54 resultados para Late Iberian Culture
Cretaceous Research 30 (2009) 575–586
Abstract Background: Nanotechnology has the potential to provide agriculture with new tools that may be used in the rapid detection and molecular treatment of diseases and enhancement of plant ability to absorb nutrients, among others. Data on nanoparticle toxicity in plants is largely heterogeneous with a diversity of physicochemical parameters reported, which difficult generalizations. Here a cell biology approach was used to evaluate the impact of Quantum Dots (QDs) nanocrystals on plant cells, including their effect on cell growth, cell viability, oxidative stress and ROS accumulation, besides their cytomobility. Results: A plant cell suspension culture of Medicago sativa was settled for the assessment of the impact of the addition of mercaptopropanoic acid coated CdSe/ZnS QDs. Cell growth was significantly reduced when 100 mM of mercaptopropanoic acid -QDs was added during the exponential growth phase, with less than 50% of the cells viable 72 hours after mercaptopropanoic acid -QDs addition. They were up taken by Medicago sativa cells and accumulated in the cytoplasm and nucleus as revealed by optical thin confocal imaging. As part of the cellular response to internalization, Medicago sativa cells were found to increase the production of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) in a dose and time dependent manner. Using the fluorescent dye H2DCFDA it was observable that mercaptopropanoic acid-QDs concentrations between 5-180 nM led to a progressive and linear increase of ROS accumulation. Conclusions: Our results showed that the extent of mercaptopropanoic acid coated CdSe/ZnS QDs cytotoxicity in plant cells is dependent upon a number of factors including QDs properties, dose and the environmental conditions of administration and that, for Medicago sativa cells, a safe range of 1-5 nM should not be exceeded for biological applications.
Although Josquin is by far the best-represented foreign composer in Gonçalo de Baena's Arte novamente inventada pera aprender a tanger (Lisbon, 1540), his music is undeniably under-represented both in the extant sixteenth-century Portuguese manuscripts containing Franco-Flemish polyphony and in volumes imported from the Netherlands such as Coimbra MM 2 and VienNB 1783. Josquin’s reputation made him, along with Ockeghem, a symbol in Portuguese humanistic culture, but up to at least the late 1530s his name seems to have been much better known than his music. Nevertheless, possible allusions to specific works by Josquin can be found in early- and mid-sixteenth-century Portuguese polyphony. By the 1520s, the general technical and stylistic characteristics of his and the following generation of northerners had begun to permeate locally produced polyphony. This eventually replaced the late-fifteenth- and early-sixteenth-century pan-consonant and homorythmic style associated with the Aragonese and the so-called Spanish court repertory.
The evolution of the Lusitanian Basin, localized on the western Iberian margin, is closely associated with the first opening phases of the North Atlantic. It persisted from the Late Triassic to the Early Cretaceous, more precisely until the end of the Early Aptian, and its evolution was conditioned by inherited structures from the variscan basement. The part played by the faults that establish its boundaries, as regards the geometric and kinematic evolution and the organization of the sedimentary bodies, is discussed here, as well as with respect to important faults transversal to the Basin. A basin evolution model is proposed consisting of four rifting episodes which show: i) periods of symmetrical (horst and graben organization) and asymmetrical (half graben organization) geometric evolution; ii) diachronous fracturing; iii) rotation of the main extensional direction; iv) rooting in the variscan basement of the main faults of the basin (predominantly thick skinned style). The analysis and regional comparison, particularly with the Algarve Basin, of the time intervals represented by important basin scale hiatuses near to the renovation of the rifting episodes, have led to assume the occurrence of early tectonic inversions (Callovian–Oxfordian and Tithonian–Berriasian). The latter, however, had a subsequent evolution distinct from the first: there is no subsidence renovation, which is discussed here, and it is related to a magmatic event. Although the Lusitanian Basin is located on a rift margin which is considered non-volcanic, the three magmatic cycles as defined by many authors, particularly the second (approx. 130 to 110 My ?), performed a fundamental part in the mobilization of the Hettangian evaporites, resulting in the main diapiric events of the Lusitanian Basin. The manner and time in which the basin definitely ends its evolution (Early Aptian) is discussed here. Comparisons are established with other west Iberian margin basins and with Newfoundland basins. A model of oceanization of this area of the North Atlantic is also presented, consisting of two events separated by approximately 10 My, and of distinct areas separated by the Nazaré fault. The elaboration of this synthesis was based on: - information contained in previously published papers (1990 – 2000); - field-work carried out over the last years, the results of which have not yet been published; - information gathered from the reinterpretation of geological mapping and geophysical (seismic and well logs) elements, and from generic literature concerning the Mesozoic of the west iberian margin.
