17 resultados para Proximal gastrectomy
J Biol Inorg Chem (2004) 9: 145–151 DOI 10.1007/s00775-003-0506-z
RESUMO: A operação de Nissen, por laparoscopia, é considerada a cirurgia antirefluxo mais adequada por ser a que melhor replica a fisiologia normal da válvula gastresofágica na maioria dos doentes com sintomas típicos de doença do refluxo gastresofágico (DRGE). São critérios técnicos o encerramento seguro dos pilares do diafragma e a criação de fundoplicatura completa (360 graus), curta (inferior a dois centímetros), lassa e sem tensão – desiderando para o qual a laqueação proximal dos vasos curtos gástricos é crucial. Realizei a operação de Nissen, por laparoscopia, em sessenta mulheres e quarenta homens com DRGE, sem mortalidade operatória, no Serviço de Cirurgia 6 do Hospital dos Capuchos, CHLC, EPE. Os cem doentes apresentavam média etária de 46 anos e queixas, com tempo de evolução entre 1 e 43 anos, de pirose (90%), regurgitação (80%), azia (73%), epigastralgias (54%). A endoscopia alta revelou esofagite de grau Savary-Miller 0-I (62%), II (23%), III (8%), IV (7%); hérnia de deslizamento (71%), hérnia paraesofágica (8%), sem hérnia (21%); a pHmetria de 24h diagnosticou padrão misto (38%), levantado (20%), deitado (20%), inconclusiva (22%) e a manometria diagnosticou EEI hipotónico (35%), peristálise esofágica normal (88%), hipomotilidade ligeira (5%) e foi omissa (7%). Hérnia hiatal, esofagite grave, ineficácia do controlo sintomático com inibidor da bomba de protões e desejo de descontinuidade terapêutica constituíram as indicações para tratamento cirúrgico. Por celioscopia, efetuei laqueação dos vasos curtos gástricos (70%), cruroplastia e fundoplicatura total (seda 2/0), curta (dimensão média 1,5-2 cm), lassa, sem tensão e sem calibração intraoperatória do esófago. A fundoplicatura de Nissen laparoscópica mostrou-se segura e eficaz no tratamento da DRGE. A sua idoneidade foi ainda comprovada pela normalização da pHmetria de 24 horas e da manometria pós-operatórias, com significado estatístico, num grupo de catorze voluntários assintomáticos. Em catamnese com recuo médio 30,7 meses 94% dos indivíduos persistem assintomáticos. Interrogando-me acerca das repercussões desta operação sobre a microcirculação do fundo gástrico coloquei, como premissa, a possibilidade de na operação de Nissen a laqueação dos vasos curtos poder induzir modificação no diâmetro arteriolar da parede do fundo gástrico. Para pesquisar a influência da laqueação dos vasos curtos gástricos e da fundoplicatura total sobre o calibre arteriolar da parede do estômago no cárdia, no fundo e na região dos vasos curtos gástricos, idealizei um Projeto de investigação experimental em cobaias. O Projeto foi desenvolvido no Centro de Investigação do Departamento de Anatomia da FCM-UNL. Para a sua realização obtive autorização da Comissão Científica e Pedagógica da FCM-UNL, requeri a acreditação como investigador à Direção Geral de Veterinária e, por recorrer à utilização de animais, submeti-o à Comissão de Ética da FCM-UNL, que o aprovou por unanimidade. Para limitar o número de animais utilizados ao mínimo necessário, calculei, por método estatístico, a quantidade de cobaias necessárias. Subdividindo-as num grupo de ensaio (GE), onde realizei a operação de Nissen, e num grupo de controlo (GC), onde apenas procedi a tração gástrica, defini e apliquei protocolos de anestesia, de cirurgia e de eutanásia, segundo os princípios dos 3R – Replacement, Reduction, Refinement da técnica de experimentação humana de Russell e Burch (1959) – uma estrutura ética amplamente aceite para a realização de experimentação científica humanizada com animais. A utilização das técnicas de estudo angiomorfológico permitiu-me analisar e descrever a anatomia normal, a vascularização arterial macroscópica, a microangioarquitetura, por microscopia eletrónica de varrimento de moldes de corrosão vascular, e a histologia da parede do estômago da cobaia. Procedi, também, à definição dos critérios morfológicos que considerei suscetíveis de validação deste modelo animal para o estudo proposto. Por razões académicas, foi necessário abreviar o Projeto encurtando, em cerca de dois anos, o prazo disponível para conclusão do estudo. Apreciando-o com o Gabinete de Análise Epidemiológica e Estatística do Centro de Investigação do CHLC, EPE, optou-se, perante a escassez de elementos após já terem sido recrutados 46 animais, por uma amostra, suplementar, de dimensão de conveniência