9 resultados para Notation musicale. aquitaine carrée avec lettres-clefs
Notre étude présente une réflexion à propos de espaces musicaux composables. Cette réflexion inclue l’usage intentionnel des qualités sonores perçues dans la construction de sons et donc dans la composition musicale. Nos recherches se trouvent à l’intersection entre le son, comme phénomène physique qui se propage dans un espace, les sensations spatiales qui peuvent être engendrées par la perception auditive de ses certaines caractéristiques, et la pratique de la composition musicale d’espaces de sons dans les œuvres. Nous développons l’idée d’une entité sonore composable dès sa microstructure. Nous la concevons par analogie avec les objets du monde visible et palpable. Nous utilisons les idées de volume, forme et matière ainsi que celles de position et de mouvement des objets matériels, comme métaphore pour concevoir des entités sonores complexes et des espaces musicaux composés dans lesquels elles seront intégrées. Cette entité sonore constituée d’un ensemble d’éléments disparates, permet le développement de réseaux opératoires manipulables dans, la pratique, par les compositeurs.
The evolution of the Portuguese Acanthopleuroceratinae is similar to the celto-souabe succession such as it was described in the collects of the Cottards (Cher, France). A subspecies of one of the oldest Acanthopleuroceras (A. carinatum atlanticum) is abundant in the lower part of the Portuguese Ibex zone; this form is described here. The species is recognized in France by several nuclei associated with A. arietiforme (Cottards-22). Generally the similarity between the successive French and Portuguese populations (A. maugenesti, A. valdani, A. alisiense, junior synonym of A. lepidum TUTCHER and TRUEMAN, 1925), is very good. This fact suggests their specific identity. It is typical for A. lepidum of which the greatest populations allow the biometric comparaisons. In Portugal, the mesogean Tropidaceras are missing. This absence of the subboreal Acanthopleuroceras ancestors suggests the straight celto-souabe derivation of the Portuguese Acanthopleuroceras and not a similar local evolution. A. lepidum the last Acanthopleuroceras reaches the western coast of Canada (British Columbia) probably by the Arctic ocean.
The Aquitaine Basin (southwestern France) is known since long ago for its richness in marine miocene deposits of various facies. A few stratotypes concerning this period have been described in the investigated area. The stratigraphical framework has been recently revised and the study of new exposures completes our knowledge on these levels. In the present work, the authors produce a biostratigraphical distribution of about 160 species (larger and smaller foraminifera), found in the surface exposures of Aquitaine, from the topmost Oligocene (Chattian) through to Middle Miocene (including Serravallian). As a rule, the common species without significant ranges have not bcen mentioned. The microfaunas of several exposures have been thoroughly revised, which has allowed to precise the distribution of many species and induced a few modifications of the results previously produced. Synonymy problems and new taxonomical revisions have been taken into account. Of course, this work will be probably submitted to some changes according to new research on the already known exposures or other more recently discovered.
Abundant crops of Glycymeris have been made in the neritic bioclastic deposits of the Aquitaine Basin. After an outline about the Chattian taxa, the 5 Lower Miocene lineages are presented; G. cor is plainly predominant. Then, the Middle Miocene faunas are also detaiIed, G. inflatus and G. bimaculatus being the most frequent taxa. A test of biometrical analysis about the G. cor species is presented.
The Aquitaine Basin (southwestem France) is known since long ago for its richness in marine miocene deposits ofvarious facies. A few stratotypes concerning this period have bccn described in the investigated area. The stratigraphical framework has becn recently revised and the study of new exposures completes our knowledge on these levels. In the present work, the authors produce a biostratigraphical distribution of about 160 species (Iarger and smaller foraminifera), found in the surface exposures of Aquitaine, from the topmost Oligocene (Chattian) through to Middle Miocene (including Serravallian). As a rule, the common species without significant ranges have not bcen mentioned. The microfaunas of several exposures have been thoroughly revised, which has allowcd to precise the distribution of many species and induced a few modifications of the results previously produced. Synonymy problems and new taxonomical revisions have been taken into account. Of course, this work will be probably submitted to some changes according to new research on the already known exposures or other more recently discovered.
Abundant crops of Glycymeris have been made in the neritic bioclastic deposits of the Aquitaine Basin. After an outline about the Chattian taxa, the 5 Lower Miocene lineages are presented; G. cor is plainly predominant. Then, the Middle Miocene faunas are also detaiIed, G. inflatus and G. bimaculatus being the most frequent taxa. A test of biometrical analysis about the G. cor species is presented.
The Mid Miocene marine formations of Salles area (former "Sallomacian" stage) have been studied again from numerous outcrops and cores. The deep structural framework influences notably of the characteristics and distribution of the deposits, which are neritic. The stratigraphy is stated precisely thanks to the planktonic fauna and floradetailed examination (probably Serravallian zones NN6 - N12). Several paleobiofacies are reconstituted from the rich invertebrate faunas, which give also paleoclimatic data.
Climatic reconstructions based on palynological data from Aquitaine outcrops emphasize an important degradation phase during the Lower Serravallian. Climatic and environmental changes can be related to sea-level variations (Bur 5 / Lan 1, Lan 2 / Ser 1 and Ser 2 cycles). Transgressive phases feature warmer conditions and more open environments whereas regressive phases are marked by a cooler climate and an extent of the forest cover. From Langhian to Middle Serravallian, a general cooling is highlighted, with disappearance of most megathermic taxa and a transition from warm and dry climate to warm-temperate and much more humid conditions. Conclusions are consistent with studies on bordering areas and place the major degradation phase around 14 My. The palynologic data allow filling a gap in the climatic evolution of Southern France, as a connection between Lower and Upper Miocene, both well recorded. These results document, on Western Europe scale, latitudinal climatic gradient across Northern hemisphere while featuring a transition between Mediterranean area and northeastern Atlantic frontage.
La réalisation de cet entretien avec François Bayle a eu comme objectif premier d'approfondir la compréhension de sa conception du sonore. Le concept d’image de son (i-son) est évidemment l’élément central de sa pensée à propos du sonore. Nous l’avons approché en tant qu’élément présent dans l’espace et perçu par l’oreille. François Bayle nous présente le son en tant que présence porteuse de dimensions spatiales multiples. Il nous montre également que l’intentionnalité de l’écoute est un des éléments déterminants dans la perception des sons dans l’espace. Le compositeur rappelle enfin que les représentations mentales sont construites et que les images sonores de la musique sont composées.