The presence of the genus Rupicapra in Portugal is shown for the first time, on some dental and skeletal remains from the upper Pleistocene (Solutrean) of Salemas cave. The fossil material may be ascribed to R. rupicapra pyrenaica.
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Mestrado Integrado em Engenharia Química e Bioquímica
After a briefhistorical introduction, this paper deals with the main concerned geotectonic units: the Lower Tagus and Alvalade basins, the Western and Southern borders, and their infillings. Most of the Neogene events and record concern areas South of the Iberian Central Chain, a nearly inverse situation as that of Paleogene times. In the most important of these units, the Lower Tagus basin, there are quite thick detrital series, mostly marine in its distal part near Lisboa (albeit with several continental intercalations), and mainly continental in its inner part. Sedimentological record is almost complete since Lowermost to Upper Miocene. The richness ofdata (paleontology, isotope chronology, paleoclimate, etc.) it gives and the possibility of direct marine-continental correlations render this basin one of the more interesting ones in Western Europe. Alvalade basin is separated from the previous one by a barrier ofPaleozoic rocks. Two transgressions events (Upper Tortonian and Messinian in age) are recorded. Active sedimentation may be correlated to Late Miocene tectonics events. In Algarve, chiefly marine units from Lower to Upper Miocene are well developped. The Lower unit (Lagos-Portimao Formation) is best exposed in Western Algarve, but desappears eastwards. Middle Miocene is not as well known, whereas Upper Miocene main outcrops are in Eastern Algarve. Cacela Formation is remarquable for its beautiful fossils. Sedimentation as a whole refletcts the tectonic activity and in special the evolution of the Algarve flexures. There is scant evidence of post-Lower Miocene volcanism, the latest known in Portugal. Pliocene has not been recognized there beyond doubt. . Miocene sediments are much less important to the North of the Central Iberian Chain. Continental beds near Leiria that yielded the well-known "Hisp anotherium fauna" are lower Middle Miocene. Pliocene corresponds to dramatic changes in paleogeography. At Setiibal Peninsula there is some evidence of a minor Lower Pliocene transgression. Continental detrital sediments, often coarse, occupy rather large areas. In Western Portugal between the Seta hal Peninsula and Pombal there is good evidence of a marine Upper Pliocene transgression, followed up by dune sands overlain by marsh clays, diatomites, lignites and boghead levels that can be partly Pleistocene in age.
(l) The Pacific basin (Pacific area) may be regarded as moving eastwards like a double zip fastener relative to the continents and their respective plates (Pangaea area): opening in the East and closing in the West. This movement is tracked by a continuous mountain belt, the collision ages of which increase westwards. (2) The relative movements between the Pacific area and the Pangaea area in the W-EfE-W direction are generated by tidal forces (principle of hypocycloid gearing), whereby the lower mantle and the Pacific basin or area (Pacific crust = roof of the lower mantle?) rotate somewhat faster eastwards around the Earth's spin axis relative to the upper mantle/crust system with the continents and their respective plates (Pangaea area) (differential rotation). (3) These relative West to East/East to West displacements produce a perpetually existing sequence of distinct styles of opening and closing oeean basins, exemplified by the present East to West arrangement of ocean basins around the globe (Oceanic or Wilson Cycle: Rift/Red Sea style; Atlantic style; Mediterranean/Caribbean style as eastwards propagating tongue of the Pacific basin; Pacific style; Collision/Himalayas style). This sequence of ocean styles, of which the Pacific ocean is a part, moves eastwards with the lower mantle relative to the continents and the upper-mantle/crust of the Pangaea area. (4) Similarly, the collisional mountain belt extending westwards from the equator to the West of the Pacific and representing a chronological sequence of collision zones (sequential collisions) in the wake of the passing of the Pacific basin double zip fastener, may also be described as recording the history of oceans and their continental margins in the form of successive Wilson Cycles. (5) Every 200 to 250 m.y. the Pacific basin double zip fastener, the sequence of ocean styles of the Wilson Cycle and the eastwards growing collisional mountain belt in their wake complete one lap around the Earth. Two East drift lappings of 400 to 500 m.y. produce a two-lap collisional mountain belt spiral around a supercontinent in one hemisphere (North or South Pangaea). The Earth's history is subdivided into alternating North Pangaea growth/South Pangaea breakup eras and South Pangaea growth/North Pangaea breakup eras. Older North and South