12 resultados para Tin,


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Este trabalho visa a obtenção e o estudo das características dos revestimentos de AlN e TiN em substratos metálicos, produzidos por pulverização catódica em plasma magnetrão, num equipamento com cátodo oco, desenvolvido no LEF do CEFITEC. Este equipamento foi adaptado para o presente trabalho, através de alguns elementos adicionais, designadamente de um porta-amostras que permitiu o revestimento de provetes em lotes. Deste estudo conclui-se que a aplicação de uma tensão de “bias” na amostra altera a morfologia dos revestimentos e as características dos materiais que constituem o filme, não só no que diz respeito à sua composição, como também proporciona estruturas mais densas e com menos porosidade. As tensões de “bias” típicas foram de –100 V no caso de AlN e de –75 V e com uma potência de 2,0 kW no cátodo no caso de TiN. Neste último foi considerado apenas o objectivo da obtenção da fase d, de estrutura CFC (cor dourada), por ser a única de interesse industrial. Por difracção de raios x verificou-se a obtenção de TiN e TiN0,9 com as características pretendidas. Também se verificou que as tensões residuais dos filmes são de compressão e isotrópicas.


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À luz da viragem cultural dos Estudos de Tradução ocorrida nos anos 80 e tendo em conta a interdisciplinaridade abordada nos campos literário, cultural e histórico pela Manipulation School (Lefevere, Bassnett, Lambert, Hermans e Toury), na esteira de Itamar Even-Zohar com a Teoria dos Polissistemas (1979), a presente dissertação pretende analisar a tradução portuguesa da peça Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1955), da autoria de Tennessee Williams, intitulada Gata em Telhado de Zinco Quente (1959), de Sérgio Guimarães. Este pode ser um caso representativo de como a tradução para teatro actua na cultura receptora numa perspectiva diatópica, antevendo a dimensão intercultural da tradução para o palco. É ao tradutor que cabe a tarefa de transferir a peça de um sistema linguístico e cultural para outro, conhecendo, se possível, o grau de representabilidade da mesma e o contexto cultural de chegada. Deste modo, é evidenciada a competência artístico-criativa do tradutor teatral que trabalha com o intuito de manter, fidus interpres, as intenções do autor da obra original. No período em que Cat on a Hot Tin Roof foi escrita, ensombrado pelo controlo sociopolítico do Macartismo nos E.U.A. e o contexto em que a tradução foi concretizada, sob a vigência da Ditadura de Salazar, a (auto)censura desempenha um papel fundamental ao moldar a produção literária nos dois sistemas culturais. Numa época em que, mais do que nos dias de hoje, traduzir consistia numa actividade subserviente e secundária, Vasco Morgado, detentor do monopólio de teatros em Lisboa encomendou a Sérgio Guimarães a tradução de uma peça de Tennessee Williams. Com base na teoria desenvolvida por Lawrence Venuti em The Translator’s Invisibility (1995), não é despiciente problematizar, neste estudo de caso, a invisibilidade do tradutor/mediador entre o texto e a representação, abordando simultaneamente as estratégias então necessárias para a peça ser aprovada e posta em cena.


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Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) Ni-Ti films have attracted much interest as functional and smart materials due to their unique properties. However, there are still important issues unresolved like formation of film texture and its control as well as substrate effects. Thus, the main challenge is not only the control of the microstructure, including stoichiometry and precipitates, but also the identification and control of the preferential orientation since it is a crucial factor in determining the shape memory behaviour. The aim of this PhD thesis is to study the optimisation of the deposition conditions of films of Ni-Ti in order to obtain the material fully crystallized at the end of the deposition, and to establish a clear relationship between the substrates and texture development. In order to achieve this objective, a two-magnetron sputter deposition chamber has been used allowing to heat and to apply a bias voltage to the substrate. It can be mounted into the six-circle diffractometer of the Rossendorf Beamline (ROBL) at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF), Grenoble, France, enabling an in-situ characterization by X-ray diffraction(XRD) of the films during their growth and annealing. The in-situ studies enable us to identify the different steps of the structural evolution during deposition with a set of parameters as well as to evaluate the effect of changing parameters on the structural characteristics of the deposited film. Besides the in-situ studies, other complementary ex-situ characterization techniques such as XRD at a laboratory source, Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy(RBS), Auger electron spectroscopy (AES), cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy (X-TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and electrical resistivity (ER) measurements during temperature cycling have been used for a fine structural characterization. In this study, mainly naturally and thermally oxidized Si(100) substrates, TiN buffer layers with different thicknesses (i.e. the TiN topmost layer crystallographic orientation is thickness dependent) and MgO(100) single crystals were used as substrates. The chosen experimental procedure led to a controlled composition and preferential orientation of the films. The type of substrate plays an important role for the texture of the sputtered Ni-Ti films and according to the ER results, the distinct crystallographic orientations of the Ni-Ti films influence their phase transformation characteristics.


