12 resultados para Real estate business -- Management -- Automation


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA School of Business and Economics


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The underlying thesis examines the value drivers of direct investments in nursing home real estate in Germany. A survey among investors and operators is conducted in order to identify significant value drivers. Moreover, based on survey results, a framework for assessing German nursing home real estate is developed. This is applied in a case-study about the set-up of a nursing home value-add fund which will demonstrate the value creation process of redeveloping an existing nursing home real estate portfolio. Through a concluding analysis the sources of value creation, sensitivities and future prospects of direct investing into German nursing home real estate are concluded.


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Strategic alliances represent a key driver for internationalization and growth, being the purpose of this work project to better understand the intertwined relationship between trust and the existence of an alliance management position. Previous research supports the positive impact of such position in stock market returns. However, little attention has been given to the impact of such position on the level of trust in the collaborative arrangement, which is deemed to be a key driver for alliance success. A qualitative comparative case-study of three Portuguese SMEs is used to draw conclusions from the literature to real life business cases and it demonstrates the positive impact of an alliance management position on trust.


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Economics from the NOVA School of Business and Economics


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Finance from the NOVA School of Business and Economics


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According to a recent Eurobarometer survey (2014), 68% of Europeans tend not to trust national governments. As the increasing alienation of citizens from politics endangers democracy and welfare, governments, practitioners and researchers look for innovative means to engage citizens in policy matters. One of the measures intended to overcome the so-called democratic deficit is the promotion of civic participation. Digital media proliferation offers a set of novel characteristics related to interactivity, ubiquitous connectivity, social networking and inclusiveness that enable new forms of societal-wide collaboration with a potential impact on leveraging participative democracy. Following this trend, e-Participation is an emerging research area that consists in the use of Information and Communication Technologies to mediate and transform the relations among citizens and governments towards increasing citizens participation in public decision-making. However, despite the widespread efforts to implement e-Participation through research programs, new technologies and projects, exhaustive studies on the achieved outcomes reveal that it has not yet been successfully incorporated in institutional politics. Given the problems underlying e-Participation implementation, the present research suggested that, rather than project-oriented efforts, the cornerstone for successfully implementing e-Participation in public institutions as a sustainable added-value activity is a systematic organisational planning, embodying the principles of open-governance and open-engagement. It further suggested that BPM, as a management discipline, can act as a catalyst to enable the desired transformations towards value creation throughout the policy-making cycle, including political, organisational and, ultimately, citizen value. Following these findings, the primary objective of this research was to provide an instrumental model to foster e-Participation sustainability across Government and Public Administration towards a participatory, inclusive, collaborative and deliberative democracy. The developed artefact, consisting in an e-Participation Organisational Semantic Model (ePOSM) underpinned by a BPM-steered approach, introduces this vision. This approach to e-Participation was modelled through a semi-formal lightweight ontology stack structured in four sub-ontologies, namely e-Participation Strategy, Organisational Units, Functions and Roles. The ePOSM facilitates e-Participation sustainability by: (1) Promoting a common and cross-functional understanding of the concepts underlying e-Participation implementation and of their articulation that bridges the gap between technical and non-technical users; (2) Providing an organisational model which allows a centralised and consistent roll-out of strategy-driven e-Participation initiatives, supported by operational units dedicated to the execution of transformation projects and participatory processes; (3) Providing a standardised organisational structure, goals, functions and roles related to e-Participation processes that enhances process-level interoperability among government agencies; (4) Providing a representation usable in software development for business processes automation, which allows advanced querying using a reasoner or inference engine to retrieve concrete and specific information about the e-Participation processes in place. An evaluation of the achieved outcomes, as well a comparative analysis with existent models, suggested that this innovative approach tackling the organisational planning dimension can constitute a stepping stone to harness e-Participation value.


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The paper studies the relationship between four differently rated banks financial profile and their standalone credit rating issued by Moodys. The comparative analysis shows an example that despite their pricing power and geographical coverage, larger banks do not necessarily have better credit ratings. Instead, business model and risk appetite seem to be the defining factors of banks vulnerability to shocks, such as the Spanish real estate crisis. The risk-return relationship is also identified in the banks fundamentals meaning that while expansionary strategy in riskier asset classes enhances margins, it also potentially distorts the credit risk profile.


