7 resultados para Skull.
The Gallus gallus (chicken) embryo is a central model organism in evolutionary developmental biology. Its anatomy and developmental genetics have been extensively studied and many relevant evolutionary implications have been made so far. However, important questions regarding the developmental origin of the chicken skull bones are still unresolved such that no solid homology can be established across organisms. This precludes evolutionary comparisons between this and other avian model systems in which skull anatomy has evolved significantly over the last millions of years.(...)
The synthetic study of the uppermost Cretaceous of the Beira Litoral (fauna, flora) confirms its upper Campanian-Maastrichtian age. It shows the presence of a tropical to subtropical climate in an area constituted by a low coastal plain only occasionally linked to the sea, saturated with fresh water and possessing accordingly, a predominantely freshwater fauna (Viso, Aveiro); this plain changed towards the interior into a drier more forested zone with a more abundant terrestrial fauna which includes mammals (Taveiro). A thorough study of the chelonian Rosasia, abundant on the coastal plain, was made possible thanks to the discovery of a skull: it demonstrates that the genus belongs to the family Bothremydidae, revalided here. The composition of this family is presented, its phylogenetic and paleobiogeographic relation with the other pleurodires are analyzed, and its diagnosis established. The family is constituted of three groups; Rosasia belongs to one of these, the Bothremys group.
The synthetic study of the uppermost Cretaceous of the Beira Litoral (fauna, floral confirms its upper Campanian-Maastrichtian age. It shows the presence of a tropical to subtropical climate in an area constituted by a low coastal plain only occasionally linked to the sea, saturared with fresh water and possessing accordingly, a predominantely freshwater fauna (Viso, Aveiro); this plain changed towards the interior into a drier more forested zone with a more abundant terrestrial fauna which includes mammals (Taveiro). A thorough study of the chelonian Rosasia, abundant on the coastal plain, was made possible thanks to the discovery of a skull: it demonstrates that the genus belongs to the family Bothremydidae, revalided here. The composition of this family is presented, its phylogenetic and paleobiogeographic relation with the other pleurodires are analyzed, and its diagnosis established. The family is constituted of three groups; Rosasia belongs to one of rhese, the Bothremys group.
RESUMO: Os carcinomas localizados no nariz são muito frequentes em todas as séries conhecidas. São de diagnóstico clínico fácil e a sua confirmação por biópsia é muito segura. As terapêuticas mais indicadas são a cirurgia e a radioterapia, genericamente eficazes. Verifica-se, no entanto, que os pacientes continuam a solicitar tratamento em estádios muito avançados, mesmo conhecendo o diagnóstico e tendo acesso aos serviços sem custos. Esta situação poderá explicar-se face ao curso relativamente lento de muitos destes tumores e à idade geralmente avançada dos doentes que, de acordo com alguns inquéritos, receiam mais a terapeûtica do que a doença. Para obtenção de informação útil para condução deste problema, foram ainda analisados outros parâmetros. A maioria dos pacientes continua a solicitar tratamento quando as lesões envolvem duas subunidades nasais. Esta circunstância permite planear o tratamento cirúrgico com relativa facilidade, isto é, com exérese e reconstrução cujo resultado estético final é bastante aceitável. Os tumores de grandes dimensões, envolvendo várias subunidades, sendo frequentes, raramente implicam rinectomia total. Pelo contrário, são mais frequentes os tumores que envolvem metade do nariz e as estruturas vizinhas tais como o maxilar, a órbita e o lábio superior, atingindo mesmo a base do crânio. O controlo da doença nestes estádios é muito difícil. Não raramente, quando se crê que a doença está controlada, a cirurgia reconstrutiva bem como outras formas de reabilitação conjugadas, deixam ainda muita insatisfação. A nossa actividade tem-se desenvolvido seguindo os critérios adoptados nos melhores centros, isto é, as técnicas clássicas, complementadas com refinamentos recentes. Porém reflectindo sobre os resultados obtidos no tratamento de tumores do nariz, surge-nos um conjunto de questões para as quais ainda não encontrámos respostas cabais. Actuando de acordo com os princípios que definem o estado da arte, não obtivemos ainda resultados que satisfaçam tanto os doentes quanto os cirurgiões. Incessantemente procuramos novos dados técnicos e científicos que