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Dissertação apresentada para a obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Física, especialidade de Engenharia de Superfícies, pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia


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Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Conservação e Restauro,Área de especialização Cerâmica e Vidro


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Dissertação apresentada para a obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Conservação e Restauro, especialidade Ciências da Conservação, pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Conservação e Restauro, especialidade Ciências da Conservação


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Química


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Arte e Ciência do Vidro


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This work documents the deposition and optimization of semiconductor thin films using chemical spray coating technique (CSC) for application on thin-film transistors (TFTs), with a low-cost, simple method. CSC setup was implemented and explored for industrial application, within Holst Centre, an R&D center in the Netherlands. As zinc oxide had already been studied within the organization, it was used as a standard material in the initial experiments, obtaining typical mobility values of 0.14 cm2/(V.s) for unpatterned TFTs. Then, oxide X layer characteristics were compared for films deposited with CSC at 40°C and spin-coating. The mobility of the spin-coated TFTs was 103 cm2/(V.s) higher, presumably due to the lack of uniformity of spray-coated film at such low temperatures. Lastly, tin sulfide, a relatively unexplored material, was deposited by CSC in order to obtain functional TFTs and explore the device’s potential for working as a phototransistor. Despite the low mobilities of the devices, a sensitive photodetector was made, showing drain current variation of nearly one order of magnitude under yellow light. CSC technique’s simplicity and versatility was confirmed, as three different semiconductors were successfully implemented into functional devices.


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Transparent conducting oxides (TCOs) have been largely used in the optoelectronic industry due to their singular combination of low electrical resistivity and high optical transmittance. They are usually deposited by magnetron sputtering systems being applied in several devices, specifically thin film solar cells (TFSCs). Sputtering targets are crucial components of the sputtering process, with many of the sputtered films properties dependent on the targets characteristics. The present thesis focuses on the development of high quality conductive Al-doped ZnO (AZO) ceramic sputtering targets based on nanostructured powders produced by emulsion detonation synthesis method (EDSM), and their application as a TCO. In this sense, the influence of several processing parameters was investigated from the targets raw-materials synthesis to the application of sputtered films in optoelectronic devices. The optimized manufactured AZO targets present a final density above 99 % with controlled grain size, an homogeneous microstructure with a well dispersed ZnAl2O4 spinel phase, and electrical resistivities of ~4 × 10-4 Ωcm independently on the Al-doping level among 0.5 and 2.0 wt. % Al2O3. Sintering conditions proved to have a great influence on the properties of the targets and their performance as a sputtering target. It was demonstrated that both deposition process and final properties of the films are related with the targets characteristics, which in turn depends on the initial powder properties. In parallel, the influence of several deposition parameters in the film´s properties sputtered from these targets was investigated. The sputtered AZO TCOs showed electrical properties at room temperature that are superior to simple oxides and comparable to a reference TCO – indium tin oxide (ITO), namely low electrical resistivity of 5.45 × 10-4 Ωcm, high carrier mobility (29.4 cm2V-1s-1), and high charge carrier concentration (3.97 × 1020 cm-3), and also average transmittance in the visible region > 80 %. These superior properties allowed their successful application in different optoelectronic devices.