15 resultados para Pinto, Jeffrey K
Glauconite K-Ar ages (6.88±0.4; 7.03±0.4 MY) confirm earlier reports to Upper Tortonian of silt beds near Morgadinho, Luz de Tavira and Tavira. Taking stratigraphical position and age into account it is possible now to correlate these beds with similar ones at Quelfes and Cacela (Formação de Cacela, lower member, ascribed to the upper part of N16 or to NI7 Blow's zone, Globorotalia humerosa - G. dutertrei; Tortonian to Messinian, according to the ostracod fauna). Limit between the above quoted zones is thus placed at about 7 MY. New K-Ar ages greatly improve the knowledge about Upper Miocene in eastern Algarve, and on regional tectonic evolution. This is particulary so in what concerns an intra-Tortonian phase.
In the southern part of Tagus basin, North of paleozoic rocks of Valverde-Senhor das Chagas (near Alcácer do Sal) horst, a marine transgression has been recognized, Upper Serravallian, and maybe Lower Tortonian in age. There are no earlier marine deposits, and no younger ones are known either. Paleozoic behaved as a barrier separating two basins, distinct at least since Middle Miocene until Upper Pleistocene. Until now, both were regarded as a single entity, the so-called «Sado basin» Southwards (Alvalade basin) there has been a single transgression. It was assummed that it was the same one as the former. Indeed it is not definitely so. Later transgression accounts for Esbarrondadoiro Formation, whose deposits have been ascribed to Tortonian or even to Middle Miocene. However they are Upper Messinian to Lower Zanclean. Esbarrondadoiro Formation is younger than Lower Member of Cacela Formation in Algarve and, with even stronger reason, than the upper-most well dated marine levels in Tagus basin. Age of Miocene units dealt with here has been based on small mammals found in marine sands.
O objectivo principal deste trabalho relaciona-se com a compreensão dos mecanismos de formação de H2S e HCl durante a co-gasificação de C.D.R com carvão. A presença de material inorgânico nas cinzas dos combustíveis utilizados poderá ter alguma influência na formação e subsequentes reacções de H2S e HCl, tornando-se importante compreender qual a extensão da influência destes materiais na formação destas espécies, encaradas como contaminantes do gás produzido. A utilização de misturas de C.D.R. com carvão em gasificação poderá contribuir para a redução das quantidades de resíduos depositadas em aterro. Sendo a gasificação um processo menos poluente do que a incineração, a gasificação destes materiais poderá traduzir-se num menor impacto ambiental. Os C.D.R. são materiais heterogéneos e portanto as quantidades de S, Cl e material inorgânico poderão variar tornando relevante o estudo de potenciais sinergias entre os C.D.R. e o carvão com o objectivo de 1) minimizar a emissão de poluentes gasosos, 2) minimizar a quantidade de cinza produzida e 3) aproveitar o material inorgânico, que pode desempenhar actividade catalítica conduzindo à redução da formação de H2S e HCl. Com este estudo foi determinada uma aparente relação linear entre os teores de enxofre nos combustíveis e a formação de H2S, sendo que no entanto a forma sob a qual o enxofre se encontra nos combustíveis poderá desempenhar um importante papel na conversão do enxofre em H2S. No caso do HCl, a referida relação não pareceu ser tão clara. Foi igualmente determinado que maiores temperaturas de operação promovem a formação de H2S, ao mesmo tempo que reduzem a formação de HCl, e que enquanto o aumento da quantidade de oxigénio poderá conduzir à redução da formação de H2S, não terá impacto significativo na formação de HCl. No que diz respeito aos metais foi verificado que Ca, Fe e Zn terão um papel importante na redução da formação de H2S e HCl, enquanto que K e Na terão apenas influência na formação de HCl e o Al e a Si, não afectaram nem a formação de H2S nem a de HCl.