nos permitam sair deste ciclo vicioso em que o doente retarda a procura de assistência, receoso de que a terapêutica o deixe desfigurado. Tendo sempre em vista a obtenção dos melhores resultados com o mínimo de tempos cirúrgicos, valorizamos alguns detalhes praticados nos retalhos com padrão vascular bem definido. Dado que as sequelas na zona dadora de tecidos são uma incontornável preocupação, procuramos refinar a sua aplicação no sentido de as atenuarmos. A fronte, excelente zona dadora para reconstrucção nasal major, era sede de sequelas actualmente inaceitáveis. Estudado o comportamento dos tecidos na fronte, depois de levantado o retalho e efectuado o seu encerramento com uso da técnica de expansão intra-operatória, determinámos a presença do Factor de Crescimento Vascular Endotelial no próprio retalho e na zona dadora, tendo em vista que a sua presença poderá explicar o comportamento dos tecidos que foram submetidos a esta técnica. Procurou-se estudar a qualidade da reconstrução em 45 pacientes submetidos a cirurgia de exérese e reconstrução nasal major, assim como a qualidade de vida, relacionada com a doença e a terapêutica. Embora se possa admitir a existência de dados sugestivos de estratégias mais adequadas, não foi possível relacionar a qualidade da reconstrução com qualidade de vida dos pacientes. Poderá eventualmente concluir-se que a observação permanente da reconstrução, com qualidade estética e funcional, será o melhor método de alterar a ideia clássica, ainda muito divulgada, mas já ultrapassada, de que a cirurgia reconstrutiva do nariz não é mais que transformar um defeito horroroso num defeito ridículo.---------------ABSTRACT: Malignant tumours found in the nose are very frequent in all known series. Clinical diagnosis is simple and confirmation of biopsy diagnosis is accessible and safe. The most advisable therapies are surgery and radiotherapy. Despite everything patients continue to wait until the tumour is in an advanced stage before asking for therapy, although they know the diagnosis and have free access to specialised services. This situation could probably be explained by the slow development rate of the tumours which is associated with the age of the patient. Upon inquiry, it was found that a significant number of patients are more afraid of therapy than of the disease itself. Other parameters have been analysed in order to obtain useful information about the management of this problem. The majority of patients seek adequate treatment when the lesions involve two nasal subunits. This allows the programming of surgical therapy with relative ease as they may be removed and reconstructed with interesting final aesthetical results. Large tumours involving several subunits are frequent, but they rarely call for total rhinectomy. On the contrary, tumours more frequently involve half of the nose and their neighbouring structures: for example, maxillary, orbital and upper lip, even reaching as far as the base of the skull. The control of the disease is very difficult in these stages.In cases in which it is believed that the disease is under control, reconstructive surgery in conjunction with other forms of rehabilitation still result in a lot of dissatisfaction. In our activity we try to follow the criteria adopted by the best centres following classic techniques, complemented with recent refinements. Reflecting on the treatment of tumours of the nose has led us to a series of questions to which we haven’t yet found the answers. In accordance with the defined principles of ‘the state of the art’ it still doesn’t satisfy either the patients or the surgeons. We are looking for new technical and scientific data which allows us to leave this vicious cycle, in that the deferred patient avoids looking for assistance, based on the fear that therapy could leave them disfigured. We attach importance to some practiced details on the well-defined vascular pattern of the flaps, with the principle aim of obtaining a good result, from the minimum number of operations. It is known that sequels in donor sites are a concern, so applied refinements are used in order to reduce the defect. The forehead has been considered an excellent donor site for major nasal reconstruction but the area of sequel is nowadays unacceptable. We tried to study the behaviour of the tissues of the forehead after taking the flap and closing the wound, using the intraoperative expansion technique. We determined the presence of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor in the flaps and in the donor site, in which its presence could explain the behaviour of the tissues of the forehead that are submitted to this technique. The quality of the reconstruction was studied in 45 patients who were submitted to surgical exeresisand major nasal reconstruction, as was the relationship between the disease and the therapy regarding quality of life. It was not possible to directely relate the quality of the reconstruction to the quality of patients life, although some suggestive data of more adequate manegement may be interesting. One might eventually conclude that, permanent exposure of the reconstruction with aesthetic and funcional quality would be the best method in order to modify the classic idea which is still known although overridden today, that nasal reconstruction could transform a horrible defect into a ridiculous one.