de oito cobaias (quatro em cada grupo), condicionada pelo limite temporal universitário e pelo respeito pela dignidade dos animais. Neste subgrupo procedi, por microscopia eletrónica de varrimento, à medição dos calibres arteriolares nos moldes vasculares do cárdia, do fundo e da zona dos vasos curtos gástricos tanto no GC como no GE efetuando 469 medições no primeiro e 461 no último. Os dados foram enviados ao Centro de Investigação do CHLC, EPE que procedeu à sua análise estatística (ANOVA). A referida análise revelou que as arteríolas do plexo mucoso e as do plexo submucoso do cárdia, do fundo e da região dos vasos curtos gástricos, mostraram aumento de calibre no GE. O aumento foi, estatisticamente, significativo por ser superior a 50% do calibre do GC. Nos vasos curtos, a diferença foi mais pequena, mas persistiu sendo, estatisticamente, significativa. Os vasos retos dilataram na base, na sua emergência do plexo seroso, apenas no fundo gástrico. Na cobaia a operação de Nissen – fundoplicatura total com laqueação dos vasos curtos gástricos –, provocou vasodilatação arteriolar do fundo gástrico. Considero que essa vasodilatação constituiu acomodação à modificação introduzida e infiro que o mesmo possa acontecer no ser humano. Admito, assim, que também ocorra vasodilatação no ser humano, na sequência da laqueação dos vasos curtos gástricos, pela analogia microvascular entre as duas espécies e que essa vasodilatação corresponda, igualmente, a um mecanismo de adaptação arteriolar visando, por exemplo, suprir a perda incorrida pela laqueação. A associação experimental entre laqueação dos vasos curtos gástricos e realização de fundoplicatura total, que exerce aumento inerente de pressão sobre a JEG, não só não provocou défice da microcirculação do esófago distal ou do estômago proximal como desencadeou um mecanismo de vasodilatação fúndica que reforça o conceito de segurança da operação de Nissen para tratamento da DRGE. -------------- ABSTRACT: The laparoscopic Nissen operation is considered to be the most appropriate antirefluxsurgery because it suitably replicates the standard physiology of the gastroesophageal valve in most patients with typical symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). The technical criteria includes the safe shutdown of the diafragmatic crura(cruroplasty) and the creation of a complete fundoplication (360 degrees), short (lesser than two inches), floppy and without tension – a goal for which the proximal ligation of the gastric short vessels is crucial. The laparoscopic Nissen operation was performed in sixty women and forty men with GERD, without any operative mortality, at the Surgical Department of the Hospital dos Capuchos, CHLC, EPE. The one hundred patients, averaged 46 years old, complained of heartburn (90%), regurgitation (80%) and upper abdominal pain (54 %). The endoscopy process revealed Savary-Miller esophagitis of grade 0-I (62%), II (23%), III (8%), IV (7%), sliding hernia (71%), paraesophageal hernia (8%) or no herniation (21%). The pHmetry/24h diagnosed mixed pattern (38%), raised (20%), lying (20%) or inconclusive (22%). The manometry diagnosed hypotensive LES (35%), normal esophageal peristalsis (88%), mild hypomotility (5%) and was absent (7%). Hiatal hernia, severe esophagitis, ineffective symptomatic control with proton pump inhibitor and request for treatment discontinuation were the signs for surgical action. A laparoscopic ligation of short gastric vessels (70%), cruroplasty and fundoplication (silk 2/0), short (average size 1.5–2 cm) and floppy, without tension and without intraoperative calibration of the esophagus were thus performed. The laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication behaved safe and effective in treating GERD. In a group of 14 asymptomatic volunteers its reputation was confirmed with statistical significance by normalization of postoperative pHmetry/24h and manometry. 