16 resultados para Transgenic Zebrafish
A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Masters in Molecular Genetics and Biomedicine
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Genética Molecular e Biomedicina
A thesis submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of the Masters in Molecular Genetics and Biomedicine
The organizer is a ciliated signalling transient organ, responsible for the patterning of embryo tissues during embryonic development. In higher vertebrates, such as mouse and chick, this organizer (the node and the Hensen’s node, respectively) performs dorsalventral and anteriorposterior axis definition, as well as left-right patterning of the internal organs. In lower vertebrates, such as frog and zebrafish, there is a separate specialized organ for left-right purposes called the Gastrocoel Roof Plate (GRP) and Kupffer’s Vesicle (KV), respectively. It is known that mouse and chick organizer cells give rise to structures like floor plate, notochord, hypochord and somites. Frog GRP originates all these but floor plate. In zebrafish, at 13-14 somite stage (ss) the KV finished its left-right patterning but what happens to this organizer’ cells is still poorly studied. This research attempts to understand the fate and behaviour of the KV cells. We followed the fate of KV cells by live imaging and by tight time-courses with fixed larvae. We assessed in detail their proliferative and death profile, as well as cilia length progression from 9-10 ss until 29-30 ss. We conclude that the KV cells mostly follow the evolutionarily conserved fates described for other organizers. These cells mainly incorporate the notochord and hypochord; few cells incorporate the floor plate and the somites. As a novelty, it is also hypothesized that the hypural cell fate may be among the KV cell fates.
Several studies have demonstrated that although the structure of the adult and larval zebrafish caudal fin is different, there are similarities at the cellular and molecular level that turn larval zebrafish fin fold a useful model to study the basic principles of regeneration. In this process, while the essential role for Hedgehog (Hh) signaling is well established in the adult zebrafish caudal fin system, its involvement in juvenile tissue regeneration is still unknown. The aim of this Master thesis was therefore to evaluate the contribution of the Hh signaling pathway to the larval zebrafish fin fold regeneration process. Accordingly, we analyzed the expression of several Hh signaling components through in situ hybridization. Here, we showed that several of these genes are effectively expressed in the larval regenerating fin tissue, suggesting a role for Hh signaling also during larval regeneration. However, divergence in the regulation of few Hh signaling components appears to exist between the adult and larval zebrafish fin regeneration processes. Nevertheless, similarly to adult caudal fin regeneration, when Hh signaling was blocked, by using cyclopamine, the larval fin fold regenerative outgrowth is severely impaired. Since larval zebrafish fin fold is ciliated, and primary cilia are closely related to Hh signaling regulation in vertebrate systems, we further addressed the role of primary cilia during larval fin fold regeneration process. To this end, we used the zebrafish iguana mutant, in which primary cilia are not formed, to study the modulation of Hh signaling expression during larval fin fold regeneration in the absence of primary cilia. Here, we found that several genes were expressed with a delay, coincident with the delay in the mutant fin fold regeneration observed in previous work. We show that Hh signaling in the fin fold is crucial to promote cell proliferation. When Hh signaling is blocked using cyclopamine there is a strong blockage of cell proliferation and regeneration is also blocked. Surprisingly, in iguana mutants where Hh signaling is impaired but not totally blocked, cell proliferation is not detected but regeneration still occurs. This raises the question about the requirement of cell proliferation in larvae fin fold regeneration. By blocking the cell cycle using aphidicolin we demonstrate that cell proliferation is not necessary for zebrafish larvae fin fold regeneration.
Tenofovir (TFV) is one of the most used antiretroviral drugs. However, it is associated with tubular damage with mitochondria as a possible target. Tubulopathy precedes glomerular dysfunction, thus classic markers of renal function like the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) do not detect early TFV damage. Prediction and management of drug induced renal injury (DIRI) rely on the mechanisms of the drug insult and in optimal animal models to explore it. Zebrafish (Danio rerio) offers unique advantages for assessing DIRI, since the pronephros is structurally very similar to its human counterpart and is fully developed at 3.5 days postfertilization. The main aim of the present work was to evaluate the effects of TFV, as well as its pro-drug, tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF), on the GFR and in mitochondria morphology in tubular cells of zebrafish larvae. Lethality curves were performed to understand the relationship between drug concentration and lethality. LC10 was selected to explore the renal function using the FITC-inulin assay and to analyze the mitochondrial toxicity by electron microscopy on larvae exposed to TDF, TFV, paracetamol and gentamicin (positive controls) or water (negative control). Lethality curves showed that gentamicin was the most lethal drug, followed by TDF, TFV and paracetamol. Gentamicin and paracetamol decreased the GFR, but no differences were found for either TDF or TFV, when compared to controls (%FITC Control = 33±8; %FITC TDF = 35±10; %FITC TFV = 30±10; %FITC Gentamicin = 46±17; %FITC Paracetamol = 83±14). Tubular mitochondria from treated larvae were notably different from non-treated larvae, showing swelling, irregular shapes, decreased mitochondria network, cristae disruption and loss of matrix granules. These results are in agreement with the effects of these drugs in humans and thus, demonstrate that zebrafish larvae can be a good model to assess the functional and structural damage associated with DIRI.
