61 resultados para Parton energy loss
The photo-absorption cross section of trifluoromethyl sulphur pentafluoride, SF5CF3 has been measured using synchrotron radiation in the range of 4–11 eV (310 nm > l > 110 nm) and comparison made with electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS). The measured VUV cross sections are used to derive the photolysis rate of SF5CF3 in the terrestrial atmosphere. It is estimated that the lifetime for this molecule is the order of a 1000 years and the calculated global warming potential (GWP) is found to be between 17000 and 18100, making it one of the most potent global warming gases in the terrestrial atmosphere.
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Ambiente
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia do Ambiente, perfil Gestão e Sistemas Ambientais
Dissertação apresentada na faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica Especialização em Concepção e Produção
X-Ray Spectrom. 2003; 32: 396–401
Dissertation presented to obtain a PhD degree in Biochemistry at the Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Enterprise and Work Innovation Studies,6,IET, pp.9-51
Some of the properties sought in seismic design of buildings are also considered fundamental to guarantee structural robustness. Moreover, some key concepts are common to both seismic and robustness design. In fact, both analyses consider events with a very small probability of occurrence, and consequently, a significant level of damage is admissible. As very rare events,in both cases, the actions are extremely hard to quantify. The acceptance of limited damage requires a system based analysis of structures, rather than an element by element methodology, as employed for other load cases. As for robustness analysis, in seismic design the main objective is to guarantee that the structure survives an earthquake, without extensive damage. In the case of seismic design, this is achieved by guaranteeing the dissipation of energy through plastic hinges distributed in the structure. For this to be possible, some key properties must be assured, in particular ductility and redundancy. The same properties could be fundamental in robustness design, as a structure can only sustain significant damage if capable of distributing stresses to parts of the structure unaffected by the triggering event. Timber is often used for primary load‐bearing elements in single storey long‐span structures for public buildings and arenas, where severe consequences can be expected if one or more of the primary load bearing elements fail. The structural system used for these structures consists of main frames, secondary elements and bracing elements. The main frame, composed by columns and beams, can be seen as key elements in the system and should be designed with high safety against failure and under strict quality control. The main frames may sometimes be designed with moment resisting joints between columns and beams. Scenarios, where one or more of these key elements, fail should be considered at least for high consequence buildings. Two alternative strategies may be applied: isolation of collapsing sections and, provision of alternate load paths [1]. The first one is relatively straightforward to provide by deliberately designing the secondary structural system less strong and stiff. Alternatively, the secondary structural system and the bracing system can be design so that loss of capacity in the main frame does not lead to the collapse. A case study has been selected aiming to assess the consequences of these two different strategies, in particular, under seismic loads.
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores
RESUMO - Contexto: A osteoporose é uma doença sistémica associada à diminuição da resistência óssea que condiciona o aparecimento de fracturas por traumatismos de baixa energia as quais reduzem em muitos casos a esperança e a qualidade de vida, implicando um elevado número de horas de dedicação dos cuidadores e conduzindo, em muitos casos, à necessidade de institucionalização dos doentes. Em Portugal, ocorrem cerca de 40.000 fracturas anualmente, das quais 8.500 do fémur proximal, que se estima consumirem mais de 50 milhões de euros só em cuidados hospitalares1. Objectivo: Avaliar o impacto económico da institucionalização na Rede Nacional de Cuidados Continuados Integrados e Lares da 3ª idade por fractura de etiologia osteoporótica em mulheres no ano 2009, em Portugal. Métodos: O estudo começa por analisar sucintamente os aspectos clínicos, sociais e epidemiológicos da osteoporose, focando a perda de autonomia e qualidade de vida dos doentes vítimas deste episódio e a subsequente necessidade de