94% of the individuals remained asymptomatic up to 30.7 months (average) in the follow-up. Interrogating myself about the impact of this operation on the microcirculation of the gastric fundus I put premised on the possibility of the ligation of the short gastric vessels in the Nissen procedure can induce changes in the arteriolar diameter in the Wall of the gastric fundus. To explore the influence of ligation of the short gastric vessels and the fundoplication at the arteriolar caliber of the cardia, the fundus and the region of the short vessels of the gastric wall, I designed a project of experimental research in guinea pigs with two interdependent components: one veterinary and another technical where I applied angiomorphological studies. The project was developed at the Research Centre of the Department of Anatomy FCMUNL. For its accomplishment I got permission from the Scientific and Pedagogical Committee of the FCM-UNL, I requested for accreditation as a researcher at the General Directorate of Veterinary and, by resorting to the use of animals I submitted it to the Ethics Committee of the FCM-UNL, which approved it unanimously. The guinea pigs were divided into two experimental groups: an experimental group (EG), in which the Nissen procedure was performed and a control group (CG) in which only a gastric traction was done. Protocols of anesthesia, surgery and euthanasia were applied according to the 3Rs – Replacement, Reduction, Refinement of the technique of human experimentation of Burch and Russell (1959) – a widely accepted ethical framework for conducting scientific experiments using animals humanely. Using histological and angiomorphological techniques, I performed the analysis and the description of the normal, macro and microvascular, anatomy of the guinea pig stomach and I defined the morphological criteria that I considered susceptible for validation of this animal model for the proposed study. By means of scanning electron microscopy I measured the arteriolar calibers of the vascular casts of the cardia, of the fundus and of the short gastric vessels in both CG and EG, making 469 measurements in the former and 461 in the latter. The data were sent to the Research Center of the CHLC which conducted the statistical analysis (ANOVA). The data were sent to the Centre for Research of the CHLC, EPE which proceeded to statistical analysis (ANOVA). This analysis revealed that the arterioles plexus of the mucosal and submucosal plexus of the cardia, fundus and region of the short gastric vessels, showed increased caliber in EG. The increase was statistically significant for being greater than 50% CG gauge. In the short gastric vessels, the difference was smaller, but persisted and statistically significant. Straight vessels were dilated at the base, on its emergence of the plexus serous only in the fundus. In the guinea pig, the Nissen procedure - complete fundoplication with ligation of the short gastric vessels - caused arteriolar vasodilation on the gastric fundus. I believe that this vasodilation constituted some accommodation to the modification introduced and infer that the same might happen in humans. I admit therefore that vasodilation also occurs in humans following the ligation of the short gastric vessels by microvascular analogy between the two species and that this vasodilation corresponds also to na adaptation mechanism arteriolar, for example, to compensate the loss incurred by ligation. The association of experimental ligation of the short gastric vessels with conducting complete fundoplication, which exerts increased pressure on the EGJ, not only did not cause a microcirculation deficit of the distal esophagus or proximal stomach as triggered a mechanism of fundic vasodilation which reinforces the security concept of the Nissen procedure for treatment of GERD.
Revista Española de Paleontologia 19 (2), 229-242
An Upper Miocene important sedimentary break can be accurately recognised in the Portuguese basins and is reflected by a drastic palaeogeographic change in relation to a large-scale tectonic event of probable uppermost Vallesian-Turolian (9,5 Ma; middle Tortonian) age. The characterisation of the sedimentary record of this tectonic event, as well as its relations with interpreted active faults is made for different situations: Douro (NW border), Mondego, Lower-Tagus and Sado Tertiary basins. The sedimentary record, considered upper Tortonian-Messinian ? (uppermost Vallesian-Turolian ?) is interpreted mainly as endorheic alluvial fans (internal drainage), developed along active NNE-SSW indent-linked strike-slip faults and NE-SW reverse faults. At NE Portugal, proximal fluvial systems of an endorheic hydrographic network drained eastwards to the Spanish Duero interior Basin. The main evidences of the betic compression clímax in Portugal mainland are presented; the interpreted active tectonic structures are in accordance with an intense NNW-SSE crustal shortening, but some regional differences are also documented.
Palaeogeographic and tectono-sedimentary interpretation of northern Portugal, in which previous studies (geomorphology, lithostratigraphy, mineralogy, sedimentology, palaeontology, etc.) were considered, is here proposed. Cenozoic shows different features according to its morphotectonic setting in the eestern region (Trás-os-Montes) or near to the Atlantic coast (western region, Minho and Douro Litoral areas). Although in the eastern region the sedimentary record is considered late Neogene, in some places Paleogene (?) was identified. This oldest record, represented by alluvial deposits, was preserved from complete erosion because of its position inside Bragança-Vilariça-Manteigas fault zone grabens. Later sedimentary episodes (upper Tortonian-Zanclean ?), represented by two allostratigraphical units, were interpreted as proximal fluvial braided systems of an endorheic hydrographic network, draining to the Spanish Duero Basin (eastwards); nowadays, they still remained in tectonic depressions and incised-valleys. Later on, eastern sedimentation becomes scarcer because Atlantic fluvial systems (e.g. the pre-Douro), successively, captured previous endorheic drainages. The proximal reaches of the allostratigraphic unit considered Placencian is recorded in Mirandela (western Trás-os-Montes) but the following fluvial episode (Gelasian-early Pleistocene ?) was already documented in east Trás-os-Montes, preserved in high platforms and in tectonic depressions. Placencian and Quaternary sedimentary records in the western coastal zone, mainly represented by terraces, are located in the Minho, Lima, Alverães, Cávado and Ave large fluvial valleys and in the Oporto littoral platform. In conclusion, northern Portugal Tertiary sedimentary episodes were mainly controlled by tectonics, but later on (Placencian-Quaternary) also by eustasy.
In the Longroiva-Vilariça area, the identification of Cenozoic lithostratigraphic units, the sedimentology and the characterization of its geometric relations with tectonic structures allowed the interpretation of the palaeogeographic main stages: 1) the greenwhitish Vilariça Arkoses (Middle Eocene to Oligocene ?) represent proximal sediments of a very low gradient drainage towards the eastern Spanish Tertiary Duero Basin; 2)Quintãs Formation (late Miocene ?) are brown-reddish coloured piedmont alluvial deposits, correlative of important vertical displacement (western tectonic block relative uplift) along the NNE-SSW indent-linked strike-slip Bragança-Vilariça-Longroiva fault zone, interpreted as a reactivated deep hercynian fracture, with left-lateral movement; 3) the red Sampaio Formation (Gelasian-early Pleistocene ?)was interpreted as downhill conglomeratic deposits related with important overtrusting along this fault zone (the definition of the present-day narrow graben configuration) and correlative of the atlantic hydrographic incision stage beginning; 4) conglomeratic terraces (middle and late Pleistocene ?); 5) alluvial plains and colluvial deposits (Holocene).
Resumo Onicomicose ou infecção fúngica das unhas das mãos ou dos pés pode ser provocada por fungos que invadem primariamente a lâmina ungueal saudável. Embora existam outros agentes, como por exemplo bactérias, que podem causar infecções ungueais, as infecções causadas por fungos são mais frequentes e são consideradas uma das principais onicopatias do homem. Os efeitos psicológicos e emocionais que resultam dos aspectos clínicos da onicomicose podem ser marcantes e ter um impacto significativo na qualidade de vida dos portadores. É uma doença com grande potencial crónico associada a uma séria dificuldade terapêutica, sendo estes os principais factores agravantes do seu prognóstico. Conforme a extensão do comprometimento e a porção da unha envolvida na onicomicose, a infecção causada por fungos pode ser classificada em 5 tipos: onicomicose subungueal distal e lateral, onicomicose superficial leitosa, onicomicose subungueal proximal, onicomicose com distrofia total e onicomicose por candidose. São causadas por diferentes agentes etiológicos sendo que os mais comuns são os fungos dermatófitos (80 a 90%), seguidos pelas leveduras (5 a 17%) e fungos filamentosos não dermatófitos (2 a 12%). Neste trabalho foram estudadas 54 amostras recolhidas de unhas de doentes com hipótese clínica de onicomicose, das quais 25,93% (14/54) pertenciam a indivíduos do sexo masculino e 74,07% (40/54) a indivíduos do sexo feminino. As técnicas convencionais de diagnóstico são morosas e muitas vezes de difícil caracterização a nível fenotipico, o que condiciona grandemente a implementação da terapêutica adequada. O presente trabalho teve como principal objectivo a aquisição de conhecimentos que permitissem um correcto diagnóstico micológico das onicomicoses, através do isolamento e identificação das espécies de fungos causadoras de infecção. De uma forma global, consistiu inicialmente no isolamento e posteriormente na identificação dos agentes etiológicos de onicomicoses, utilizando para tal metodologias convencionais e moleculares. Foi realizado o diagnóstico laboratorial baseado no exame directo e na cultura de fragmentos de unhas provenientes de doentes com infecção. Paralelamente, foi extraído o DNA fúngico das mesmas amostras clínicas que, após amplificação da região ITS dos genes ribossómicos foi utilizado para confirmação e comparação dos resultados. Foi igualmente estudada a ocorrência de fungos não dermatófitos responsáveis por onicomicose. Os métodos moleculares de diagnóstico podem não só constituir uma alternativa mais rápida de diagnóstico micológico como também, por serem mais sensíveis, permitir a detecção de espécies que, por serem de crescimento fastidioso, não se desenvolvem em cultura.