RESUMO: Arl13b é uma importante proteína ciliar, presente em cílios primários e cílios móveis. Ratinhos mutantes para Arl13b têm comprimento dos cílios reduzido e defeitos nos B-túbulos dos cílios. Como consequência destes fenótipos, deficiências na Arl13b originam, em modelos animais, várias doenças congénitas, incluindo problemas no estabelecimento do eixo esquerda-direita, malformações cerebrais e deformações corporais. Nos seres humanos, deficiências na Arl13b levam a uma doença crónica congénita chamada Síndrome de Joubert. Por outro lado, a sobreexpressão de Arl13b origina cílios mais longos, no entanto existe uma ausência da caracterização dos fenótipos celulares e durante o desenvolvimento embrionário. Neste trabalho, quisemos explorar o efeito da sobre-expressão de Arl13b em embriões de peixezebra. Descobrimos que, ao nível ciliar, a sobre-expressão de Arl13b nas células aumenta o comprimento ciliar em cílios primários e móveis, no entanto, a esses cílios falta adequada acetilação da alfa-tubulina no citoesqueleto feito por microtúbulos. Os nossos resultados mostraram que esse efeito é específico de Arl13b sobre-expressão e quando se manipularam as enzimas responsáveis pela acetilação (Mec17) e pela de-acetilação (HDAC6) encontrámos uma sinergia potencial com ambas. Testámos ainda, que o aumento no comprimento ciliar não estava causalmente relacionado com a falta de acetilação, ou seja, os cílios com menos acetilação não eram necessariamente os mais longos. Também mostrámos que a sobre-expressão de Arl13b é capaz de restaurar o comprimento dos cílios em mutantes com cílios curtos e como isso pode ser explorado para um futuro potencial papel terapêutico para Arl13b. Em seguida, foi avaliado o impacto do aumento da quantidade de Arl13b no desenvolvimento embrionário do peixe-zebra. Observou-se que a sobre-expressão de Arl13b apresentava fenótipos muito fracos, quando comparados com a perda de função dos mutantes de Arl13b. Focados no inesperado fenótipo leve no estabelecimento do eixo esquerda-direita abordámos a questão através do estabelecimento de uma colaboração com matemáticos, descobrimos que os cílios mais longos que potencialmente têm a capacidade de movimentar mais fluido são atenuados por amplitudes de batimento menores, e, como resultado, estes longos cílios não prejudicam o movimento do fluido e consequentemente não afetam o estabelecimento dos padrões de esquerda-direita. Sugerimos assim que a Arl13b é um regulador chave, do comprimento ciliar. Descobrimos uma nova interação com as enzimas de acetilação/de-acetilação e levantamos novas hipóteses quanto aos mecanismos moleculares da função da Arl13b. Propomos um novo modelo para o mecanismo molecular da Arl13b na regulação do comprimento dos cílios onde podemos integrar os nossos resultados com os relatados na literatura. Este trabalho adiciona mais conhecimento para o mecanismo de ação da Arl13b e, portanto, fornece uma importante contribuição para o campo da investigação em cílios.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ABSTRACT: Arl13b is an important ciliary protein, present in primary and motile cilia. arl13b-/- mouse mutants have reduced cilia length and cilia B-tubule defects. As a consequence of these phenotypes, Arl13b loss of function animal models suffer from several congenital disorders including left-right problems, brain malformations and body deformations. In humans Arl13b depletion leads to a congenital chronic disease called Joubert Syndrome. On the other hand, overexpressing Arl13b leads to longer cilia but the characterization of the cellular and developmental phenotypes was missing. In this work we explore the effect of Arl13b overexpression in zebrafish embryos. We found that, at the ciliary level, Arl13b overexpression from 1 cell stage produces longer primary and motile cilia, but these cilia lack proper alpha tubulin acetylation of their microtubule cytoskeleton. Our results showed that this effect is specific from Arl13b overexpression and when we manipulated the enzymes responsible for acetylation, Mec17, and de-acetylation, HDAC6, we found a potential synergy of both mec17 knockdown and HDAC6 activity with Arl13b overexpression. We tested that the ciliary increase in length was not causally related to the lack of acetylation, meaning the more de-acetylated cilia were not necessarily the longer ones. We also showed that Arl13b overexpression is able to restore cilia length in short cilia mutants and how that may be explored to a potential future therapeutic role for Arl13b. Next, we evaluated the impact of increasing the amount of Arl13b in zebrafish embryonic development. We observed that Arl13b overexpression presented very mild phenotypes when compared to the loss of function mutants. We focused on the unexpected left-right mild phenotype and by establishing a mathematical modeling collaboration, we found out that the longer cilia generated force was attenuated by smaller beating amplitudes, and as a result, these long cilia were not impairing the cilia generated flow and the establishment of left-right patterning. We suggest that Arl13b is one key cilia length regulator. We disclosed a novel interaction with the acetylation / de-acetylation enzymes and raised new hypothesis as to the mechanisms of Arl13b function. We propose a new model for the Arl13b molecular mechanism of cilia length regulation where we integrate our findings with those reported in the literature. This work adds more knowledge to the Arl13b mechanism of action and therefore provides an important contribution to the cilia research field.
