20 resultados para Sand burial
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Geológica (Georrecursos)
Erosion surfaces are the main geomorphological features of the Hesperian Massif. However, three other physiographic elements define the present state of the landscape. Such are big mountain blocks with polygonal borders building at great scale mountain chains, some more modest ridges following hercynian structural trends, and finally the strong incision of the fluvial net. On the other hand, paleoalterations and associated sediments are the only available ways for relief correlation and interpretation. It consists of a triple relationship giving good results when the regional stratigraphy is well known. Tectonic massifs, differential relief sand incisions are originated by geotectonic alpine disturbances during the Tertiary. The three events are consecutive in time with overlapping lapses which the prior and following element: differencial reliefs as a mesozoic heritage occur first, afterwards morphostructural blocks responding directly to the alpine deformation, and finally the fluvial incision as a delayed answer to the preceding morphostructural changes. The relationship relief sedimentation confirms widely this idea, since an association exists between a siderolitic Cretaceous-lower Paleogene and the differential reliefs, between arkoses from the upper Paleogene and the tectonic morphostructural blocks and between the Neogene Series Ocres and the terraces.
A synthesis about the Neogene and Quaternary of Algarve (Southern Portugal) is presented. New isotopic 87Sr/86Sr ages as well as biostratigraphic data about the Miocene deposits allow to present a new stratigraphic frame for the previously characterized units. The Lagos-Portimão Formation corresponds to deposits of temperate carbonate platform sedimentological type, developed during a long time span (Lower Burdigalian to Upper Serravallian). A major change in sedimentation conditions (carbonate to siliciclastic environments) occurred in the Lower Tortonian with the deposition of yellowish sands. Spongoliths rich in microfossils are represented in Algarve inland. Their age is not well established; calcareous nannofossils indicate the CN5a zone (Upper Serravallian) while foraminifera point out at least Nl6 zone (Lower Tortonian). In the Upper Tortonian, the sedimentation is widespread in Eastern Algarve, related with the Guadalquivir Basin infill. The deposits begin with detrital limestones, locally very rich in Heterostegina, passing to fossiliferous conglomerates and siltstones (Cacela Formation). Coarse-grained conglomerates at Galvana (Faro) pose some age problems. K/Ar age on glauconite indicates 6.72±0.17 Ma. However, glauconites may be reworked from older deposits (Cacela Formation). The Galvana Conglomerate could be related to Pliocene deposits are not well characterized. Olhos de Água sands, with a thin marine intercalation rich in marine vertebrates (fishes, a crocodile, cetaceans, sirenians), may be Upper Pliocene; however, the vertebrates point out to a Serravallian to Tortonian age. 87Sr/86Sr ages on oysters from above the level with vertebrates point out to 3.0(+2.5-1.0) Ma. Similar sand deposits occur at Morgadinho (Luz de Tavira). These sands are overlain by marls, lignite clays, lacustrine limestones and a silty calcareous crust. A small mammals association indicate an age span between Upper Pliocene and Lower Middle Pleistocene (MN17-MN20). A Biharian mammal fauna (Lower Pleistocene) was collected at Algoz in similar deposits. In the present state of knowledge, Morgadinho and Algoz deposits may be correlative.
The chemical features of the ground water in the Lower Tagus Cenozoic deposits are strongly influenced by lithology, by the velocity and direction of the water movement as well as by the localization of the recharge and discharge zones. The mineralization varies between 80 and 900 mg/l. It is minimal in the recharge zones and in the Pliocene sand and maximum in the Miocene carbonated and along the alluvial valley. Mineralization always reflects the time of permanence, the temperature and the pressure. The natural process of water mineralization is disturbed in agricultural areas because the saline concentration of the infiltration water exceeds that of the infiltrated rainwater. In the discharge zones, the rise of the more mineralized, some times thermal deep waters related to tectonic accidents give rise to anomalies in the distribution of the aquiferous system mineralization model. The diversity of the hydrochemical facies of the ground water may be related to several factors whose identification is some times difficult.
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 135, No. 11, November 1, 2009
X-Ray Spectrom. 2003; 32: 396–401
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.
Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Biology
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia do Ambiente Perfil de Gestão de Sistemas Ambientais
3rd Historic Mortars Conference, 11-14 September 2013, Glasgow, Scotland
3rd Historic Mortars Conference, 11-14 September 2013, Glasgow, Scotland
RESTAPIA 2012 - Int. Conf. on Rammed Earth Conservation, Valencia, 21-23 June 2012
CIAV2013 – International Conference on Vernacular Architecture, 7º ATP, VerSus, 16-20 october 2013
Construction and Building Materials 49 (2013), 315-327
International RILEM Workshop on Repairs Mortars for Historic Masonry, Technical University of Delft, 2009