institucionalização. Descrevem-se os custos associados à institucionalização na RNCCI, em Portugal, ano 2009, utilizando como fonte principal a base de dados da instituição “Gestcare CCI”, complementada com dados da literatura. Apuram-se os custos totais associados ao encaminhamento dos doentes para Lares de 3ª Idade em Portugal no ano 2009, utilizando-se informação proveniente de um painel de Delphi modificado e dados da literatura. A valorização dos recursos tem por base os preços em vigor no território nacional, expressos nos decretos-lei devidamente referenciados. Resultados: No ano 2009 em Portugal foram empregues cerca de 2,5 milhões de euros no internamento das mulheres na RNCCI, na perspectiva da sociedade, sendo cerca de 2,2 milhões atribuíveis à osteoporose (90%). Cerca de 91% dos custos totais são alocados à fractura osteoporótica da anca (2 milhões €). Para a fractura vertebral, úmero e punho os custos foram mais baixos - 7,1%, 1,3% e 1% dos custos totais da osteoporose, respectivamente. Nos Lares de 3ª idade, estimou-se a admissão de aproximadamente 14.372 doentes com fractura osteoporótica em diferentes localizações, em 2009, Portugal, com um custo que oscilou entre os 19 e os 21,6 milhões de euros. A fractura osteoporótica da anca foi a mais incidente e a que representou custos mais elevados para a Segurança Social – entre 17,5 e 19,7 milhões de euros. Considerando como referência os 52 milhões de euros gastos em 2006 no tratamento hospitalar da fractura da anca (DGS, 2006), o encaminhamento das mulheres para a RNCCI e Lares da 3ª Idade corresponde a 42% do bolo total. Assim, os resultados nacionais enquadram-se no que se encontra descrito na literatura internacional - os custos atribuíveis à hospitalização oscilaram entre 17%50 e 63%29 da despesa total da doença e das institucionalizações entre os 16%58 e os 59%51. Conclusões: Em Portugal o impacto económico da institucionalização por fractura osteoporótica, sobretudo por fractura da anca, não é desprezável e mostra que existiriam poupanças significativas se fosse possível reduzir a prevalência da doença em Portugal. Face às alterações demográficas associadas ao envelhecimento da população, é expectável que a incidência e custos com o tratamento das fracturas do colo do fémur, mais associadas à osteoporose, venham a subir nos próximos anos, pelo que o combate à doença deve ser considerada uma prioridade nacional. A decisão pela opção por determinados programas de prevenção da doença ou da comparticipação ou não de determinada terapêutica necessita contudo de ser complementada com a medição da dimensão dos benefícios terapêuticos. --- ABSTRACT - Background: Osteoporosis is a systemic disease associated with the loss off the bone strength and it is one of the major causes of low energy fractures, which in many cases reduce life hope and quality. This happens because it has associated extensive treatments and it usually carries loss of independence, implying many hours of caregivers dedication and leading, in many cases, to the institutionalization of the patients. In Portugal, about 40,000 fractures occur annually, which 8,500 are proximal femur, and that are estimated to consume over 50 million euros only in hospital care. Objective: Evaluate the economic impact of institutionalization on the Integrated Continued Care National Network (RNCCI) and Care Homes associated to osteoporotic fractures in women, in the year 2009 in Portugal. Methods: The study begins by reviewing briefly the clinical, social, and epidemiological studies of osteoporosis and osteoporotic fractures, focusing on the patient autonomy loss and life quality. The total and average costs per episode associated with the institutionalization in RNCCI are described, in Portugal, year 2009, using as main data source the application "Gestcare CCI", complemented with literature data. The total costs associated with the patients referral for the Care Homes in Portugal in 2009 is also calculated, using information from a modified Delphi panel and some literature data. The resources valuation is based on prices prevailing in Portugal. Results: In 2009, women relocation in RNCCI consumed approximately 2.5 million euros, which 2.2 million are attributable to osteoporosis (90%). About 91% of the total costs are allocated to osteoporotic hip fracture (€ 2 million). For vertebral, humerus, and wrist fracture, the associated costs were lower, 7.1%, 1.3%, and 1% of total costs of osteoporosis treatment, respectively. In Care Homes, an intake of approximately 14 372 patients with osteoporotic fracture was estimated, at a cost that is between 19 and 21.6 million euros. The osteoporotic hip fracture was the most frequent and represented higher costs for