Onicomicose ou infecção fúngica das unhas das mãos ou dos pés pode ser provocada por fungos que invadem primariamente a lâmina ungueal saudável. Embora existam outros agentes, como por exemplo bactérias, que podem causar infecções ungueais, as infecções causadas por fungos são mais frequentes e são consideradas uma das principais onicopatias do homem. Os efeitos psicológicos e emocionais que resultam dos aspectos clínicos da onicomicose podem ser marcantes e ter um impacto significativo na qualidade de vida dos portadores. É uma doença com grande potencial crónico associada a uma séria dificuldade terapêutica, sendo estes os principais factores agravantes do seu prognóstico. Conforme a extensão do comprometimento e a porção da unha envolvida na onicomicose, a infecção causada por fungos pode ser classificada em 5 tipos: onicomicose subungueal distal e lateral, onicomicose superficial leitosa, onicomicose subungueal proximal, onicomicose com distrofia total e onicomicose por candidose. São causadas por diferentes agentes etiológicos sendo que os mais comuns são os fungos dermatófitos (80 a 90%), seguidos pelas leveduras (5 a 17%) e fungos filamentosos não dermatófitos (2 a 12%). Neste trabalho foram estudadas 54 amostras recolhidas de unhas de doentes com hipótese clínica de onicomicose, das quais 25,93% (14/54) pertenciam a indivíduos do sexo masculino e 74,07% (40/54) a indivíduos do sexo feminino. As técnicas convencionais de diagnóstico são morosas e muitas vezes de difícil caracterização a nível fenotipico, o que condiciona grandemente a implementação da terapêutica adequada. O presente trabalho teve como principal objectivo a aquisição de conhecimentos que permitissem um correcto diagnóstico micológico das onicomicoses, através do isolamento e identificação das espécies de fungos causadoras de infecção. De uma forma global, consistiu inicialmente no isolamento e posteriormente na identificação dos agentes etiológicos de onicomicoses, utilizando para tal metodologias convencionais e moleculares. Foi realizado o diagnóstico laboratorial baseado no exame directo e na cultura de fragmentos de unhas provenientes de doentes com infecção. Paralelamente, foi extraído o DNA fúngico das mesmas amostras clínicas que, após amplificação da região ITS dos genes ribossómicos foi utilizado para confirmação e comparação dos resultados. Foi igualmente estudada a ocorrência de fungos não dermatófitos responsáveis por onicomicose. Os métodos moleculares de diagnóstico podem não só constituir uma alternativa mais rápida de diagnóstico micológico como também, por serem mais sensíveis, permitir a detecção de espécies que, por serem de crescimento fastidioso, não se desenvolvem em cultura.
