8 resultados para Steel strip cleaning
Dissertação Apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Conservação, especialização em Pintura
The paper presented herein proposes a reliability-based framework for quantifying the structural robustness considering the occurrence of a major earthquake (mainshock) and subsequent cascading hazard events, such as aftershocks that are triggered by the mainshock. These events can significantly increase the probability of failure of buildings, especially for structures that are damaged during the mainshock. The application of the proposed framework is exemplified through three numerical case studies. The case studies correspond to three SAC steel moment frame buildings of 3-, 9-, and 20- stories, which were designed to pre-Northridge codes and standards. Twodimensional nonlinear finite element models of the buildings are developed using the Open System for Earthquake Engineering Simulation framework (OpenSees), using a finite-length plastic hinge beam model and a bilinear constitutive law with deterioration, and are subjected to multiple mainshock-aftershock seismic sequences. For the three buildings analyzed herein, it is shown that the structural reliability under a single seismic event can be significantly different from that under a sequence of seismic events. The reliability-based robustness indicator used shows that the structural robustness is influenced by the extent by which a structure can distribute damage.
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica
During drilling operation, cuttings are produced downhole and must be removed to avoid issues which can lead to Non Productive Time (NPT). Most of stuck pipe and then Bottom-Hole Assembly (BHA) lost events are hole cleaned related. There are many parameters which help determine hole cleaning conditions, but a proper selection of the key parameters will facilitate monitoring hole cleaning conditions and interventions. The aim of Hole Cleaning Monitoring is to keep track of borehole conditions including hole cleaning efficiency and wellbore stability issues during drilling operations. Adequate hole cleaning is the one of the main concerns in the underbalanced drilling operations especially for directional and horizontal wells. This dissertation addresses some hole cleaning fundamentals which will act as the basis for recommendation practice during drilling operations. Understand how parameters such as Flowrate, Rotation per Minute (RPM), Rate of Penetration (ROP) and Mud Weight are useful to improve the hole cleaning performance and how Equivalent Circulate Density (ECD), Torque & Drag (T&D) and Cuttings Volumes coming from downhole help to indicate how clean and stable the well is. For case study, hole cleaning performance or cuttings volume removal monitoring, will be based on real-time measurements of the cuttings volume removal from downhole at certain time, taking into account Flowrate, RPM, ROP and Drilling fluid or Mud properties, and then will be plotted and compared to the volume being drilled expected. ECD monitoring will dictate hole stability conditions and T&D and Cuttings Volume coming from downhole monitoring will dictate how clean the well is. T&D Modeling Software provide theoretical calculated T&D trends which will be plotted and compared to the real-time measurements. It will use the measured hookloads to perform a back-calculation of friction factors along the wellbore.
Three different treatments were applied on several specimens of dolomitic and calcitic marble, properly stained with rust to mimic real situations (the stone specimens were exposed to the natural environment for about six months in contact with rusted iron). Thirty six marble specimens, eighteen calcitic and eighteen dolomitic, were characterized before and after treatment and monitored throughout the cleaning tests. The specimens were characterized by SEM-EDS (Scanning Electron Microscopy coupled with Energy Dispersion System), XRD (XRay Diffraction), XRF (X-Ray Fluorescence), FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy) and color measurements. It was also made a microscopic and macroscopic analysis of the stone surface along with the tests of short and long term capillary absorption. A series of test trials were conducted in order to understand which concentrations and contact times best suits to this purpose, to confirm what had been written to date in the literature. We sought to develop new methods of treatment application, skipping the usual methods of applying chemical treatments on stone substrates, with the use of cellulose poultice, resorting to the agar, a gel already used in many other areas, being something new in this area, which possesses great applicability in the field of conservation of stone materials. After the application of the best methodology for cleaning, specimens were characterized again in order to understand which treatment was more effective and less harmful, both for the operator and the stone material. Very briefly conclusions were that for a very intense and deep penetration into the stone, a solution of 3.5% of SDT buffered with ammonium carbonate to pH around 7 applied with agar support would be indicated. For rust stains in its initial state, the use of Ammonium citrate at a concentration of 5% buffered with ammonium to pH 7 could be applied more than once until satisfactory results appear.
Environmental pollution is one of the major and most important problems of the modern world. In order to fulfill the needs and demands of the overgrowing human population, developments in agriculture, medicine, energy sources, and all chemical industries are necessary (Ali 2010). Over the last century, the increased industrialization and continued population growth led to an augmented production of environmental pollutants that are released into air, water, and soil, with significant impact in the degradation of various ecosystems (Ali 2010, Khan et al. 2013).(...)
In the context of this dissertation several studies were developed resulting in submission and publication “Evaluation of mechanical soft-abrasive blasting and chemical cleaning methods on alkyd-paint graffiti made on calcareous stones” to Journal of Cultural Heritage. (http://dx.doi.org/10.101 /j.culher.2014.10.004)