Dissertation submitted to obtain a Ph.D. (Doutoramento) degree in Biology at the Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica da Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Dissertation presented to obtain a Ph.D. degree in Sciences of Engineering and Technology, Cell Technology, at the Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Genética Molecular e Biomedicina
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Biomédica
Dissertation presented to obtain the PhD degree in Biology
RESUMO: O uso de ratinhos transgénicos em neurociências aumentou consideravelmente nos últimos anos devido ao crescente interesse em compreender o cérebro e a necessidade de solucionar situações clínicas do foro neurológico e psiquiátrico. Para esse efeito, diferentes métodos de produção de animais transgénicos têm sido testados. O objectivo desta tese foi comparar métodos de integração aleatória de um transgene no genoma de ratinhos em termos de eficiência, estabilidade da integração do transgene, número de animais e de horas de trabalho necessárias para cada método. Assim, foi comparado o método mais utilizado - microinjecção pronuclear (PNMI) - com duas outras técnicas cujo desempenho foi considerado promissor – a transferência génica através dos testículos por electroporação e transfecção por lentivírus in vivo. As três técnicas foram realizadas usando um gene repórter sob o controlo de um promotor constitutivo, e depois reproduzidas usando um gene de interesse de modo a permitir obtenção de um animal capaz de ser usado em experimentação laboratorial. O transgene de interesse utilizado codifica uma proteína de fusão correspondendo a uma variante da rodopsina (channelrhodopsin) fundida à proteína enhanced yellow fluorescente protein ((EYFP) resultando num produto designado ChR2-EYFP. Este animal transgénico apresentaria expressão deste canal iónico apenas em células dopaminergicas, o que, com manipulação optogenética, tornaria possivel a activação especifica deste grupo de neurónios e, simultaneamente, a observação do impacto desta manipulação no comportamento num animal em livre movimento. Estas ferramentas são importantes na investigação básica em neurociências pois ajudam a esclarecer o papel de grupos específicos de neurónios e compreender doenças como a doença de Parkinson ou a esquizofrenia onde a função de certos tipos de neurónios de encontra alterada. Quando comparados os três métodos realizados verifica-se que usando um gene repórter PMNI resulta em 31,3% de, a de animais transgénicos obtidos, a electroporação de testículos em 0% e a injecção de lentivírus em 0%. Quando usado o gene de interesse, os resultados obtidos são, respectivamente, 18,8%, 63,9% e 0%.--------------ABSTRACT: The use of transgenic mice is increasing in all fields of research, particularly in neuroscience, due to the widespread need of animal models to solve neurological and psychiatric medical conditions. Different methodologies have been tested in the last decades in order to produce such transgenic animals. The ultimate goal of this thesis is to compare different methods of random integration of a transgene in the genome of mice in terms of efficiency, stability of the transgene integration, number of animals required and the labour intensity of each technique. We compared the most used method – pronuclear microinjection (PNMI) – with two other promising techniques – Testis Mediated Gene Transfer (TMGT) by electroporation and in vivo lentiviral transfection. The three techniques were performed using a reporter gene – green fluorescent protein (GFP), whose transcription was driven by the constitutive cytomegalovirus (CMV) promoter. These three techniques were later reproduced using the tyrosine hydroxylase promoter (TH) and the neuronal manipulator, channelrhodopsin-2 fused to the enhanced yellow fluorescent reporter protein (ChR2-EYFP). The transgenic animal we sough to produce would express the light driven channel only in dopaminergic cells, making possible to specifically activate this group of neurons, while simultaneously observe the behaviour in a freely moving animal. This is a very important tool in basic neuroscience research since it helps to clarify the role of specific groups of neurons, map circuits in the brain, and consequently understand neurological diseases such as Parkinson’s disease or schizophrenia, where the function of certain types of neurons is affected. When comparing the three methods, it was verified that using a reporter gene PNMI resulted in 31.3% of transgenic mice obtained, testis electroporation in 0% and lentiviral injection in 0%. When using the gene of interest, the results obtained were, respectively, 18.8%, 63.9% and 0%.
Dissertation presented at Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia of Universidade Nova de Lisboa to obtain the Degree of Master in Biotecnology
Functional regeneration of organs upon injury is a key process for animals survival. Contrary to humans, some vertebrates are remarkably competent in regenerating after acute organ or appendage lesions. This advantageous skill allows overcoming limitations in repair even in adult stages, when tissues are fully developed, via a process of epimorphic regeneration. One such organism is the zebrafish, which can regenerate several organs, namely its heart, retina, spinal cord and fins. (...)