RESUMO - Contexto: A osteoporose é uma doença sistémica associada à diminuição da resistência óssea que condiciona o aparecimento de fracturas por traumatismos de baixa energia as quais reduzem em muitos casos a esperança e a qualidade de vida, implicando um elevado número de horas de dedicação dos cuidadores e conduzindo, em muitos casos, à necessidade de institucionalização dos doentes. Em Portugal, ocorrem cerca de 40.000 fracturas anualmente, das quais 8.500 do fémur proximal, que se estima consumirem mais de 50 milhões de euros só em cuidados hospitalares1. Objectivo: Avaliar o impacto económico da institucionalização na Rede Nacional de Cuidados Continuados Integrados e Lares da 3ª idade por fractura de etiologia osteoporótica em mulheres no ano 2009, em Portugal. Métodos: O estudo começa por analisar sucintamente os aspectos clínicos, sociais e epidemiológicos da osteoporose, focando a perda de autonomia e qualidade de vida dos doentes vítimas deste episódio e a subsequente necessidade de institucionalização. Descrevem-se os custos associados à institucionalização na RNCCI, em Portugal, ano 2009, utilizando como fonte principal a base de dados da instituição “Gestcare CCI”, complementada com dados da literatura. Apuram-se os custos totais associados ao encaminhamento dos doentes para Lares de 3ª Idade em Portugal no ano 2009, utilizando-se informação proveniente de um painel de Delphi modificado e dados da literatura. A valorização dos recursos tem por base os preços em vigor no território nacional, expressos nos decretos-lei devidamente referenciados. Resultados: No ano 2009 em Portugal foram empregues cerca de 2,5 milhões de euros no internamento das mulheres na RNCCI, na perspectiva da sociedade, sendo cerca de 2,2 milhões atribuíveis à osteoporose (90%). Cerca de 91% dos custos totais são alocados à fractura osteoporótica da anca (2 milhões €). Para a fractura vertebral, úmero e punho os custos foram mais baixos - 7,1%, 1,3% e 1% dos custos totais da osteoporose, respectivamente. Nos Lares de 3ª idade, estimou-se a admissão de aproximadamente 14.372 doentes com fractura osteoporótica em diferentes localizações, em 2009, Portugal, com um custo que oscilou entre os 19 e os 21,6 milhões de euros. A fractura osteoporótica da anca foi a mais incidente e a que representou custos mais elevados para a Segurança Social – entre 17,5 e 19,7 milhões de euros. Considerando como referência os 52 milhões de euros gastos em 2006 no tratamento hospitalar da fractura da anca (DGS, 2006), o encaminhamento das mulheres para a RNCCI e Lares da 3ª Idade corresponde a 42% do bolo total. Assim, os resultados nacionais enquadram-se no que se encontra descrito na literatura internacional - os custos atribuíveis à hospitalização oscilaram entre 17%50 e 63%29 da despesa total da doença e das institucionalizações entre os 16%58 e os 59%51. Conclusões: Em Portugal o impacto económico da institucionalização por fractura osteoporótica, sobretudo por fractura da anca, não é desprezável e mostra que existiriam poupanças significativas se fosse possível reduzir a prevalência da doença em Portugal. Face às alterações demográficas associadas ao envelhecimento da população, é expectável que a incidência e custos com o tratamento das fracturas do colo do fémur, mais associadas à osteoporose, venham a subir nos próximos anos, pelo que o combate à doença deve ser considerada uma prioridade nacional. A decisão pela opção por determinados programas de prevenção da doença ou da comparticipação ou não de determinada terapêutica necessita contudo de ser complementada com a medição da dimensão dos benefícios terapêuticos. --- ABSTRACT - Background: Osteoporosis is a systemic disease associated with the loss off the bone strength and it is one of the major causes of low energy fractures, which in many cases reduce life hope and quality. This happens because it has associated extensive treatments and it usually carries loss of independence, implying many hours of caregivers dedication and leading, in many cases, to the institutionalization of the patients. In Portugal, about 40,000 fractures occur annually, which 8,500 are proximal femur, and that are estimated to consume over 50 million euros only in hospital care. Objective: Evaluate the economic impact of institutionalization on the Integrated Continued Care National Network (RNCCI) and Care Homes associated to osteoporotic fractures in women, in the year 2009 in Portugal. Methods: The study begins by reviewing briefly the clinical, social, and epidemiological studies of osteoporosis and osteoporotic fractures, focusing on the patient autonomy loss and life quality. The total and average costs per episode associated with the institutionalization in RNCCI are described, in Portugal, year 2009, using as main data source the application "Gestcare CCI", complemented with literature data. The total costs associated with the patients referral for the Care Homes in Portugal in 2009 is also calculated, using information from a modified Delphi panel and some literature data. The resources valuation is based on prices prevailing in Portugal. Results: In 2009, women relocation in RNCCI consumed approximately 2.5 million euros, which 2.2 million are attributable to osteoporosis (90%). About 91% of the total costs are allocated to osteoporotic hip fracture (€ 2 million). For vertebral, humerus, and wrist fracture, the associated costs were