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Ciências da Comunicação Especialidade de Comunicação e Cultura
Ligand K-edge XAS of an [Fe3S4]0 model complex is reported. The pre-edge can be resolved into contributions from the í2Ssulfide, í3Ssulfide, and Sthiolate ligands. The average ligand-metal bond covalencies obtained from these pre-edges are further distributed between Fe3+ and Fe2.5+ components using DFT calculations. The bridging ligand covalency in the [Fe2S2]+ subsite of the [Fe3S4]0 cluster is found to be significantly lower than its value in a reduced [Fe2S2] cluster (38% vs 61%, respectively). This lowered bridging ligand covalency reduces the superexchange coupling parameter J relative to its value in a reduced [Fe2S2]+ site (-146 cm-1 vs -360 cm-1, respectively). This decrease in J, along with estimates of the double exchange parameter B and vibronic coupling parameter ì2/k-, leads to an S ) 2 delocalized ground state in the [Fe3S4]0 cluster. The S K-edge XAS of the protein ferredoxin II (Fd II) from the D. gigas active site shows a decrease in covalency compared to the model complex, in the same oxidation state, which correlates with the number of H-bonding interactions to specific sulfur ligands present in the active site. The changes in ligand-metal bond covalencies upon redox compared with DFT calculations indicate that the redox reaction involves a two-electron change (one-electron ionization plus a spin change of a second electron) with significant electronic relaxation. The presence of the redox inactive Fe3+ center is found to decrease the barrier of the redox process in the [Fe3S4] cluster due to its strong antiferromagnetic coupling with the redox active Fe2S2 subsite.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil (Perfil de Estruturas e Geotecnia)
Inorg. Chem., 2003, 42 (4), pp 938–940 DOI: 10.1021/ic0262886
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Biotecnologia
António Manuel Pinto Barbosa (1917-2006), incluído entre os “Cem portugueses que moldaram o século XX” no Expresso Revista foi biografado por João César das Neves e Francisco Azevedo e Silva num livro publicado em 1999, cujo capítulo 7 o intitula “Decano dos economistas”. A sua actividade na Faculdade de Economia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, que fundou em 1978 e onde foi homenageado em 1989, e sobretudo na Academia das Ciências de Lisboa foram porém menosprezadas nesse trabalho. Este elogio tenta reparar a falha, focando ainda o problema dos desequilíbrios da balança de pagamentos que tanto o preocuparam na Europa e no mundo, na medida em que interagem perigosamente com os desequilíbrios orçamentais, hipotecando a riqueza das nações. Aos complementos de texto acrescem anexos com referências e trabalhos consultados, o processo individual na Academia e contribuições recentes para a análise dos desequilíbrios externos na Zona Euro no espírito de Pentti Kouri (1949-2009).
António Manuel Pinto Barbosa (1917-2006), economista e governante, foi incluído pelo Expresso Revista entre os “Cem portugueses que moldaram o século XX”. Biografado por João César das Neves e Francisco Azevedo e Silva num livro publicado em 1999, cujo capítulo 7 o intitula “Decano dos economistas”, mas a sua actividade na Faculdade de Economia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, que fundou em 1978 e onde foi homenageado em 1989, e sobretudo na Academia das Ciências de Lisboa, é menos conhecida. Este escrito tenta reparar a falha e foca ainda o problema dos desequilíbrios da balança de pagamentos na Europa e no mundo que tanto o preocuparam, na medida em que interagem perigosamente com os desequilíbrios orçamentais, hipotecando a riqueza das nações. Inclui o elogio pronunciado em sessão conjunta da Academia das Ciências de Lisboa, 14/11/13 (cadeira nº 18L), o discurso de aceitação por Pedro Soares Martínez, decano da secção de direito e ciência política da Academia (cadeira 11L), pronunciado na mesma sessão, e um testemunho de Manuel Jacinto Nunes, que sucedeu a Pinto Barbosa enquanto decano dos economistas portugueses e da secção de economia e finanças da Academia (cadeira 8L), mas não estava na sessão. Seguem-se complementos incluíndo excertos duma análise dos desequilíbrios externos na Zona Euro no espírito de Pentti Kouri (1949-2009).
