridade de Saúde, intervêm na gestão do risco para a saúde e o ambiente associado à produção de RH, necessitando de indicadores para a sua monitorização. O quadro legal de um país nesta matéria estabelece a estratégia de gestão destes resíduos, a qual é condicionada pela classificação e definição de RH por si adoptadas. Objectivos e Metodologias. O presente estudo pretende: quantificar a produção de RH resultantes da prestação de cuidados de saúde, em seres humanos e animais nas upcs, do sistema público e privado, desenvolvendo um estudo longitudinal, onde se quantifica esta produção nos Hospitais, Centros de Saúde, Clínicas Médicas e Dentárias, Lares para Idosos, Postos Médicos de Empresas, Centros de Hemodiálise e Clínicas Veterinárias do Concelho da Amadora, e se compara esta produção em dois anos consecutivos; analisar as consequências do exercício do poder de Autoridade de Saúde na gestão integrada de RH pelas upcs; quantificar a produção média de RH, por acto prestado, nos cuidados domiciliários e, com um estudo analítico transversal, relacionar essa produção média com as características dos doentes e dos tratamentos efectuados; proceder à análise comparativa das definições e classificações de RH em países da União Europeia, através de um estudo de revisão da legislação nesta matéria em quatro países, incluindo Portugal. Resultados e Conclusões. Obtém-se a produção média de RH, por Grupos I+II, III e IV: nos Hospitais, por cama.dia, considerando a taxa de ocupação; por consulta, nos Centros de Saúde, Clínicas Médicas e Dentárias e Postos Médicos de Empresas; por cama.ano, nos Lares para Idosos, considerando a sua taxa de ocupação; e por ano, nas Clínicas de Hemodiálise e Veterinárias. Verifica-se que a actuação da Autoridade de Saúde, produz nas upcs uma diferença estatisticamente significativa no aumento das contratualizações destas com os operadores de tratamento de RH. Quantifica-se o peso médio de resíduos dos Grupos III e IV produzido por acto prestado nos tratamentos domiciliários e relaciona-se esta variável dependente com as características dos doentes e dos tratamentos efectuados. Comparam-se os distintos critérios utilizados na elaboração das definições e classificações destes resíduos inscritas na legislação da Alemanha, Reino Unido, Espanha e Portugal. Recomendações. Apresentam-se linhas de investigação futura e propõe-se uma reflexão sobre eventuais alterações de aspectos específicos no quadro legal português e nos planos de gestão integrada de RH, em Portugal. ABSTRACT The problem: The nature, diversity and hazardousness of hospital wastes (HW) requires specific procedures in its management. Its production depends on the number and patterns of healthcare services, number of patients, professional and administration practices and technologic innovations, among others. Integrated management of HW has been developping, in the scope of quality, for the past few years. There is a lack of information about the amount of HW produced in healthcare units and in the domiciliary visits, in Portugal. On the other hand, the Public Health Services, embracing the Health Authority’s power, play a very important role in managing the risk of HW production to public and environmental health. They need to use some indicators in its monitorization. In a country, rules and regulations define hospital waste management policies, which are confined by the addopted classification and definition of HW. Goals and Methods: This research study aims to quantify the production of HW as a result of healthcare services in human beings and animals, public service and private one. Through a longitudinal study, this production is quantified in Hospitals, Health Centers, Medical and Dental Clinics, Residential Centers for old people, Companies Medical Centers and Veterinary and Haemodyalisis Clinics in Amadora’s Council, comparing this production in two consecutive years. This study also focus the consequences of the Health Authority’s role in the healthcare services integrated management of HW. The middle production of HW in the domiciliary treatments is also quantified and, with a transversal analytic study, its association with patients and treatments’ characteristics is enhanced. Finally, the definitions and classifications in the European Union Countries are compared through a study that revises this matter’s legislation in four countries, including Portugal. Results and Conclusions: We get the middle production of Groups I+II, III and IV: HW: in Hospitals, by bed.day, bearing the occupation rate; by consultation, in Health Centers, Medical and Dental Clinics and Companies Medical Centers; by bed.year in Residential Centers for old people, considering their occupation rate; by year, in Veterinary and Haemodyalisis Clinics. We verify that the Health Authority’s role produces a significative statistical difference in the rise of the contracts between healthcare services and HW operators. We quantify the Groups III and IV’s wastes middle weight, produced by each medical treatment in domiciliary visits and relate this dependent variable with patients and treatments’ characteristics. We compare the different criteria used in the making of definitions and classifications of these wastes registered in German, United Kingdom, Spain and Portugal’s laws. Recommendations: Lines of further investigation are explaned. We also tender a reflexion about potential changes in rules, in regulations and in the integrated plans for managing hospital wastes in Portugal. RÉSUMÉ Le Problème. La gestion des déchets d'activités hospitalières (DAH) et de soins de santé (DSS) exige des procédures spécifiques en raison de leur nature, diversité et dangerosité. Leur production dépend, parmi d’autres, du nombre d’unités de soins de santé (USS), du type de soins administrés, du nombre de malades observés, des pratiques des professionnels et des organes de gestion des USS, de l’innovation technologique. La gestion intégrée des DAH et des DSS subit une évolution qualitative dans les dernières années. Il existe un déficit d’information sur les quantitatifs de DAH et de DSS provenant des USS et de la prestation