32 resultados para Pest Risk Analysis


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores


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RESUMO: A gestão de ocorrências, sendo um requisito, quer legal, ao nível da regulação, quer normativo, tal como surge na ISO 9001, é um componente crítico para garantir a melhoria contínua um Serviço de Sangue, dado ter como objetivo a satisfação contínua dos requisitos dos dadores e recetores. A gestão eficaz, mas com eficiência, depende, também da eficácia da abordagem para gestão de ocorrência, nomeadamente, através da geração de correções, ações corretivas e ações preventiva eficazes. Esta dissertação discute a relevância, propondo um modelo de abordagem de gestão da qualidade conforme com os requisitos da lei fundamental da regulação de Serviços de Sangue, DL 267/2007, e com a norma global para sistemas de gestão da qualidade, ISO 9001. Esta abordagem usada descreve as várias etapas para a gestão eficaz de ocorrências, desde o seu relato, à sua classificação, tratamento com medição e análise risco associado e verificação da eficácia das ações tomadas. A eficácia do modelo teórico proposto foi verificado através da sua passagem para algoritmo informático num software comercial. Foi evidenciado neste software o cumprimento dos requisitos da abordagem teórica, pelo que a aplicação informática está conforme com os requisitos estabelecidos num procedimento documentado. Foi evidenciado, também, a rastreabilidade dos dados ao longo e toda a metodologia. A utilização de uma ferramenta informática também acrescentou valor ao modelo teórico, dado o acesso a toda a informação ser mais célere e de fácil acesso, quando comparado com o uso em suporte de papel.---------ABSTRACT: The issues management is a law requirement intended for regulation of “Blood Banks” and a quality management global requirement from ISO 9001. It is a critical activity, intended to to ensure continuous improvement on “Blood Bank”. Its goal is the continuous satisfaction of blood donors and transfusion recipients. Effective management and efficiency also depend on the effectiveness of the management of occurrence approach, namely in successful corrections, corrective actions and preventive actions. This paper discusses the relevance and it proposes a model approach to quality management according to the requirements of the fundamental law of regulation of “Blood Bank”, DL 267/2007, and according to the global standard for quality management systems, ISO 9001. This approach describes the various steps for effective management of incidents, such as his account, its classification, measurement and treatment using risk analysis and verification of the effectiveness of actions taken. The efficiency of the proposed theoretical model was verified through its transition to a computer algorithm trading software. It was demonstrated in this software that the requirements of the theoretical approach has been fulfilled by the computer application, which complies with the requirements established in a documented procedure. It was also evident that traceability of data across the methodology. The use of a software tool also added value to the theoretical model due to the access to all information to be faster and more easily accessible, when compared to paper.


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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Field Lab in Entrepreneurial Innovative Ventures


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Field Lab of Entrepreneurial Innovative Ventures


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Este trabalho teve como principais objetivos a avaliação de risco para a coleção de pinturas a óleo da “Casa dos Patudos” e a proposta de estratégias para mitigar esses riscos. Escolheu-se o modelo de análise de risco Cultural Property Risk Analysis Model ou Modelo de Análise de Risco para Património Cultural, desenvolvido por Robert Waller (2003), por permitir hierarquizar os riscos a que a coleção está sujeita e por já ter sido aplicado com sucesso noutras coleções. Neste trabalho o modelo CPRAM é aplicado pela primeira vez a uma coleção de pintura a óleo em exibição. A metodologia utilizada passou pela caracterização da coleção, o diagnóstico das obras, inspeções ao edifício, conversas informais com os vários funcionários, colocação de armadilhas e determinação das condições ambientais. Verificou-se que os principais agentes de deterioração a que a coleção está exposta estão relacionados com as elevadas flutuações de humidade relativa, forças físicas, a excessiva exposição à luz e a ocorrência de pragas de insetos xilófagos. Desse modo, algumas das soluções propostas passam pela implementação de uma política de controlo integrado de pragas, colocação de filtros UV nas janelas e claraboias e controlo da humidade relativa e temperatura. As vantagens e desvantagens da aplicação deste modelo a esta coleção são aqui discutidos. Um dos desafios deste estudo passou por encontrar um equilíbrio entre o que são as condições ideais de preservação e o que é possível implementar numa casa histórica, ou seja, um local que não foi originalmente concebido para as funções que desempenha atualmente. Neste caso, a estas restrições, adiciona-se ainda as imposições deixadas em testamento pelo proprietário da casa. Embora o trabalho seja aplicado a uma coleção específica, existem muitas outras instituições, com coleções e situações semelhantes, que certamente partilham do mesmo tipo de problemas. Deste modo, espera-se que este trabalho também contribua para a chamada de atenção e melhoramento dos riscos a que essas coleções se encontram expostas.