A thermal Energy Storage Unit (ESU) could be used to attenuate inherent temperature fluctuations of a cold finger, either from a cryocooler working or due to sudden income heat bursts. An ESU directly coupled to the cold source acts as a thermal buffer temporarily increasing its cooling capacity and providing a better thermal stability of the cold finger (“Power Booster mode”). The energy storage units presented here use an enthalpy reservoir based on the high latent heat of the liquid-vapour transition of neon in the temperature range 38 - 44 K to store up to 900 J, and that uses a 6 liters expansion volume at RT in order to work as a closed system. Experimental results in the power booster mode will be described: in this case, the liquid neon cell was directly coupled to the cold finger of the working cryocooler, its volume (12 cm3) allowing it to store 450 J at around 40 K. 10 W heat bursts were applied, leading to liquid evaporation, with quite reduced temperature changes. The liquid neon reservoir can also work as a temporary cold source to be used after stopping the cryocooler, allowing for a vibration-free environment. In this case the enthalpy reservoir implemented (24 cm3) was linked to the cryocooler cold finger through a gas gap heat switch for thermal coupling/decoupling of the cold finger. We will show that, by controlling the enthalpy reservoir’s pressure, 900 J can be stored at a constant temperature of 40 K as in a triple-point ESU.
Cryocoolers have been progressively replacing the use of the stored cryogens in cryogenic chains used for detector cooling, thanks to their higher and higher reliability. However, the mechanical vibrations, the electromagnetic interferences and the temperature fluctuations inherent to their functioning could reduce the sensor’s sensitivity. In order to minimize this problem, compact thermal energy storage units (ESU) are studied, devices able to store thermal energy without significant temperature increase. These devices can be used as a temporary cold source making it possible to turn the cryocooler OFF providing a proper environment for the sensor. A heat switch is responsible for the thermal decoupling of the ESU from the cryocooler’s temperature that increases when turned OFF. In this work, several prototypes working around 40 K were designed, built and characterized. They consist in a low temperature cell that contains the liquid neon connected to an expansion volume at room temperature for gas storage during the liquid evaporation phase. To turn this system insensitive to the gravity direction, the liquid is retained in the low temperature cell by capillary effect in a porous material. Thanks to pressure regulation of the liquid neon bath, 900 J were stored at 40K. The higher latent heat of the liquid and the inexistence of triple point transitions at 40 K turn the pressure control during the evaporation a versatile and compact alternative to an ESU working at the triple point transitions. A quite compact second prototype ESU directly connected to the cryocooler cold finger was tested as a temperature stabilizer. This device was able to stabilize the cryocooler temperature ((≈ 40K ±1 K) despite sudden heat bursts corresponding to twice the cooling power of the cryocooler. This thesis describes the construction of these devices as well as the tests performed. It is also shown that the thermal model developed to predict the thermal behaviour of these devices, implemented as a software,describes quite well the experimental results. Solutions to improve these devices are also proposed.
Cryocoolers have been progressively replacing the use of the stored cryogens in cryogenic chains used for detector cooling, thanks to their higher and higher reliability. However, the mechanical vibrations, the electromagnetic interferences and the temperature fluctuations inherent to their functioning could reduce the sensor’s sensitivity. In order to minimize this problem, compact thermal energy storage units (ESU) are studied, devices able to store thermal energy without significant temperature increase. These devices can be used as a temporary cold source making it possible to turn the cryocooler OFF providing a proper environment for the sensor. A heat switch is responsible for the thermal decoupling of the ESU from the cryocooler’s temperature that increases when turned OFF. In this work, several prototypes working around 40 K were designed, built and characterized. They consist in a low temperature cell that contains the liquid neon connected to an expansion volume at room temperature for gas storage during the liquid evaporation phase. To turn this system insensitive to the gravity direction, the liquid is retained in the low temperature cell by capillary effect in a porous material. Thanks to pressure regulation of the liquid neon bath, 900 J were stored at 40K. The higher latent heat of the liquid and the inexistence of triple point transitions at 40 K turn the pressure control during the evaporation a versatile and compact alternative to an ESU working at the triple point transitions. A quite compact second prototype ESU directly connected to the cryocooler cold finger was tested as a temperature stabilizer. This device was able to stabilize the cryocooler temperature ((≈ 40K ±1 K) despite sudden heat bursts corresponding to twice the cooling power of the cryocooler. This thesis describes the construction of these devices as well as the tests performed. It is also shown that the thermal model developed to predict the thermal behaviour of these devices,implemented as a software, describes quite well the experimental results. Solutions to improve these devices are also proposed.