-------RÉSUMÉ: Les carcinomes situés sur le nez sont très fréquents dans toutes les séries connues. Ils sont de diagnostic facile et la confirmation de ce dernier par une biopsie, est accessible et très fiable. La chirurgie et la radiothérapie sont les thérapeutiques les mieux indiquées. Toutefois les patients continuent de solliciter un traitement, seulement dans des états très avancés bien qu’ils aient eu connaissance du diagnostic et ayant accès aux services. Cette situation pourra probablement s’expliquer par l’évolution relativement indolente de beaucoup de tumeurs, associée à l’âge des malades; bien que selon quelques enquêtes réalisées un nombre élevé de malades craint davantage la thérapeutique que la maladie. D’autres paramètres sont analysés en vue d’obtenir des informations utiles pour l’accompagnement de ce problème. La majorité de nos patients sollicite le traitement adéquat quand les lésions entourent deux sous-unités nasales, ce qui permet de planifier le traitement chirurgique avec une certaine facilité, c’est à dire l’exérèse et la reconstruction ayant un résultat final esthétique généralement très acceptable. Les tumeurs de grandes dimensions entourant différentes sous-unités sont fréquentes mais elles impliquent rarement une amputation nasal total. Au contraire, les tumeurs les plus fréquentes sont celles qui entourent la moitié du nez et les structures voisines comme le maxillaire, l’orbite et la lèvre supérieure, parfois, elles peuvent même atteindre la base du crâne. Le contrôle de la maladie dans ces états est très difficile et quand nous pensons que la maladie est contrôlée, la chirurgie reconstructrice associée à d’autres formes de réhabilitation provoquent encore une grande insatisfaction. Nous exerçons notre activité en essayant de suivre les critères adoptés dans les meilleurs centres. Nous appliquons les techniques classiques complétées de retouches pour obtenir un meilleur resultat. Le fait de traiter les tumeurs nasales nous fait réfléchir et poser un ensemble de questions auxquelles nous n’avons pas pu trouver de réponses. En actuant en accord avec les principes qui définissent l’état de l’art, nous n’avons pas obtenu de résultats qui satisfassent les malades et les chirurgiens. Nous recherchons de nouvelles données techniques et scientifiques qui nous permettent de sortir de ce cercle vicieux dans lequel le patient retarde la recherche d’aide craignant que la thérapeutique le défigure. Nous valorisons certains détails pratiqués sur les lambeaux de patron vasculaire bien défini et ayant comme principaux objectifs l’obtention d’un bon résultat en moins de temps de chirurgie. Nous savons que les séquelles de la zone donneuse de tissus sont préoccupantes, ainsi, que les retouches qui ont été appliqués dans l’objectif de les atténuer. Le front, excellente zone donneuse pour la reconstruction nasale majeure, était une source de séquelle actuellement inacceptable. Nous avons étudié le comportement des tissus du front après avoir relevé le lambeau et effectué la fermeture avec la technique de l’expansion intraoperative. Nous avons déterminé la présence du Facteur de Croissance Vasculaire Endothéliale dans le propre lambeau et dans la zone donneuse, celle-ci pourra expliquer le comportement des tissus du front qui ont été soumis à cette technique. On a essayé d´etudier la qualité de la reconstruction sur 45 patients soumis à la chirurgie d´exérèse et la reconstruction nasal majeure, ainsi comme la qualité de vie en relation avec la maladie et la thérapie. Quoique l´on puisse conclure par l´existence des données subjectives des stratégies plus justes, il est impossible de faire un rapport sur la qualité de la reconstruction avec la qualité de vie des patients. Eventuellement l´on purrait conclure que l´observation permanente de la reconstruction avec qualité esthétique et fonctionnelle, se serait la meilleure méthod de changer l´idée classique, mais depassée, de que la rhinopoièse n´est pas que transformer un affreux défaut par un défaut ridicule.
Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Physics
Theropods form a highly successful and morphologically diversified group of dinosaurs that gave rise to birds. They include most, if not all, carnivorous dinosaurs, yet many theropod clades were secondarily adapted to piscivory, omnivory and herbivory, and theropods show a large array of skull and dentition morphologies. This work aims to investigate aspects of the evolution of theropod dinosaurs by analyzing in detail both the anatomy and ontogeny of teeth and quadrates in non-avian theropods, and by studying embryonic and adult material of a new species of theropod. A standardized list of terms and notations for each anatomical entity of the tooth, quadrate, and maxilla is here proposed with the goal of facilitating descriptions of these important cranial and dental elements. The distribution of thirty dental characters among 113 theropod taxa is investigated, and a list of diagnostic dental characters is proposed. As an example, four isolated theropod teeth from the Lourinhã Formation (Kimmeridgian‒Tithonian) of Portugal are described and identified based on a cladistic analysis performed on a data matrix of 141 dentition-based characters coded in 60 taxa. Two shed teeth are referred to an abelisaurid, providing the first record of Abelisauridae in the Jurassic of Laurasia and the one of the oldest records of this clade in the world, suggesting a possible radiation of Abelisauridae in Europe well before the Upper Cretaceous. The consensus tree resulting from this phylogenetic analysis, the most extensive on theropod teeth, indicates that theropod teeth provide reliable data for identification at approximately family level, and this method will help identifying theropod teeth with more confidence. A detailed description of the dentition of Megalosauridae is also provided, and a discriminant analysis performed on a dataset of numerical data collected on the teeth of 62 theropod taxa reveals that megalosaurid teeth are hardly distinguishable from other theropod clades with ziphodont dentition. This study highlights the importance of detailing anatomical descriptions and providing additional morphometric data on teeth with the purpose of helping to identify isolated theropod teeth. In order to evaluate the phylogenetic potential and investigate the evolutionary transformations of the quadrate, a phylogenetic morphometric analysis as well as a cladistic analysis using 98 discrete quadrate related characters were conducted. The quadrate morphology by its own provides a wealth of data with strong phylogenetic signal, and the phylogenetic morphometric analysis reveals two main morphotypes of the mandibular articulation of the quadrate linked to function. As an example, six isolated quadrates from the Kem Kem beds (Cenomanian) of Morocco are determined to be from juvenile and adult individuals of Spinosaurinae based on phylogenetic, morphometric, and phylogenetic morphometric analyses. Morphofunctional analysis of the spinosaurid mandibular articulation has shown that the posterior parts of the two mandibular rami displaced laterally when the jaw was depressed due to a mediolaterally oriented intercondylar sulcus of the quadrate. Such lateral movement of the mandibular ramus was possible due to a movable mandibular symphysis in spinosaurids, allowing the pharynx to be widened. A new species of theropod from the Lourinhã Formation of Portugal, Torvosaurus gurneyi, is erected based on a right maxilla and an incomplete caudal centrum. This taxon supports the mechanism of vicariance that occurred in the Iberian Meseta during the Late Jurassic when the proto-Atlantic was already well formed. A theropod clutch containing several crushed eggs and embryonic material is also assigned to this new species of Torvosaurus. Investigation on the maxilla ontogeny in basal tetanurans reveals that crown denticles, elongation of the anterior ramus, and fusion of interdental plates appear at a posthatchling stage. On the other hand, maxillary pneumaticity is already present at an embryonic stage in non-avian theropods.
RESUMO - A exposição a radiações ionizantes em tomografia computorizada (TC) pode constituir-se como um risco para a saúde dos utentes. A TC é utilizada no diagnóstico e follow-up de doentes com Linfoma não-Hodgkin, subtipo Linfoma Difuso das Grandes Células B (LDGCB). O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a dose efetiva acumulada e o risco de segundas neoplasias nestes doentes, diagnosticados em 2011 no IPOLFG e seguidos na consulta de hematologia até 2013. Foram avaliados retrospetivamente 70 doentes com base nos registos de dose do “Patient Protocol” das TC efetuadas. Em média cada doente fez 12 TC e a dose efetiva acumulada foi de 64,76 mSv (percentil 75). Três doentes foram expostos a doses de radiação superiores 90 mSv e um atingiu 111,72 mSv. Os resultados demonstram ser necessário rever os parâmetros e protocolos de exames de TC: (i) TC crânio (DLP= 777 mGycm) e TC abdominal-pélvico (DLP= 628 mGycm). O aumento do número de exames de TC efetuados e a consequente dose parece corresponder a um aumento do risco de segundas neoplasias e risco de morte por doenças neoplásicas durante a vida destes doentes. Os resultados são aparentemente mais significativos para as mulheres, que apresentam o dobro do risco de cancro do pulmão e risco de mortalidade superior em 14% para todas as doenças neoplásicas. O elevado número de exames de TC realizados por cada doente contribui para o aumento da probabilidade de efeitos deletérios e também para o aumento dos níveis de dose efetiva coletiva na população em geral.