Pangaeas and their collisional mountain belt spirals may be reconstructed by rotating back the continents and orogenic fragments of a broken spiral (e.g. South Pangaea, Gondwana) to their previous Pangaea growth era orientations. In the resulting collisional mountain belt spiral, pieced together from orogenic segments and fragments, the collision ages have to increase successively towards the West. (6) With its current western margin orientated in a West-East direction North America must have collided during the Late Cretaceous Laramide orogeny with the northern margin of South America (Caribbean Andes) at the equator to the West of the Late Mesozoic Pacific. During post-Laramide times it must have rotated clockwise into its present orientation. The eastern margin of North America has never been attached to the western margin of North Africa but only to the western margin of Europe. (7) Due to migration eastwards of the sequence of ocean styles of the Wilson Cycle, relative to a distinct plate tectonic setting of an ocean, a continent or continental margin, a future or later evolutionary style at the Earth's surface is always depicted in a setting simultaneously developed further to the West and a past or earlier style in a setting simultaneously occurring further to the East. In consequence, ahigh probability exists that up to the Early Tertiary, Greenland (the ArabiaofSouth America?) occupied a plate tectonic setting which is comparable to the current setting of Arabia (the Greenland of Africa?). The Late Cretaceous/Early Tertiary Eureka collision zone (Eureka orogeny) at the northern margin of the Greenland Plate and on some of the Canadian Arctic Islands is comparable with the Middle to Late Tertiary Taurus-Bitlis-Zagros collision zone at the northern margin of the Arabian Plate.
FEMS Microbiology Ecology, Vol. 57, nº 1
Thesis for the Degree of Master of Science in Biotechnology Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
Naturwissenschaften 94,367–374
Etnográfica, Vol. IX, N.1, pp. 171-193
The presence of the genus Rupicapra in Portugal is shown for the first time, on some dental and skeletal remains from the upper Pleistocene (Solutrean) of Salemas cave. The fossil material may be ascribed to R. rupicapra pyrenaica.
The presence of Palaeotherium magnum in the fauna from Coja is recorded. It is well in agreement with the earlier reporting to the Montmartre level from the Ludian stage. Field data as well as compatibility with the remaining taxa and the identical fossilization of all the specimens indicate that all the vertebrate fossils come from the same horizon in the lithostratigraphic unit "Arcoses de Côja".
After a brief historical introduction, this paper deals with the main concerned geotectonic units: the Lower Tagus and Alvalade basins, the Western and Southern borders, and their infillings. Most of the Neogene events and record concern areas South of the Iberian Central Chain, a nearly inverse situation as that of Paleogene times. In the most important of these units, the Lower Tagus basin, there are quite thick detrital series, mostly marine in its distal part near Lisboa (albeit with several continental intercalations), and mainly continental in its inner part. Sedimentological record is almost complete since Lowermost to Upper Miocene. The richness ofdata (paleontology, isotope chronology, paleoclimate, etc.) it gives and the possibility of direct marine-continental correlations render this basin one of the more interesting ones in Western Europe. Alvalade basin is separated from the previous one by a barrier of Paleozoic rocks. Two transgressions events (Upper Tortonian and Messinian in age) are recorded. Active sedimentation may be correlated to Late Miocene tectonics events. In Algarve, chiefly marine units from Lower to Upper Miocene are well developped. The Lower unit (Lagos-Portimão Formation) is best exposed in Western Algarve, but desappears eastwards. Middle Miocene is not as well known, whereas Upper Miocene main outcrops are in Eastern Algarve. Cacela Formation is remarquable for its beautiful fossils. Sedimentation as a whole refletcts the tectonic activity and in special the evolution of the Algarve flexures. There is scant evidence of post-Lower Miocene volcanism, the latest known in Portugal. Pliocene has not been recognized there beyond doubt. Miocene sediments are much less important to the North of the Central Iberian Chain. Continental beds near Leiria that yielded the well-known "Hisp anotherium fauna" are lower Middle Miocene. Pliocene corresponds to dramatic changes in paleogeography. At Setiibal Peninsula there is some evidence of a minor Lower Pliocene transgression. Continental detrital sediments, often coarse, occupy rather large areas. In Western Portugal between the Setúbal Peninsula and Pombal there is good evidence of a marine Upper Pliocene transgression, followed up by dune sands overlain by marsh clays, diatomites, lignites and boghead levels that can be partly Pleistocene in age.