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RESUMO: Desde 1640 at data extrema de 1834, os Irmos Hospitaleiros de S. Joo de Deus foram os responsveis, directa e indirectamente, pela administrao e corpo de enfermagem dos Reais Hospitais Militares em Portugal, actividades que analisamos ao longo dos sculos, desenvolvendo pressupostos temticos relativamente a sua actuao no tempo e no espao. durante o sc. XVII at ao sc. XIX, que vemos os cuidados da corte para com a assistncia aos soldados enfermos e doentes, ao publicar inmera legislao relativamente complexidade assistencial na rea militar, a qual foi por ns compilada para melhor contextualizao da importncia dos Hospitais Militares em Portugal. Os Regimentos, os Alvars, os Regulamentos e as Ordens do Dia, constituem um objecto fundamental de pesquisa e anlise para caracterizar o quotidiano nesses mesmos locais. Os Hospitais Militares desde a sua fundao, dos primrdios das Guerras da Aclamao em 1640, at ao advento do liberalismo em 1834, eram centros de conhecimento tcnico e cientfico com um corpo assistencial especializado, onde um conjunto pluridisciplinar de profissionais zelava qualitativamente pelos assistidos, e onde os Irmos Hospitaleiros de S. Joo de Deus desempenhavam funes de administradores, enfermeiros e capeles. Nesse sentido elaboramos uma listagem cronolgica para inter relacionar os Irmos Hospitaleiros e os Hospitais Militares, pois impossvel separar a Ordem de S. Joo de Deus da componente assistencial aos enfermos e doentes militares em Portugal. A importncia urbana e arquitectnica, que os Reais Hospitais Militares tiveram no contexto orgnico e defensivo nas Praas de Guerra, realado pela forma como estes se encontravam implantados e construdos, demarcando-se esteticamente da globalidade edificada, pois constituam parte integrante dos equipamentos militares, como era teorizado pelos tcnicos militares. Assim analisamos a localizao dos imveis, para alm do prprio edifcio hospitalar, com o meio, ou seja com a urbanidade das Praas de guerra. A sobriedade arquitectnica dos Hospitais Militares, integrada nos grandes ciclos das correntes culturais europeia e nacional, associada riqueza decorativa e iconoclasta desenvolvida nesses locais, d-nos uma dimenso da importncia cientfica que esses ncleos assistenciais tiveram, contribuindo para a difuso do culto e circulao da imaginria de S. Joo de Deus em Portugal e dos Santos venerados nos Hospitais Militares. Desta forma compreendemos o alicerar devocional que o reino tinha por este Santo, como o fundador do conceito assistencial do hospital moderno. Estando intrinsecamente ligado a este facto vemos o proliferar do culto e da imaginria de S. Joo de Deus em Portugal, centrando-se a iconografia artstica do Santo em torno das localidades onde se enraizaram os Hospitais Militares. Hoje, nos imveis hospitalares, no difcil analisar uma lenta evoluo da funcionalidade dos seus espaos, gravitando o desenvolvimento estrutural assistencial em torno das enfermarias e salas de cirurgia, mantendo-se perene este arqutipo arquitectnico desde o sc. XVII at meados do sc. XIX, as quais foram levantadas, comparadas e analisadas. Foi com a exclaustrao das Ordens Religiosas, pelo Decreto de 29 de Maio de 1834, que acabou a extraordinria e valorosa aco administrativa, tutelar e corpo de enfermagem dos Irmos Hospitaleiros de S. Joo de Deus, na rea especfica da assistncia militar em Portugal, extinguindo-se, nalguns casos, os Hospitais Militares, pois o reino no estava preparado para substituir esses profissionais de sade. O nosso estudo desenvolve-se por cerca de 295 anos, espao temporal em que os Hospitais Militares foram administrados e fundados pelos Irmos de S. Joo de Deus em Portugal.---------ABSTRACT: Since 1640 until 1834 the Hospitaller Brothers of S. John of God were the responsibles, direct and indirectly, for the administration and nursing body of the Royal Military Hospitals in Portugal, activities that we analyse throughout the centuries, developing thematic presuppositions regarding its performance in time and in space. It is during the 17th century until the 19th century, that we see the courts care with the assistance of the wounded and sick by the publishing of much legislation regarding the assistance complexity in the military area, which was compiled by us in order to achieve a better comprehension of the importance of the Military Hospitals in Portugal. The Regiments, Charters, Regulations and Orders of Day constitute a fundamental object of research and analysis to characterise the quotidian of these locations. The Military Hospitals, since its foundation, in the beginning of the Wars of Acclamation in 1640, until the advent of liberalism in 1834, were centres of technical and scientific knowledge with a specialized assistance body, were a multidisciplinary set of professionals took qualitatively care of the attended, and where the Hospitaller Brothers of S. John of God performed the tasks of administrators, nurses and chaplains. In this perspective, we created a chronological listing in order to relate the Hospitaller Brothers with the Military Hospitals, since it is impossible to separate the Hospitaller Order of S. John of God from the component of assistance to the military sick and wounded in Portugal. The urban and architectural importance that the Royal Military Hospitals had in the organic and defensive context of the War Fortifications is emphasized by the way these were implanted and built and by its architectural demarcation of the edified whole, since they constituted an integrant part of the military equipments, as it was theorized for the military architecture. Therefore we analyse the location of the real estate, analysing not only the hospital building itself, but also its relation with the environment, i. e. with the urbanism of the war fortifications. The architectural sobriety of Military Hospitals, integrated in the big cycles of cultural streams in Europe and Portugal, associated to the decorative and iconoclastic wealth developed in these locations, give us a dimension of the scientific importance that these hospitals had, contributing to the diffusion of the cult and circulation of sculptures and paintings of S. John of God in Portugal and of the Saints revered in the Hospitals. In this way, we understand the consolidation of the devotion that the kingdom had for this Saint, the founder of the assistance concept of the modern hospital. The proliferation of the cult and iconography of S. John of God is intrinsically connected to this fact, the artistic iconography concentrating itself around the localities were the Military Hospitals were built. Today, in the assistance buildings, it is not difficult to analyse a slow evolution of the functionality of its spaces, gravitating the structural assistance development around the infirmaries and surgery rooms, this architectural archetype being perennial from the 17th century until the middle of the 19th century. These infirmaries were pointed out, compared and analysed. It was the expulsion of the Religious Orders, by the Decree of May 29th 1834, that ended with the extraordinary and valorous administrative and tutelary action and nursing body of the Hospitaller Brothers of S. John of God, in the specific area of military assistance in Portugal, extinguishing, in some cases, the Military Hospitals, since the kingdom wasnt prepared to substitute these health professionals. Our study is developed in a timeframe of 295 years, period in which the Military Hospitals were administrated and founded by the Brothers of S. John of God in Portugal.