lower, 7.1%, 1.3%, and 1% of total costs of osteoporosis treatment, respectively. In Care Homes, an intake of approximately 14 372 patients with osteoporotic fracture was estimated, at a cost that is between 19 and 21.6 million euros. The osteoporotic hip fracture was the most frequent and represented higher costs for Social Security - between 17.5 and 19.7 million euros. Taking as reference the 52 million spent in 2006 with hospital treatment of hip fracture (DGS, 2006), referring women to RNCCI and Care Homes represents 42% of the total costs. The results are in accordance with the international literature - costs attributable to hospitalization ranged between 17% and 63% of total expenditure of illness and institutionalization between 16% and 59%. Conclusions: In Portugal, the economic impact of institutionalization for osteoporotic fracture, particularly for hip fracture, is not negligible. It was shown that there would be significant savings if it were possible to reduce the prevalence of the disease in Portugal. Femoral fractures were the second most frequent diagnosis in RNCCI in 2008 and 2009 (16% of all episodes recorded). The execution of RNCCI in 2008 was 75 million euros, and 2.7% consumed by hip fracture and 0.3% by wrist, humerus, and spine fractures. The average cost per episode in 2009, from the perspective of society, for hip fracture, vertebral, humerus, and wrist (or non-osteoporotic) was € 5,195, € 5,160, € 5,030, and € 4,854 respectively. Thus, considering an average cost per episode in RNCCI from January to March of 3230€, the expense related to the treatment of these patients in RNCCI in 2009 was higher. For the Care Homes, an intake of approximately 14 372 patients with osteoporotic fracture in 2009 was estimated, at a cost to Social Security that ranged from 19 to 21.6 million €. The osteoporotic hip fracture was the most frequent and it was shown to absorve higher resources from Social Security - between 17.5 and 19.7 million €. This was followed by the analysis of vertebral and humerus fracture and the results showed that these fractures have a low incidence and low proportion of institutionalization, with a significantly lower cost - only about 4.7% and 3.3% of total expenditure, respectively. With demographic changes associated to ageing, it is expected that the incidence and treatment cost of the femoral neck fractures, more commonly associated with osteoporosis, will climb in coming years, so the fight against the disease should be considered a national priority. The decision to choose a certain disease prevention program or to reimburse a certain drug not should only account about the costs, but also the benefits of it. In fact, the size and impact of this problem, makes it necessary to focus all interventions in the prevention of these episodes either by using an appropriate therapy, either through real programs for disease prevention. Once the problem is installed, we must measure the health gains associated with the patient institutionalization by conducting additional research.
Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Doutor em Ciências de Educação, Especialidade Psicologia de Educação
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Ciências da Educação
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
Dissertation for obtaining the Master degree in Membrane Engineering
ABSTRACT Background Mental health promotion is supported by a strong body of knowledge and is a matter of public health with the potential of a large impact on society. Mental health promotion programs should be implemented as soon as possible in life, preferably starting during pregnancy. Programs should focus on malleable determinants, introducing strategies to reduce risk factors or their impact on mother and child, and also on strengthening protective factors to increase resilience. The ambition of early detecting risk situations requires the development and use of tools to assess risk, and the creation of a responsive network of services based in primary health care, especially maternal consultation during pregnancy and the first months of the born child. The number of risk factors and the way they interact and are buffered by protective factors are relevant for the final impact. Maternal-fetal attachment (MFA) is not yet a totally understood and well operationalized concept. Methodological problems limit the comparison of data as many studies used small size samples, had an exploratory character or used different selection criteria and different measures. There is still a lack of studies in high risk populations evaluating the consequences of a weak MFA. Instead, the available studies are not very conclusive, but suggest that social support, anxiety and depression, self-esteem and self-control and sense of coherence are correlated with MFA. MFA is also correlated with health practices during pregnancy, that influence pregnancy and baby outcomes. MFA seems a relevant concept for the future mother baby interaction, but more studies are needed to clarify the concept and its operationalization. Attachment is a strong scientific concept with multiple implications for future child development, personality and relationship with others. Secure attachment is considered an essential basis of good mental health, and promoting mother-baby interaction offers an excellent opportunity to intervention programmes targeted at