5 resultados para Nadir Shah, Sha de Persia 1688-1747


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Fisheries is one of the most dangerous professions in the world. Fatal accidents and injuries in the fisheries are characterized as well as particular circumstances that may cause or aggravate the risk of accidents. Aspects of safety management of fishing vessels are covered in this paper: areas of concern when doing a risk assessment in fishing vessels, fundamental elements on a safety management system for the fisheries and the need for international and national level instruments as well as legal and compulsory measures


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A entrevista que a seguir se publica efectuou-se em Kecskémet, terra natal do compositor húngaro Zoltán Kodály, aquando da realização do 4.° Campo Coral Internacional e do 15. ~· Seminário Kodály. Sob a direcção de Peter Erdei os participantes no Campo Coral prepararam o Requiem de Verdi e funcionaram também como coro de trabalho do «workshop- de direcção coral do Seminário que decorreu no Instituto Kodály. De elevado interesse musical e pedagógico, o Seminário - que se realiza de dois em dois anos - incluía «workshops» e aulas de Direcção, Solfejo, Metodologia, Coro, Piano, Canto , Modalismo na Música Popular e na Música Erudita , Música de Câmara, Música e Movimento, Educação Musical na Pré-Escola, além de conferências variadas e demonstração de aulas com crianças. Peter Erdei além de ser um muito conceituado maestro - é o titular do Coro da Rádio e Televisão Húngara - é o director do Instituto Kodály e um profundo conhecedor da pedagogia kodály.


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In his Answer to the Question: What is Enlightenment (1784), Kant puts forward his belief that the vocation to think freely, which humankind is endowed with, is bound to make sure that “the public use of reason” will at last act “even on the fundamental principles of government and the state [will] find it agreeable to treat man – who is now more than a machine – in accord with his dignity”. The critical reference to La Mettrie (1747), by opposing the machine to human dignity, will echo, in the dawn of the 20th century, in Bergson’s attempt to explain humor. Besides being exclusive to humans, humor is also a social phenomenon. Freud (1905) assures that pleasure originated by humor is collective, it results from a “social process”: jokes need an audience, a “third party”, in order to work and have fun. Assuming humor as a social and cultural phenomenon, this paper intends to sustain that it played a role in the framing of the public sphere and of public opinion in Portugal during the transition from Absolute Monarchy to Liberalism. The search for the conditions which made possible the critical exercise of sociability is at the root of the creation of the public sphere in the sense developed by Habermas (1962), whose perspective, however, has been questioned by those who point 2 out the alleged idealism of the concept – as opposed, for example, to Bakhtin (1970), whose work stresses diversity and pluralism. This notwithstanding, the concept of public sphere is crucial to the building of public opinion, which is, in turn, indissoluble from the principle of publicity, as demonstrated by Bobbio (1985). This paper discusses the historical evolution of the concept of public opinion from Ancient Greece doxa, through Machiavelli’s “humors” (1532), the origin of the expression in Montaigne (1580) and the contributions of Hobbes (1651), Locke (1690), Swift (1729), Rousseau (1762) or Hume (1777), up to the reflection of Lippman (1922) and Bourdieu’s critique (1984). It maintains that humor, as it appears in Portuguese printed periodicals from 1797 (when Almocreve de Petas was published for the first time) to the end of the civil war (1834) – especially in those edited by José Daniel Rodrigues da Costa but also in O Piolho Viajante, by António Manuel Policarpo da Silva, or in the ones written by José Agostinho de Macedo, as well as in a political “elite minded” periodical such as Correio Braziliense –, contributed to the framing of the public sphere and of public opinion in Portugal.


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The presence and importance of the sea as a factor that has helped shape the history of England since at least the Roman invasions of 55-54 BC (less successful, incidentally, than most of Caesar’s other military ventures ...) need no particular urging or demonstration. Nonetheless, a bird’s-eye view would necessarily survey the waves of invasions and settlements that, one after the other, came dashing over the centuries upon England’s shores; not to mention the requested invasion of 1688, Angles and Saxons, Scandinavians, Normans, they all crossed the whale’s path and cast anchor in England’s green and pleasant land. In the course of this retrospective voyage through the oceans of History, one would inevitably stop at the so-called ‘Discoveries’ of the 15th-16th centuries, meet their navigators, sailors and pirates extolled by Richard Hakluyt (1553?-1616), face an anonymous crowd of merchants and witness the huge expansion of trade, largely to the benefit of the ‘discovering’ countries as prescribed by the economic Gospel Adam Smith (1723-90) would later baptize as “mercantilism”.


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O presente artigo visa analisar e confrontar duas passagens que, em nossa opinião, não só patenteiam algumas semelhanças estruturais ou formais como poderão eventualmente cumprir nas obras respectivas uma função homóloga, enquanto denúncia de males (ou advertência contra perigos) sociais e morais engendrados(áveis) pelo crescimento e/ou florescimento económico(s) como o materialismo, a mundanidade e a ociosidade. A primeira passagem, extraída de The Rape of the Lock, de Alexander Pope (1688-1744), reconstitui-nos o toucador de uma recém-acordada Belinda, enquanto a segunda, colhida de Uma Família Inglesa, de Júlio Dinis (1839-71), nos franqueia as portas do quarto de um ainda adormecido Carlos Whitestone. Embora não seja evidentemente possível nem sequer desejável desenraizar por completo estas passagens dos solos textuais de onde brotaram (o poema herói-cómico de Pope e aquele que é, afinal, o único romance citadino de Júlio Dinis) nem talvez da demais produção literária dos respectivos autores, procuraremos situar-nos neste estudo ao nível restrito dos trechos, deles extravazando apenas na medida do que tivermos por útil, conveniente ou necessário.