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Science4you, a Portuguese developer, producer and seller of scientific and educational toys, leveraged the worldwide growth of this category to successfully expand its operations abroad. Following a recent entry into the United States market, the purpose of this report is to help the company define the next step in its international expansion. A customized scoring model, based on a set of relevant macro and micro-criteria was developed for Anglo-Saxon and Asian countries, yielding Canada as the market with the highest potential. The recommended entry mode is direct exporting via an independent distributor, being complemented with a financial and risk analysis.


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Double Degree Masters in Economics Program from Insper and NOVA School of Business and Economics


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The main objective of the paper is to provide a synopsis of global scenario and forecasting surveys. First, the paper will give an overview on existing global scenario and forecasting surveys and their specific scenario philosophies and storylines. Second, the major driving forces that shape and characterise the different scenarios will be identified. The scenario analysis has been provided for the research project Risk Habitat Megacity (HRM) that aims at developing strategies for sustainable development in megacities and urban agglomerations. The analysis of international scenario surveys is an essential component within RHM. The scenario analysis will be the basis and source for the development of own RHM-framework scenarios and for defining specific driving forces of change.


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Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.


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Thesis submitted to the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Engineering


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia do Ambiente


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ABSTRACT - It is the purpose of the present thesis to emphasize, through a series of examples, the need and value of appropriate pre-analysis of the impact of health care regulation. Specifically, the thesis presents three papers on the theme of regulation in different aspects of health care provision and financing. The first two consist of economic analyses of the impact of health care regulation and the third comprises the creation of an instrument for supporting economic analysis of health care regulation, namely in the field of evaluation of health care programs. The first paper develops a model of health plan competition and pricing in order to understand the dynamics of health plan entry and exit in the presence of switching costs and alternative health premium payment systems. We build an explicit model of death spirals, in which profitmaximizing competing health plans find it optimal to adopt a pattern of increasing relative prices culminating in health plan exit. We find the steady-state numerical solution for the price sequence and the plan’s optimal length of life through simulation and do some comparative statics. This allows us to show that using risk adjusted premiums and imposing price floors are effective at reducing death spirals and switching costs, while having employees pay a fixed share of the premium enhances death spirals and increases switching costs. Price regulation of pharmaceuticals is one of the cost control measures adopted by the Portuguese government, as in many European countries. When such regulation decreases the products’ real price over time, it may create an incentive for product turnover. Using panel data for the period of 1997 through 2003 on drug packages sold in Portuguese pharmacies, the second paper addresses the question of whether price control policies create an incentive for product withdrawal. Our work builds the product survival literature by accounting for unobservable product characteristics and heterogeneity among consumers when constructing quality, price control and competition indexes. These indexes are then used as covariates in a Cox proportional hazard model. We find that, indeed, price control measures increase the probability of exit, and that such effect is not verified in OTC market where no such price regulation measures exist. We also find quality to have a significant positive impact on product survival. In the third paper, we develop a microsimulation discrete events model (MSDEM) for costeffectiveness analysis of Human Immunodeficiency Virus treatment, simulating individual paths from antiretroviral therapy (ART) initiation to death. Four driving forces determine the course of events: CD4+ cell count, viral load resistance and adherence. A novel feature of the model with respect to the previous MSDEMs is that distributions of time to event depend on individuals’ characteristics and past history. Time to event was modeled using parametric survival analysis. Events modeled include: viral suppression, regimen switch due virological failure, regimen switch due to other reasons, resistance development, hospitalization, AIDS events, and death. Disease progression is structured according to therapy lines and the model is parameterized with cohort Portuguese observational data. An application of the model is presented comparing the cost-effectiveness ART initiation with two nucleoside analogue reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTI) plus one non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor(NNRTI) to two NRTI plus boosted protease inhibitor (PI/r) in HIV- 1 infected individuals. We find 2NRTI+NNRTI to be a dominant strategy. Results predicted by the model reproduce those of the data used for parameterization and are in line with those published in the literature.


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Finance from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics