7 resultados para Seat comfort


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Currently, China has the biggest automobile industry in the world. China’s economic situation helped the automobile market, as the internal demand of passenger cars increased substantially in the last years. Chinese automobile industry’s astonishing expansion over the past years has attracted many foreign automobile groups. SEAT decided to enter the Chinese market, following its expansion strategy to enter new markets. The purpose of this study is to analyse and understand the strategic entry of SEAT in the Chinese market, hence the choice of an explanatory case study (Yin, 2003). This study extends this analysis by examining the chines automobile market, more specifically the demand, the market segmentation and the intensity of competition, reviewing the SEAT company history, their competitive positioning and resources. I conclude that, although the Chinese market has growing potential, SEAT has failed to achieve its initial objective. The company has not been able to create a brand awareness in the Chinese market, unlike other foreign brands that have managed to accomplish that. This occurred, mostly, because of the high prices in comparison to its competitors due to additional import cost, such as import duties, transportation and distribution.


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RESUMO - A legionella em meio hospitalar tem sido alvo de preocupação e de várias discussões, sendo esta uma bactéria patogénica que coloniza vários tipos de ambientes aquáticos (naturais e artificiais). Estas bactérias têm a particularidade de se desenvolver em meio aquático mas a infeção apenas é transmitida através de aerossóis de água contaminada, ou seja, por via aérea. Não se transmitindo de pessoa para pessoa. Pelas suas características os sistemas de arrefecimento de ar, nomeadamente as torres de arrefecimento, condensadores evaporativos, humidificadores e sistemas de ar condicionado, são fontes importantes de disseminação da legionella. Assim surge a necessidade da existência de programas de prevenção, que deverão ter em conta uma adequada manutenção, limpeza e desinfeção. Dada a quantidade de frequentadores assim como da especificidade dos mesmos, em meio hospitalar é particularmente importante a eficácia destes sistemas. Ou seja, os sistemas de arrefecimento em hospitais devem, para além de garantir o conforto térmico, ser responsáveis por manter a qualidade do ar e reduzir os riscos existentes a ele associados. O presente estudo pretende conhecer a verdadeira eficácia dos programas de manutenção e vigilância da Legionella, apenas nos sistemas de arrefecimento. Trata-se então de um estudo exploratório, descritivo recolha desta informação in-loco dos sistemas em estudo, de X hospitais da cidade de Lisboa. Na metodologia serão utilizadas grelhas de observação e resultados de colheita de água dos locais de maior risco. A realização deste estudo visa obter um retrato do panorama existente e contribuir para o início de novos estudos epidemiológicos.


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This paper discusses the development of modular solutions for eco low-cost houses based on a pre-fabricated modular wall system environmentally sustainable, socioeconomically competitive and geared towards developing African nations with a housing deficit. The key point to the research of a modular wall solution is a structural layer complemented with local and materials made by non-specialized workforce. This wall also meets also hydrothermal acoustic and mechanical properties. Thus,the solution also offers good safety and interior comfort conditions to its users while maintaining the flexibility to expand the size of the house. Parameters as dimensions, materials and constructive processes of the existing housing stock were studied. Features such as the family size, typology, different uses, common materials, existing regulations, minimal living conditions, safety and comfort have also been considered to achieve the most efficient solution.


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RESUMO - É recomendado o aleitamento materno exclusivo desde o nascimento até aos 6 meses. Angola apresenta uma situação bastante preocupante, pois é um dos países do mundo com maior taxa de mortalidade infantil: em 2010 era de 114,9 mortes por cada 1000 nascimentos. O desmame precoce, a contaminação dos alimentos e da água potável e a desnutrição criam condições para aparecimento de doenças que causam elevadas mortes em crianças com menos de um ano. Em muitas regiões de África, o parto ainda é um acontecimento marcado por práticas culturais ancestrais que podem prejudicar a saúde e sobrevivência dos recém-nascidos, além de pôr em perigo a vida das mães. Algumas dessas práticas incluem: (i) deitar fora o colostro; e (ii) alimentar os bebés com outros alimentos que não o leite materno. Este estudo é quantitativo com metodologia transversal e pretende identificar, descrever e analisar os fatores que contribuem para o abandono do aleitamento materno exclusivo antes dos 6 meses de idade, na província do Uíge, em Angola, bem como indicar formas de intervenção para que os índices de prevalência do aleitamento materno exclusivo possam aumentar. A população em estudo são mães com filhos até um ano de idade e utilizadoras do centro de saúde materno infantil do município sede da província de Uíge em Angola, da qual será considerada uma amostra de 418 mães. Os dados obtidos através de questionário serão registados em quadros e gráficos para posterior análise estatística através de tabelas de frequências, cálculo de percentagens e taxas de incidência.


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This paper is the author’s Master’s Thesis. It aims to study the content of lexarbitri, i.e. the relevant law regarding international arbitration. Under both Portuguese law and UNCITRAL model law, the seat’s legal provisions shall be applied at all times. Contrarily, French and Swiss legislations allow parties and arbitrators to apply any arbitration law to international arbitration, whether the seat law or a foreign arbitration law. There is not a sole understanding towards the criteria to determine the legal provisions that shall govern international arbitration. Traditionally, the lexarbitri would correspond to the arbitration law of the seat of the arbitration. The territorialist criteria remains in force under the majority of arbitration laws that the author has consulted. However, it has been criticized by several authorities in international arbitration, who suggest that the arbitration shall be governed by the law of the seat or of the place in which the award is to be enforcement, whichever better grants its enforcement – the cumulative doctrine; or the arbitration shall be governed by a set of provisions that make up the autonomous transnational legal, regardless of the legal provisions of the law of the seat – the transnational doctrine. The author intends to debate the three mentioned understandings regarding the lexarbitriand further explains why the territorialist criteria is the most adequate to the characteristics and demands of international arbitration, to the governing instruments in force and to the need for a useful award.


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Along with the food and the comfort, safety has always been one of the human priorities. In pursuit of this objective, man developed self-preservation mechanisms, went to live in society and created rules to control the community life. In the West and in the late eighteenth century, with the creation of states as we know them today, the monopoly of security, among other powers, has been preserved untouched until the last quarter of this century. With the bankruptcy of the welfare state and the rise of the regulatory state, many of the essential tasks for the community have also been carried out by private companies or institutions, including education, health care and security. Although not easy, education and health care have been more opened to be managed by the private sector. Instead, the privatization of the security sector has seen much more resistance. Still, especially in the West, the states have delegated some of the security competences to private companies. Portugal is no exception to the rule and, after a few years of unregulated activity, in 1982 was published the first law regulating the private security. After the initial stages of development (evolution and maturation), which lasted until the early years of the 2000‘s, the private security now seems to have reached maturity. Today, now with a new legal system, composed by Law no. 34/2013, of 16 may, its regulations and complementary legislation, now private security encompasses other activities and competences - becoming, an increasingly complement to public safety. It has also increased the pre-requisites and control mechanisms for private security companies, and strengthened the rules that limit their scope of activity.


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The present Working Project aims at studying the topic of assurance mapping in a specific organizational context of a Portuguese retail company. For this purpose, an assurance map framework was designed to support the decision making process of stakeholders, through the delivery of comfort concerning risks, operations and control. In the end, the framework was successfully implemented for the process sourcing of goods in two business units of the company. Although, further implementation of the framework proved not to be feasible during the project’s timespan, it is expected to occur in the near future.