19 resultados para Le scaphandre et le papillon


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A new species, Pokornyella lusitanica (Ostracoda), from the Lower Miocene (Aquitanian) of the Lisbon area, is described. Some palaeoecological data are presented.


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A new species, Pokornyella lusitanica (Ostracoda), from the Lower Miocene (Aquitanian) of the Lisbon area, is described. Some palaeoecological data are presented.


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These work presents the quantitative and qualitative inventory and the stratigraphic distribution of fossil plants (spores, pollens, sterns, leaves and seeds) recognized the Miocene of the portuguese part of Tagus basin. For each lithostratigraphic unit, associations with ecological (paleoclimatic) meaning are defined. It was also possible to follow the evolution of the vegetation and the climate during the considered cronostratigraphic interval which includes most of the Miocene (Aquitanian to lower-middle Tortonian).


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The synthetic study of the uppermost Cretaceous of the Beira Litoral (fauna, flora) confirms its upper Campanian-Maastrichtian age. It shows the presence of a tropical to subtropical climate in an area constituted by a low coastal plain only occasionally linked to the sea, saturated with fresh water and possessing accordingly, a predominantely freshwater fauna (Viso, Aveiro); this plain changed towards the interior into a drier more forested zone with a more abundant terrestrial fauna which includes mammals (Taveiro). A thorough study of the chelonian Rosasia, abundant on the coastal plain, was made possible thanks to the discovery of a skull: it demonstrates that the genus belongs to the family Bothremydidae, revalided here. The composition of this family is presented, its phylogenetic and paleobiogeographic relation with the other pleurodires are analyzed, and its diagnosis established. The family is constituted of three groups; Rosasia belongs to one of these, the Bothremys group.


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Doutoramento em Conservação e Restauro, especialidade Teoria, História e Técnicas


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The synthetic study of the uppermost Cretaceous of the Beira Litoral (fauna, floral confirms its upper Campanian-Maastrichtian age. It shows the presence of a tropical to subtropical climate in an area constituted by a low coastal plain only occasionally linked to the sea, saturared with fresh water and possessing accordingly, a predominantely freshwater fauna (Viso, Aveiro); this plain changed towards the interior into a drier more forested zone with a more abundant terrestrial fauna which includes mammals (Taveiro). A thorough study of the chelonian Rosasia, abundant on the coastal plain, was made possible thanks to the discovery of a skull: it demonstrates that the genus belongs to the family Bothremydidae, revalided here. The composition of this family is presented, its phylogenetic and paleobiogeographic relation with the other pleurodires are analyzed, and its diagnosis established. The family is constituted of three groups; Rosasia belongs to one of rhese, the Bothremys group.


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The Domerian sections from the Lusitanian Basin of São Pedro de Muel, Rabaçal and Tomar have provided us with more than 1100 Ostracods belonging from 18 genus and about 48 species. The faunal diversity and density of the associations decrease in space (from Tomar to Rabaçal and São Pedro de Muel) and time, with favourable environments for the proliferation of Ostracods at the lower part of the sections (Stokesi subzone) and more hostile at the upper part (Ragazzonii subzone). The Monestieri and Nitescens horizons and the Subnodosus subzone are characterized by a typical assemblage of Ostracods. The palaeoecological Ostracod indexes reveal the fluctuations of the oxygenation, temperature, depth and hydrodynamism of the water, on the different sections and on the whole platform. They display a diachronous cooling in the Lower Domerian series. In the upper part of the Middle and in the Upper Domerian, the deeper, less oxygenated and cooler waters prevent the development of the Ostracod faunas.


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A distal part of tibiotarsus from Charneca do Lumiar (Langhian, MN5) is identified as Palaeoperdix media, formerly known as Miophasianus medius. This species is thus known on a large area of the Palearctic province, from Portugal to Poland, and from the beginning of the Middle Miocene (MN 5) to the beginning of the Upper Miocene (MN9). An indeterminate, Gruid from Quinta das Pedreiras (Lower Langhian, MN4) and a few marine birds' remnants from Penedo Norte (Burdigalian) have been recognized.


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The geological sections studied at the São Gião sector (Cantanhede region) have allowed the establishment of a clear succession of ammonite associations during the Middle and Upper Toarcian (“Margas calcárias de São Gião” and “Calcários margosos de Póvoa da Lomba” Formations). The fossil collections were gathered over the last 40 years and, in spite of the apparent facies monotony, come from a thick and fossiliferous marly-limestone unit. The ammonite succession allows the establishment and/or verification of a certain number of biostratigraphical elements, of which are worthy of mention: – the tethyan character of the fauna from the Gradata to the Meneghinii Zones; this differentiation starts with the occurrence of Collina, Crassiceras and Furloceras of the Gradata Zone; – the succession of Osperleioceras, with the connection between the “caussenardes”(O. reynesi, O. authelini) forms and those from Algeria (O. nadorense, O. matteii), which is placed at the beginning of the Aalensis Zone; – the succession of Hammatoceratinae: H. roubanense (Gradata Z.), H. bonarellii (Bonarellii Z.), H. speciosum (Speciosum Sub-zone), followed by Crestaites meneghinii (Reynesi Sub-zone and Meneghinii Z.); Pseudaptetoceras appear next (Aalensis Zone). The dynamic evolution of the sector is characterized by the persistence of marly sedimentation during the Meneghinii Zone, in probable relation to the paleostructural play of the Arunca-Montemor meridian axis.


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Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Terminologia


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pp. 15-28


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Dans cet article, nous mettrons en évidence le rapport étroit tissé par Xenakis entre les œuvres La légende d’Eer et Jonchaies notamment au niveau de la structure formelle et des sonorités. // In this paper, we will show some evident examples about the close rapports between La légende d’Eer and Jonchaies by Xenakis, especially in terms of formal structure and sonorities.


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L'hypothèse de recherche que nous souhaitons vous présenter ici a pour objet l&s fonctions pragmatiques de Ia prosodie. L'ensemble de notre Projet de Recherche s'organise en effet autour d'une seule (mais fondamentale) hypothèse de travail: c'est dans et par Ia prosodie que pour Vessentiel le langage contribue activement à Ia construction du lien social. La formulation de cette hypothèse resulte des travaux que nous avons menés dans le champ de FAnthropologie des rites, étudiés dans une perspective sémiologique (au sens large), visant à mieux saisir dans quelle mesure et selon quelles modalités, dans et par le rite, Vordre du signe est signe de 1'ordreK Le rite constitue un système complexe de comrpunication symbolique qui contribue en effet activement à definir sur le plan sémantique et à structurer sur le plan dramaturgique les situations d'interaction sociale.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Conservação e Restauro