25 resultados para National Defence
The President of the Portuguese Republic’s relation with the Armed Forces in the current political system is not confined to the vast legislative and constitutional set. As Chief of State and Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, the President holds different powers. We develop an approach through the main concepts and themes that regulate the Armed Forces and National Defense, focusing the relations that involve the President directly. The attribution by inherence of the Supreme Command of the Armed Forces to the Chief of State, imposes a peculiar relation with the remainder sovereign institutions. The need to analyze the intermediate services as far as military and defense issues are concerned becomes necessary, in particular the role of the Military Cabinet – as a structure of direct support – and the High Council of National Defense – as an advisory body.
As potencialidades da plataforma continental estendida são enormes e variadas, desde as que podem ser obtidas através de sectores tradicionais – como portos e marinas ou turismo náutico – até as que advirão de novos sectores como a exploração dos fundos do mar ou a energia das ondas, entre outras. Com efeito, devido ao alargamento resultante das negociações nas Nações Unidas, é praticamente garantido que Portugal passe a controlar um espaço marítimo, acrescido de 2.1 milhões de km2, isto é, vinte vezes a extensão da sua superfície terrestre. A maritimidade de Portugal constitui um traço profundamente marcado na sua história, bem como nas suas tradicionais práticas económicas, sociais e simbólicas. Na verdade, os últimos anos testemunharam a criação de um amplo consenso quanto ao papel determinante que o desenvolvimento costeiro, a superfície e o comprimento dos limites do “Mar Português” terá no futuro do país. Da articulação entre o Território Nacional, o Oceano Atlântico e o Continente Europeu, associada à confluência das vias de comunicação marítimas que ligam a Europa à América do Norte e do Sul configurar-e-ão os aspectos essenciais do designado “Espaço Estratégico de Interesse Nacional Permanente”. A área geográfica prioritária para o desenvolvimento das acções militares de Defesa Nacional e dos interesses vitais permanentes inclui assim – para além do Território Nacional – o Espaço Interterritorial, o Mar Territorial (MT), o espaço aéreo sob responsabilidade nacional e a Zona Económica Exclusiva (ZEE). O País é titular de soberania no território continental e nos arquipélagos da Madeira dos Açores, para além de estar comprometido com alguns Estados da CPLP, que têm no Atlântico Sul uma importante e poderosa presença. Pela geografia e pela definição dos interesses dos Estados e dos grandes espaços em que estão incluídos, Portugal está na articulação da segurança do Atlântico Norte com a segurança do Atlântico Sul. Esta realidade acarreta novos desafios para a Defesa Nacional, assumindo como preocupações acrescidas o terrorismo, o tráfico e a pirataria marítimas, entre outras.
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies
Thesis submitted to the Instituto Superior de Estatística e Gestão de Informação da Universidade Nova de Lisboa in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Information Management – Geographic Information Systems
Roots and rituals.The construction of ethnic identities, Ton Dekker, John Helsloot Carla Wijers editors, p. 267-268; Selected papers of the 6TH SIEF conference on 'Roots & rituals', Amsterdam 20-25 April 1998.
Ano VI; nº 2 - 2008 - p.103-106
Journal of Cleaner Production, nº 17, p. 36-52
Journal of Environmental Management, nº 82 p. 410–432
Erasmus Mundus Masters “Crossways in European Humanities” June 2011
European Master Human Rights and Democratisation
ABSTRACT: The aim of this analysis was to analyze and describe the steps that have been taken in the development of the mental health policy in Suriname after the WHO AIMS. The objectives are: 1.To review the steps to be taken in developing a mental health policy and plan for a country 2.To gather information and data concerning mental health policy and plan development in Suriname 3.To draw conclusion from the experience gained that can be applied to other countries. In general, the information that was gathered from the four countries Guyana, Barbados, Trinidad & Tobago and Suriname, was compared with the WHO steps for developing a mental health policy and plan. Were these steps taken into consideration, when developing their mental health policy and plan? If not, what were the reasons why it did not happen? The checklist for evaluating a mental health plan was used in Suriname. This checklist assisted to see if the results of the recommendations given by the WHO AIMS to develop a effective and balanced mental health plan were taken into consideration. The mayor findings of the analysis are that Suriname as well as Guyana used the steps in developing their mental health policy and plan. Barbados and Trinidad & Tobago did not develop a mental health policy and plan. Suriname and Guyana have a mental health coordinating body at the Ministry of Health. Trinidad & Tobago as well as Barbados have a mental health focal person at the Ministry of Health of the respective countries. It can be concluded that successfully improving of health systems and services for mental health is combining theoretical concepts, expert knowledge and cooperation of many stakeholders. The appointment of a mental health coordinating unit at the Ministry of Health is crucial for the development of mental health in a country. Furthermore, mental health is everyone’s business and responsibility. Implementing the steps to be taken when developing a mental health policy and plan as recommended by WHO may be a slow process requiring the mobilization of political will. That’s why it is crucial that persons responsible for this process work close with all stakeholders in relevant sectors, taking their needs into consideration and try to translate that in clear objectives. It is common knowledge that improving the quality of mental health must be accompanied by the availability of financial and human resources. Finally, a mental health policy and plan should be one document tackling all aspects of mental health of a community.
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.
Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Ciências da Educação, pela Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa
One of the major factors threatening chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) in Guinea-Bissau is habitat fragmentation. Such fragmentation may cause changes in symbiont dynamics resulting in increased susceptibility to infection, changes in host specificity and virulence. We monitored gastrointestinal symbiotic fauna of three chimpanzee subpopulations living within Cantanhez National Park (CNP) in Guinea Bissau in the areas with different levels of anthropogenic fragmentation. Using standard coproscopical methods (merthiolate-iodine formalin concentration and Sheather's flotation) we examined 102 fecal samples and identified at least 13 different symbiotic genera (Troglodytella abrassarti, Troglocorys cava, Blastocystis spp., Entamoeba spp., Iodamoeba butschlii, Giardia intestinalis, Chilomastix mesnili, Bertiella sp., Probstmayria gombensis, unidentified strongylids, Strongyloides stercoralis, Strongyloides fuelleborni, and Trichuris sp.). The symbiotic fauna of the CNP chimpanzees is comparable to that reported for other wild chimpanzee populations, although CNP chimpanzees have a higher prevalence of Trichuris sp. Symbiont richness was higher in chimpanzee subpopulations living in fragmented forests compared to the community inhabiting continuous forest area. We reported significantly higher prevalence of G. intestinalis in chimpanzees from fragmented areas, which could be attributed to increased contact with humans and livestock.