enhancing mental health and well-being. Understanding the process of attachment and intervening to improve attachment requires a comprehension of more proximal factors, but also a broader approach that assesses the impact of more distal social conditions on attachment and how this social impact is mediated by family functioning and mother-baby interaction. Finally, it is essential to understand how this knowledge could be translated in effective mental health promoting interventions and measures that could reach large populations of pregnant mothers and families. Strengthening emotional availability (EA) seems to be a relevant approach to improve the mother-baby relationship. In this review we have offered evidence suggesting a range of determinants of mother-infant relationship, including age, marital relationship, social disadvantages, migration, parental psychiatric disorders and the situations of abuse or neglect. Based on this theoretical background we constructed a theoretical model that included proximal and distal factors, risk and protective factors, including variables related to the mother, the father, their social support and mother baby interaction from early pregnancy until six months after birth. We selected the Antenatal Psychosocial Health Assessment (ALPHA) for use as an instrument to detect psychosocial risk during pregnancy. Method Ninety two pregnant women were recruited from the Maternal Health Consultation in Primary Health Care (PHC) at Amadora. They had three moments of assessment: at T1 (until 12 weeks of pregnancy) they filed out a questionnaire that included socio-demographic data, ALPHA, Edinburgh post-natal Depression Scale (EDPS), General Health Questionnaire (GHQ) and Sense of Coherence (SOC); at T2 (after the 20th weeks of pregnancy) they answered EDPS, SOC and MFA Scale (MFAS), and finally at T3 (6 months after birth), they repeated EDPS and SOC, and their interaction with their babies was videotaped and later evaluated using EA Scales. A statistical analysis has been done using descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, univariate logistic regression and multiple linear regression. Results The study has increased our knowledge on this particular population living in a multicultural, suburb community. It allow us to identify specific groups with a higher level of psychosocial risk, such as single or divorced women, young couples, mothers with a low level of education and those who are depressed or have a low SOC. The hypothesis that psychosocial risk is directly correlated with MFAS and that MFA is directly correlated with EA was not confirmed, neither the correlation between prenatal psychosocial risk and mother-baby EA. The study identified depression as a relevant risk factor in pregnancy and its higher prevalence in single or divorced women, immigrants and in those who have a higher global psychosocial risk. Depressed women have a poor MFA, and a lower structuring capacity and a higher hostility to their babies. In average, depression seems to reduce among pregnant women in the second part of their pregnancy. The children of immigrant mothers show a lower level of responsiveness to their mothers what could be transmitted through depression, as immigrant mothers have a higher risk of depression in the beginning of pregnancy and six months after birth. Young mothers have a low MFA and are more intrusive. Women who have a higher level of education are more sensitive and their babies showed to be more responsive. Women who are or have been submitted to abuse were found to have a higher level of MFA but their babies are less responsive to them. The study highlights the relevance of SOC as a potential protective factor while it is strongly and negatively related with a wide range of risk factors and mental health outcomes especially depression before, during and after pregnancy. Conclusions ALPHA proved to be a valid, feasible and reliable instrument to Primary Health Care (PHC) that can be used as a total sum score. We could not prove the association between psychosocial risk factors and MFA, neither between MFA and EA, or between psychosocial risk and EA. Depression and SOC seems to have a clear and opposite relevance on this process. Pregnancy can be considered as a maturational process and an opportunity to change, where adaptation processes occur, buffering risk, decreasing depression and increasing SOC. Further research is necessary to better understand interactions between variables and also to clarify a better operationalization of MFA. We recommend the use of ALPHA, SOC and EDPS in early pregnancy as a way of identifying more vulnerable women that will require additional interventions and support in order to decrease risk. At political level we recommend the reinforcement of Immigrant integration and the increment of education in women. We recommend more focus in health care and public health in mental health condition and psychosocial risk of specific groups at high risk. In PHC special attention should be paid to pregnant women who are single or divorced, very young, low educated and to immigrant mothers. This study provides the basis for an intervention programme for this population, that aims to reduce broad spectrum risk factors and to promote Mental Health in women who become pregnant. Health and mental health policies should facilitate the implementation of the suggested measures.