14 resultados para N-based linear spacers


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Two-part tariffs, when used at the retail level, increase efficiency by lowering the price of marginal units. The same potential for higher efficiency exists for two-part tariffs at wholesale level for a given market structure, but the fixed part of the wholesale tariff can negatively affect the latter. In a simulated competition model of next-generation telecommunications access networks that has been calibrated with engineering cost data, we show that the latter effects strongly outweigh the former. That is, substituting a cost-based linear wholesale access tariff with revenue-equivalent two-part tariffs reduces the number of access seekers and therefore leads to higher prices and lower welfare and consumer surplus.


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The forest has a crucial ecological role and the continuous forest loss can cause colossal effects on the environment. As Armenia is one of the low forest covered countries in the world, this problem is more critical. Continuous forest disturbances mainly caused by illegal logging started from the early 1990s had a huge damage on the forest ecosystem by decreasing the forest productivity and making more areas vulnerable to erosion. Another aspect of the Armenian forest is the lack of continuous monitoring and absence of accurate estimation of the level of cuts in some years. In order to have insight about the forest and the disturbances in the long period of time we used Landsat TM/ETM + images. Google Earth Engine JavaScript API was used, which is an online tool enabling the access and analysis of a great amount of satellite imagery. To overcome the data availability problem caused by the gap in the Landsat series in 1988- 1998, extensive cloud cover in the study area and the missing scan lines, we used pixel based compositing for the temporal window of leaf on vegetation (June-late September). Subsequently, pixel based linear regression analyses were performed. Vegetation indices derived from the 10 biannual composites for the years 1984-2014 were used for trend analysis. In order to derive the disturbances only in forests, forest cover layer was aggregated and the original composites were masked. It has been found, that around 23% of forests were disturbed during the study period.


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Signal Processing, Vol. 83, nº 11


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Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol. 38


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e Computadores


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Dissertação para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica


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RESTAPIA 2012 - Int. Conf. on Rammed Earth Conservation, Valencia, 21-23 June 2012


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia do Ambiente


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Using a green methodology, 17 different poly(2-oxazolines) were synthesized starting from four different oxazoline monomers. The polymerization reactions were conducted in supercritical carbon dioxide under a cationic ring-opening polymerization (CROP) mechanism using boron trifluoride diethyl etherate as the catalyst. The obtained living polymers were then end-capped with different types of amines, in order to confer them antimicrobial activity. For comparison, four polyoxazolines were end-capped with water, and by their hydrolysis the linear poly(ethyleneimine) (LPEI) was also produced. After functionalization the obtained polymers were isolated, purified and characterized by standard techniques (FT-IR, NMR, MALDI-TOF and GPC). The synthesized poly(2-oxazolines) revealed an unusual intrinsic blue photoluminescence. High concentration of carbonyl groups in the polymer backbone is appointed as a key structural factor for the presence of fluorescence and enlarges polyoxazolines’ potential applications. Microbiological assays were also performed in order to evaluate their antimicrobial profile against gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus NCTC8325-4 and gram-negative Escherichia coli AB1157 strains, two well known and difficult to control pathogens. The minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC)s and killing rates of three synthesized polymers against both strains were determined. The end-capping with N,N-dimethyldodecylamine of living poly(2- methyl-2-oxazoline) and poly(bisoxazoline) led to materials with higher MIC values but fast killing rates (less than 5 minutes to achieve 100% killing for both bacterial species) than LPEI, a polymer which had a lower MIC value, but took a longer time to kill both E.coli and S.aureus cells. LPEI achieved 100% killing after 45 minutes in contact with E. coli and after 4 hours in contact with S.aureus. Such huge differences in the biocidal behavior of the different polymers can possibly underlie different mechanisms of action. In the future, studies to elucidate the obtained data will be performed to better understand the killing mechanisms of the polymers through the use of microbial cell biology techniques.


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A potentially renewable and sustainable source of energy is the chemical energy associated with solvation of salts. Mixing of two aqueous streams with different saline concentrations is spontaneous and releases energy. The global theoretically obtainable power from salinity gradient energy due to World’s rivers discharge into the oceans has been estimated to be within the range of 1.4-2.6 TW. Reverse electrodialysis (RED) is one of the emerging, membrane-based, technologies for harvesting the salinity gradient energy. A common RED stack is composed by alternately-arranged cation- and anion-exchange membranes, stacked between two electrodes. The compartments between the membranes are alternately fed with concentrated (e.g., sea water) and dilute (e.g., river water) saline solutions. Migration of the respective counter-ions through the membranes leads to ionic current between the electrodes, where an appropriate redox pair converts the chemical salinity gradient energy into electrical energy. Given the importance of the need for new sources of energy for power generation, the present study aims at better understanding and solving current challenges, associated with the RED stack design, fluid dynamics, ionic mass transfer and long-term RED stack performance with natural saline solutions as feedwaters. Chronopotentiometry was used to determinate diffusion boundary layer (DBL) thickness from diffusion relaxation data and the flow entrance effects on mass transfer were found to avail a power generation increase in RED stacks. Increasing the linear flow velocity also leads to a decrease of DBL thickness but on the cost of a higher pressure drop. Pressure drop inside RED stacks was successfully simulated by the developed mathematical model, in which contribution of several pressure drops, that until now have not been considered, was included. The effect of each pressure drop on the RED stack performance was identified and rationalized and guidelines for planning and/or optimization of RED stacks were derived. The design of new profiled membranes, with a chevron corrugation structure, was proposed using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling. The performance of the suggested corrugation geometry was compared with the already existing ones, as well as with the use of conductive and non-conductive spacers. According to the estimations, use of chevron structures grants the highest net power density values, at the best compromise between the mass transfer coefficient and the pressure drop values. Finally, long-term experiments with natural waters were performed, during which fouling was experienced. For the first time, 2D fluorescence spectroscopy was used to monitor RED stack performance, with a dedicated focus on following fouling on ion-exchange membrane surfaces. To extract relevant information from fluorescence spectra, parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) was performed. Moreover, the information obtained was then used to predict net power density, stack electric resistance and pressure drop by multivariate statistical models based on projection to latent structures (PLS) modeling. The use in such models of 2D fluorescence data, containing hidden, but extractable by PARAFAC, information about fouling on membrane surfaces, considerably improved the models fitting to the experimental data.


