44 resultados para Susceptibilité au VIH
The Upper-Cretaceous transgressive serie is described by the authors, on the whole Occidental Portuguese Basin: it begins in the Lisbon region in the Albian and finishes in the Beira litoral province in the lower Turonian, while the sedimentation zones migrate Northward. The lithologic composition is given for each stage and sub-stage, taking into cgnsideration, in particular in the Upper Cenomanian, the lateral variations from one region to another. The paleogeography becomes clear by the study of the sedimentation environments (6 fig.). In conclusion, the authors propose a correlation between the whole serie and the accepted zonation of the Northwestern Europe. Tables show the repartition of the main macrofauna and microfauna.
A canine tooth from Vale Furado is classified as Paralophiodon cf. leptorhynchum. The genus Paralophiodon indicates an age from Lower Lutetian to Auversian, Middle Eocene. As it belongs in the lineage of P. leptorhynchum, possible age span is furth~L~uced from Middle Lutetian to Auversian. This conclusion remains valid or nearly so even in the less probable case of confusion with some form included in P. isselensis lineage. Our previous (1975) datation for sandstones and pelites from Vale Furado is thus confirmed, and more accurately recognized. Paralophiodon and the crocodilian Iberosuchus are a rather sound basis for correlation with stratigraphical units near Zamora and Salamanca in Spain.
A mammal (Anoplotherium cf. commune) and a land tortoise (Geochelone is. gen.] sp.) from the Ludian (Uppermost Eocene) locality of Côja have been identified. Age can be more accurately established now, from level 3 to level 5 in the Ludian stage, probably 4. Relationships between Côja's feldspathic sands, a correlative unit «Arenitos de Vale Furado», and the paroxysmal phase of pyrenean orogeny are confirmed.
These work presents the quantitative and qualitative inventory and the stratigraphic distribution of fossil plants (spores, pollens, sterns, leaves and seeds) recognized the Miocene of the portuguese part of Tagus basin. For each lithostratigraphic unit, associations with ecological (paleoclimatic) meaning are defined. It was also possible to follow the evolution of the vegetation and the climate during the considered cronostratigraphic interval which includes most of the Miocene (Aquitanian to lower-middle Tortonian).
The reef levels of the gulf of Skoura belong to the reef formation of the Upper Miocene of the South-Rifan straits. A detailed analysis of the vertical distribution of various forms of colonies has led to the establishment of precise coral morphologies zonation. This palaeoecological approach leads us to distinguish between two environments in the Skoura gulf, probably corresponding to two reef episodes. The palaeogeographical implications (relationships between the Atlantic ocean and the Mediterranean sea) will be pointed out.
The study of new abundant coral crops and a systematic revision of the historic collections allow us to extend significantly the data about the Upper Oligocene and Miocene Scleractinia of the French atlantic basins. The SW and W-NW France faunas have been considered, and complete lists of the different defined taxa are presented. The generallines of the evolution of this group are specified, and linked to the paleoclimatic and paleobiogeographic changes.
Les rapports complexes entre les différentes façons de faire circuler les idées et les informations ne datent pas de nos jours. A toutes les époques, les messages qui circulent emploient toutes sortes de véhicules et de langages, très souvent complémentaires. Ces véhicules et ces langages n'ont peut-être rien d'extraordinaire. Ils appartiennent au monde des gestes de tous les jours, des gestes qui se répètent et dont la répétition est elle-même importante pour la construction du sens de chaque message. Ces gestes qui sont répétés, qui sont attendus et qui sont reconnus incluent des sons, des images, des comportements, des mots, ou des citations. Il y a donc un rapport qui s'y établit entre répétition et nouveauté, rapport dans lequel la répétition fournit chaque fois une nouvelle information, même si elle est déjà attendue, tandis que leur absence peut représenter l'anxiété, ou même le scandale.
Dissertation submitted for obtainment of the Master’s Degree in Biotechnology, by the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
Ciências biomédicas
The reef levels of the gulf of skoura belong to the reef formation of the Upper Miocene of the South-Rifan straits. A detailed analysis of the vertical distribution of various forms of colonies has led to the establishment of precise coral morphologies zonation. This palaeoecological approach leads us to distinguish between two environments in the Skoura gulf, probably corresponding to two reef episodes. The palaeogeographical implications (relationships between the Atlantic ocean and the Mediterranean sea) will be pointed out.
The study of new abundant coral crops and a systematic revision of the historie collections allow us to extend significantly the data about the Upper Oligocene and Miocene Scleractinia of the French atlantic basins. The SW and W-NW France faunas have been considered, and complete lists of the different defined taxa are presented. The general lines of the evolution of this group are specified, and linked to the paleoclimatic and paleobiogeographic changes.
Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Terminologia e Gestão de Informação de Especialidade
A investigação científica que se seguiu à descoberta da infecção pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana (VIH) representou um marco histórico importante, permitindo a instituição de terapêutica e alterando a história natural da infecção, melhorando as expectativas dos indivíduos infectados.Se, por um lado, a terapêutica antirretroviral de alta eficácia (do inglês, Highly Active Antiretroviral Theraphy: HAART), nos países desenvolvidos, teve um enorme impacto na melhoria da qualidade de vida e esperança média de vida dos indivíduos infectados, permitindo-lhes encarar a infecção como uma doença crónica, por outro lado, introduziu-se uma nova dinâmica epidemiológica na transmissão de VIH e um novo desafio para a sua prevenção.Os comportamentos sexuais são o factor-alvo através do qual se pode, de uma forma mais eficaz, prevenir a possibilidade de infectar um qualquer indivíduo na comunidade. Parece, pois, importante haver necessidade de um olhar atento da Saúde Pública sobre a vida sexual dos indivíduos infectados, não só na tentativa de, promover a sua qualidade de vida, como também, de prevenir a disseminação da doença, e, ainda mais importante, prevenir a disseminação do vírus nas suas formas resistentes.O objectivo deste estudo foi analisar a consistência do uso de preservativo/práticas de sexo seguro, em indivíduos infectados por VIH, seguidos em Consulta de Imunodepressão, do Serviço de Doenças Infecciosas, do Hospital de Santa Maria. Pretende-se avaliar, no âmbito da “Educação para a Saúde”, a necessidade de aconselhamento aos indivíduos infectados, relativamente aos seus comportamentos sexuais.Para o efeito, realizou-se um estudo descritivo e transversal. A população envolvida compreendeu todos os indivíduos infectados seguidos na Consulta de Imunodepressão. A amostra foi seleccionada através de aleatorização simples e constituída por 98 elementos. A colheita de dados foi efectuada através do método de entrevista, a qual só teve início após a assinatura do consentimento informado. O estudo decorreu entre 14 de Março e 27 de Junho de 2008.Foram analisados os dados relativamente às variáveis: sócio-demográficas, estado serológico da infecção, história sexual, consumo de substâncias, comportamento sexual e percepção de risco da transmissão da infecção por VIH.Os comportamentos de sexo não seguro foram associados ao número de parceiros sexuais/ano (p=0,007), ter parceiro sexual habitual (p=0,010), ter múltiplos parceiros sexuais ocasionais (p=0,000) e à prática de sexo oral (sexo oral receptivo, p=0,001; sexo oral activo, p=0,006).Os resultados demonstraram a importância da prevenção secundária nos indivíduos infectados por VIH. A necessidade dos centros de atendimento estarem providos de mensagem de prevenção, ensinos e aconselhamento a todas as pessoas infectadas e, também, aos seus parceiros sexuais, aumentando-lhes a qualidade de vida e reduzindo o risco de transmissão da infecção por HIV. ABSTRACT: The scientific research that followed the finding of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection represented an important historical mark, allowing therapeutic institution and changing the natural history of the infection, thus improving the expectations of infected individuals. If by one side the Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) had an enormous impact on the improvement of life quality and life expectancy of the infected individuals on the developed countries, allowing them to face the infection as a chronic disease, on the other side it was introduced a epidemiologic dynamic on the HIV transmission and a new challenge for its prevention. Sexual behaviour is the main factor through which is possible to prevent more efficiently the possibility of infection of a community’s individual. Thus it appears important the need of Public Health to have a careful look into the sexual life of infected individuals, not only to try to promote their life quality but as well to prevent the dissemination of the disease and more importantly prevent the dissemination of the virus in its resistant forms. The objective of this study was to analyse the consistency of the use of condoms/safe sex by individuals infected by HIV that are followed by the Infectious Disease Service of the Santa Maria Hospital through Immune-depression Appointments. The goal was to evaluate the need of advisement to the infected individuals relatively to their sexual behaviours. For that it was done a descriptive and transversal study. The involved population included all infected individuals followed in the Immune-depression Appointments. The sample was selected by simple randomisation and was composed by 98 elements. The data was obtained by interview method, which was initiated after signing the informed consent. The study was took place between 14 March and 27 June 2008. It was analysed the data relative to the variables: socio-demographics, serologic state of the infection, sexual history, substances consumption, sexual behaviour and risk perception on the transmission of HIV infection. The unsafe sexual behaviours were associated to the number of sexual partners/year (p=0,007), having steady partner (p= 0,010), having occasional sexual partners (p=0,000) and oral sex practice (receptive oral sex, p=0,001; active oral sex, p= 0,006).The results demonstrated the importance of the secondary prevention on individuals infected by HIV. It also demonstrated the need of providing the attendance centres with a prevention message, teachings and advises to all infected persons as well as to their sexual partners, increasing their life quality and reducing the transmission risk of HIV infection.