de soins domiciliaires, au Portugal. D’autre part les Services de Santé Publique, y compris le pouvoir de l’Autorité de Santé, qui interviennent dans la gestion du risque pour la santé et pour l’environnement associé à la production de DAH et de DSS, ont besoin d’indicateurs pour leur surveillance. Dans cette matière le cadre légal établit la stratégie de gestion de ces déchets, laquelle est conditionnée par la classification et par la définition des DAH et des DSS adoptées par le pays. Objectifs et Méthodologie. Cet étude prétend: quantifier la production de DAH et de DSS provenant de la prestation de soins de santé, en êtres humains et animaux dans les USS du système public et privé. À travers un étude longitudinal, on quantifie cette production dans les Hôpitaux, Centres de Santé, Cliniques Médicales et Dentaires, Maisons de Repos pour personnes âgées, Cabinets Médicaux d’ Entreprises, Centres d’Hémodialyse et Cliniques Vétérinaires du municipe d’ Amadora, en comparant cette production en deux ans consécutifs; analyser les conséquences de l’exercice du pouvoir de l’Autorité de Santé dans la gestion intégrée des DAH et des DSS par les USS; quantifier la production moyenne de DAH et de DSS dans la prestation de soins domiciliaires et, avec un étude analytique transversal, rapporter cette production moyenne avec les caractéristiques des malades et des soins administrés; procéder à l’ analyse comparative des définitions et classifications des DAH et des DSS dans des pays de l’Union Européenne, à travers un étude de révision de la législation relative à cette matière dans quatre pays, Portugal y compris. Résultats et Conclusions. On obtient la production moyenne de DAH et des DSS, par Classes I+II, III et IV: dans les hôpitaux, par lit.jour, en considérant le taux d’occupation; par consultation, dans les Centres de Santé, Cliniques Médicales et Dentaires et Cabinets Médicaux d’ Entreprises par lit.an dans les Maisons de Repos pour personnes âgées en considérant le taux d’occupation; et par an, dans les Cliniques d’Hémodialyse et Vétérinaires. On constate que l’actuation de l’Autorité de Santé produit dans les USS une différence statistiquement significative dans l’accroissement de leurs contractualisations avec les opérateurs de traitement de DAH et de DSS. On quantifie le poids moyen des déchets des Classes III et IV produit par acte de prestation de soins à domicile et on rapporte cette variable dépendante avec les caractéristiques des malades et des soins administrés. On compare les différents critères utilisés dans l’élaboration des définitions et des classifications de ces déchets inscrites dans la légis
Resumo - O avanço tecnológico e científico no campo da Medicina tem favorecido a aplicação das radiações ionizantes nas áreas da Medicina Nuclear, Radiologia, Radioterapia e noutras especialidades relacionadas com a medicina de intervenção, como a Cardiologia. As Organizações de Saúde, com profissionais com risco de exposição a radiações ionizantes, são responsáveis, legislativamente, por assegurar a sua vigilância. Certificando a observação controlada das doses de exposição, os profissionais são monitorizados com dosímetros individuais e submetidos a vigilância médica. As leituras de dosímetria individual destes profissionais, originam por vezes, nos próprios, desconfianças e incertezas quanto aos valores medidos. Objectivo: avaliar o grau de confiança dos profissionais de saúde, expostos a radiações ionizantes, no sistema de monitorização individual. Metodologia: estudo observacional do tipo analítico- transversal, por questionário. Amostra de 190 Técnicos de Diagnóstico e Terapêutica de Cardiopneumologia, Medicina Nuclear, Radiologia, Radioterapia, expostos a radiações ionizantes, que exercem a sua actividade profissional em hospitais do concelho de Lisboa. Resultados: 51,1% dos Técnicos de Diagnóstico e Terapêutica não confiam nas leituras dos dosímetros, não se determinou uma relação estatisticamente significativa entre essa confiança, o tipo de dosímetro e a empresa que realiza as leituras. A confiança é maior nos que exercem em Organizações de Saúde públicas. 40,2% das Organizações de Saúde apresentam plano de vigilância médica, constatando-se uma falta de conformidade entre os Técnicos de Diagnóstico e Terapêutica, nalguns hospitais, relativamente à existência desse plano no respectivo hospital. A margem de erro associado ao estudo é de 5,09%, com um nível de confiança de 95%. -----------Abstract - The technological and scientific advances in the field of medicine has encouraged the application of ionizing radiation with a considerable positive contribution in the areas of Nuclear Medicine, Radiology, Radiotherapy and other specialties related to medical intervention like Cardiology. The Health Organizations that arise the risk of occupational exposure to ionizing radiation and is their responsibility to ensure monitoring, according the law. To ensure the monitoring of controlled doses of exposure, the exposed works use an individual dosimeter and undergo medical supervision. The individual dosimetry readings of health-care professionals, is sometimes questionable for themselves, arising distrust and uncertainty about the values measured. Objective: evaluate the degree of confidence of health professionals, exposed to radiation, on the system of individual monitoring. Methods: Observational study of cross-type analysis by questionnaire. Sample of 190 of technologists of Cardiopneumology, Nuclear Medicine, Radiology, Radiotherapy, exposed to ionizing radiation, which work in hospitals on the region of Lisbon. Results: 51.1% of technologists does not rely on the readings of their dosimeters, and wasn’t determined a statistically significant relationship between this trust, the type of dosimeter and the company that makes the readings(s) of their(s) dosimeter(s). The confidence in the readings is higher in public Health Organizations. 40.2% of the Health Organizations have medical monitoring plan and there is a disagreement between technologists, in some hospitals, relatively to the existence of this plan in their hospital. It was estimated that the u