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Linear logic has long been heralded for its potential of providing a logical basis for concurrency. While over the years many research attempts were made in this regard, a Curry-Howard correspondence between linear logic and concurrent computation was only found recently, bridging the proof theory of linear logic and session-typed process calculus. Building upon this work, we have developed a theory of intuitionistic linear logic as a logical foundation for session-based concurrent computation, exploring several concurrency related phenomena such as value-dependent session types and polymorphic sessions within our logical framework in an arguably clean and elegant way, establishing with relative ease strong typing guarantees due to the logical basis, which ensure the fundamental properties of type preservation and global progress, entailing the absence of deadlocks in communication. We develop a general purpose concurrent programming language based on the logical interpretation, combining functional programming with a concurrent, session-based process layer through the form of a contextual monad, preserving our strong typing guarantees of type preservation and deadlock-freedom in the presence of general recursion and higher-order process communication. We introduce a notion of linear logical relations for session typed concurrent processes, developing an arguably uniform technique for reasoning about sophisticated properties of session-based concurrent computation such as termination or equivalence based on our logical approach, further supporting our goal of establishing intuitionistic linear logic as a logical foundation for sessionbased concurrency.


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All over the world, many earth buildings are deteriorating due to lack of maintenance and repair. Repairs on rammed earth walls are mainly done with mortars, by rendering application; however, often the repair is inadequate, resorting to the use of incompatible materials, including cement-based mortars. It has been observed that such interventions, in walls that until that day only had presented natural ageing issues, created new problems, much more dangerous for the building than the previous ones, causing serious deficiencies in this type of construction. One of the problems is that the detachment of the new cement-based mortar rendering only occurs after some time but, until that occurrence, degradations develop in the wall itself. When the render detaches, instead of needing only a new render, the surface has to be repaired in depth, with a repair mortar. Consequently, it has been stablished that the renders, and particularly repair mortars, should have physical, mechanical and chemical properties similar to those of the rammed earth walls. This article intends to contribute to a better knowledge of earth-based mortars used to repair the surface of rammed earth walls. The studied mortars are based on four types of earth: three of them were collected from non-deteriorated parts of walls of unstabilized rammed earth buildings located in Alentejo region, south of Portugal; the fourth is a commercial earth, consisting mainly of clay. Other components were also used, particularly: sand to control shrinkage; binders stabilizers such as dry hydrated air-lime, natural hydraulic lime, Portland cement and natural cement; as well as natural vegetal fibers (hemp fibers). The experimental analysis of the mortars in the fresh state consisted in determining the consistency by flow table and the bulk density. In the hardened state, the tests made it possible to evaluate the following properties: linear and volumetric shrinkage; capillary water absorption; drying capacity; dynamic modulus of elasticity; flexural and compressive strength.


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Clayish earth-based mortars can be considered eco-efficient products for indoor plastering since they can contribute to improve important aspects of building performance and sustainability. Apart from being products with low embodied energy when compared to other types of mortars used for interior plastering, mainly due to the use raw clay as natural binder, earth-based plasters may give a significant contribution for health and comfort of inhabitants. Due to high hygroscopicity of clay minerals, earth-based mortars present a high adsorption and desorption capacity, particularly when compared to other type of mortars for interior plastering. This capacity allows earth-based plasters to act as a moisture buffer, balancing the relative humidity of the indoor environment and, simultaneously, acting as a passive removal material, improving air quality. Therefore, earth-based plasters may also passively promote the energy efficiency of buildings, since they may contribute to decreasing the needs of mechanical ventilation and air conditioning. This study is part of an ongoing research regarding earth-based plasters and focuses on mortars specifically formulated with soils extracted from Portuguese ‘Barrocal’ region, in Algarve sedimentary basin. This region presents high potential for interior plastering due to regional geomorphology, that promote the occurrence of illitic soils characterized by a high adsorption capacity and low expansibility. More specifically, this study aims to assess how clayish earth and sand ratio of mortars formulation can influence the physical and mechanical properties of plasters. For this assessment four mortars were formulated with different volumetric proportions of clayish earth and siliceous sand. The results from the physical and mechanical characterization confirmed the significantly low linear shrinkage of all the four mortars, as well as their extraordinary adsorption-desorption capacity. These results presented a positive correlation with mortars´ clayish earth content and are consistent with the mineralogical analysis, that confirmed illite as the prevalent clay mineral in the clayish earth used for this study. Regarding mechanical resistance, although the promising results of the adhesion test, the flexural and compressive strength results suggest that the mechanical resistance of these mortars should be slightly improved. Considering the present results the mortars mechanical resistance improvement may be achieved through the formulation of mortars with higher clayish earth content, or alternatively, through the addition of natural fibers to mortars formulation, very common in this type of mortars. Both those options will be investigated in future research.