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Dissertao apresentada na Faculdade de Cincias e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obteno do grau de Mestre em Engenharia e Gesto Industrial


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Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies


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A poltica de ordenamento do territrio tem um papel indispensvel na promoo da qualidade dos espaos urbanos e da complementaridade entre os diferentes usos do solo. Contudo, a prossecuo destes objetivos tem encontrado vrios obstculos. Esta investigao entende como principal obstculo o impacto que a especulao imobiliria e o respetivo ciclo de expanso-depresso tm no crescimento dos centros urbanos. O mtodo do estudo de caso aplicado ao municpio do Entroncamento, onde so evidentes os impactos territoriais resultantes do ciclo imobilirio: (i) excesso de loteamentos com execuo residual; (ii) PMOT expansionistas e desfasados da realidade econmico-demogrfica; e (iii) fragmentao do tecido urbano provocado pelo crescimento em extenso da cidade, com aumento dos custos de manuteno dos equipamentos e infraestruturas. Os impactos referidos so comprovados atravs do mtodo da avaliao, utilizado para averiguar a execuo das reas urbanizveis projetadas pelos PMOT com apoio complementar de informao obtida junto da CME. A abordagem centrada na escala local antecedida de uma explicao terica acerca da formao do ciclo de expanso/depresso, a uma escala macro, onde se percebe a influncia da especulao imobiliria na origem da recente crise econmico-financeira no mundo ocidental. Por ltimo, so defendidas solues alternativas, que reforcem o poder de regulao do mercado imobilirio, e consequentemente, contribuam para a minimizao dos impactos territoriais analisados. A principal soluo a reformulao do imposto sobre a propriedade (escala macro), com o intuito de centrar a tributao no valor do solo, ao invs do valor da construo. Esta medida desincentiva a reteno especulativa do solo, pelo que beneficia a reabilitao urbana das reas consolidadas e a respetiva colmatao. Ao mesmo tempo, uma ferramenta fundamental para alcanar os objetivos do ordenamento do territrio, pois cria as condies necessrias para planear por antecipao o desenvolvimento futuro dos territrios.


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As problemticas do espao urbano tm suscitado uma maior ateno nos ltimos anos. Aps uma poca de crescimento que levou expanso das cidades para a periferia, a crise financeira afectou o sector imobilirio e permitiu um novo despertar para as questes de regenerao e reabilitao das reas centrais das cidades. aqui realizada uma reflexo Regenerao Urbana e seus conceitos associados, particularmente no que concerne sua aplicao em Centros Histricos. feita uma retrospectiva s polticas de interveno urbana nos Centros Histricos portugueses e so analisadas trs intervenes diferentes no mbito do programa Parcerias para a Regenerao Urbana que tiveram lugar no Alentejo Litoral, mais concretamente nas cidades de Alccer do Sal, Santiago do Cacm e Sines.