6 resultados para Previous Expectations
Neste artigo são abordadas as primeiras diligências internacionais para se formar o CNMP, Conselho Nacional das Mulheres Portuguesas. Procurámos identificar as figuras que estiveram envolvidas nesses contactos iniciais, delineando o relacionamento com a Rainha Sr.ª D. Amélia por parte de quem esteve envolvido. Tempo será ainda de apurar as razões do insucesso. Este estudo assinala uma antecipação em cerca de 10 anos no historial do CNMP, relevante pelas pessoas envolvidas, pelas relações com o feminismo internacional, com particular impacto pois sinaliza o sentido em que o mesmo ocorreu. A iniciativa partiu do ICW «International Council of Women» para Portugal, como acontecera antes estando na génese de outros Conselhos congé
RESUMO - A sobrelotação das urgências resultante da utilização inadequada tem como consequências a diminuição na qualidade dos cuidados. As causas da utilização inadequada são várias. Entre elas, a utilização dos Cuidados de saúde Primários merece uma atenção particular. De facto, as barreiras no acesso aos cuidados de saúde primários estão associadas com uma maior inadequação. Assim, ter um prestador regular, acessível, que presta cuidados contínuos e regulares está associado com uma menor utilização inadequada dos csp. Contudo, é necessário ter em conta as características dos utilizadores de forma a desenvolver estratégias que permitam a prestação de cuidados acessíveis. Em Portugal, foi implementada em 2006 uma Reforma dos CSP cuja face mais visíveis são as USF, que deverão prestar cuidados personalizados, garantido a acessibilidade, globalidade e continuidade dos mesmos. Assim, da revisão da literatura e existindo uma associação entre a utilização inadequada das urgências observou-se a variação das urgências hospitalares entre 2005 (ano anterior à implementação das USF) e 2008 (últimos dados disponibilizados) e o nº de USF implementadas. Ao contrário do expectável, verificou-se haver uma associação positiva entre o nº de USF e o nº de urgências hospitalares. Os hospitais com maior nº de USF tiveram um aumento da utilização das urgências hospitalares, enquanto nos hospitais sem nenhuma USF associada, houve uma diminuição das urgências hospitalares. Contudo, existiram factores que não considerados, como criação da Linha Saúde 24, encerramento dos SAP, dimensão dos hospitais, etc., que poderão ter influenciado os resultados. Os resultados em saúde resultantes da implementação das USF não foram considerados. Assim sugere- se futura investigação. ------------------------------ABSTRACT - Crowded emergency department resulting from inappropriate use may compromise the quality of care . Several causes explain the inadequate use of emergency care. Among them, the association between primary care and inappropriate use of emergency departments is of particular interest. Indeed, studies show that fact, barriers in access to Primary Health Care ( PHC) are associated with more inappropriate use. Therefore having a regular, accessible, continuous, source of care is associated with a decrease in inappropriate use of Emergency department. Though, patient’s preferences have to be considered in order to develop strategies that allow accessible care. In Portugal, a reform of primary care has been launched in 2006, through the implementation of Family Health Units ( FHU) that are responsible for giving personalized, accessible, global and continuous care. A vast literature shows an association between inappropriate use of emergency departments and primary health care access. In the present work we observed the variation in emergency department use between 2005 (previous year to Family Health Units implementation) and 2008 (last available data) and the number of Family Health Units implemented. Contrary to our expectations, results showed a positive association between the number of Health Family Units and emergency department use. The Hospitals with more Health Family Units experienced an increase of emergency department use while hospitals with none Health Family units experienced a decrease of emergency department use. Although there were several factors that could have influenced the results (creation of Health 24 Line, SAP closure, Hospital Dimension, etc) .Health outcomes that result fr
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
This paper uses the framework developed by Vrugt (2010) to extract the recovery rate and term-structure of risk-neutral default probabilities implied in the cross-section of Portuguese sovereign bonds outstanding between March and August 2011. During this period the expectations on the recovery rate remain firmly anchored around 50 percent while the instantaneous default probability increases steadily from 6 to above 30 percent. These parameters are then used to calculate the fair-value of a 5-year and 10- year CDS contract. A credit-risk-neutral strategy is developed from the difference between the market price of a CDS of the same tenors and the fair-value calculated, yielding a sharpe ratio of 3.2
We explore the motivations and expectations that are impacting Portuguese recently graduated individuals in their decision of becoming international managers. Throughout a qualitative analysis over 20 interviews we construct a theoretical framework of recent graduates actual expectations and motivations regarding their international assignments. Accordingly, individuals are conducted by the desire of cultural-diversity experiences, social pressures and challenging environments. Expectations are not a result of a straightforward process; instead, they are dynamic and influenced by the challenges that international managers have to cope with during their international journey. Moreover, expectations and motivations are not mutually exclusive; they produce impact on each other, characterizing a dynamic process of international managers‟ lives.
While there is extensive research regarding the way users in social networking sites (SNSs) connect and communicate with each other, literature on consumer-brand relationships in SNSs is scarce. This paper hypothesizes and tests the impact of varying the source of communication in Facebook brand pages on key characteristics of brand equity, examining whether this impact is conditioned by relationship closeness expectations. More specifically, two experiments assess how relationship closeness expectations vary according to brand category and brand affiliation and how the use of a spokes-character as the source of communication in brand pages versus communicating institutionally affects consumer’s attitudes towards two real-world brands. To measure these variables, structured questionnaires were conducted with three groups of undergraduate students. The results suggest that the appropriateness of opting for a more “informal” source of communication in brand pages such as a spokes-character varies depending on whether this is in(congruent) with existing relationship closeness expectations. Implications for researchers, brand and social media managers are presented.