5 resultados para Landmarks


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Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.


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Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies


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RESUMO: A presente abordagem procura estabelecer uma relação entre a Medicina e a Azulejaria. Um conjunto de composições produzidas entre o século XVII e a década de 90 do século XX, localizado na área de Lisboa e seus arredores, organiza-se em torno de oito vectores que ilustram a presença de alusões à Medicina na Azulejaria da referida área. São estes, aspectos relacionados com a higiene, marcos da história da assistência, ciclos temáticos relacionados com os quatro elementos primordiais e com os cinco sentidos, representações ligadas à ideia de morte, episódios bíblicos, referências hagiográficas e elementos ligados à acção médica, como objectos, patologias, instituições ou acontecimentos, associados à Medicina, que atestam esta relação entre Arte e Ciência, de forma geral, e entre a Azulejaria e a Medicina, de forma particular. À análise destes vectores, antecede uma resenha histórica relativa à ligação entre Arte e Ciência e um apontamento histórico acerca da história da Azulejaria. Pretende-se demonstrar esta conexão interdisciplinar e reforçar a importância da vertente humanista da Medicina, na sua história, na sua aprendizagem e na sua prática.-------------------------------------ABSTRACT: The present approach aims at establishing a relation between Medicine and Tile Art. A group of compositions produced between the 17th century and the 1990s, located in the Lisbon area and its surroundings, is organized around eight vectors that illustrate the presence of allusions to Medicine in the Tile Art in the mentioned areas. These are related with hygiene aspects, landmarks in the history of assistance, thematic cycles related with the four main elements and with the five senses, representations connected to the idea of death, biblical episodes, hagiographic references and elements connected to the medical intervention, such as objects, pathologies, institutions or events related to Medicine that testify this relation between Art and Science in a broad context, and between Tile Art and Medicine in a strict sense. Prior to the analysis of these vectors there is a historic contextualization concerning the relationship between Art and Science and a historical note about the history of Tile Art. The aim is to demonstrate the interdisciplinary relation and reinforce the importance of the humanistic side of Medicine, in its history, its learning and its practice.------------------------------------RÉSUMÉ: Cet étude vise établir une relation entre la Médecine et l’Art de l’ « Azulejaria ». Un ensemble de compositions produites entre le XVII ème siècle et le dernier quart du XX ème siècle, dans la région de Lisbonne, s’organise autour de huit axes qui illustrent des références à la médecine. Nous avons récupéré des motifs allusifs à l’hygiène, à l’histoire de l’assistance, aux cycles thématiques des quatre éléments primordiaux et des cinq sens, à la mort, aux épisodes bibliques ou hagiographiques mais aussi aux motifs qui reproduisent des objets, des pathologies, des institutions ou des évènements médicaux. Tous ces exemples mettent à jour la relation entre l’Art et la Science, en général, et entre l’ « Azulejaria» et la Médecine, en particulier. Avant d’analyser ces huit axes, nous établirons un parcours historique pour expliquer la relation entre Art et Science, ainsi qu’une brève histoire de l’ «azulejaria». Nous prétendons démontrer cette relation interdisciplinaire et renforcer l’importance de la vertu humaniste des Sciences Médicales dans son histoire, son apprentissage et sa pratique.


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The building of social Europe: companies, territories, movement of the workforce. For ten years, companies have been obliged to standardize the quality of their products interaationally, which goes along with a dismantling of the landmarks of the territories of political action in France. This article presents some current research about the movement of the labour force in Europe and raise the issue of coordination between the different legitimate categories and the attitude of the various administrations (work, health) concemed by this phenomenon.


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Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.