Congresso Internacional de História da Medicina (ISHM); 39º - p.217-218
RESUMO: Com o presente estudo pretendemos identificar a sobrecarga resultante do envolvimento familiar com os doentes portadores de VIH/SIDA. Numa breve introdução teórica, procedemos à revisão dos conceitos sobrecarga familiar e dos sentimentos/emoções vivenciados pelos prestadores de cuidados. Metodologia: Estudo do tipo descritivo e exploratório, com uma amostra de 51 indivíduos, cuja finalidade consiste na caracterização dos prestadores de cuidados familiares a doentes com VIH/SIDA. Objectivos: Identificar quem o doente com VIH/SIDA, considera ser a pessoa significativa nos cuidados informais. Caracterizar, do ponto de vista sócio-demográfico, os doentes e os prestadores de cuidados familiares. Identificar sentimentos e emoções de vivências, que justifiquem o sofrimento emocional e as repercussões na sobrecarga familiar nos prestadores de cuidados informais. Instrumentos: Na avaliação da sobrecarga familiar, utilizámos o Questionário de Problemas Familiares”- FPQ (Family Problemas Questionnaire). Para identificação dos Acontecimentos de Vida, adoptámos a escala de Holmes e Rahe (Life Events); Para identificação do estrato social escolhemos escala de Graffar. Finalmente, para a caracterização sócio-demografica concebemos dois questionários: um dirigido aos doentes e o outro aos prestadores de cuidados informais. Conclusões: A sobrecarga da doença VIH/SIDA, nos prestadores de cuidados familiares, não é uniforme nas diferentes dimensões. A dimensão sobrecarga subjectiva é superior à objectiva. O suporte social revela-se fraco, relacionado com as perdas familiares, devidas a morte, pelas relações familiares disfuncionais, entre os membros da família, pela falta de apoio e informação dos técnicos de saúde. O sexo feminino é predominante nos cuidadores. As mães e esposas são o grau de parentesco dominante. Os solteiros são o grupo mais afectado pelo VIH/SIDA. Os cuidadores apresentam idade superior à dos doentes. O estrato social preponderante é o médio baixo e o baixo. Os familiares, apesar da atitude negativa dos doentes perante os cuidadores, mantêm-se envolvidos. Segundo a avaliação multiaxial proposta pelo DM-IV, constatámos, ao nível do eixo I, sintomatologia clínica do tipo das perturbações depressivas e perturbações da ansiedade. No eixo IV, os cuidadores evidenciam problemas psicossociais e ambientais, nomeadamente nas categorias problemas com o grupo de apoio primário, problemas relacionados como grupo social, problemas educacionais, problemas de alojamento, problemas económicos. Os problemas relacionados com o grupo de apoio primário, são os que mais parecem contribuir para os problemas psicossociais e ambientais.---------------------------------------ABSTRACT: This study wants to describe several problems as a result of the family’s relationship with HIV/AIDS patients, like overload. In a brief theoric introduction, we made a small revision about the concepts of family’s overload, and feelings or emotions that have been lived by the people who provide cares to the patients with this chronic disease. Methodology: This is a describing and exploratory study, with a sample with 51 individuals, with the aim to characterize the people inside the family who give care HIV/AIDS patients. Aim: To identify who are the most important people in informal cares from the patient perspective. To characterize, in a social-demographic point of view, patients and the people who take care of them. To identify feelings and emotions that could explain an emotional suffer, and some causes in the family burden. Means: to evaluate the family’s overload we used the Family Problems Questionnaire (FPQ). To identify life events we adopted the Holmes and Rahe scale. To identify the social stratum we used the Graffer scale. Finally to do a socio-economic characterization we did two kinds of questionnaire, the first one was directed for the patients, and the second one was chosen for the people who give care. Conclusions: The HIV/AIDS disease burden on the people who takes familiar cares isn’t uniform on several areas that we studied. The subjective overload it is superior to the objective. The social support is weak and poor, and related with family losses by dead, dysfunctional family relationships, and the lack of support and information by the medical staff. Mothers and wives are the dominant relative degree. And the singles are the major group with HIV/AIDS disease. The people who take care are usually older than the sick. The major social status is low or medium-low. The relatives keep evolved though the negative attitude of the sick. According with the evaluation multiaxial proposed by the DM-IV, in axle 1 we note clinic sintomatologic belonging to the type depressive perturbations and perturbations of the anxiety. Regarding with axle IV the caretakers show up psycho-social and environmental problems, namely on the categories: problems with the primary support group and problems related as social group, educational problems, accommodation problems and.