Social Security - between 17.5 and 19.7 million euros. Taking as reference the 52 million spent in 2006 with hospital treatment of hip fracture (DGS, 2006), referring women to RNCCI and Care Homes represents 42% of the total costs. The results are in accordance with the international literature - costs attributable to hospitalization ranged between 17% and 63% of total expenditure of illness and institutionalization between 16% and 59%. Conclusions: In Portugal, the economic impact of institutionalization for osteoporotic fracture, particularly for hip fracture, is not negligible. It was shown that there would be significant savings if it were possible to reduce the prevalence of the disease in Portugal. Femoral fractures were the second most frequent diagnosis in RNCCI in 2008 and 2009 (16% of all episodes recorded). The execution of RNCCI in 2008 was 75 million euros, and 2.7% consumed by hip fracture and 0.3% by wrist, humerus, and spine fractures. The average cost per episode in 2009, from the perspective of society, for hip fracture, vertebral, humerus, and wrist (or non-osteoporotic) was € 5,195, € 5,160, € 5,030, and € 4,854 respectively. Thus, considering an average cost per episode in RNCCI from January to March of 3230€, the expense related to the treatment of these patients in RNCCI in 2009 was higher. For the Care Homes, an intake of approximately 14 372 patients with osteoporotic fracture in 2009 was estimated, at a cost to Social Security that ranged from 19 to 21.6 million €. The osteoporotic hip fracture was the most frequent and it was shown to absorve higher resources from Social Security - between 17.5 and 19.7 million €. This was followed by the analysis of vertebral and humerus fracture and the results showed that these fractures have a low incidence and low proportion of institutionalization, with a significantly lower cost - only about 4.7% and 3.3% of total expenditure, respectively. With demographic changes associated to ageing, it is expected that the incidence and treatment cost of the femoral neck fractures, more commonly associated with osteoporosis, will climb in coming years, so the fight against the disease should be considered a national priority. The decision to choose a certain disease prevention program or to reimburse a certain drug not should only account about the costs, but also the benefits of it. In fact, the size and impact of this problem, makes it necessary to focus all interventions in the prevention of these episodes either by using an appropriate therapy, either through real programs for disease prevention. Once the problem is installed, we must measure the health gains associated with the patient institutionalization by conducting additional research.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia do Ambiente Perfil de Gestão e Sistemas Ambientais
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil
Sialic acids are key structural determinants and contribute to the functionality of a number of immune cell receptors. Previously, we demonstrated that differentiation of human dendritic cells (DCs) is accompanied by an increased expression of sialylated cell surface structures, putatively through the activity of the ST3Gal.I and ST6Gal.I sialyltransferases. Furthermore, DC endocytosis was reduced upon removal of the cell surface sialic acid residues by neuraminidase. In the present work, we evaluate the contribution of the sialic acid modifications in DC maturation. We demonstrate that neuraminidase-treated human DCs have increased expression of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) and costimulatory molecules, increased gene expression of specific cytokines and induce a higher proliferative response of T lymphocytes. Together, the data suggest that clearance of cell surface sialic acids contributes to the development of a T helper type 1 proinflammatory response. This postulate is supported by mouse models, where elevated MHC class II and increased maturation of specific DC subsets were observed in DCs harvested from ST3Gal.I(-/-) and ST6Gal.I(-/-) mice. Moreover, important qualitative differences, particularly in the extent of reduced endocytosis and in the peripheral distribution of DC subsets, existed between the ST3Gal.I(-/-) and ST6Gal.I(-/-) strains. Together, the data strongly suggest not only a role of cell surface sialic acid modifications in maturation and functionality of DCs, but also that the sialic acid linkages created by different sialyltransferases are functionally distinct. Consequently, with particular relevance to DC-based therapies, cell surface sialylation, mediated by individual sialyltransferases, can influence the immunogenicity of DCs upon antigen loading.